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Attitudes towards Cultural Diversity in Indonesia

Cultural diversity is our nation's wealth. We must be proud of the diverse culture in Indonesia. The
regional cultural diversity produces our national culture. Our national culture is the identity of our nation
which distinguishes it from the cultures of other countries.
A side from being proud, we must respect each other, respect and preserve the culture and ethnicity of
other regions. We must not think of our own ethnic culture as the best. We have to preserve other regional
cultures so that the national culture is maintained.
A side from preserving local culture, we must also respect the diversity of existing cultures. The goal is
that the culture of the Indonesian nation remains sustainable. Preserving the national culture must be carried
out with full awareness and without coercion. So, the diversity of ethnic groups and cultures in Indonesia can
unite the nation.
Ways to respect regional cultural diversity are as follows.
a. Appreciating other regional cultural performances. For example, the ondel-ondel show that comes from the
Betawi Tribe.
b. Praising the beauty of other regional dances. For example, praising the regional dance performances at
c. Wearing and caring for the traditional fabrics or clothes from other region.
d. Learning about other regional cultures. For example, learning how to make batik.

5. The Influence of Human-Environment Interaction in Economics

The natural environment in each area is different. The natural resources available in each natural
environment also vary. Humans use natural resources to fulfill their daily needs. The needs of human life can
be met through economic activities. Economic activities are activities to obtain goods and services in order to
meet human needs to achieve prosperity/welfare.
Economic activity is a form of natural environmental interaction and social interaction. In economic
activities, the community processes natural resources that exist in natural environment. In processing natural
resources, humans cannot do it alone. Humans work together with other humans to produce goods and
services that are needed daily. This collaboration shows the existence of social interaction in the community.
Social interaction can also be created when the natural resources in an area cannot meet the needs of the
community. People in these areas will look for natural resources and people in other areas. Furthermore,
there will be interactions between people in one area and people in other areas.
Natural environmental interactions and social interactions in an effort to meet the needs of life will
affect the economic activities of the community. This interaction occurs in all regions in Indonesia so that the
economic activities of the community are diverse. There an effect of human interaction with the environment
in the economic field.
There are various types of natural environment around us, including beaches, lowlands, and highlands.
Human interaction with the natural environment is manifested by economic activities that utilize natural

The following are various community economic activities in utilizing natural resources.

a. Community economic activities in coastal areas

The coast becomes the border area between land and sea. Abundant marine products such as fish,
shrimp, squid, and seaweed are marine resources that are being used by people. They work as fishermen,
shrimp farmers and seaweed farmers.
Beaches in Indonesia have a beauty that has been recognized by the world community. Therefore,
many beaches in Indonesia are crowded with tourists, both domestic and foreign. Gradually the beach
became a tourist attraction. It becomes a source livelihood within the surrounding community. They work
as tour guides, innkeepers, souvenir sellers, and restaurant owners at tourist attractions. The souvenirs and
food sold at the restaurant comes from the sea also.

b. Community economic activities in lowland areas

The lowlands have fertile soils that are used by the community for agricultural activities. Agricultural
activities suitable to be carried out in lowland areas are planting rice and plantation crops such as corn,
coconut, oil palm and rubber. Therefore, the livelihood of most people in the lowlands is farming.
Apart from having a fertile land, the lowlands are also broad and flat. This condition makes moving
people and the transportation of goods and services easier. Not only that, residential areas are also easy to
build. The ease of development activities for various facilities has made the lowlands develop into centers
for community activities.
As a center of activity, the lowland areas have many people in various regions. The various types of
necessities of living are also available in this area. The necessities of living for the community are
available in both traditional and modern markets. Various types of work were created, for example, a
factory employee, a shop assistant, a private employee, or a driver.

c. Community economic activities in the high lands

The highlands have fertile soil and cool air. This condition is suitable for plantation activities.
Plantation activities can be carried out individually or in groups. Some people grow vegetables and fruits
on their own plantation land. These plants include tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, broccoli.
Apart from being owned by individuals, many plantations are also owned by companies. Plantation
crops owned by the company include tea, cloves, coffee and tobacco. Large land requires a lot of labor.
Many local people work in the plantation.
Apart from being suitable for plantation activities, the highlands are also suitable for animal
husbandry. Animals suitable for breeding in highland areas are cows. Cows are raised for milk. There are
also cows that are raised for their meat and skin.

It can be concluded that the effect of human interaction with the environment in the economic field is
the variety of livelihoods of Indonesian people. The community has different livelihoods according to the
natural resources in the surrounding environment. In doing one’s job, someone interacts with other people.
Therefore, it creates cooperation between community members to fulfill their daily needs.

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