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Thinking is a Skill by Edward De Bono:

The author says that thinking is a skill which can be developed and not in-born.
He does so by 1st giving an example of how thinking has helped to solve a few things,
1. Adding 1 to 100
Well of course it can be done by the formula n*(n+1)/2 but if you do not know the
formula then you can do this
1+100 = 101
2+99 = 101
Carrying this
49+52 = 101
50+51 =101
Hence if we take the above series in mind and do this 101*50 times will give us 5050 i.e.
the answer.
2. He gave an example of light and heavier object which would fall 1st??
The answer is as explained


Light ball converted into the same substance as heavy ball but of same weight as light

The heavy is now broken into 4 balls same as that of light weight ball.

Now even if we join them wouldnt they all fall at the same time, hence heavy ball and
light ball fall at the same time.

This is how thinking simplifies things.

For this particular concept you dont need any knowledge of physics just simple thinking.
The rest will be explained in the next document.

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