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Franais 9A

Mr. Bilykh

June 2015 Final Exam Outline

A. Oral/Aural Section. The oral evaluation will take place in class, during
the last week of classes and consist of the following:
1. Oral presentations
2. Listening Comprehension
B. Written Section.
The written exam will consist of the following sections:
1. Multiple choice (15) (adjectives, direct and indirect object
pronouns, relative pronouns, pass compos and imparfait, direct
object agreement with past participle, si clauses, future simple,
futur proche, conditionnel prsent, pronom demonstratif)
2. Pronouns (8): y,en, direct and indirect object pronouns in the same
3. Relative pronouns (5)
4. Si clauses (5)
5. Present participle (6)
6. Passe compose/Imparfait (10) Small paragraph where these
tenses are used together
7. Subjonctif
8. Two short compositions (30)
9. Reading comprehension (15)

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