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ePortfolio Revision Document

Arul Muralidharan

Title of my narrative piece: Methods vs. Instinct

Writers Memo for my narrative piece:

This piece of writing was not as good as it could have been before. However, using the RADaR method, I
was able to fix and improve the writing as a whole. I also submitted version #2 of my short story too
Fairview Ellipses because t was Ellipses material. Using the RADaR method, I was able to use more
descriptive words to make what was fake into something that was more realistic. For example, instead
of saying the light post was very dark, I used the light-post was as dark as an endless hole. This use
of a simile really helps paint how dark the light post was and achieves one of the common core standards
This piece of writing successfully achieves the common core standards for narration. Like I talked about
above, one of the best standards I improved on was my ability to make something fake into something
realistic using amazing details. For example, instead of saying the light post was very dark, I used the
light-post was as dark as an endless hole. Therefore, I successfully achieved the standards.

Version #1 of my narrative piece:

The ship sailed on the quiet, blue waters through the Alaskan night. It was no ordinary
night, the light-post was very dark, and the only light in the sea was that of an old but large ship
designed for expeditions. Aboard were twenty marine biologist students attending the University
of Alaska on an expedition to find out what had happened to a group of penguins that they had
been monitoring. However, one student was not like the others, his name was Christopher
Maximus Brown.
Christopher, or Chris, was unarguably the smartest person aboard the ship in his major of
marine biology. He was also probably the second best prepared aboard the ship in safety protocol
and on other information regarding ships. He always loved ships and found them fascinating. He
always wanted to be both a captain and a marine biologist but he had made the final decision of

becoming a marine biologist as the salary was higher and he felt that he had many of the skills
required to be one.
Christopher was out on the deck curled up in his favorite penguin blanket. He lay there
resting his head on a pillow in a very relaxed manner. However, he himself was not relaxed. He
had been made fun of once again by his ignorant classmates who probably didnt even know
what a Eudyptes Chrysolophus was or the species of penguins they were looking for in science
terms. He was just about to fall asleep when he heard a door open and a pair of footsteps emerge.
Christopher knew whose gentle footsteps they were, they were Amelias, the only other person in
the whole expedition group who actually liked him as a friend. He could recognize her just by
the way her coffee-brown shoes hit the wood. Hey there Christopher, She said softly, Im
sorry about what had happened earlier. I just wanted to let you know that I wasnt part of it and
that I stood up for you. They have no right to make fun of you. Christopher nodded slowly,
but he was too tired to reply in words.
Splash! Christopher's sprang out of his chair and turned around. A certain fear began to
submerge him. He was the only one outside of the inner part of the ship. His fear was relieved
when he got the idea that it might be a penguin. He sprang out of bed throwing his favorite
blanket on the floor and ran to the edge of the railing. He waited there for about five minutes
with no sound and returned to his chair in sheer disappointment. It wasnt long before a door
sprang open a group students sprinted to the edge of the ship. I already checked. There was
nothing, said Christopher. Hey Joey, did you hear that? Must have been the wind, shouted one
of them. They went to the railing and waited there for several moments they too not being able to
see anything out of the ordinary.

It was then when a sudden sound of wood splitting and metal denting filled everyones
ears on the boat. Someone pulled the alarm and everyone aboard began to scream and shout and
jump out of their beds. Whats going on? screamed a tired student. Christopher was scanning
the whole environment trying to figure out what could have made that horrible sound. It was
seconds before he saw the jaw-dropping scene and horrific beast. The cruise ship had crashed
into a huge iceberg that could have shredded the whole ship with ease. The iceberg was
penetrating the whole ship. It was then that Christopher saw that the captains deck was about to
be split into two. Everyone aboard knew that the captain was the only one on the whole ship who
could guide them through this. What would happen if he died? Chris didnt have time to ponder
the thought. Chris darted for the steps which led to the captains lair and threw the door open. He
was too late
Chris darted back to the deck and began shouting out commands. People were already
already messing up safety procedures. He began contemplating the most efficient actions to save
everyone aboard. People were already jumping into lifeboats with half the maximum capacity of
people. If they continued doing this, some people on the ship wouldn't be able to escape. He ran
to the bottom of the ship and began issuing commands. No one paid the slightest attention. Fear
had submerged them and they had no way of thinking through this type of situation. Chris knew
that he would have to snatch the safety kit if they planned to survive wherever they might end
up.There were only two lifeboats left and if he hurried he could probably make it on to one of
them before they left. He ran and snatched the first aid kit and survival kit from the captains
cupboard and ran to the last lifeboat. There were already the last six people crammed into the
tiny lifeboat but Chris jumped in. Shore was only about fifty meters away to everyone's

advantage. They may have gotten lucky this one time, but if they were going to survive in the
forests of Alaska, they would have to rely on more than just luck.
It was early morning by the time everyone reached the shores of Alaska. A crew of people
would probably start looking for them first thing in about a day or two as this expedition was
supposed to be a very short one and Alaskan safety procedures were very strict. However, a day
or two was a very long time and most of the expedition group werent even the slightest prepared
for an emergency like this.
The whole group eventually gathered together, and miraculously, only the captain of the
ship had been lost not to put down the captain. All twenty of the students had survived and had
made it to shore. It was not too long before commotion arose and the tiredness of the students
escaped and reality took them over.
I say we start setting up a tent and campfire, said one of the students.
Yeah, lets go grab some wood, replied another.
No no no, We must first grab food. We are going to have to stay here for a couple days and I
remember reading in several places that food and a shelter are essential for surviving in the
wilderness, remarked Chris with a slight bit of excitement. He had always been the nerdy kid
who kept reading and reading about ships, the ocean, science, math, and survival skills and this
was finally his chance to take advantage of the skills.
Yeah who put you in charge? shouted one of the students who had been making fun of Chris
for how much of a nerd he was.
No one, but it would be the smartest thing to do, muttered Chris.
He has a point, replied another student.
We will start by finding food. We have a large group of 20 luckily, ordered Chris.

He spotted a group of five who looked fit for the job of hunting and ordered them to hunt. It was
not long before the group shouted in response.
Hey! This ain't a dictatorship. How dare you order me to go do that! You little.
Woah! Stop! Calm down guys If we are going to survive today, we are going to need food.
Just do what he says whether you like it or not! ordered one of the students who had bullied
Chris last night. Chris recognized him as Joey.
Fine! shouted back one of the students in the group with utmost anger.
How can a nerd boss me around! muttered someone else in the group with a quiet voice.
The group of five left and never returned.
Alright, the rest of us should work on making a camp so that we can cook whatever food they
manage to find when they come back, said Chris.
The rest of the group nodded even though they didnt feel too enthusiastic about Chris, one of the
kids they always didnt like, bossing them around. However, everyone knew through his skills
and reading, that he just might be the one to get them to safety.
In a couple hours a sturdy camp was built with wooden walls made out of the logs that
surrounded them. However, the group of five was still not back and fear began spreading among
the group. Chris tried to comfort the group but it was hopeless. The group was already
recovering from the recent crash of the ship as they had had no time to think the situation
through with full thought.
We dont let fear dictate our actions! We must use all of our skills including out
thoughtful actions and not our instincts to survive the night! There was a reason I read all those
books and prepared for all those things that probably would never happen. Its because you
always have to be prepared for whatever may arise. Its my form of general knowledge. I can

promise you that help will be here tomorrow morning but that makes tonight no easier, shouted
Chris hoping to motivate the group.
I agree, listen to him guys. We have no other way of surviving! said the same man who had
stood up for Chris and had bullied him last night, Joey.
It was when the sun rose up, that the group began to start formulating plans and began to
start thinking the situation through with full thought. The hunting group had gone missing and
the rest of the group was starving. There was no way that the group could find the group of five
and the best that they could hope for was that they managed to find a village. No one would be
surprised if they found a village and didnt let the rest of the group now about it too. The only
option remaining was that the rest of the group go searching for something. Whether it was
getting food or learning their surroundings, the group packed up and began their hunt.
It was not too long before someone in the group said something that surprised the others.
Is that a village? Or am I hallucinating! exclaimed one of the group members. Shouts of joy
and happiness began filling the heads of every single person on the expedition crew. Sounds of
relief soon followed and the group began sprinting toward the village until their legs couldnt
manage to take them there any faster. It had only been a day but it had felt like an eternity to the
expedition crew.
It was the next day when the group left. The village had sheltered them, provided them
with food, and contacted the rescue team and all of their deeply worried parents. The Village had
taken care of the whole expedition crew and had gotten them back to their homes, but everyone
knew who the real savior wasit was Christopher Maximus Brown.
Version #2 of my narrative piece:

The ship sailed on the quiet, blue waters through the Alaskan night. It was no ordinary
night, the light-post was as dark as endless hole, and the only light in the sea was that of an old
but large ship designed for expeditions. Aboard were twenty marine biologist students attending
the University of Alaska on an expedition to find out what had happened to a group of penguins
that they had been monitoring.
Christopher, or Chris, was unarguably the smartest person aboard the ship. He was also
probably the second best prepared aboard the ship in safety protocol and on other information
regarding ships. He always loved ships and found them fascinating. He always wanted to be both
a captain and a marine biologist but he had made the final decision of becoming a marine
biologist as the salary was higher and his parents forced him to.
Christopher was out on the deck curled up in his favorite penguin blanket. He lay there
resting his head on a pillow in a very relaxed manner. However, he himself was not relaxed. He
had been made fun of once again by his ignorant classmates who probably didnt even know
what a Eudyptes Chrysolophus was or the species of penguins they were looking for in science
terms. He was just about to fall asleep when he heard a door open and a pair of footsteps emerge.
Christopher knew whose gentle footsteps they were. They were Amelias, the only other person
in the whole expedition group who actually liked him as a friend. He could recognize her just by
the way her coffee-brown shoes hit the wood. Hey there Christopher, She said softly, Im
sorry about what had happened earlier. I just wanted to let you know that I wasnt part of it and
that I stood up for you. They have no right to make fun of you. Christopher nodded slowly,
but he was too tired to reply in words.
Splash! Christopher's sprang out of his chair and turned around. A certain fear began to
submerge him. He was the only one outside of the ship. His fear was relieved when he got the

idea that it might be a penguin. He sprang out of bed throwing his favorite blanket on the floor
and ran to the edge of the railing. He waited there for about five minutes with no sound and
returned to his chair in sheer disappointment. It wasnt long before a door sprang open a group
students sprinted to the edge of the ship. I already checked. There was nothing, said
Christopher. Hey Joey, did you hear that? Must have been the wind, shouted one of them. They
went to the railing and waited there for several moments they too not being able to see anything
out of the ordinary.
It was then when a sudden sound of wood splitting and metal denting filled everyones
ears on the boat. Someone pulled the alarm and everyone aboard began to scream and shout and
jump out of their beds. Whats going on? screamed a tired student. Christopher was scanning
the whole environment trying to figure out what could have made that horrible sound. It was
seconds before he saw the jaw-dropping scene and horrific beast. The ship had crashed into a
huge iceberg that could shred the whole ship with ease. The iceberg was penetrating the whole
ship. It was then that Christopher saw that the captains deck was about to be split into two.
Everyone aboard knew that the captain was the only one on the whole ship who could guide
them through this. What would happen if he died? Chris didnt have time to ponder the thought.
Chris darted for the steps which led to the captains lair and threw the door open. He was too
Chris darted back to the deck and began shouting out commands. People were already
already messing up safety procedures. He began contemplating the most efficient actions to save
everyone aboard. People were already jumping into lifeboats with only two or three out of the
five spots. If they continued doing this, some people on the ship wouldn't be able to escape. He
ran to the bottom of the ship and began issuing commands. No one paid the slightest attention.

Fear had submerged them and they had no way of thinking through this type of situation. Chris
knew that he would have to snatch the safety kit if they planned to survive wherever they might
end up. There were only two lifeboats left and if he hurried he could probably make it on to one
of them before they left. He ran and snatched the first aid kit and survival kit from the captains
cupboard and ran to the last lifeboat. There were already the last six people crammed into the
tiny lifeboat but Chris jumped in. Shore was only about fifty meters away to everyone's
advantage. They may have gotten lucky this one time, but if they were going to survive in the
icey forests of Alaska, they would have to rely on more than just luck.
It was early mourning by the time everyone reached the shores of Alaska. A crew of
people would probably start looking for them first thing in about a day or two as this expedition
was supposed to be a very short one and Alaskan safety procedures were very strict. However, a
day or two was a very long time and most of the expedition group werent even the slightest
prepared for an emergency like this.

The whole group eventually gathered together, and miraculously, only the captain of the
ship had been lost not to put down the captain. All twenty of the students had survived and had
made it to shore. It was not too long before commotion arose and the tiredness of the students
escaped and reality took over.
I say we start setting up a tent and campfire, said one of the students.
Yeah, lets go grab some wood, replied another.
No no no, We must first grab food. We are going to have to stay here for a couple days and I
remember reading in several places that food and a shelter are essential for surviving in the
wilderness, remarked Chris with a slight bit of excitement. He had always been the nerdy kid

who kept reading and reading about ships, the ocean, science, math, and survival skills and this
was finally his chance to take advantage of the skills.
Yeah who put you in charge? shouted one of the students who had been making fun of Chris
for how much of a nerd he was.
No one, but it would be the smartest thing to do, muttered Chris.
He has a point, replied another student.
We will start by finding food. We have a large group of 20 luckily, ordered Chris.
He spotted a group of five who looked fit for the job of hunting and ordered them to hunt. It was
not long before the group shouted in response.
Hey! This ain't a dictatorship. How dare you order me to go do that! You little.
Woah! Stop! Calm down guys If we are going to survive today, we are going to need food.
Just do what he says whether you like it or not! ordered one of the students who had bullied
Chris last night. Chris recognized him as Joey.
Fine! shouted back one of the students in the group with utmost anger.
How can a nerd boss ME around! muttered someone else in the group with a quiet voice.
The group of five left and never returned.
Alright, the rest of us should work on making a camp so that we can cook whatever food they
manage to find when they come back, said Chris.
The rest of the group nodded even though they didnt feel too enthusiastic about Chris, one of the
kids they always didnt like, bossing them around. However, everyone knew through his skills
and reading, that he just might be the one to get them to safety.
In a couple hours a sturdy camp was built with wooden walls made out of the logs that
surrounded them. However, the group of five was still not back and fear began spreading among

the group. Chris tried to comfort the group but it was hopeless. The group was already
recovering from the recent crash of the ship as they had had no time to think the situation
through with full thought.
We dont let fear dictate our actions! We must use all of our skills including out
thoughtful actions and not our instincts to survive the night! There was a reason I read all those
books and prepared for all those things that probably would never happen. Its because you
always have to be prepared for whatever may arise. Its my form of general knowledge. I can
promise you that help will be here tomorrow morning but that makes tonight no easier, argued
Chris hoping to motivate the group.
I agree, listen to him guys. We have no other way of surviving... said the same man who had
stood up for Chris and had bullied him last night, Joey.

It was when the sun rose up, that the group began to start formulating plans and began to
start thinking the situation through with full thought. The hunting group had gone missing and
the rest of the group was starving. There was no way that the group could find the group of five
and the best that they could hope for was that they managed to find a village. No one would be
surprised if the group of five found a village and didnt let the rest of the group now about it too.
The only option remaining was that the rest of the group go searching for something. Whether it
was getting food or learning their surroundings, the group packed up and began their hunt.
It was not too long before someone in the group said something that surprised the others.
Is that a village? Or am I hallucinating! exclaimed one of the group members. Shouts of joy
and happiness began filling the heads of every single person on the expedition crew. Sounds of
relief soon followed and the group began sprinting toward the village until their legs couldnt

manage to take them there any faster. It had only been a day but it had felt like an eternity to the
expedition crew.
It was the next day when the group left. The village had sheltered them, provided them
with food, and contacted the rescue team and all of their deeply worried parents. The Village had
taken care of the whole expedition crew and had gotten them back to their homes, but everyone
knew who the real savior wasit was Christopher Brown.


Title of my informative/explanatory piece: Romeo And Juliet: Womens Rights and Social

Writers Memo for my informative/explanatory piece:

During a limited amount of time, I was able to successfully put together a piece of writing.
However, using the RADaR method, I was able to improve my writing further and add more details. For
example, I changed bad language to horrid language, which is a much more appropriate word.

This piece of writing, successfully demonstrates and meets the common core standards
because I was able to inform the readers about how bad womens rights were back in the 1500s.
I used over 6 concrete examples of textual evidence from the book, and was able to inform the
readers about the attitude that men use on women and also how they talk about women.
Therefore, this piece of writing successfully exceeds the common core standards for informative

Version #1 of my informative/explanatory piece:

Shakespeare, without having any future knowledge of our society, managed to portray
multiple social issues throughout the story including killing for revenge, suicide, abusive parents,
and womens rights, which can arguably be one of the most important relevant social issues to

todays society. Through Romeo and Juliet, a play written by Shakespeare, we see how horribly
women were treated and talked about by the general society. These days, women are by no
means treated as badly as in the 1500s, but in many places aside from the U.S., women still lack
a multitude of rights that men are granted to by birth.

We first see this treatment of women in Romeo and Juliet in the first scene of act one
where The Montagues and Capulets say completely horrifying things about women that are
treated like jokes or fun-talk in the minds of the Montagues and Capulets. While Gregory and
Sampson are walking through the streets of Verona, and Sampson jokingly talks about what he
will do with Montagues maids. Tis true, and therefore women being the weaker vessels are
ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montagues men from the wall, and thrust his maids
to the wall.(I.i.(14-16). Based off of the language used in the quote, we can clearly see how
women were talked about in the 1500s. Gregory uses words such as ...and thrust his maids to
the wall which in reality, mean rape. It is not only the Capulets who make use of this language
regarding women, This is not the only part of the play in which horrible language is used, later in
the play, when Mercutio is mocking Romeo and his love for Rosaline, he uses sexual, offensive
words regarding Rosaline as well.
And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit
As maids call medlars, when they laugh alone.
O Romeo, that she were, O that she were
An open-arse, thou a poprin pear!
Mercutio uses very offensive language regarding Rosaline through this passage. To comfort
Romeo, he uses language such as open-arse to say that Romeo should have forcefully had sex

with Rosaline. If someone said this in modern society, he would be severely punished for sexual
abuse. This goes to show how badly women were treated in the 1500s and how much rights for
women have improved. Even though womens rights have not been completely fixed, they have
improved greatly.

Women are not only talked about with bad language, but are also treated with the utmost
disrespect. An example of where women are treated badly is in Act three scene five in which
Lord Capulet is angered about Juliets decision to not marry Paris and threatens to abuse her.
Gods bred, it makes me mad! Day, night, work, play.
Thursday is near, lay hand on heart, advise:
And you be mine, Ill give you to my friend;
And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets.
Through the language that Lord Capulet uses against Juliet, we can see how Lord Capulet feels
likes he has the power to threaten and abuse Juliet, just for the mere reason that Juliet refuses to
marry Paris, who her parents have essentially forced her to marry. Back then, women didnt have
the power to chose who they wanted to marry, and therefore lacked many rights that men had by
birth. This applies to todays society as well because in many places aside from the U.S., women
face of the everyday challenges of not being able to marry who they wish and also having to
overcome harsh language and threats as seen in the play.

All in all, women were treated very badly in the 1500s during the time in which Romeo
and Juliet was written. Just during casual talks, words expressing rape would come up without
the slightest bit of seriousness, and women lacked the ability to chose who they wanted to marry,

and had to go through great lengths to preserve this right that all women deserve to have for
being human. Womens rights have been getting better exponentially through a series of
documents, protests, speeches, etc. and Shakespeare helps us to understand one of the worlds
most relevant social issues in the 1500s and in the modern society.

MLA Citations
William Shakespeare - New York - Cambridge University Press - 1998 - 2nd Ed. - ISBN:

Version #2 of my informative/explanatory piece:

Shakespeare, without having any future knowledge of our society, managed to portray
multiple social issues throughout the story: killing for revenge, suicide, abusive parents, and
womens rights. Womens rights can arguably be one of the most important relevant social issues
to todays society. Through Romeo and Juliet, a play written by Shakespeare, we see how
horribly women were treated and talked about by the general society. These days, women are by
no means treated as badly as in the 1500s, but in many places aside from the U.S., women still
lack a multitude of rights that men are granted to at birth.

We first see this treatment of women in Romeo and Juliet in the first scene of act one
where The Montagues and Capulets joke and use completely horrifying language about women
that are treated like jokes or fun-talk in the minds of the Montagues and Capulets. While Gregory
and Sampson are walking through the streets of Verona, and Sampson jokingly talks about what
he will do with Montagues maids. Tis true, and therefore women being the weaker vessels are
ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montagues men from the wall, and thrust his maids

to the wall.(I.i.(14-16). We can clearly see how women were talked about in the 1500s.
Gregory uses words such as ...and thrust his maids to the wall which in reality, mean rape.. It is
not only the Capulets who make use of this language regarding women, the Montagues
especially Mercutio use this kind of language too. This is also not the only part of the play in
which horrible language is used, later in the play, when Mercutio is mocking Romeo and his love
for Rosaline, he uses sexual, offensive words regarding Rosaline as well.
And wish his mistress were that kind of fruit
As maids call medlars, when they laugh alone.
O Romeo, that she were, O that she were
An open-arse, thou a poprin pear!
Mercutio uses very offensive language regarding Rosaline through this passage. To comfort
Romeo, he uses language such as open-arse to say that Romeo should have forcefully had sex
with Rosaline. If someone said this in modern society, he would be severely punished for sexual
abuse and even sent to jail. This goes to show how badly women were treated in the 1500s and
how much rights for women have improved. Even though womens rights have not been
completely fixed in a global perspective, they have improved greatly especially in the U.S.

Women are not only talked about with horrid language, but are also treated with the
utmost disrespect by men. An example of where women are treated badly is in Act three scene
five in which Lord Capulet is angered about Juliets decision to not marry Paris and threatens to
abuse her.
Gods bred, it makes me mad! Day, night, work, play.
Thursday is near, lay hand on heart, advise:

And you be mine, Ill give you to my friend;

And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets.
Through the language that Lord Capulet uses against Juliet, we can see how Lord Capulet feels
likes he has the power to threaten and abuse Juliet just for the mere reason that Juliet refuses to
marry Paris, who her parents essentially forced her to marry. Back then, women didnt have the
power to choose who they wanted to marry unlike men, and therefore lacked many rights that
men had by birth. This applies to todays society as well because in many places aside from the
U.S., women face of the everyday challenges of not being able to marry who they wish and also
having to overcome harsh language and threats as seen in the play.

All in all, women were treated very badly in the 1500s during the time in which Romeo
and Juliet was written. Just during casual talks, words regarding rape would come up without the
slightest bit of seriousness and for a mere fight. Women lacked the ability to chose who they
wanted to marry, and had to go through great lengths to preserve this right that all women
deserve to have for being human. Womens rights have been getting better exponentially through
a series of documents, protests, speeches, etc. and Shakespeare helps us to understand one of the
worlds most relevant social issues in the 1500s and arguably in modern society.

MLA Citations
William Shakespeare - New York - Cambridge University Press - 1998 - 2nd Ed. - ISBN:


Title of my argumentative piece: The Importance of a True Gentleman

Writers Memo for my argumentative piece:

My original piece of writing(version 1) was very good piece of writing, but through using the
RADaR method, I was further able to achieve the common core standards. For example, I didnt even
refer to the large part of my essay in the introduction. That being that Joe is the true gentleman in Great
Expectations. However, after using the RADaR method of adding sentences I was able to add However,

there is one more gentleman who Dickens's most likely intended to be a secret gentleman. That
man is Joe Gargery.. After adding this sentence, it was much more clear about what my entire
essay was going to be about.
Therefore, this piece of writing can be used to support my achievement of common core
standards because I was able to improve my ability of created a point(the introductory paragraph)
and sustaining it through the essay. As shown above, I was able to create an argument in the
introductory paragraph.

Version #1 of my argumentative piece:

Imagine having enough money so that you dont even need to worry about how much
you spend amounts of money and having the superiority so that the less fortunate respect you.
However, would it still be a happy life if you were possessed with spending money to the point
past debt and didnt have any helpful friends or family nearby your home? Throughout Great
Expectations by Charles Dickens, we see the dreams of becoming a gentleman get crushed
through the future experiences of the once happy, Phillip Pirrip or Pip. Pip had once the dream of
losing his family in return for the pleasant life of a gentlemen and for his love, Estella, but he
later lost that dream and turned it into a nightmare when his life is turned miserable because of a
lack of friends and a lack of happiness. A gentleman in the 1800s was a classic figure that many
people dreamed of becoming even though gentlemen may not always have an admirable, envious
character in the 19th century and we see many of the examples and characteristics of a

gentleman throughout the story of Pip. The main characteristics of a gentleman are to have
excessive amounts of money and to have pleasant table manners and the main examples of
gentlemen in Great Expectations are Herbert and Pip. Through the life of Charles Dickens, we
can see also how these examples of gentlemen reflect members of his family and people in his
The main and far-most important characteristic of a gentleman in the 19th century was to
have enough money that you dont even have to worry about how much money you spend. This
is also the idea of a gentleman that comes into most peoples heads when they think of a
gentleman. One example of the role of money for a gentleman is when Pip is in his hometown
and he notifies the tailor about how he had come into great expectations. The tailor originally
doesnt feel too enthusiastic about Pips arrival as he thinks that Pip wont purchase anything
since he isnt rich, but immediately after Pip notifies him about his great expectations, he acts
shocked and treats Pip like a gentleman. My dear sir, said Mr. Trabb, as he respectfully bent
his body, opened his arms, and took the liberty of touching me on the outside of each
elbow...(Dickens, 151). As soon as Mr. Trabb learns that Pip has come into rich property and
has become a gentlemen, he immediately changes his attitude. This is because back then, money
was the main characteristic that defined a gentlemen in the 1800s. Now-days, most people view
a gentlemen as a kind, well-mannered man. They dont use money as a base on whether a person
is a gentleman or not. Later in the book, when Pip learns about how Magwitch is his real
benefactor, Magwitch says Ive come to the old country fur to see my gentleman spend his
money like a gentleman(Dickens, 332). Most people perceive gentlemen as people who spend
lots of money which is in contrast to todays culture of a gentleman. Today, most people define a
gentlemen as someone who is pleasant, well manners, and has a nice personality.

The second-most important characteristic of a gentleman is his attitude. More

specifically, his attitude when at the table and his attitude toward the likings of such things. We
see this concept throughout the whole book and it is what Herbert teaches Pip when they are
together in London. While in London, Herbert tries to point out to Pip good table manners and
hopes to transform Pip from his old self, to a new lavish, gentlemen type self with gentlemen
type habits. Due to Pips request, Handel has begun to introduce the topic of becoming and
gentlemen, and attempts to teach Pip the proper ways of eating when you are a gentleman.Let
me introduce the topic, Handel, by mentioning that in London it is not the custom to put the knife
in the mouth - for fear of accidents - and that while the fork is reserved for that use, it is not put
further in than necessary.(Dickens, 179). Proper table manners is still the concept of a
gentlemen in the 21st century, and it was also a characteristic of a gentlemen back in the 19th
century. Having specific hobbies and habits that gentlemen should have is also an important
characteristic of a gentlemen. Later in the book, when Herbert is explaining the cruel life of
Estella, he brings up the topic of what gentlemen should like. I dont know why it should be a
crack thing to be a brewer; but it is indisputable that while you cannot possibly be genteel and
bake, you may be as genteel as never was and brew(Dickens, 180). According to Herbert,
owning and maintaining a brewery is crucial to becoming a gentlemen. Now-days, most people
dont see a gentlemen as someone who brews, and this shows another different of the concept of
a gentleman in the 1800s and the concept of a gentlemen today. These are the main attitudes that
a gentlemen should have had back in the 1800s, but much of them have changed from back then
and we see this through our everyday life.

Through the entire story of Great Expectations, we often see the reference of a gentlemen
and most of the book is even built off of the crave for a gentlemen. But where did this crave

come from and why is most of the book based upon the concept of a gentlemen? The main
reason for this is because of Charles Dickens life events. Some people even say that Great
Expectations is secretly a biography of Charles Dickens life because of the concept of a
gentlemen and how being a gentlemen may not always be a good thing(StudyMode).

Charles Dickens fathers name was John Dickens and their whole family was very poor
in their early stages (The Victorian Web). They lived in a small port which was very poor and
ragged and was not a place that people hoped to live in. John Dickens hoped of striking it rich
just like Pip hoped to in Great Expectations, and John eventually went into extreme debt in his
later stages of life due to overspending (Biography) just like Handel and Pip. Through the story,
we see how these exact circumstances happen to Pip and Herbert and how Pip and Herbert may
have even made to resemble John Dickens, or Charles Dickenss real father. There were many
influences that played into the making of Great Expectations and Charles Dickens used his life to
make this. He also had a concept of a gentleman that was very different from the 19th century
view of a gentlemen.

Charles Dickenss idea of a gentlemen was very different from the 19th century
perception of a gentlemen. Through Great Expectations, Charles Dickens had the hope of
changing the perception of a gentlemen into someone who is rather a nice, caring person than
merely a rich person who may or may not be a friendly person. In hope of achieving this goal,
Charles Dickens sets up Pip on the same path as his father, and purposely makes Pip fail midlife
in order to change the publics view of a gentleman(StudyMode). Pip gets into serious trouble
later in his life just like Charles Dickenss father and Charles Dickens tries to make the readers

despise Pip and like Joe, the person Charles Dickens truly believes is a gentlemen as he did not
look up to money.

Through the culture of the 19th century, and the depressing life of Charles Dickens,
Charles Dickens was able to make one of his most popular books and his legend still holds.
Through Great Expectations, we see the importance of a gentlemen and truly understand the
characteristics of a Charles Dickenss idea of a gentleman against the popular 19th century
understanding of a gentleman. Instead of a gentleman being a very wealthy person with good
table manners, Charles Dickens set the story so that the true gentlemen of the story was Joe.
Charles Dickens did indeed complete this goal by making a large majority of his audience
despise Pip and love Joe, the one who was always there for Pip. Even though this book was
written in the late 1800s. his story of Pip is still a very popular novel and Great Expectations is
one of his books that boosted his popularity greatly.

Version #2 of my argumentative piece:

Imagine having enough money so that you dont even need to worry about how much
you spend and having the superiority so that the less fortunate respect you. However, would it
still be a happy life if you were possessed with spending money to the point of debt and didnt
have any helpful friends or family nearby your home? Throughout Great Expectations by
Charles Dickens, we see the dreams of becoming a gentleman get crushed through the future
experiences of the once happy, Phillip Pirrip or Pip. Pip had once the dream of losing his family
in return for the pleasant life of a gentlemen and for his love, Estella. However, he later lost
that dream and turned it into a nightmare when his life is turned miserable because of a lack of

friends and a lack of happiness. A gentleman in the 1800s was a classic figure that many people
dreamed of becoming even though gentlemen may not always have an admirable, envious
character in the 19th century and we see many of the examples and characteristics of a
gentleman throughout the story of Pip. The main characteristics of a gentleman are to have
excessive amounts of money and to have pleasant table manners and the main examples of
gentlemen in Great Expectations are Herbert and Pip. However, there is one more gentleman
who Dickens's most likely intended to be a secret gentleman. That man is Joe Gargery. Through
the life of Charles Dickens, we can see also how these examples of gentlemen reflect members
of his family and people in his life.
The main and far-most important characteristic of a gentleman in the 19th century was to
have enough money that you dont even have to worry about how much money you spend. This
is also the idea of a gentleman that comes into most peoples heads when they think of a
gentleman. One example of the role of money for a gentleman is when Pip is in his hometown
and he notifies the tailor about how he had come into great expectations. The tailor originally
doesnt feel too enthusiastic about Pips arrival as he thinks that Pip wont purchase anything
since he isnt rich, but immediately after Pip notifies him about his great expectations, he acts
shocked and treats Pip like a gentleman and with utmost kindness. My dear sir, said Mr. Trabb,
as he respectfully bent his body, opened his arms, and took the liberty of touching me on the
outside of each elbow...(Dickens, 151). As soon as Mr. Trabb learns that Pip has come into rich
property and has become a gentlemen, he immediately changes his attitude. This is because back
then, money was the main characteristic that defined a gentlemen in the 1800s. Now-days, most
people view a gentlemen as a kind, well-mannered man. Most people dont use money as a base
on whether a person is a gentleman or not. Later in the book, when Pip learns about how

Magwitch is his real benefactor, Magwitch says Ive come to the old country fur to see my
gentleman spend his money like a gentleman(Dickens, 332). Most people perceive gentlemen as
people who spend lots of money which is in contrast to todays culture of a gentleman. Today,
most people define a gentlemen as someone who is pleasant, well manners, and who has a nice
The second-most important characteristic of a gentleman is his attitude. More
specifically, his attitude when at the table and his attitude toward the likings/desire of such
things. We see this concept throughout the whole book and it is what Herbert teaches Pip when
they are together in London. While in London, Herbert tries to point out to Pip good table
manners and hopes to transform Pip from his old self, to a new lavish, gentlemen type self with
gentlemen type habits. Due to Pips request, Handel has begun to introduce the topic of
becoming and gentlemen, and attempts to teach Pip the proper ways of eating when you are a
gentleman.Let me introduce the topic, Handel, by mentioning that in London it is not the
custom to put the knife in the mouth - for fear of accidents - and that while the fork is reserved
for that use, it is not put further in than necessary.(Dickens, 179). Proper table manners is still
the concept of a gentlemen in the early 21st century, and it was also a characteristic of a
gentlemen back in the mid 19th century. Having specific hobbies and habits that gentlemen
should have is also an important characteristic of a gentlemen. Later in the book, when Herbert is
explaining the cruel life of Estella, he brings up the topic of what gentlemen should like to do for
work. I dont know why it should be a crack thing to be a brewer; but it is indisputable that
while you cannot possibly be genteel and bake, you may be as genteel as never was and
brew(Dickens, 180). According to Herbert, owning and maintaining a brewery is crucial to
becoming a gentlemen. Now-days, most people dont see a gentlemen as someone who brews,

and this shows another different of the concept of a gentleman in the 1800s and the concept of a
gentlemen today. These are the main attitudes that a gentlemen should have had back in the
1800s, but much of them have changed from back then and we see this through our everyday
Through the entire story of Great Expectations, we often see the reference of a gentlemen
and most of the book is even built off of the crave for a gentlemen. But where did this crave
come from and why is most of the book based upon the concept of a gentlemen? The main
reason for this is because of Charles Dickens life events. Some people even say that Great
Expectations is secretly a biography of Charles Dickens life because of the concept of a
gentlemen and how Charles Dickens talks about how being a gentlemen may not always be a
good thing(StudyMode).
Charles Dickens fathers name was John Dickens and their whole family was very poor
in their early stages (The Victorian Web). They lived in a small port which was very poor and
ragged and was not a place that people hoped to live in. John Dickens hoped of striking it rich
just like Pip hoped to in Great Expectations, and John eventually went into extreme debt in his
later stages of life due to overspending (Biography) just like Herbert and Pip. Through the story,
we see how these exact circumstances happen to Pip and Herbert and how Pip and Herbert may
have even made to resemble John Dickens, or Charles Dickenss real father. There were many
influences that played into the making of Great Expectations and Charles Dickens used his life to
make this. He also had a concept of a gentleman that was very different from the 19th century
view of a gentlemen.
Charles Dickenss idea of a gentlemen was very different from the 19th century
perception of a gentlemen. Through Great Expectations, Charles Dickens had the hope of

changing the perception of a gentlemen into someone who is rather a nice, caring person than
merely a rich person who may or may not be a friendly person. This idea of a gentleman is more
related to the 21st century view of a gentleman. In hope of achieving this goal, Charles Dickens
sets up Pip on the same path as his father, and purposely makes Pip fail midlife in order to
change the publics view of a gentleman(StudyMode). Pip gets into serious trouble later in his
life just like Charles Dickenss father and Charles Dickens tries to make the readers despise Pip
and like Joe, the person Charles Dickens truly believes is a gentleman as he did not look up to
Through the culture of the 19th century, and the depressing life of Charles Dickens,
Charles Dickens was able to make one of his most popular books and his legend still holds.
Through Great Expectations, we see the importance of a gentlemen and truly understand the
characteristics of a Charles Dickenss idea of a gentleman against the popular 19th century
understanding of a gentleman. We also see how his view of a gentleman is more related to the
early 21st century view of a gentleman. Instead of a gentleman being a very wealthy person with
stellar table manners, Charles Dickens set the story so that the true gentlemen of the story was
Joe. Charles Dickens did indeed complete this goal by making a large majority of his audience
despise Pip and love Joe, the one who was always there for Pip. Even though this book was
written in the late 1800s. his story of Pip is still a very popular novel and Great Expectations is
one of his books that boosted his popularity greatly.

Works Cited
Biography. "Charles Dickens Biography." Biography. bio., n.d. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

"Charles Dickens:Gentleman." StudyMode. StudyMode, 2 Apr. 2013. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

Cody, David. "Dickens: A Brief Biography." VictorianWeb. TheVictorianWeb, n.d. Web. 7
Dec. 2014. <>.
Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. Ed. Charlotte Mitchell. 1996 ed. London: Penguin
Group, 1860. Print.

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