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This emoji is just the perfect
response for anything.

A cause of death and

excitement in NovemberDecember

The queen finally has her own


It just looks like a butt which

makes it funny.

You can clearly see that its a

poop. Just something to add to
almost any text.

They think I was laughing when

I wasnt

My reaction to everything

My response to everything
when I dont have anything to

When you have a question but

dont know how to say it.

Just add this after your burn I

dont know. It just seems cool

My weird emoji story: ==(:-)= is a q:-) who is also a C=:-). He can \:D/ with @=).
He does not :& and is a (",). He is also :), < }, 8(>_<)8, and :*)O. Hes not -.- but
>=(. [-_-]~ now is :)] with ==(:-)= , :v, \%%%/, and ('.'). They all :-@ at the (t). :<
but still :-)). Now they :-w while one plays [x]. *\o/* because this is almost over
now :#. FIN

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