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Unit I L3

(Ch 16&17)
& heat

Do Now: solve page 531


Patm = 0 + wgh
h = Patm / wg = 10.1 m


a) less than
b) b/c balanced, Fg = Fb
woodVwoodg = wVwg

wood = 900 kg/m3

woodVwoodg = oilVin-oilg + wVin-wg
woodVwood = oil(1-x)Vwood + w(xVwood)
x = 20%

Wpuck = Fb

puckVpuck g = fluidVin-fluid g
Vpuck = (d/2)2 * h
Vin-fluid = (d/2)2 * hin-fluid

puck (d/2)2 * h = fluid (d/2)2 *hin-fluid

hin-fluid = puck * h / fluid = 2.1 cm

Temperature scales
T = TC + 273.15
T = TC (K or C)
Celsius & Fahrenheit
TF = (9/5)TC + 32
TC = (5/9) (TF - 32)
TC = (5/9) TF
Page 566
#3 37C and 310 K

#6 15C

Physical Change:
temperature change
& phase change
Temperature change
Specific Heats c:
c = Q/mT

Q = mcTc

Phase Change
Latent Heats
L = Q/m

Q = mL

SI unit:J/kg

Turning ice into steam

Find heat energy required to turn1.5 kg of

-10 C ice into 110C steam,
-10C ice 0C ice: Q1=mcT = 31,350 J
0 C ice 0 C water: Q2 = mL = 502,500 J
0 C water 100 C water: Q3 = 627,900 J
100C water 100C steam: Q4=3,390,000J
100C steam 110C steam: Q5 = 30,150 J
Total energy needed: Q = 4.6 *106 J

Unit I L3 HW
#89 (a)

Unit I L4 (Ch16)
Physical Changes
& Review

Do Now: (chapter 15)

m = T/g = 3.57 kg
V = (mg-T) / wg = 3.98 * 10-4 m3
block = 8.97 * 103 kg/m3
block = 820 kg/m3

Heat energy transferred from one

object to another
Q = heat = energy
Unit: J or cal
where 1 cal = 4.186 J
1 Cal = 1000 calorie

Thermal Expansion
Linear Expansion L = L0 T

: coefficient of linear expansion

SI unit: K-1 or (C)-1
Area Expansion
A 2 A T
Volume Expansion
V = V T 3 V0 T

Coefficient of thermal expansion

Ch16 page 566

A =2*A*T
= 2*24*10-6 *(1.178/2)2(199-23)
= 0.009203 cm2
A = A + A = 1.089+0.009203
= 1.0985 cm2
d = 0.5914 * 2 = 1.183 cm

Temperature v.s. heat input

2.0 kg of a certain substance

Use the Temperature-Heat graph, find

a) the heat needed to raise the temperature
from 100 to 110 C. 1000 J
b) the specific heat of the substance at this
temperature range. 50 J/kg* C
c) the heat needed to melt the substance
completely from solid state to liquid.
d) the latent heat of fusion for this substance.
2000 J/kg

Ch16 page 567

Qlead + Qwater = 0
mleadclead*(T-Tlead) +
mwatercwater*(T-Twater) = 0
235 *10-3 * 128 * (T-84.2) +
177 * 10-3 * 4186 * (T-21.5)=0
T = 23.7 C

Wilsons book
Page 331
#25, 26, 27, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63,
80, 82, 84
Page 391
#1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 33, 34, 37

UI L4 HW Ch15, 16, 17.

- Study for unit test using textbook
and class note
- memorize the conversion formula
between different temperature

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