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Home learning for KR

Sight words for the
has because

Digraphs for the

zz ng

Please read with your child for 10 minutes every night and do one activity a
night. You can come back to some activities more than once.
From a deck of cards
Complete the sight word
Where do you hear the
(or UNO cards) get the

word search attached.

sound zz and ng? Sort

1,2,3,4 cards. Play go

your words. What do you

fish to make pairs of 7.


(1 and 6 etc.)
From a deck of cards (or

Write 5 or 6 sight words

UNO cards) get out the

on small pieces of paper.

number cards.
Choose 2 cards and
practise writing and
solving number sentences.
Remember to put the
largest number first when

Now ask someone to play

with you. One person
closes their eyes. The
other person takes one of

She ate ___. How many

does she have left?
6, 2 or 12,3

word is missing? Write it

The answer is 7. What

Complete the fabulous fill

is the question? Can you

in sheet attached.

(It can be a number

Sammy has ___ grapes.

you figure out what sight

down to show them?


the problem:

the sight words away. Can


think of more than one

Choose the numbers you want to solve

Choose the numbers you want to solve

the problem:

___ children were playing

soccer, ___ were boys
and the rest were girls.
How many girls were

sentence or a word

playing soccer.

problem You can

change the number if

10, 6 or 8, 5

you want a challenge)

Remember you have 2 weeks to complete the activities.

Home Learning for the week beginning Monday May 11th , 2015
Please attach your activities and return on Monday May 25 th, 2015 .

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