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Thermodynamics for Engineers SI Edition 1st

Edition Kroos Solutions Manual

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Chapter 4 Solutions

4.1 (A) During compression and expansion, the air does not leave the volume so
it is analyzed as a system, not a control volume.

4.2 (D) The other parts represent time-varying flows.

4.3 (B) When using this continuity equation, the area at Section 2 will be different than
the area at Section 1. The diameter typically changes from section 1 to section

4.4 (D) We will use V to represent velocity in most problem solutions in this chapter,
since the equation editor doesn’t allow a different font. Since systems are not of
interest in this chapter, the volume doesn’t appear except in Section 4.3 on
transient flows. Use Table C-3:
1 kg m 1 kg
ρ1 A1 V1 = ρ 2 A 2 V 2. 3 × 40 = × V 2. ∴V2 = 62.1 m/s
0.07341 m s 0.114 m3

4.5 (A) Put all distances in meters to be safe. Then

A V = A V . (π × 0.012 )× 20 = (2π × 0.1× 0.002)× V . ∴V = 5 m/s
1 1 2 2 2 2

4.6 (C) The pump work WP is related to the shaft work by P

= −WS . With no losses, the

temperature remains unchanged so the internal energy change is zero and Eq.
4.18 provides response (C).
V 2 −V 12
4.7 (B) Eq. 4.19 simplifies to 0 = − h + 2 . Using h − h = C (T − T ) ,
2 1 2 1 p 2 1

V12 −V 22 (180 2 −20 2 ) m2 /s 2

T −T = = = 16°C
2 1
2Cp 2 × 1000 J/kg ⋅ °C

where we used Cp=1000 J/kg·°C. Recall that the units convert as

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J N ⋅m (kg ⋅m/s 2 ) ⋅m m2
= = = 2
kg kg kg s

4.8 (D) The 1st law is used in the form

V 2 − V12
q = h −h + 2
2 1
2 2 2

J 44 −40 m
= 1000 ×(200 − 40) °C + = 160 100 J/kg or 160.1 kJ/kg

kg ⋅ °C 2 s2

Then, Q = m q = ρ AVq = ×(π × 0.052 )× 40 ×160.1 = 67.2 kJ/s .
0.287 × 313

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4.9 (C) The 1st law shows that the enthalpy remains constant thru a throttle (a valve):
h2 = h1 = 125.26 kJ/kg. ∴T2 = −22.36°C (Table D-2 was used)

P2 −P1 2000 −10

4.10 (A) W = m = 2× = 3.98 kW or 5.34 hp
ρ 1000

Use m in kg/s, pressure in kPa, and density in kg/m3 and the units will check:

kg kN m 3
× × = kN ⋅ m/s = kJ/s = kW
s m 2 kg

4.11 (A) The quasi-equilibrium process gives the minimum power. The exiting
temperature is
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 800 ⎞
T =T 2 = 293 = 531 K

2 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
The 1st law results
W = m(h − h ) = m C (T − T ) = ×1.0 ×(531 − 293) = 79.2 kW or 106 hp
C 2 1 p 2 1

4.12 (D) The quasi-equilibrium process gives the maximum power. The exiting
temperature is
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
T =T 2
= 873 = 371 K

2 1 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 2000 ⎠
The 1st law results

W = m(h − h ) = mC (T − T ) = 1.2 × 1.0 ×(873 − 371) = 602 kW

T 1 2 p 1 2

4.13 (D) The heat rate exiting the water is

Qwater = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 ) = 0.2 × 4.18 ×(90 − 87) = 2.51 kJ/s

The mass flux of the air is m = ρ V = 1.225×10 / 60 = 0.204 kg/s. So,

Qair = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p ΔT. 2.51 = 0.204 ×1.0 × ΔT. ∴ ΔT = 12.3°C

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4.14 (A) The minimum power required by the pump is given by
P −P 4000 −100 ⎛ kg kN/m2 kN ⋅m ⎞
W = m 2 1 = 2× = 7.8 kW × = = kW
⎜ ⎟
ρ 1000 s kg/m 3 s
⎝ ⎠

There is no pressure drop across the boiler and the condenser (they are
heat exchangers) so P1 = 100 kPa and P2 = 4 MPa.

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4.15 (A) The boiler is a heat exchanger so the pressure remains constant and = m(h − h )
B 3 2
so h2 is needed. It is found using Eq. 4.19 across the

W = m(h − h ). 7.8 = 2 ×(h − 417.4). ∴h = 421 kJ/kg

P 2 1 2 2

The 1st law applied to the boiler results in

Q = m(h − h ) = 2 ×(3674 − 421) = 6510 kJ/s
B 3 2

If the enthalpy entering the boiler is taken as the enthalpy exiting the
(h2 = 417 kJ/kg), the boiler heat transfer requirement remains at 6510 kJ/s.

4.16 (C) Always use units of kg, m, N, and s and the units will work out (but check to
make sure):
1 1
m = ρ AV = AV . 2= ×(π × 0.2 2 )× V ∴V = 1.57 m/s
v 0.09885

4.17 (C) No heat is leaving the turbine (as observed in the figure) so the 1st law provides
W = m(h − h ) = 2 ×(3674 − 2675) = 1998 kW
T 3 4

4.18 (D) The output is the turbine power minus the power needed to drive the pump:
output WT −WP 1998 −7.8
η= = = = 0.306 or 30.6%
input QB 6510

If the pump power is ignored, the efficiency would be 30.7%, a negligible

difference. So, the pump power, when calculating the efficiency, is most
often ignored.

4.19 (A) The 1st law applied to the compressor, using Tables D.3 and D.2, results in
Wcomp = m(h − h ) = 0.5 ×(280.2 − 241.3) = 19.45 kW
2 1

4.20 (C) The cooling is accomplished by the evaporator. The 1st law provides
Q = m(h − h ) = 0.5×(241.3 − 105.3) = 68 kJ/s
E 1 4

where we used h4 = h3 = hf = 105.3 kJ/kg from Table D-2 at 1000 kPa.

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4.21 (B) The temperature of state 3 is found in Table D-2 at 1000 kPa to be 39.39ºC, and
the temperature at state 4 is also found in Table D-2 at 200 kPa to be −10.09ºC.

T3 − T4 = 39.39 − (−10.09) = 49.48°C

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i) V = VA = 2 s × π ( 0.015 ) m2 = 0.00141 m3 /s

kg m3
ii) m = ρ V = 1000 × 0.00141 = 1.41 kg/s
m3 s

V 0.00141 m3 /s
iii) V2 = = = 17.8 m/s
π ( 0.005 m )

4.23 For steam at 1 MPa and 400oC we get from Table C-3 v = 0.3066 m3/kg:
kg m3
20 × 0.3066
mv s kg
a) V = = = 48.8 m/s
A π × 0.22 m 2

mv 20 ×0.3066
b) V = = = 13.9 m/s
A π × (0.75 / 2)2

m v 20 ×0.3066
c) V = = = 7.81 m/s
A π × 0.52
P 100
4.24 m = ρ AV = AV = × 0.0075× 4.5 = 0.0365 kg/s

RT 0.287 × 322
V = AV = 0.0075× 4.5 = 0.0337 m3 /s

4.25 Water is treated as incompressible, as is typical of liquids. Then V1A1 = V2A2.

a) For d1 = 4 cm: π × 0.022 ×8 = π × 0.012 × V ∴V = 32 m/s
2 2
b) For d1 = 6 cm: π × 0.032 ×8 = π × 0.012 × V ∴V = 72 m/s
2 2
c) For d1 = 8 cm: π × 0.042 × 8 = π × 0.012 × V ∴V = 128 m/s
2 2

P 90
4.26 The density at all locations is ρ = = = 1.052 kg/m3
RT 0.287 × 298

m3 = m1 + m2 . ρ V3 = m1 + ρ A2V2 .

1.052V 3 = 0.2 +1.052 × π × ×10. ∴V3 = 0.681 m /s


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2 3
1.052V 3 = 0.2 +1.052 × π × × 20. ∴V3 = 1.172 m /s
2 3
1.052V 3 = 0.2 +1.052× π × × 30. ∴V3 = 1.663 m /s
2 3

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4.27 State 1: V1 = 50 m/s, T1 = 60oC (333 K), P1 = 400 kPa.
State 2: T2 = 300oC = 573 K. P2 = 380 kPa.
P1 400 P2 380
ρ = = = 4.18 kg/m3 , ρ = = = 2.31 kg/m3
1 2
RT1 0.287 × 333 RT2 0.287 × 573

We get the mass flow rate and exit velocity using the definition of the mass flux:
m = ρ1AV1 = 4.18× (π × 0.052 ) × 50 = 1.64 kg/s (Check those units)

m 1.64
V = = = 90.4 m/s
ρ2 A 2.31× (π × 0.052 )

i) Neglecting kinetic energy Eq. 4.20 is applicable:

kg kJ
Q = mC P ( T2 − T1 ) = 1.64 ×1.0 ( 573 − 333 ) K = 394 kJ/s
s kg ⋅ K

ii) Include the kinetic energy term:

V 2 −V 2 90.42 −50 2
Q = mC (T2 − T1 ) + 2 1
= 394 + = 394 + 2.8 = 397 kJ/s
2 2 ×1000

The “1000” in the denominator of the V2-term converts J to kJ. The kinetic Energy
term is shown to be insignificant.
V 2 −V 2 P2 −P1
4.28 Use Eq. 4.18 with Q = WS = Δu = 0 so that 0 + for a constant density
2 2 1 ρ

flow. The density of the water is assumed to be 1000 kg/m3, unless otherwise indicated.

a) In Problem 4.25a we found V2 = 32 m/s. The energy equation provides

32 2 −82 0 −P1
0= + . ∴P1 = 480 kPa gage
2 ×1000 1000

b) In Problem 4.25a we found V2 = 72 m/s. The energy equation provides

72 2 −82 0 −P1
0= + . ∴P1 = 2560 kPa gage
2 ×1000 1000

c) In Problem 4.25a we found V2 = 128 m/s. The energy equation provides

1282 −82 0 −P1
0= + . ∴P1 = 8160 kPa gage
2 ×1000 1000

4.29 State 1: T1 = 600ºC and P1 = 10 MPa.

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a) State 2: P2 = 20 kPa and x2 = 0.9: WT = m (h1 − h2 ) = 2× (3625 − 2370) = 2510
kW b) State 2: P2 = 10 kPa and x2 = 1.0: WT = m(h1 − h2 ) = 2× (3625 − 2580) = 2090
kW c) State 2: P2 = 20 kPa and s2 = s1: WT = m(h1 − h2 ) = 2 × (3625 − 2270) = 2710

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P1 1500 10
4.30 The mass flux is m = ρ V = V= × = 1.127 kg/s . The exiting temperature is
RT1 0.287 × 773 60

found assuming an adiabatic reversible process:

k −1/
⎛ =P ⎞ ⎛=

T =T k = 773× = 376 K

2 120
2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 1500 ⎠

The turbine power output is WT = m (h1 − h2 ) = 1.127 ×1.0 × (773 − 376) = 447
kW .

⎡ 1 ⎤
4.31 m = 4 ρ AV = 4 × (π × 0.012 ) ×100 = 3.83 kg/s using ρ = 1/ v. Adiabatic: Q = 0
⎢⎣ 0.03279 .⎥

⎡ V 2 −V 22 ⎤ ⎡ 1002 −202 ⎤
Energy: W = m ⎢ h1 − h2 + 1+ ⎥ = 3.83× ⎢ (3374 − 2480) ⎥ = 3440 kW
2 2 ×1000

The kinetic energy change is less than 0.5% of the power and should simply be

4.32 At 14 MPa and 550°C, from Table C-3,

v = 0.02533 m3/kg, h1= 3459 kJ/kg

At 70 kPa, hf = 376 kJ/kg, hg = 2660 kJ/kg

h2 = 376 + 0.9 (2660 – 376) = 2431 kJ/kg

⎡ 1 ⎤
m = 4 ρ AV = 4 ⎢ × π (0.0125) 2 × 90 ⎥ = 6.97 kg/s using ρ = 1 / v.
⎣ 0.02533 ⎦
⎡ V 2 −V22 ⎤
Energy with Q = 0 WT = m ⎢ h1 − h2 + 1 ⎥
: ⎢⎣ 2 ⎥⎦

⎡ (90 2 −12 2 ) kJ ⎤
= 6.97 × ⎢ (3459 − 2431) + ⎥ = 7193 kW = 9642 hp
⎣ 2 ×1000 kg ⎦

The kinetic energy term is less than 0.5% of Δh, which is negligible. It is
usually ignored.

4.33 The exiting temperature is found assuming an adiabatic reversible process:

T =T
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k −1/ k 0
⎛ =P ⎞ .
= 773× 8= 565

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 300 ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Energy: WT = m(h1 − h2 ) = mC p(T1 − T2 ). = m ×1.0× (773 − 565). ∴m = 3.87 kg/s

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P1 2000
4.34 Find m : m = ρ A V = AV = × (π × 0.022 ) × 40 = 0.520 kg/s
1 1 1 1 1
RT1 0.287 × 673

a) Energy: Use Eq. 4.22:

WC = m(h1 − h2 ) = mC p (T1 − T2 ) = 0.520 ×1.0 × (673 − 303) = 192.4 kW

kg kJ kJ
We used WC = −W Units: × ×K = = kW
s kg ⋅ K s

k−1/n\k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
b) Use Eq. 3.45 to find T2 = T1 ⎜ 2
⎟ = 673 ⎜ ⎟ = 286 K
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 2000 ⎠
Energy: Use Eq.

WC = m(h1 − h2 ) = mC p (T1 − T2 ) = 0.520 ×1.0 × (673 − 286) = 201 kW

We used WC = −W kg kJ kJ
Units: × ×K = = kW
s kg ⋅ K s

4.35 The energy equation (4.18) assuming a constant-

density flow with no heat transfer and no temperature 1
change is, referring to sections 1 and 2 in the figure
(it’s the same energy equation but identifies sections 1
and 2 more clearly. Think of the reservoir as very Water 2m

V 2 −V 1 P2 P1
Q −W = m⎢ + u −u + − + g(z − z ) ⎥ 2
S 2 1 2 1
⎢ 2 ρ2 ρ1 ⎥
⎦ T

So, it simplifies to −WT = m g(z2 − z1 ) which yields (neglect any kinetic energy
change since it would be quite small if information was available for it to be

WT = −mg(z2 − z1 ) = − ρ AV (z2 − z1 )
= −1000 × (1.2 × 0.04) × 4 × (0 − 2) = 384 kW

4.36 The exit temperature is given so the energy equation can be applied directly:
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Q − WS = m (h2 − WC = −WS = m C p (T2 − T1 )
h1 ).

20 = m ×1.0 × (260 − ∴m = 0.0833 kg/s

kg kJ
kW = × ×K
s kg ⋅ K

This is not a quasi-equilibrium compression process since T2 is greater than the

temperature assuming = T (P / P ) k −1/ k . Losses exist as the air is being compressed.
2 1 2 1

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4.37 a) For the quasi-equilibrium process, the temperature of the exit air is
k −1/ 0.2857
⎛ =2P ⎞ ⎛= ⎞
T =T k = 313 = 465 K
2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 100 ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

Energy: Q− WS = m (h2 − h1 ). WC = −WS = m C p (T2 − T1 )

20 = m ×1.0 × (465 − ∴m = 0.132 kg/s
kg kJ
kW = × ×K
s kg ⋅ K

b) For the quasi-equilibrium process, the temperature of the exit air is

k −1/ 0.2857
⎛ =2P ⎞ ⎛= ⎞
T =T k = 313 = 522 K
2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜100 ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

Energy: Q− WS = m (h2 − h1 ). WC = −WS = m C p (T2 − T1 )

20 = m ×1.0 × (522 − ∴m = 0.0957 kg/s

c) For the quasi-equilibrium process, the temperature of the exit air is

k −1/ 0.2857
⎛ =2P ⎞ ⎛= ⎞
T =T k = 313 = 567 K
2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 100 ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

Energy: Q − WS = m (h2 − h1 ). WC = −WS = m C p (T2 − T1 )

20 = m ×1.0 × (567 − ∴m = 0.0787 kg/s

P1 100
4.38 Find m : m = ρ A V = AV = × (π × 0.022 ) × 40 = 0.0578 kg/s
1 1 1 1 1
RT1 0.287 × 303
a) Energy: Use Eq. 4.22:

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 ) = 0.0578 ×1.0 × (723 − 303) = 24.3 kW

kg kJ kJ
Units: × ×K = = kW
s kg ⋅ K s
k −1/ n\ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 2000 ⎞
b) Use Eq. 3.45 to find T2 = T1 ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 303 ⎜ ⎟ = 713 K
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⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
Energy: Use Eq.

WC = m(h1 − h2 ) = mC p (T1 − T2 ) = 0.0578 ×1.0 × (713 − 303) = 23.7 kW

Units: kg kJ kJ
× ×K = = kW
s kg ⋅ K s

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4.39 State 1: T1 = 20°C and x1 = 1. From Table D-1 we get: h1 = hg = 258.4 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1 MPa and T2 = 50ºC. From Table D-3 we get h2 = 280.2 kJ/kg
WC = m ( h2 − h1 ) = 4 × ( 280.2 − 258.4 ) = 87.2 kW

4.40 State 1: T1 = 20°C and x1 = 1. From Table D-1 we get h1 = hg = 258.4 kJ/kg
State 2: T2 = 50°C and P2 = 1.1 MPa. From Table D-3 we get h2 = 277.85 kJ/kg
WC = m ( h2 − h1 ) = 4.5× ( 277.85 − 258.4 ) = 87.5 kW or 117 hp

4.41 State 1: P1 =120 kPa and x1 = 1. From Table E-1, T1 = −30°C

h1 = hg = 1404.6 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1.2 MPa and T2 = 100°C. From Table E-2bn we get 1659.2 kJ/kg
WC = m ( h2 − h1 ) = 3× (1659.2 −1404.6 ) = 764 kW

4.42 State 1: T1 = 150°C and x1 = 1. From Table C-1, h1 = 2746

State 2: P2 = 2 MPa and T2 = 400°C. From Table C-3, h2 = 3248 kJ/kg

Q = WS + m (h2 − h1 ) = −200 × 0.746 + 0.02 × (3248 − 2746) = −139 kJ/s

The negative sign indicates heat transfer from the compressor.

4.43 The energy equation takes the form of Eq. 4.24 for a liquid, with negligible
heat transfer, kinetic and potential energy changes:
P2 −P1 m3 kg (600 −100) kN/m
W =m = 1.2 ×1000 × = 600 (kN·m/s = kW)
ρ s m3 1000 kg/m3

⎛ ΔP ⎞ 10 kg (5600 −100) kJ
4.44 W = m = × = 0.898 kW = 1.2 hp
P ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ρ ⎠ 60 s 1020 kg
⎛ ΔP ⎞ kg (6000 −10) kN/m 2
4.45 W = m = 10 ×
hp = 59.9 kW = 80.3 (kN·m/s = kJ/s = kW)
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ρ ⎠ s 1000 kg/m3

4.46 The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. Refer to Table C-2:
h1 = 762.8 = 417.4 + x2 (2258.1). ∴ x 2 = 0.153 or 15.3%

The temperature is found in Table C-2 to be 99.6ºC.

4.47 a) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. The IRC
Calculator was used for this problem. State 1 is compressed liquid:

h1 = 105 kJ/kg = h2 . At 100 kPa and 105 kJ/kg, the Calculator gives −26.4°C
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b) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. The IRC
Calculator was used for this problem. State 1 is superheat:

h1 = 1500 kJ/kg = h2 . At 100 kPa and 1500 kJ/kg, the Calculator gives 12.3°C

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c) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. For an ideal gas,
the enthalpy depends on temperature only so the temperature remains constant at

4.48 a) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. Table D-1 at
shows the fluid to be a compressed liquid with h1 = 55.35 kJ/kg. From Table D-2
140 kPa, T2 = −18.8°C and h2 = 55.35 = 25.77 + x2 ∴ x 2 = 0.141 or 14.1%

b) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. Table D-1 at
shows the fluid to be a compressed liquid with h1 = 55.35 kJ/kg. From Table D-2
100 kPa, T2 = −26.43°C and h2 = 55.35 = 16.29 + x2 ∴ x2 = 0.181 or 18.1%

c) The enthalpy remains constant across a throttle. Hence h1 = h2. Table D-1 at
shows the fluid to be a compressed liquid with h1 = 55.35 kJ/kg. From Table D-2
60 kPa, T2 = −37.07°C and h2 = 55.35 = 3.46 + x2 ∴ x2 = 0.234 or 23.4%

4.49 The enthalpy at the inlet is h1 = u1 + P1v1 = 376.8 + 8000×0.00104 = 385 kJ/kg. With
P2 = 40 kPa, Table C-2 provides T2 = 75.9ºC with the following quality:
h2 = 385 = 317.6 + x 2 (2319.1). ∴ x 2 = 0.0291 or 2.91%

4.50 From Table E-1 at 20ºC, observe that the ammonia is a compressed liquid with h1
274.9 kJ/kg since P1 > 857 kPa. Across the throttle the enthalpy remains unchanged
at P2 = 125 kPa and h2 = 274.9 kJ/kg. Observe in Table E-1 (or use the Calculator)
the temperature is very close to T2 = −29ºC. The mass flux remains unchanged,
the volume flow rate does not. So, using the Calculator to find v2,
m=ρ AV = × 0.01 = 6.1 kg/s = ρ V . ∴V = v m = 0.155× 6.1 = 0.946 m3 /s
1 1 1 2 2 2 2

4.51 State 1: P1 = 200 kPa, T1 = 40°C. From Table C-1 h1 = hf = 167.5 kJ/kg,

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v1 = 0.001008 m3/kg
State 2: P2 = 200 kPa, T2 = 20°C giving h2 = hf = 83.9

m3 = m1 + m 2 = 50 + 100 = 150
m h +m h ( 50 )(167.5)+(100 )( 83.9 )
h3 = 1 1 2 2 = = 111.8 kJ/kg
m3 150

From Table C-1 we get T3 = 27ºC by interpolation.

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4.52 Use Table F-1 to find the enthalpies:

State 1: T1 = 107°C (380 K) giving h1 = 381 kJ/kg

State 2: T2 = 1027°C (1300 K) giving h2 = 1396
kJ/kg State 3: T3 = 627°C (900 K) giving h3 = 933
P 500
ρ = 1 = = 4.58 m = ρ V = 4.58× 5 = 22.9 kg/s
kg/m ,
1 1 1 1
RT1 0.287 × 381

m1h1 + m2 h2 = m3 h3 and m1 + m 2 = m3

22.9 × 381 + m2 ×1396 = ( 22.9 + m2 ) × 933. ∴ m2 = 27.3 kg/s

P 500 m3 27.3 +22.9

ρ = 3 = = 1.936 V = = = 51.6 m/s
kg/m3 ,
3 3
RT 0.287 × 900 ρA 1.936 × (π × 0.42 )
3 3 3

4.53 State 1: P1 = 6 MPa and T1 = 400°C giving h1 = 3177 kJ/kg

State 2: P2 = 6 MPa and T2 = 80°C giving h2 = 334.9

a) At T3 = 200°C and P3 = 6 MPa we find h3 = hf = 852.4


m1h1 + m2 h2 = ( m1 + m2 ) h3

m1 ( 3177 ) + m2 ( 334.9 ) = ( m1 + m2 )( 852.4 )

⎛ m1 ⎞ ⎛ m1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ( 3177 ) + ( 334.9 ) = ⎜ + 1⎟ (852.4 ) m1 / m2 = 0.222
⎝ m2 ⎠ ⎝ m2 ⎠

b) At T3 = 250°C and P3 = 6 MPa we find h3 = hf = 1085 kJ/kg

m1h1 + m2 h2 = ( m1 + m2 ) h3

m1 ( 3177 ) + m2 ( 334.9 ) = ( m1 + m2 )(1085 )

⎛ m1 ⎞ ⎛ m1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ( 3177 ) + 334.9 =⎜ +1⎟ (1085 ) m1 / m2 = 0.359

⎝ m2 ⎠ ⎝ m2 ⎠

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c) At T3 = 300°C and P3 = 6 MPa we find h3 = 2884 kJ/kg (superheat)

m1h1 + m2 h2 = ( m1 + m2 ) h3

m1 ( 3177 ) + m2 ( 334.9 ) = ( m1 + m2 )( 2884 )

⎛ m1 ⎞ ⎛ m1 ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ( 3177 ) + 334.9 =⎜ +1⎟ ( 2884 ) m1 / m2 = 8.70

⎝ m2 ⎠ ⎝ m2 ⎠

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4.54 State 1: P1 = 1.4 MPa and T1 = 24°C. From Table C-1, h1 = hf = 100.7
kJ/kg State 2: P2 = 1.4 MPa and T2 = 300°C. From Table C-3, h2 =
3040.4 kJ/kg State 3: P3 = 1.4 MPa and m3 = m1 + m2 = 2m
m (100.7 ) + m ( 3040.4 ) = 2m ∴h3 = 1570.5 kJ/kg
h3 .

At this enthalpy and 1.4 MPa (Table C-2), the exit is a saturated mixture so T3 = Tsat =

4.55 State 1: P1 = 400 kPa and x1 = 0 From Table C-2 h1 = hf = 604.7 kJ/kg.
State 2: P2 = 400 kPa and T2 = 160°C, From Table C-3 h2 = 2774 kJ/kg.
a) Let m1 = m , then m2 = m / 6 and m3 = m1 + m2 = 1.167m

m1h1 + m2 h2 = ( m1 + m2 ) h3
m ( 604.7 ) + (m / 6) ( 2774 ) = 1.167m ∴h3 = 914.4 kJ / kg
h3 .

At this enthalpy, the exit stream is a saturated mixture so at 400 kPa T3 = Tsat =
b) Let m1 = m , then m2 = m / 8 and m3 = m1 + m2 = 1.125m

m ( 604.7 ) + (m / 8) ( 2774 ) = 1.125m ∴h3 = 845.7 kJ / kg

h3 .

At this enthalpy, the exit stream is a saturated mixture so at 400 kPa T3 = Tsat =
c) Let m1 = m , then m2 = m / 10 and m3 = m1 + m2 = 1.1 m

m ( 604.7 ) + (m / 10) ( 2774 ) = 1.1 m ∴h3 = 802 kJ / kg

h3 .

At this enthalpy, the exit stream is a saturated mixture so at 400 kPa T3 = Tsat =

4.56 Refrigerant State 1: P1 = 800 kPa and T1 = 80°C so h1 = 315 kJ/kg

State 2: P2 = 800 kPa and x2 = 0 so h2 = hf = 93.42 kJ/kg
Qref = mref (h2 − h1 ) = 2× (93.4 − 315) = −443 kJ/s
Water: State 1: P1 = 500 kPa and T1 = 18°C so h1 = hf = 75.5 kJ/kg by interp.
State 2: P2 = P1 = 500 kPa and T2 = 30oC so h2 = hf = 125.6
Qwater = 443 = mwater (125.6 − 75.5 ) . mwater = 8.85 kg/s
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4.57 Steam State 1: P1 = 30 kPa and x1 = 1 so h1 = hg = 2625.3 kJ/kg.
State 2: P2 = 30 kPa and x2 = 0 so h2 = hf = 289.2 kJ/kg.

Qsteam = msteam (h2 − h1 ) = 4 × (289.2 − 2625.3) = −9344.4 kW

Water State 1: T1 = 20°C so h1 = hf = 83.9
State 2: T2 = 70°C so h2 = hf = 293
kJ/kg ∴ mwater = 44.7 kg/s

Q water = 9344.4 = mwater ( 293 − 83.9 ) .

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4.58 Steam State 1: P1 = 5 MPa and T1 = 500°C so h1 = 3433.8 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 5 MPa and T2 = 250°C so h2 = hf = 1085.3 kJ/kg

Water State 1: P1 = 500 kPa and T1 = 25°C so h1 = hf = 104.9 kJ/kg by interpolation.

State 2: P2 = 500 kPa and T2 = 80°C so h2 = hf = 334.9 kJ/kg
msteam (1085 − 3434 ) = −m water ( 334.9 ∴msteam / m water = 0.098
−104.9 )

P2 100
4.59 Air: P1 = 100 kPa and T1 = 20°C with air = 1 m3 /s . ρ = = = 1.19 kg/m3
RT2 0.287 × 293

Qair = mair ×Cp,air (T2 − T1 ) = 1.19 ×1.0 × (100 − 20) = 95.5 kJ/s
Ethylene Glycol: T3 = 160°C mEG = 2 kg/s
− 95.5 = 2× 2.5× (T4 −160). ∴T4 = 139°C
QEG = mEG × Cp,air (T4 − T3 ).

4.60 Steam State 1: P1 = 100 kPa and T1 = 110°C so h1 = 2696.2 kJ/kg by interpolation.
State 2: P2 = 100 kPa and x2 = 0 so h2 = hf = 417.4 kJ/kg

Q steam = msteam (h2 − h1 ) = 80 × (417.4 − 2696) = −182 300

−Qsteam = Qwater = m
water C p,water ΔTwater
182 300 = (1000 × 4) × 4.18 × (T2 − 20). ∴T2 = 30.9°C

4.61 State 1: T1 = 15°C = 288 K and V1 = 200 m/s

State 2: P2 = 100 kPa and T2 = 40°C (313 K)
V22 −V12 V22 −200 2
Energy: = −C P ( T2 − T1 ) . = −1.0 × (30 −15) = −15.0 ∴V 2 = 100 m/s
2 2 ×1000 kJ/kg.

The factor of ’1000’ in the denominator converts J to kJ in the kinetic energy

term. For an adiabatic quasi-equilibrium process we have
⎛ =T ⎞ ⎛ = 288
P =P −1
= 100 ⎞ = 83.7 kPa

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1 2⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ T2 ⎠ ⎝ 303 ⎠

The mass flux in must equal the mass flux out:

P1 πd12 P2 πd22
ρ AV =ρ A V . V = V
1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
RT1 4 RT2 4

83.7 100
× 0.04 2 × 200 = × d 2 ×100. ∴d = 0.0531 m or 5.31 cm
2 2
288 303

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4.62 State 1: P1 = 4 MPa and T1 = 500°C giving v1 = 0.08643 m3/kg and h1 = 3445.3 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1 MPa and T2 = 250°C giving v2 = 0.2327 m3/kg and h2 = 2942.6 kJ/kg
V22 −V 12 V22 −100 2
Energy: 0 = h2 − h1 + . 0 = 2943 − 3445 + . ∴V2 = 1008 m/s
2 2 ×1000

The mass flux is m = ρ1 A1 V1 = × 0.01×100 = 11.57 kg/s
1 πd 2
m = ρ A V . 11.57 =
×1008. × 2 ∴d = 0.0583 m or 5.83 cm
2 2 2 2
0.2327 4

4.63 State 1: P1 = 140 kPa and T1 = 200°C giving h1 = 2870 kJ/kg and v1 = 1.73 m3/kg from
Table C-3.
State 2: P2 = 100 kPa and T2 = 180°C giving h2 = 2840 kJ/kg from Table C-3.
m = ρ1 A1V1 = × 0.009 × 60 = 0.312 kg/s

V22 −V 12
Energy: 0 = h2 − h1 +
2g c

J (V −60 ) m /s
2 2 2 2
(2870 − 2840) ×1000 = 2 . ∴V2 = 252 m/s
kg kJ 2

k−1/ k
V 2 −V 2 ⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞

4.64 Energy: 0 = C p(T2 − T1 ) + 2 1

. T2 = T1 ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 373 ⎜ ⎟ = 338.8 K
2gc ⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 140 ⎠

400 2 − V 21
0 = 1.0(338.8 − 373) + ∴V1 = 303 m/s
2 ×1000

140 100 A2
ρ AV =ρ A V . × A × 303 = × A × 400. ∴ = 0.963
1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2
0.287 × 373 0.287 × 338.8 A1

4.65 State 1: P1 = 800 kPa and T1 = 50°C giving v1 = 0.02846 m3/kg and h1 = 284.39 kJ/kg.
State 2: P2 = 1 MPa and T2 = 60°C giving v2 = 0.02301 m3/kg and h1 = 291.36 kJ/kg.
m = ρ1 A1V1 = × 0.006 ×160 = 33.7 kg/s

2 2 2 2

V2 −V1 V2 −160
0= h −h + = 291.36 − 284.39 + ∴V = 108 m/s
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2 1 2
2 2 ×1000
ρ1 V1 0.02301 160
ρ AV =ρ A V . A =A = 0.006 × × = 0.00719 m 2
1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
ρ 2 V2 0.02846 108

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P1 500
4.66 i) The mass flux is m = ρ A = AV = × (π × 0.04 2 ) × 20 = 0.578 kg/s
1 1 1 1 1
RT1 0.287 × 303

ρ A 500 / 303 82
ii) ρ1 A1V1 = ρ 2 A2 V2 . ∴V2 = V1 1 1
= 20 × × = 2.33 m/s
ρ 2 A2 800 / 353 20

P2 800
iii) V = ρ V = V = × 2.33 = 18.4 m3 /s
2 2 2 2
RT2 0.287 × 353

⎡ V22 −V 12 ⎤ ⎡ 2.332 −20 2 ⎤

iv) Q = m ⎢ h2 − h1 + ⎥ = 0.578 ⎢1.0(80 − 30) + ⎥ = 28.8 kJ/s of added heat
2 2 ×1000

The kinetic energy change is negligible.

k −1/ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
4.67 a) The exit temperature is T2 = T1 ⎜ 2 = 293× ⎜ ⎟ = 175.6 K

⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 600 ⎠
2 2
V2 −V 1
Energy: 0 = h − h + . V = 2C (T − T ) = 2 ×1000 × (293 −175.6) = 485 m/s
2 1 2 p 1 2
J N⋅m m2
Use Cp = 1000 J/kg·K ×K = =
Units: kg ⋅ K N ⋅ s 2 /m s 2

k −1/ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
b) The exit temperature is T2 = T1 ⎜ 2
= 293× ⎜ ⎟ = 161.8 K

⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 800 ⎠
2 2

V2 −V1
Energy: 0 = h − h + . V = 2C (T − T ) = 2 ×1000 × (293 −161.8) = 512 m/s
2 1 2 p 1 2
J N⋅m m2
Use Cp = 1000 J/kg·K ×K = 2
= 2
Units: kg ⋅ K N ⋅ s /m s

k −1/ k 0.2857
⎛P ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
c) The exit temperature is T2 = T1 ⎜ 2 = 293× ⎜ ⎟ = 144.1 K

⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 1200 ⎠
2 2
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V2 −V1
Energy: 0 = h − h + . V = 2C (T − T ) = 2 ×1000 × (293 −144.1) = 546 m/s
2 1 2 p 1 2
J N⋅m m2
Use Cp = 1000 J/kg·K ×K = =
Units: kg ⋅ K N ⋅ s 2 /m s 2

4.68 a) The filling of an evacuated tank provides m f u f = m1h1 m f = m1 so, from Table F-1,

u f = h1 = 579 kJ/kg

Table F-1 at u f = 579 kJ/kg then predicts T f = 784 K or 511°C.

Pf V 2000 ×10
The final mass in the tank m = = = 88.9 kg
RT f 0.287 × 784

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b) The filling of an evacuated tank provides m f u f = m1h1 m f = m1 so, from Table C-3,

u f = h1 = 3023 kJ/kg

Table C-3 at u f = 3023 kJ/kg and Pf = 2 MPa then predicts T f = 445°C. (Interpolate or
use the IRC Calculator?)
The final mass in the tank
is V 10 m3
mf = = = 61.7 kg
v f 0.162 m3 /kg

c) The filling of an evacuated tank provides m f u f = m1h1 m f = m1 so, from Table F-2,

u f = h1 = 16 750 kJ/kmol
Table F-2 at u f = 16 750 kJ/kmol then predicts T f = 786 K or 513°C.

The final mass in the tank is

Pf V 2000 ×10
m = = = 85.7 kg
RT f 0.297 × 786

Pf V 2000 ×10
4.69 a) The ideal gas law gives the mass: = = = 112 kg . The energy equation
RT f 0.287 × 620

for the filling of an evacuated tank is Q = m f u f − m1h1 . Because mi = 0, m f = m1 .

From Table F-1 at 620 K we find uf = 450 kJ/kg and at 573 K we find h1 = 579
kJ/kg. The energy equation takes the form
Q = m f u f − m1h1 = m f (u f − h1 ) = 112 × (450 − 579) = −14 400 kJ (heat leaves)

V 10
b) The IRC Calculator gives vf. The final mass is then f = = = 72.5 kg. The

vf 0.138
energy equation for the filling of an evacuated tank is Q = m f u f − m1h1 . Because mi =
0, m f = m1 . At 620 K and 2000 kPa, the Calculator gives uf = 3330 kJ/kg and at 573
K we find h1 = 3630 kJ/kg. The energy equation takes the form
Q = m f u f − m1h1 = m f (u f − h1 ) = 112 × (3330 − 3630) = −33 600 kJ (heat leaves)

c) The ideal gas law gives the mass:

Pf V 2000 ×10
= = = 109 kg . The energy
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RT f 0.297 × 620

equation for the filling of an evacuated tank is Q = m f u f − m1h1 . Because mi = 0,

m f = m1 . From Table F-2 at 620 K we find uf = 13 011 kJ/kmol and at 573 K we
h1 = 16 750 kJ/kmol. The energy equation takes the form
⎛ 13 011 −16 750 ⎞
Q = m u − m h = m (u − h ) = 109 × = −14 000 kJ (heat leaves)
f f 1 1 f f 1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠

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4.70 a) If Pi = 0, the volume is evacuated and mi = 0 so that m f u f = m1h1 and m f = m1. Then
we have from Table F-1
u f = h1 = 293 kJ/kg

Table F-1 at u f = 293 kJ/kg then predicts T f = 410 K or 137°C.

The mass that entered the volume is

Pf V 100 ×4
m =m = = = 3.40 kg
1 f
RT f 0.287 × 410

b) Pi = 10 kPa, Ti = 20°C, the initial mass in the volume is

Pi V 10 ×4
mi = = = 0.476 kg.
RTi 0.287 × 293

The final mass in the volume is m f = 0.467 + m1 . Energy requires m f u f = miui + m1h1
which takes the form
m f u f = mi ui + m1h1
m f u f = 0.476 × 209 + (m f − 0.476) × 298 or m f u f = 298m f − 42.3

A trial-and-error method is used by selecting Tf and then adjusting it until the

equation is satisfied:
100 ×4
Guess Tf = 400 K: m f = = 3.48 kg, u f = 286 kJ/kg
0.287 × 400
? ?
Check: 3.48× 286 = 298 × 3.48 − 42.3. 995 =995 T f = 400 K or 127°C

c) Pi = 25 kPa, Ti = 20°C, the initial mass in the volume is

Pi V 25 ×4
mi = = = 1.19 kg.
RTi 0.287 × 293

The final mass in the volume is m f = 1.19 + m1 . Energy requires m f u f = miui + m1h1
which takes the form
m f u f = mi ui + m1h1
m f u f = 1.19 × 209 + (m f −1.19) × 298 or m f u f = 298m f −106

A trial-and-error method is used by selecting Tf and then adjusting it until the

equation is satisfied:
100 ×4
Guess Tf = 380 K: m f = = 3.670 kg, u f = 272 kJ/kg
0.287 × 380

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? ?
Check: 3.67 × 272 = 298 × 3.67 −106. Select ≈ 378 K or 105ºC
998 = 988

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140 ×0.044
4.71 Pi = 140 kPa, Ti = 20°C, and the initial mass in the tire is = 0.287 × 293 = 0.0732 kg .

The final mass in the tire is m f = 0.0732 + m1 . Energy balance requires m f u f = mi ui + m1h1
which takes the form
m f u f = mi ui + m1h1
m f u f = 0.0732 × 210.1 + (m f − 0.0732) × 294.2 or m f u f = 294.2m f − 6.16

A trial-and-error method is used by selecting Tf and then adjusting it until the

equation is satisfied:
350 ×0.044
Guess Tf =300 K: m f = = 0.179 kg, u f = 215.1 kJ/kg
0.287 × 300

? ?
Check: 0.179 × 215.1= 294.2 × 0.179 − 6.16. 38.5 = 52.66
350 ×0.044
Guess Tf = 350 K: m f = = 0.153 kg, u f = 250.95 kJ/kg
0.287 × 350

Check: 0.153× 250.95 = 294.2 × 0.153 − 6.16 38.4 = 38.85

Select Tf ≈ 353 K or 80°C

4.72 a) To use Eq. 4.43, the final mass of air in the tank can be found if the initial mass mi
and pressures are known. The initial mass is
Pi V 2000 ×4
mi = = = 95.1 kg
RTi 0.287 × 293

1/ k 1/1.4
⎛ Pf ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
Use Eq. 4.43 to find =m ⎜ = 95.1 ⎜ ⎟ = 11.2 kg . The final temperature is
m i⎜ 2000
P ⎟
⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
found also using Eq.

1/(k −1) 2.5

mf ⎛T f ⎞ 11.2 ⎛ Tf ⎞
=⎜ =⎜ ⎟ ∴T = 125 K or −148°C
m ⎜T ⎟ 95.1 ⎜ 293⎟

i ⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

b) To use Eq. 4.43, the final mass of air in the tank can be found if the initial mass mi
and pressures are known. The initial mass is

Pi V 1200 ×4
mi = = = 57.1 kg
RTi 0.287 × 293 100

1/ k
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f ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
Use Eq. 4.43 to find =m ⎜ = 57.1 ⎜
1/1.4 ⎟ = 9.68 kg . The final temperature is
m i⎜ 1200
P ⎟
⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
1/ (k −1) 2.5
mf ⎛ Tf ⎞ 9.68 ⎛ T f ⎞
found also using Eq.
4.43: =⎜ =⎜ ⎟ ∴T = 144 K or −129°C
m ⎜T ⎟ 57.1 ⎜ 293 ⎟

i ⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

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c) To use Eq. 4.43, the final mass of air in the tank can be found if the initial mass mi
and pressures are known. The initial mass is

Pi V 800 ×4
mi = = = 38.1 kg
RTi 0.287 × 293

1/ k 1/1.4
⎛ Pf ⎞ ⎛ 100⎞
Use =m ⎜ = 38.1⎜ = 8.63 kg . The final temperature is
m Eq. 4.43 to find i⎜ 800

P ⎟

⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
found also using Eq.

1/ (k−1) 2.5
mf ⎛f⎞
T 8.63 ⎛ Tf ⎞
=⎜ =⎜ ⎟ ∴T = 162 K or −111°C
m ⎜T ⎟ 38.1 ⎜ 293⎟

i ⎝ i ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

4.73 a) The volume will reach the temperature of 20°C of the surroundings after a long
The pressure in the volume will then be, using mf = 11.2 kg from Problem 4.72a,

m f RT f 11.2 ×0.287 ×293

Pf = = = 235 kPa
V 4

b) The volume will reach the temperature of 20°C of the surroundings after a long
The pressure in the volume will then be, using mf = 9.68 kg from Problem
m f RT f 9.68 ×0.287 ×293
Pf = = = 203.5 kPa
V 4

c) The volume will reach the temperature of 20°C of the surroundings after a long
The pressure in the volume will then be, using mf = 8.63 kg from Problem 4.72c,

m f RT f 8.63 ×0.287 ×293

Pf = = = 181 kPa
V 4

4.74 a) The initial mass in the spherical balloon is

Pi V 1200 ×(4 × π×1.53 / 3)
mi = = = 204.5 kg
RTi 0.283× 293

After 8 minutes, the mass in the sphere is m f = 204.5 − 0.18 × 8 × 60 = 118.1 kg. The
final pressure and temperature can be estimated using Eq. 4.43:
k 1.4
⎛m ⎞
95⎛ 118.1
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f ⎞
P =P⎜ ⎟ = 1200×⎜ = 556 kPa
f i⎜
m ⎟ ⎟
⎝ 204.5
⎝ i ⎠ ⎠
k−1 0.4
⎛ mf ⎞ ⎛ 118.1 ⎞
T f = Ti = 293× ⎜ ⎟ = 235.2K or −38°C
⎜m ⎟ ⎝ 204.5 ⎠
⎝ i ⎠

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b) The initial mass in the spherical balloon is
Pi V 1200 ×(4 × π×1.53 / 3)
mi = = = 204.5 kg
RTi 0.283× 293

After 15 minutes, the mass in the sphere is m f = 204.5 − 0.18 ×15 × 60 = 42.5 kg. The
final pressure and temperature can be estimated using Eq. 4.43:
k 1.4
⎛ mf ⎞ ⎛ 42.5 ⎞
P =P⎜ ⎟ = 1200 ×⎜ = 133 kPa
f i⎜
m ⎟ ⎟
⎝ 204.5
⎝ i ⎠ ⎠
k−1 0.4
⎛m ⎞ ⎛ 42.5 ⎞
T =T ⎜ ⎟ = 293× ⎜ ⎟ = 156.3 K or −117°C
m ⎟
⎝ 204.5 ⎠
⎝ i ⎠

To find time needed for temperature to reach –30oC = 243 K, let us find the
mass present in the balloon when the temperature becomes 243 K.
⎛ 243 ⎞
m f = 204.5 ⎜ ⎟ = 128.1 kg
⎝ 293 ⎠

204.5 −128.1
Hence, time = = 424 s = 7.1 min

4.75 a) State 1: P1 = 20 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 251 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 4 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3214 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 20 kPa, x4 = 1.0. Table C-2 gives h4 = 2610 kJ/kg
The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −10 × (2610 − 3214) = 6040 kW

The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 4000 −20

WP = m = 10 × = 39.8 kW or 53.4 hp
ρ 1000

To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅

h1 , The cycle efficiency is then

output 6040
η cycle = = = 0.204 or 20.4%
input 29 600

b) State 1: P1 = 20 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 251 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 4 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3214 kJ/kg
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State 4: P4 = 20 kPa, x4 = 0.92. The Calculator (or Table C-2) gives h4 = 2420 kJ/kg

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The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −10 × (2420 − 3214) = 7940 kW

The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 4000 −20

WP = m = 10 × = 39.8 kW or 53.4 hp
ρ 1000

To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅
h1 ,

QB = m(h3 − h2 ) ≅ m(h3 − h1 ) = 10 × (3214 − 251) = 29 600 kJ/s

The cycle efficiency is then

output 7940
η cycle = = = 0.268 or 26.8%
input 29 600

c) State 1: P1 = 20 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 251 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 4 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3214 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 20 kPa, x4 = 0.85. The Calculator (or Table C-2) gives h4 = 2260 kJ/kg
The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −10 × (2260 − 3214) = 9540 kW

The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 4000 −20

WP = m = 10 × = 39.8 kW or 53.4 hp
ρ 1000

To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅
h1 ,

QB = m(h3 − h2 ) ≅ m(h3 − h1 ) = 10 × (3214 − 251) = 29 600 kJ/s

The cycle efficiency is then

output 9540
η cycle = = = 0.322 or 32.2%
input 29 600

4.76 a) State 1: P1 = 14 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 220 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 5.5 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3186 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 14 kPa, x4 = 1.0. Table C-2 gives h4 = 2597 kJ/kg

The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −9 × (2597 − 3186) = 5301 kW or 7106 hp

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The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 kg (5500 −14) kPa

WP = m =9 × = 49.4 kW or 66.2 hp
ρ s 1000 kg/m 3

To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅
h1 ,

QB = m(h3 − h2 ) ≅ m(h3 − h1 ) = 9 × (3186 − 220) = 26695 kW

The cycle efficiency is then (neglect the small pump power)

output 5301
ηcycle = = = 0.20 or 20.0%
input 26 695

b) State 1: P1 = 14 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 220 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 5.5 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3186 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 14 kPa, x4 = 0.92. Table C-2 gives h4 = 2406 kJ/kg

The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −9 × (2406 − 3186) = 7020 kW or 9410 hp

The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 kg (5500 −14) kPa

WP = m =9 × = 49.4 kW or 66.2 hp
ρ s 1000 kg/m 3

To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅
h1 ,

QB = m(h3 − h2 ) ≅ m(h3 − h1 ) = 9 × (3186 − 220) = 26 695 kW

The cycle efficiency is then

output 7020
η cycle = = = 0.263 or 26.3%
input 26 695

c) State 1: P1 = 14 kPa, x1 = 0. Table C-2 gives h1 = 220 kJ/kg

State 3: P3 = 5.5 MPa, T3 = 400°C. Table C-3 gives h3 = 3186 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 14 kPa, x4 = 0.92. Table C-2 gives h4 = 2240 kJ/kg

The turbine power output is

WT = −m(h4 − h3 ) = −9 × (2240 − 3186) = 8514 kW or 11410 hp

The required pump horsepower input is

P2 −P1 kg (5500 −14) kPa

WP = m =9 × = 49.4 kW or 66.2 hp
ρ s 1000 kg/m 3

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To find the cycle efficiency, the energy input must be known. It is, using h2 ≅ h1 ,

QB = m(h3 − h2 ) ≅ m(h3 − h1 ) = 9 × (3186 − 220) = 26 695 kW

The cycle efficiency is then

output 8514
ηcycle = = = 0.319 or 31.9%
input 26695

4.77 a) State 1: P1 = 120 kPa, x1 = 1. Table D-2 gives h1 = 233.9 kJ/kg

State 2: P2 = 1 MPa, T2 = 60°C. Table D-3 gives h2 = 291.4 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1 MPa, x3 = 0. Table D-2 gives h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 120 kPa, h4 = h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg
The compressor power requirement provides

WC = 30 = m (h2 − h1 ) = m × (291.4 − ∴m = 0.522 kg/s


The evaporator cooling rate is

QEvap = m(h1 − h4 ) = 0.522× (233.9 −105.3) = 67.1 kJ/s

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

COPR = output = 66.7 =
input 30

If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 2.22 +1 = 3.22

b) State 1: P1 = 140 kPa, x1 = 1. Table D-2 gives h1 = 236.0 kJ/kg

State 2: P2 = 1 MPa, T2 = 60°C. Table D-3 gives h2 = 291.4 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1 MPa, x3 = 0. Table D-2 gives h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 140 kPa, h4 = h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg

The compressor power requirement provides

WC = 30 = m(h2 − h1 ) = m × (291.4 − 236.0). ∴m = 0.542 kg/s

The evaporator cooling rate is

Q Evap = m(h1 − h4 ) = 0.542 × (236.0 −105.3) = 70.8 kJ/s

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

COPR = output = 70.8 =
input 30
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If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 2.36 +1 = 3.36

c) State 1: P1 = 180 kPa, x1 = 1. Table D-2 gives h1 = 240.0 kJ/kg

State 2: P2 = 1 MPa, T2 = 60°C. Table D-3 gives h2 = 291.4 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1 MPa, x3 = 0. Table D-2 gives h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 180 kPa, h4 = h3 = 105.3 kJ/kg
The compressor power requirement provides

WC = 30 = m(h2 − h1 ) = m × (291.4 − 240.0). ∴m = 0.584 kg/s

The evaporator cooling rate is

Q Evap = m (h1 − h4 ) = 0.584 × (240.0 −105.3) = 78.7 kJ/s

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

COPR = output = 78.7 =
input 30

If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 2.62 +1 = 3.62

4.78 a) State 1: P1 = 100 kPa, x1 = 1. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h1 = 1400 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1.2 MPa, T2 = 70°C. Table E-2 gives h2 = 1580 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1.2 MPa, x3 = 0. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h3 = 327 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 1.2 MPa, h4 = h3 = 327 kJ/kg

The compressor power requirement provides

W = 50 hp × 0.746 = m(h − h ) = m × (1580 −1400) kW. ∴m = 0.207 kg/s
C 2 1

The evaporator cooling rate is

QEvap = m(h1 − h4 ) = 0.207 × (1400 − 327) = 222 kW

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

output 222
COPR = = = 5.95
input 37.3

If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 5.95 + 1 = 6.95

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b) State 1: P1 = 200 kPa, x1 = 1. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h1 = 1420 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1.2 MPa, T2 = 70°C. Table E-2 gives h2 = 1580 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1.2 MPa, x3 = 0. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h3 = 327 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 1.2 MPa, h4 = h3 = 327 kJ/kg

The compressor power requirement provides

W = 50 hp × 0.746 = m (h − h ) = m × (1580 −1420) ∴m = 0.233 kg/s
C 2 1

The evaporator cooling rate is

QEvap = m(h1 − h4 ) = 0.233× (1420 − 327) = 255 kW

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

COPR = output = 255 =
input 37.3

If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 6.83 +1 = 7.83

c) State 1: P1 = 300 kPa, x1 = 1. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h1 = 1430 kJ/kg
State 2: P2 = 1.2 MPa, T2 = 70°C. Table E-2 gives h2 = 1580 kJ/kg
State 3: P3 = 1.2 MPa, x3 = 0. The IRC Calculator (or Table E-1) gives h3 = 327 kJ/kg
State 4: P4 = 1.2 MPa, h4 = h3 = 327 kJ/kg
The compressor power requirement provides
W = 50 hp × 0.746 = m(h − h ) = m × (1580 −1430) kW. ∴m = 0.249 kg/s
C 2 1

The evaporator cooling rate is

QEvap = m(h1 − h4 ) = 0.249 × (1430 − 327) = 274.5 kW

The cycle performance, as a refrigerator, is then

COPR = output = 274.5 =
input 37.3

If it were a heat pump, the performance would be (refer to Eq. 4.51)

COPHP = COPR +1 = 7.36 + 1 = 8.36

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4.79 a) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 923
K(see Eq. 3.45):
(k−1)/ k
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 520 ⎞0.2857
T =T = 293× = 469 K

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
(k−1)/ k
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞0.2857
T =T = 923× = 576 K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ 520 ⎠

The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mCp (T3 − T2 )

= 3.8×1.0 × (923 − 469) = 1725 kJ/s

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are,

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mCp (T2 − T1 )

= 3.8×1.0 × (469 − 293) = 669 kW

WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.8×1.0× (923 − 576) = 1320 kW
The power out is then

WOut = WT − WC = 1320 − 669 = 651 kW or 873 hp

ii) The back-work ratio follows:

WC 669
BWR = = = 0.507 or 50.7%
WT 1320

iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.8×1.0 × (576 − 293) = 1075 kJ/s

iv) The cycle efficiency is found to be

Output 651
η cycle = = = 0.377 or 37.7%
Input 1725

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b) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 1123
K(see Eq. 3.45):

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k −1/ k
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 520 ⎞
T =T = 293× = 469 K

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
k −1/ k
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞0.2857
T =T = 1123× = 701 K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ 520 ⎠

The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mCp (T3 − T2 )

= 3.8×1.0 × (1123 − 469) = 2485 kJ/s

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are, respectively,

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 )
= 3.8×1.0 × (469 − 293) = 669 kW

WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.8×1.0 × (1123 − 701) = 1604 kW
The power out is then

WOut = WT − WC = 1604 − 669 = 935 kW or 1250 hp

ii) The back-work ratio follows:

BWR = = = 0.417 or 41.7%
WT 1604

iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.8 ×1.0 × (701 − 293) = 1550 kJ/s

iv) The cycle efficiency is found to be

Output 935
η cycle = = = 0.376 or 37.6%
Input 2485

c) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 1233
K(see Eq. 3.45):
T =T k −1/ k
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 520 ⎞
= 293×
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2 1⎜ ⎟K ⎜ 100 ⎟
⎝ 1⎠ ⎝ ⎠
k −1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
T =T = 1233× = 770 K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ 520 ⎠

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The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mC p (T3 − T2 )

= 3.8×1.0× (1233 − 469) = 2903 kJ/s

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are, respectively,

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 )
= 3.8×1.0 × (469 − 293) = 669 kW

WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.8×1.0 × (1233 − 770) = 1759 kW
The power out is then

WOut = WT − WC = 1759 − 669 = 1090 kW or 1460 hp

ii) The back-work ratio follows:

W C 669
BWR = = = 0.380 or 38.0%
WT 1759

iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.8 ×1.0 × (770 − 293) = 1813 kJ/s
Output 1090
iv) The cycle efficiency is found to η cycle = = = 0.375 or 37.5%
Input 2903

4.80 a) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 1023
K (see Eq. 3.45):
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 550 ⎞
= 293× = 477 K
T =T

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
k−1/k 0.2857
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
T =T = 1023× = 628.6 K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 550 ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mC p (T3 − T2 )

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= 3.6 ×1.004 × (1023 − 477) = 1973 kW

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are, respectively,

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WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 )
= 3.6 ×1.004 × (477 − 293) = 665 kW
WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.6 ×1.004 × (1023 − 628.6) = 1425 kW

The power output is WOut = WT − WC = 1425 − 665 = 760 kW or 1018 hp

WC 665
ii) The back-work ratio BWR = = = 0.466 or 46.6%
WT 1425

iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.6×1.004× (628.6 − 293) = 1213 kW
Output 760
iv) The cycle efficiency is found to η cycle = = = 0.385 or 38.5%
Input 1973

b) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 1123
K (see Eq. 3.45):
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 550 ⎞
= 293× = 477 K
T =T

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
T =T = 1123× = 690 K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ 550 ⎠

The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mC p (T3 − T2 )

= 3.6 ×1.004 × (1123 − 477) = 2335 kW

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are, respectively,

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 )
= 3.6 ×1.004× (477 − 293) = 665 kW
WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.6 ×1.004× (1123 − 690) = 1565 kW
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The power output is then

WOut = WT − WC = 1565 − 665 = 900 kW or 1206 hp

ii) The back-work ratio follows:

W C 665
BWR = = = 0.425 or 42.5%
WT 1565

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iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.6 ×1.004 × (690 − 293) = 1435 kW

iv) The cycle efficiency is found to be

Output 900
η cycle = = = 0.385 or 38.5%
Input 2335

c) The temperatures of the air leaving the compressor and the air leaving the turbine
are found assuming quasi-equilibrium adiabatic processes with T1 = 293 K and T3
= 1273
K (see Eq. 3.45):
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P2 ⎞ ⎛ 550 ⎞
= 293× = 477K
T =T

2 1⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
k−1/ k 0.2857
⎛ P4 ⎞ ⎛ 100 ⎞
T =T = 1273× = 782K

4 3⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 550 ⎟
⎝ P3 ⎠ ⎝ ⎠

The heat input by the combustor, a heat exchanger, is

QIn = m(h3 − h2 ) = mC p (T3 − T2 )

= 3.6 ×1.004 × (1273 − 477) = 2877 kW

i) The power required by the compressor and produced by the turbine are, respectively,

WC = m(h2 − h1 ) = mC p (T2 − T1 )
= 3.6 ×1.004× (477 − 293) = 665 kW
WT = m(h3 − h4 ) = mC p (T3 − T4 )
= 3.6 ×1.004× (1273 − 782) = 1775 kW

The power output is WOut = WT − WC = 1775 − 665 = 1110 kW or 1488 hp

ii) The back-work ratio follows:

WC 665
BWR = = = 0.425 or 42.5%
WT 1565

iii) The heat rate transferred from the cycle is

QOut = m(h4 − h1 ) = mC p (T4 − T1 )

= 3.6×1.004× (782 − 293) =1767 kW
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iv) The cycle efficiency is found to be

Output 1110
η cycle = = = 0.385 or 38.5%
Input 2877

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