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How does your media product

represent particular social groups?

opening sequence is

Since our

pranks and the aspect of the pranks no longer being a joke,

but deadly. We decide our cast should reflect both aspects of
not only a serious matter but a social act that was initially for
humour. We tried to ensure that our concept was able to link
with the characters and cast, by finding suitable ages to play
the roles. Therefore we centred our characters around the ages
of teenagers 13+, as pranks are usually more of an immature
act which is normally done by teens for fun. However with our
twist on the prank theme and it turning out to have negative
repercussions our characters social group was based on later
teens 15-17. Through diegetic speech we were able to make
the characters stereotypical to the age by them using slag
words such as bruv. Also due to mise-en -scene and the mid
shots and long shots used we were able to see their location
and direction as they walked through a forest like area as a
short cut. This relates back to the idea of teens being careless
as the characters walk through a secluded area. Their costume
was also very casual and common to what teens today would
wear, such as beanies, t- shirts, jeans and hoddies. This all ties
in to our stereotypical teenage group of friends who are out on
a social day event.

Our Main Character:

Sarah (played by
Scevcan Kelebeck)
With our main character Sarah we
were trying to create an image of
how a strong girl could be broken
down and destroyed by
unexplainable situations. Sarah was
the character who was the more
cautious one about what was
happening around her but due to
her careless teenage personality
and irresponsible behaviour she was
abducted by the attacker. Sarah
costume was very neutral for her
being a girl as she wore camouflage
pants, a black hooded jacket and a beanie. Her makeup was
very light as she was only wearing mascara this adding back to
the feminine side of her character, as we tried to represent
both genders through Sarah by her costume and personality,
even though she is a girl.

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