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Opportunity Fund Committee,

Respected Committee Members,
This is to extend my intent to avail the opportunity fund in order to
ease the financial burden on my father at the time of severe
financial crisis facing my family. My name is Abdul Subhan
Mohammed (Z1761901) doing MS in MIS at NIU. I started my course
this semester (Spring 2015).
My father was employed as a Supervisor in an insurance company in
Saudi Arabia earning $1500 a month. He couldnt get proper
education because of family reasons, it is here when he dreamt of
providing quality education to his children. He stays away from us
and meets us only once a year for the realization of his dream.
Recently, a company where he has been working for past 27 years
had terminated him due to economic crisis facing the company. My
father who is aged 60 is unable to find a suitable job. I being the
eldest son in the family, we have no means to pay the fee, which
has gone past its deadline. In this desperate time of need, I have
being trying to find an on-campus job so that I could manage my
expenses and help pay my fee, which has not yet been fruitful.
I would not only benefit from the funds financially but I shall
contribute in every possible means to the University. I request you
to kindly consider me for any assistance that can be provided in my
hard time which would help me in continuing my education further.
I anticipate and look forward for a reply from the committee with a
positive response, which could provide some relief to my family.
Please let me know if you require any other details.
Thank You,
Yours sincerely,
Abdul Subhan Mohammed
P.S Attached along is the termination letter of my father as
requested by the committee

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