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Formal Formative #2


Beads and Rounding Worksheet

For this activity you will be filling out a worksheet that is asking you rounding questions.
You will be using the beads to estimate which number to round to.

Round the following numbers to the nearest hundred.

1. 775
2. 687
3. 915
4. 610
5. 370
6. 528
7. 669
8. 120
9. 625
10. 986
11. 248
12. 834
13. 412
14. 138

Answer Key
1. 800
2. 700
3. 900
4. 600
5. 400
6. 500
7. 700
8. 100
9. 600
10. 1,000
11. 200
12. 800
13. 400
14. 100
ELL Student: Student will point to the correct number of beads or point to the correct
number on the Coaster Poster.
Visual Learner: Illustrate with beads the answer to the questions.

Visually Impaired Student: Have the worksheet translated into brail or read aloud to the

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