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Michaela Dooley

6 April 2015
Project 2-Outline
Clencher: Walt Disney introduction video and soundtrack

Disney movies
o VCR- Examples of things we watched as children.
o Personal story from childhood about ignoring commercials


Question to the audience

o How many of them own a computer or television?
Artifact 1: Graph
o Number of Television Households in the United States from
the 2011 Season to the 2014 Season as Reported by Pew

Research Center
Types of media
o Television-examples of commercials on tv.
o Advertisements-promoting the purchase of a product
o Movies- how they influence society
o Music- impact it has on speech and actions
Examples of each types of media
How they influence society


Sum up and end with a proposal

-only you can choose what to believe, how to act and what
you say
-you choose your own actions

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