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Abby Stanford

The Sword in the Stone Vocab Quiz

Word Bank:



Please fill in the blank with the correct word. Each word will only be used once.
1. Merlyn is _____________ because he lives backwards and look into the future.
2. Master William Twyti wore a ______________ while he went hunting.
3. The badger told the Wart the __________ story to help him learn about how
everyone is undeveloped and can grow into a great leader.
4. The _________________ letter to Sir Ector From Uther required Ector to welcome
Master William Twyti.
5. Uther was so ______________ that he even tricked the Warts mom into thinking he
was her husband.
6. When the Wart visited the badger, he noticed ______________ were inside of the
badgers home and held wine inside them.
7. Many people think of Robin Wood as a ________________ man with not a lot of fat.
8. The Forest Savage is the ____________ of Sir Ectors castle.
9. When the Wart was named king, everyone started waving ______________ around,
which had beautiful ___________ on them.
10. The Merlyns love for Wart was ______________, and he would always care for him.

11. The Wart is ______________ in the sense that he does the right thing and Merlyn
trusts him to go on quests alone.
12. King Pellinore becomes _______________ when he learns that the king is dead, and
he shows signs that he is annoyed.
13. There were _________ of people surrounding the Wart when he was announced
14. There are many _________ that prance around in the forest.
15. The act of ______________ was used in this time period, for example how there is a
king and villagers.
16. Kay was acting very __________ when he told everyone that he killed the griffin,
and how he was exclaiming that multiple times.
17. The soldiers has a _____________ of speaking their commands back to Robing
18. King Uther had total __________ over everyone else in his entire kingdom.
19. There was a total ______________ of people walking when the hunt was taking
20. In the gate of the castle, there was a _______________ to keep unwanted visitors
(like Uther) out.
21. The _______________ geese were so silent that they rarely talked and rarely
22. The Wart started to cry in __________________, for he knew that his future to be king
was going to be a hard future and he was worried.
23. Kay had a ___________ of leadership that the Wart had, but since Kay was the
proper son, he was going to get to be a knight when he was older.
24. Uther spread his _________________ to Sir Ector through a letter.

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