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Questions for rhetorically analyzing your groups chosen website:

1. The umbrella genre here is website. Does your website fit into a sub-genre?
What? Why?
2. Who is the author of the website? Is it one person, or a design/marketing
firm? A combo? How do you know?
3. Who is the target audience of this website? How do you know?
4. What is the purpose of this website? (HINT: this may tie back in with its
5. Which of the 5 modes does the author use? What do you think is the most
effective mode/combination of modes, and why?
6. How does this website appeal to you?
a. Ethically? Does the author establish a strong ethos? That is, what kind
of character does the author present in/bring to this website? Do you
trust this author? Why or why not?
b. Pathetically? Does the author appeal to pathos? That is, does he/she
appeal to your emotions? How?
c. Logistically? Does the author appeal to logos? That is, does he/she
present information in a logical way? How?

Remember to consider the overall rhetorical context. (e.g. If the author is trying to
sell you something, does that change how you read the website?)

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