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Child: Juju

Date: March 2015

Written by: T. Natasha
This morning T. Maysoon joined us for group time and kindly made cheese
with all the over two children. Making cheese takes a significant amount of
time, the beginning of which involved you sitting, listening and watching to
understand the ingredients and how it was going to work. You sat up straight
with arms crossed smiling with excitement occasionally you would stand full
of anticipation before sitting back down. I heard you exclaim ME! with a
raised hand when T. Maysoon asked who would like to stir. After the
experience I asked you about it and you told me with a massive grin how the
glove was like an udder and began laughing while pretending to milk a cow.
Review of learning
While being exposed to the new concept of cheese making alongside your
peers you were developing many essential positive leaning dispositions that
will be a great asset to you teno pai! I was most impressed with how you
managed your impulsivity although very excited! When you volunteered to help
you were displaying great confidence, while being involved and interested
demonstrated courage and trust. By reflecting and revisiting your learning with
me you were applying past knowledge making connections of milking cows
with milk from supermarkets and even how babies drink from mothers.
Juju your math concepts of number, fraction, colour, shape, volume, time were
supported and extended as well as your science concepts of heat,
floating/sinking, cause and effect.
Where to next?
We will continue to offer you nutritional sessions as well
as incorporate math and science concepts in to your play.
I noticed throughout this experience your enjoyment of
tactile exploration and will plan for this, especially nature
to support developing working theories of your world.

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