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Was Mohenjo-Daro a Civilization or Not?



Social Structure


Stable Food Supply



The people of Mohenjo-Daro used
scales to weigh grain and use it to
trade and as money. Farmers had
granaries that were theirs. So
possibilities are that the grains
were collected as taxes.

The Great Bath (shown in the pic)

is a place where people of
Mohenjo-Daro went to bathe.
Although, this bath was also
believed to be used for religious
rituals like bathing rituals. People
also cam here to relax.

The houses of Mohejo-Daro were a

symbol of social structure. The
poor lived in smaller houses, the
richer citizens lived in the larger,
more bigger houses. This shows
that they were having a social

A form of technology that

Mohenjo-Daro had is the
sewer system. They had
pipes that carried waste
away from houses and
bathrooms. Deep wells were
made to catch rain water.

This clay model shows that farmers

traded their crops with people in the
city's market. This shows that the
crops that were grown were bought
by citizens to keep a stable food
supply. Without the crops they
wouldn't have enough food.

This statue shows a "priestking". This shows how the

king dresses up and how they
look. He has a noble
appearance that shows he is

These seals have been found

in Mohenjo-Daro. They have
writing and drawings on them,
some with people and different
animals. They might've been
good luck charms worn around
their necks.

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