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Conceptual Framework for BSN Program

Lynlee Gayle, Melissa Jones, Tiffany McClendon,

Bethany Rudolph, Latonya Ruiz

The University of Texas at Tyler - College of Nursing and Health


This conceptual framework is directed toward
the curriculum development of a BSN
Degree Nursing Program. This programs
curriculum has a basis in Caring and
Constructivism influenced by Jean Watsons
Caring Theory and both David Kolb and
Roger Frys Experiential Learning Model. The
integration of ideas allows for and promotes
critical thinking as well as holistic health
practices through didactic knowledge and
interpersonal growth and enlightenment
(Pettigrew, 2015).

Caring is at the core of all aspects of nursing.
There are ten clinical caritas processes that are
key to Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring,
which brings light to everything in life being
connected by energy and exchanges. They
attribute ideal nursing to being able to know and
care for oneself first, in order to holistically care
for the patient (Sitzman, 2007). Another key
element to Waton's caring theory is the
transpersonal caring relationship. This ideal
focuses internally on the self, and connecting
with the other person in a present and caring
way (Sitzman, 2007). This relationship seeks to
validate the other person by acknowledging them
as a whole person, and their connection to
themselves and their surroundings. Watson's
theory aims to promote caring as a "state of
being", not an action. (p.10, Sitzman, 2007)


Experimental Thinking
Kolbs and Frys learning theory defines
experiential learning as: the process
whereby knowledge is created through the
transformation of experience and is
continuous (Kolb 1984). This model
portrays a cycle consisting of four stages
including: concrete experience, reflective
observation, abstract conceptualization, and
active experimentation. (Oerman, 2015)
This enables the learner to feel, reflect,
think, and act. Although this is the order of
the cycle, the learner is able to begin at any
of the four parts of the process. The theory
is ongoing and requires cognitive and
affective behaviors, which are required in
nursing education. The experience
obtained from Kolb and Frys theory has
proven to help graduates develop their
social and human relation skills, and also
helps to improve students career prospects
following graduation. (Chan, 2012).


Holistic Healthcare

Meaningful Learning
Critical Thinking
Integration of Theories in
Nursing and knowledge into a
single curriculum base
The ability of students to link
new information to existing
knowledge facilitates critical
thinking skills
Promotion of transpersonal
teaching- learning becomes
engaging in genuine teachingCaring
learning experience that
attends to unity of being and Jean Watsons Caring
meaning (Watson, 2014)
Promotes core values of
Kolb and Frys Experiential
health/health care such as:
Learning Model
Experiences Self worth

Interaction, collaboration, cooperation, dialogue
and discourse are key concepts in facilitating
understanding of educational activities (Chabeli,
2010) A learning environment will be provided
to promote understanding through interaction
and experience while providing students tools
to care holistically for patients and promote
positive healing environments.

Case studies
Field trips

Create healing environments

Positive Affirmations
Mindfulness practices

(Lachman, 2012)
(Pettigrew, 2015)
(Watson, 2014)

Chabeli, M. (2010). Concept-mapping as a teaching method to facilitate critical thinking in nursing education: a review of the literature. Health SA
Gesondheid, 15(1), 70-

76. doi:10.4102/hsag.v15i1.432

Chan, C. Y. (2012). Exploring an experiential learning project through Kolb's Learning Theory using a qualitative research method. European Journal Of
Engineering Education, 37(4), 405-415.
Company.Watson, J. (2014). Jean Watsons theory of human caring. In Section V: Grand theories about care or caring. Retrieved from
Kolb, D.A., 1984. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Lachman, V. (2012). Applying the ethics of care to your nursing practice, MEDSURG Nursing, 21(2), 112-114. Retrieved from
Oermann, M. H. (2015). Learning and Students. In Teaching in nursing and role of the educator: The complete guide to best practice in teaching, evaluation
and curriculum development (pp. 15-31). New York, NY: Springer Publishing
Pettigrew, A. (2015). Learning and students. In M.H Oermann (Eds.), Teaching in nursing and role of the educator: The complete guide to best practice in
teaching, evaluation, and curriculum development (15-33). New York, NY: Spring Publishing Company.
Sitzman, K. (2007). Teaching-learning professional caring based on Jean Watsons Theory of Human Caring. International Journal for Human Caring, 11(4),

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