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1) I do not know (C is wrong for sure)````````b

3 I do not know (B is wrong for sure), may be E because the doctor should be
sure that his patient want to quite before giving him advices ?? who knows??
4 D (selectin loose binding on endothelial cells.. See FA pathology section)
5 F (riketssia Rx tetracycline)
7 B (horner syndrome)
8 B (avascular necrosis--medial femoral circumflex = memorisation)
9 C (why not anticholinergic?? cause vagus stimulate G cell by GRP= gastrin
releasing petptide, not ACTh see FA gastroenterlogy section).
10 D spherocytosis. not pale centre in RBC+ unconjugated bilirubin
11B (vinblastin+ vincristine + paclitaxel work on microtubules first two
decreasepolymerisation , taxols does not let microtubules break down so the
cell is fixed in metaphase I think :) )

12 B
13 B (avoid eye contact = kind of autist but normal inteligence, asperger is
kind of autism )```````a
14 F not sure( NNT = 1 / (Control Event Rate) - (Experimental Event Rate) -->
15 E
16 A


17 A
18 D (cigarette smokes in winter so i guess windows are close CO poisening)
19 A parietal cell destruction ---> intrinsic factor low ---> megaloblastic
20 A (not sure , D is wrong for sure)
21 A (klinfelter)
22 E ???a??d
23 A (it"s an antagonist of acethylcholine uses in asthma)
24 E
25 A leuprilide continous stimulation of gonad lead to decrease secretion of
sexe hormone (androgene is our cible in this case)
26 C
27 E (first see PH, is decreased means acidosis, she is hyperventilation
means respiration started the compensatory process, after 2 days I think, the
kidney will start also puting HCO3 in the blood and sectreting with the urine
H+ .. NH4CL is a titrable acide means like a boat to put H+ in to send out of
the body)
28 mystery question for me I could not even know the diagnosis (A is wrong)
may be C just because intestine are involved :), no rational reason , please
hepl to figure out the diagnosis````````c
29 C 2 isoenzyme means the work on the same familly of molecules . enzyme
1 is faster (300) than enzyme 2 (30) . why ? becasue the affinity of enzyme 1
is greater than enzyme 2. mmeans you need less amount of enzyme 1 then

enzyme 2 (Km)
30 C
31 A
32 F (it is about apoptosis BCL2/Akt. you can google it but I am not sure)
33 B almost sure (external validity means can you generate the result to all
patients in this study the reaaly choose a very representative population with
inssurance and without, different gendre different socioeconomic status. so
you ac apply the result of the study on all type of patients).
34 B (infliximab is MAB for TNF)
35 C (I think in spontaneus pneumothorax you will not hear respiration at all
and why will be wheezes?)
36 E (transpantation ---> CMV= virus = T lymphocytes)
37 A
38 may be D (C is wrong) 3 years 20 words: there is a prob here. MRI is
expensive to start with I think :-)
39 A
40 D angiotensine converting enzyme is synthesises in the lung (I think the
buzz word here is directly mediated may be...)
41 D
42 E (it is not about humerus or shoulder:so B or E she did not fall just
grabbed hand and no edema)
43 D not sure ( portal hypertention )
44 C (nitroglycerine dilate veins ans arteriol via NO)
45 C alzheimer
46 C
47 E (no change after desmopressin )
48 not F (weekness = motor, atrophy = lower MN . left =left decussation of
pyramid al tract is in the medullae) ````g
49 D (no mitosis no necrosis+ most common GYN tumor )

50 F (steroid liposoluble acces to the cell and the nucleous).

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