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Good morning, Im

And Im Sofie,
Welcome to the
bringing you the EYE
Tuesday, 12 April 2011.
In world news:
North korea has
announced more
missile tests, ratcheting
the tension levels of its

neighbors even higher.

In response to these
launches, the united
states has released a
report that shows the
country to be
prepared to defend
itself against
intercontinental missiles
launched from north
korea. Army general
Patrick Oreilly is
confident that, based
on the data the army

recently gathered
through tests of the
system, the coast of
the u.s. is safe from the
worst of missile attack.
2nd news (world news) :
Former vice president
Dick Cheney surprised
many of his fellows in
the GOP by
announcing he was
tolerant of gay
marriage by saying: if

thats what people in

the state want, thats
fine by me. Cheney is
making a media circuit
with his daughter,
discussing their
collaboration on his
new memoir. On the
tour hes discussed his
stance on issues
ranging from Barack
competence to
saddams involvement

in November 9th, but

his commentary on the
gay marriage
controversy is sure to
draw the most
attention from fellow
republicans. His stance
also puts him to the left
of current president
barack obama who
recently signed a
declaration for gay,
lesbian, bi-sexual and
transgender month

that endorses civil

unions over traditional
The next news is the
entertainment world,
will be read by
Thank you Sofie.
Its summer and that
means its time for the
exposition, or E3 for

short. Recently
microsoft wowed
audiences by unveiling
project natal. Natal is
a motion capture
system that allows you
to control your games
through natural motion
without a controller.
The system is billed as a
revolution, and has
received funding and
support from visionary
director, Steven

Speilburg. The date

that natal will launch is
still under wraps
however, but im sure
many of us cant wait
to get our hands on it.
And the last news is
came from our young
national actress, Nikita
Willy. Nikita Willy who
recently dived in to the
recording industry, says
she would like to

dance for her next

This 16-year-old girl has
released two singles.
God willing, I would
really like my next
single to have some
dancing in it, she said
on Wednesday as
quoted by
Nikita, who stars in
soap opera Putri yang

Ditukar, said she liked

dancing and had
been practicing with
an instructor. I have
liked dancing for a
long time and I have
joined hip-hop dance
classes in a gym and I
was really happy to be
taught to dance for a
commercial, she said.
Nikita draws inspiration

from Barbados-born
singer, Rihanna.
And thats the EYE ON
THE NEWS for this
Thanks for joining us
See you later on the
early show
Im Sofie
And Im Belinda
Have a great day

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