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Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

Localization IS-U Russia

Seals management


SAP R/3 Release 4.72

IS-U/CCS Release 4.72

Version 3.0 June 2005



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

Table of content

Introduction ...................................................................................................................3


Glossary .........................................................................................................................3


Customizing seal category table .....................................................................................5


Customizing seal colors..................................................................................................6


Customizing employees table .........................................................................................6


Customizing reasons for removal...................................................................................6


Life circle of seal ............................................................................................................7


Common seals states .................................................................................................7


Additional states .........................................................................................................8


Main application ............................................................................................................8


Purchasing seals ............................................................................................................9


Batch of seals .............................................................................................................9


Statistical report ....................................................................................................... 10


Seal overview............................................................................................................10


Changing modes (display <> change mode) .......................................................10


Operations in change mode..................................................................................10


Trace changes ......................................................................................................11


Internal Seals ...........................................................................................................11


Integration to standard transactions ....................................................................12


Reasons for internal seals manipulation IMG ..................................................12


BAdI implementation ...........................................................................................12


Material Management integration (tr. MIGO) .........................................................12

Assign material number to seal category and color ..............................................12



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

Assign Seal Operation to Movement Types ..........................................................12


BAdI Implementation of Material management automatic operations ................13


BAdI Integration of Seal management to Material management.........................13


BAdI Update Seal management from Material management...............................14


Integration to serial number transaction(s) .............................................................14


IMG Tools ................................................................................................................14


New BAdI definition ................................................................................................15


Transactions............................................................................................................. 15

1. Introduction
The Russian 4.72 version is an addon product, which is delivered as transport packages.
These can be imported on the clients systems with a SAP R/3 installation. The developments
and configurations described in this document can be imported on development clients and
will be tested accordingly to the customer particular needs. Under no circumstances will they
be imported directly on the productive clients.
This project bring new look on seal maintenance, therefore there is no extension or changes to
standard tools needed. Whole life circle is represented by this project, from purchasing a new
seal through issue to responsible person and installation to device to depreciation.
For easier access to project extension of Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) will be also presented.
This document describes the country specific configuration for R/3 as well as the
specific developments for Russia. All new development is performed in namespace
/SAPCE/IURU*, which is reserved for the Central and Eastern European development
Localization IS-U for Russia.

2. Glossary
BAdI Business Add-In means extension of standard transaction prepared by SAP
developer, in this project extension of material management (transaction IQ03) via
BAdI EQUI_SCR_03 (transaction SE19) and also as new extension of project via


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Broken/Depreciated Seal When the seal is removed from device, it must be broken.
It cannot be reused any more. Date of removal (see) as well as name of person who
broke the seal (see) will be recorded. There is slight difference between states broken
and depreciated, because seal can bee broken only when it was installed to a device
and/or a functional location before (see installed seal, date of installation, material and
serial number), name of person and date should be stored in this case. But there is
another possibility, that seal was depreciated (cannot be used) for example from stock
(due to any man failure or e.g. fire), then name of person and date of removal are
Change Documents Trace changes done over database table and allow user to view
done changes by calling report SE38 RFKKSHCD for Display Changed
Documents. In this application is traced only table /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL by object
/SAPCE/IURUSEAL (please run transaction SCDO)
Database lock One seal can be changed only by one user at same time. For this
purpose is used database lock, when user start to change one seal, other users must
wait until their releasing (see chapter changing modes).
Date of installation When seal is linked to device, day of installation is stored.
Device is represented within this application via material and serial number (see
transaction IQ03 display of serial numbers); both this numbers should be filled as
Date of issue Represents day on which seal is issued (given) to responsible person.
Name of that person should be known.
Date of purchase Day on which was seal entered to evidence. Name of utility
master will be stored also. Seal is represented by unique couple seal category and seal
Date of removal Normal life circle of the seal ends when it is broken and removed
from device, this day is written down. Name of person who broke the seal is important
Installed Seal Responsible person links a seal to a device (equipment) and/or
functional location. A seal can be installed only to device and only once. Otherwise
one device could have several seals even in same state (history of seal movement is
also available). Link to device is represented by a pair of numbers (see material and
serial number).
Internal Seal Special type of seals without seal category and seal code (see) linked
directly to device
Issued Seal Seal is given to hands of responsible person (see), date (see issue
date) and name of person will be registered.
Lost Seal This is special state of the seal. After this change of state no more use of
seal is possible.


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Material and serial number Representation of device (equipment) in application;
can be also used in transaction IQ03
Names All names in this application are transformed to capital letters, also should be
written in following shape (to made searching easier): Last name, first name and
middle names (e.g. Remarque Erich Maria or Edison Thomas Alva).Seal Seal
accompanies device during its exploitation. Seal confirms that meters results are
checked by responsible person and that nobody opened a reading device except
responsible person from utility company.
Person who broke the seal Name of person who removes the seal from device and
breaks it
Purchased Seal Seal is added to company evidence, date (see date of purchase) and
person (see utility master) is also stored. For each seal is significant seal code and seal
category (see both terms).
Reasons for removal Customizable reason for seal removal
Responsible person Name (see) of person to whom hands was seal given
Seal category Represents group of seals with same characteristics; users of
application should define them via IMG tools
Seal code Seals are grouped by types into seal categories in one category are seals
differed by seal codes. Seal code and seal category together specify seal. Two different
seals cannot have same category and code. Seal code is specified by manufacturer or
by company using the seal and is unique within seal category. Two different seals can
have same seal code if they are in two different categories.
Seal Maintenance Life circle of seal in company represented by five states
(purchased, issued, installed, broken/depreciated and lost) and maintenance allows
user to change states of seal.
Utility master Please, see manner of name using in seal management. Utility master
is person liable for purchase or storage of new seals.
Transaction Technical name of operation can be run directly. Note: When
transaction begins with slash like /SAPCE/IUSEALS, it should be written in shape

3. Customizing seal category table

First step before using seal management application leads to customizing category table
/SAPCE/IURU_SCT. Each category consists from seal category code (SCAT) and language
specific defining text. This text should be translated for better use.



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Seals categories are used for grouping similar seals into collections. User, who wants to
purchase new seals, has to choose existing category. Thats why is highly recommended to
create all categories used in company before first use of seal maintenance.
This customizing dialog can be also called as transaction /n/SAPCE/IUSEALSC.

4. Customizing seal colors

Second step before using seal management application leads to customizing seal color table
/SAPCE/IURU_SCL. Each color consists from seal color code (COLOR) and language
specific defining text. This text should be translated for better use.
Color codes for seals are used for better integrity of the seal management. Seals colors could
help person responsible for removing the seal. User, who wants to purchase new seals, can
choose existing color. This color could be changed for each seal at any time.
This customizing dialog can be also called as transaction /n/SAPCE/IUSEALSCL.

5. Customizing employees table

Next step before using seal management application leads to customizing employees table
/SAPCE/IURU_EMP. Each employee must have client dependant identification
(EMPLOYEE) and additional information like name (NAME1), business partner number
(PARTNER), personal number (PERNUMBER) and language specific defining text. This text
could be translated for better use.
Integration to material management is provided by plant and storage location and by utility
master flag (please see chapter Material Management integration (tr. MIGO)).
This customizing dialog can be also called as transaction /n/SAPCE/IUSEALSE.

6. Customizing reasons for removal

Additional information when removing the seals could be provided. This information is
provided in table /SAPCE/IURU_SRM.



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

7. Life circle of seal

Lose (seal category,
seal code) / change

Purchase (seal category, seal

code, number of seals)
[is Unique] / insert row to DB

Seal has unique key seal category and seal
code; date of purchase is set; utility master is
defined; link to device is unknown; other fields
are initial


Issue (seal category, seal

code) [is Purchased] /
responsible person

Status changed; can
be only depreciated;
cannot be reused;
nothing changed in

Person responsible for the seal and date of issue
are set; others fields remain untouched
Install (seal category, seal
code, material number,
serial number) [is Issued] /
link to table EQUI


Link to device (equipment) and/or functional
location is created; link to device is established
using material number and serial number; date of
installation is set; others fields remain untouched
Break (seal category, seal
code) [is Installed] /
remove seal from device
and/or functional location

Depreciate (seal
category, seal
code) / change

Broken & Depreciated (Written off)

Remove seal from device or depreciate it, cannot
be reused, date of removal is set, person
responsible for breaking is defined, others fields
remain untouched


Each seal in company can be in one from six states (actually there are only five states, but
state broken/depreciated can have two meanings). Four of these states are used in normal
conditions (in case seal was not lost or depreciated before removing from device).

7.1. Common seals states

Seal can be founded in one of these states:


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Purchased: New seals that come to company are divided into groups (by seal
category) and within this category specified by code. Two different seals cannot have
same seal category and seal code. Important is also date of purchase and utility master
(person responsible for purchase or store of new seals). Purchased seals can be used in
company and this is only one possible way how to include them to evidence. Each seal
in seal maintenance was purchased at beginning.
Issued: Before installation to device, seals are given to responsible person, this is
company employee who response for the seals. Name of this person and also date
when the seals was issued to his hands are stored. Only purchased seals can be issued.
Installed: You can install only issued seals on a device and/or a functional location.
When you installed a seal on a device, the system stores the material and serial
number of this equipment in the seal master data. At the time of installation, you must
specify the installation date. For easier handling of the seal during removal, you can
also specify the position of the seal on the device. You can install a seal only once and
only on one device. On the other hand, a device can have several seals at a time. You
can retrieve the history of seal changes by displaying the Seals Management tab in
device master data.
Broken: When the seal is removed from device, it is broken (and usually replaced by
another seal) and can't be reused. Date of removal and person who remove the seal is
written to evidence. Seal must be installed before breaking. Reason for removal could
be also provided.

7.2. Additional states

Two another states are provided, but they are bit more specific:
Lost: This is special state and represents that seal was lost and cannot be founded. It
means also, that the seal cannot be reused. There is none special precedent state,
because seal can be lost at any time.
Depreciated/Broken: A further exceptional state is depreciated. This state is similar
to broken, seal cannot be reused any more, but dont have to be installed before, date
of removal and name of person are not provided as well. This state represents
problems with the seal; it is, from any reason, considered as unusable and is written
off (e.g. man failure in installation, accident in storehouse, etc.).

8. Main application
Seal management is provided by program /SAPCE/IURU_SEALS (can be called via
transaction /SAPCE/IUSEALS). When this program is ran, selection screen appear. This
selection screen is used as filter. More information user provides more specific result he will
Input information is divided into four parts and corresponds to four main life circle states.
Every input field can be entered as range and is taken into account.
Three parts of application are accessible from here:


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Purchase seals (key Ctrl+F1) or transaction /SAPCE/IUSEALS1 new seals into
company evidence
Statistical report (key Ctrl+F2) or transaction /SAPCE/IUSEALS2 grid used for
statistical purposes (number of seals in categories differed by states)
Seals overview (key F8 Execute) or BAdI extension of transaction IQ03 list of
seals for basic operations (issue, install, remove, mark as lost, mark as depreciated)

9. Purchasing seals
This part of seal maintenance is accessible by pressing button on selection screen in main
program (see above), or by typing transaction code /SAPCE/IUSEALS1 or from program by
calling function module /SAPCE/IURU_SEALSPURCHASE.
New selection screen in dialog screen will appear. Via this screen every seal used in company
evidence have to be entered. Each seal is specified by seal category and seal code, also name
of utility master and date of purchase should be entered. Combination of seal category and
seal code must be unique. Two different seals cannot have same code in one category.

9.1. Batch of seals

It is possible to purchase more than one seal at same time. For this purpose can be used field
Number of purchased seals or range in Seal code. Application tries to find numeric
sequence in seal code (even one number is considered as sequence) and from this number
begins purchasing of new seals.
Note: If seal code does not have any numeric sequence (any number) then won't be purchased
batch of seals, but only one (please see bellow).
Example: Company manager want to purchase 50 seals starting from seal code AZ-001 and
ending at code AZ-050. Solution: There are two possibilities how to do this in one step. First
is that user types seal code AZ-001 and number of seals 50. Application will find longest
numeric sequence in AZ-001, it is 001. Then in loop with 50 times repetition purchase 50
seals. Second possibility is in typing lower and upper bound, user type AZ-001 and AZ-050
into range field of application. Result is same as in first case. Here is important, that both
codes have same prefix and suffix for longest numeric sequence. Typing AZ-50 or AZ-0050
will have same effect, but AZ050 won't work.
Examples how algorithm works: Several examples shows how algorithm for finding
numbers in seal code works:

AZ-001 returns 001

1002 returns 1002
50BD returns 50
ABCD none numeric sequence founded - only one seal purchased
50A1 returns 50 (it is longest numeric sequence)



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

10. Statistical report

Only for statistical purposes can be used this part of application. Can be called by pressing
button on first selection screen, in this case selection will affect result of this report (e.g.
typing red into field Color of installed seal will display statistics only for red seals).
Another way for running of the report is transaction /SAPCE/IUSEALS2 or function module
/SAPCE/IURU_SEALSREPORT. In these cases all seals are reflected.
In dialog screen will be displayed small grid with numbers of seals in each seal category
divided by states of seals. Because result is printed as standard ALV grid, all operations like
printing, exporting into files are possible.

11. Seal overview

Most important sub application is this list of seals. In change mode can be done all operations
above seals in company (except for purchase). This ALV grid is result of execution of main
program /SAPCE/IURU_SEALS (transaction /SAPCE/IUSEALS) or can be called as
function module /SAPCE/IURU_SEALSOVERVIEW. This module is also integrated into
material management for transaction IQ03 with using BAdI (Business Add-In) extension.
New tab strip will be added with Seals management and history of seals installed to selected
device is accessible here.
Even though this list reflects selection done in main program, there is possible to add issued
seals in change mode. This could be very useful when working from material management
can user in change mode add issued seals and install them to device. More can be founded
Changes done to selected seals are saved to database after pressing corresponding button.
Unsaved changes are displayed with red exception light in ALV grid.


Changing modes (display <> change mode)

The seal overview has two basic modes. One is used for displaying and only standard
operations over ALV grid are accessible from here (like printing, export to files, sorting etc.).
When change from display mode to change mode is performed database lock. The reason for
this is that one seal can edit only by one person. Application will try to lock all listed seals
during change, if some seal is edited by another person, information will appear. This step
disables unwanted changes done by another user.


Operations in change mode

Several operations are available in change mode (please see glossary for further information):
Undo unsaved changes: User can return to last saved state, all rows are reloaded from


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
Select seals with condition: With this tool can be created any selection criteria which
affect edited seals.
Add issued: This function enables user to add issued seals to selected list without
returning to selection screen. It is very useful when calling from standard equipment
screen via business add-in (transaction IQ03). Issued seals can be installed to a device
or a functional location.
Issue: Change state of selected seals to S (issued). Selected seals have to be P
(purchased) before. In dialog screen user have to fill date of issue and responsible
person. Written information can be copied to all selected seals without inputting by
pressing OK button. Changes will be written to database after pressing button "save".
Install: Change state of selected seals to I (installed) and create link to equipment
and/or functional location. Selected seals have to be S (issued) before. In dialog screen
user have to fill material and serial number and date of installation. User has to fill
information for all seals separately. It's not possible to copy it within selected seals.
Changes will be written to database after pressing button "save".
Break: Change state of selected seals to B (broken). Selected seals have to be I
(installed) before. In dialog screen user have to fill date of removal and person who
has removed (broke) the seal. User doesn't have to fill information for all seals, but
when pressing OK button, copy dialog will be offered. Changes will be written to
database after pressing button "save".
Mark as depreciated: Change state of selected seals to B (broken/depreciate). This
state differs from single B (broken), because seal don't have to be I (installed), and
also date of removal and person who remove seal is not needed. Changes will be
written to database after pressing button "save".
Mark as lost: Change state of selected seals to L (lost). Any seal can be changed to
this state, no other data are expected, because seal is lost without participation of any
person and on unknown date. Changes are written to database after pressing button
Save: Updates done changes to database table /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL, even more
than one step can be saved for each seal (for example, the user wants to issue a seal
and then immediately install it to a device and at the same time).
Back: Return to calling application or back between change and display mode. If
some unsaved operation exists, question will be asked.
Display changes: Display change documents for selected seals (please see report
RFKKSHCD and transaction SCDO, object ID is /SAPCE/IURUSEAL).


Trace changes

All changes done over the seal are traced into database tables CDHDR and CDPOS by
function module /SAPCE/IURUSEAL_WRITE_DOCUMENT and could be displayed for
each seal from menu Extras -> Display changes [Shift + F7].

12. Internal Seals

There also exists special group of seals without seal category or code. Those seals are
connected to device and shows, for example, that meter of device is calibrated. In case of


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
replacement the device, it is returned back to utility company, calibrated and sealed. To the
customers get sealed devices.


Integration to standard transactions

This IS-U localization is fully integrated to serial number transactions (IQ0x where x is 1-3)
in new tab strip Internal seals where could user create new lines to database table
/SAPCE/IURU_INSL, each change of internal seal have to consists of installation date,
reason of manipulation and person responsible for change. Optional parameter is sealing
pliers code.


Reasons for internal seals manipulation IMG

Here are customized reasons for manipulation with internal seal (such as re-calibration,
new installation, etc.). Link to IMG is SAP Utilities > Device Management > Seal
Management > Internal Seals Management > Define Reasons for Internal Seals


BAdI implementation

For activation of this localization it is necessary to activate BAdI implementation (transaction

SE19) /SAPCE/IURU_INTSEAL of BAdI definition EQUI_SCR_04, which will activate
new tab strip Internal seals and complete logic of this extension.

13. Material Management integration (tr. MIGO)

Seal management could be also integrated into material management transactions (such as
MIGO). Whether are seal operated as a special material in material management, several
operations such as Purchase, Issue, Return and Mark as lost, could be processed
There are necessary several customizing steps:


Assign material number to seal category and color

It is necessary to create new material numbers (MARA-MATNR) for each seal category and
seal color and in customizing table /SAPCE/IURU_SEQI link them together. Only materials
from this table are considered as seals and integrated to automatic operations. IMG activity
could be found on SAP Utilities > Device Management > Seal Management > Integration to
Material Management (tr. MIGO) > Assign Material Number to Seal Category and Color.


Assign Seal Operation to Movement Types

Only following operations from seal management are provided:



Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management

purchase seals: move seals from central storage to company storage or change utility
issue seals: move seals to hands of responsible person (who will install it to device) or
change of responsible person (each person should have own storage location)
return issued seals: return unused seals back to company storage
mark as lost: purchased or issued seals were lost

Those operations have to be linked to specific material movement types. Two same types
could be differed by credit/debit indicator (for example movement type 317 credit means
purchasing seals and same movement type 317 debit means lost in seal management) and by
utility master flag (move to storage house kept by utility master are considered as purchase or
return issued seals whereas move to other employees is seal issue).
Each employee should be identified by plant and storage location in customizing table
/SAPCE/IURU_EMP Maintaining Names of Employees Dealing with Seals
Management, there will be decided whether it is utility master or not. From another
customizing table /SAPCE/IURU_SEQI Assign Material Number to Seal Category and
Color are defined material number involved in seal management. Only in this case will
application get seal operation from table /SAPCE/IURU_SMOV Assign Seal Operation
to Movement Types with movement types.
IMG activity could be found on path SAP Utilities > Device Management > Seal
Management > Integration to Material Management (tr. MIGO) > Assign Seal Operation to
Movement Types.

BAdI Implementation of Material management automatic
In this BAdI implementation of IS-U localization definition /SAPCE/IURU_SEALS are
provided controls before purchase and before update. Because integration to material
management transaction and same operations in seals management could lead to inconsistence
in database, such operation as purchase, issue, return of issued seals and mark as lost for
purchased and issued seals are prohibited for seal categories and colors from table
Implementation /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL_MM should be activated in transaction SE19. Link
to IMG activity is path SAP Utilities > Device Management > Seal Management > Integration
to Material Management (tr. MIGO) > BAdI: Implementation of Checks for MM Automatic


BAdI Integration of Seal management to Material management

This BAdI implementation /SAPCE/IURU_ MB_CHG_L (use transaction SE19 for

activation) provides line checks of seal management integration. Here is tested if material
movement is connected to seal management (only material numbers from
/SAPCE/IURU_SEQI, plant and storage locations from /SAPCE/IURU_EMP and


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
movement types, credit/debit indicators, utility master flags from /SAPCE/IURU_SMOV). If
so additional tests are provided:

first of all is material number transferred to seal category and color and serial numbers
to seal codes, none of those seals could be locked by any other transaction
when operation is purchase, then seals in seal management table
/SAPCE/IURU_SEAL should not exist or should be purchased (change of utility
masters), all other states are considered as error
when operation is issue, then all seals should exist and should be purchased or
issued (change of responsible person), any other state leads to error message
when returning, seal has to exist and has to be issued, whereas error message is
when marking as lost, only existing seals and purchased or issued seals could be
changed, in all other cases error message occur

When all tests are passed, then after posting of movement those changes could be done in the
system and in update task table /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL will be changed.
Path to IMG is Utilities > Device Management > Seal Management > Integration to Material
Management (tr. MIGO) > BAdI: Integration of Seal Management to MM (tr. MIGO).


BAdI Update Seal management from Material management

This BAdI implementation /SAPCE/IURU_MB_DOC_U (use transaction SE19) is run in

update task of material management transactions (such as MIGO). Only test material
transaction and provide update of seal management table /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL.
Path to IMG is Utilities > Device Management > Seal Management > Integration to Material
Management (tr. MIGO) > BAdI: Update Seal Management from MM (tr. MIGO).
Warning!! BAdI implementation /SAPCE/IURU_MB_CHG_L has to be active when
activating BAdI implementation /SAPCE/IURU_MB_DOC_U. Missing implementation
could lead to the error message in update task and its cancellation. Warning!!

14. Integration to serial number transaction(s)

Seal management is integrated into material maintenance with using of BAdI (Business AddIn). In transactions for serial numbers (IQ01, IQ02 and IQ03) will be added new tab strip.
Here will be displayed history of seals installed to this device. After pressing button Seals
maintenance will be called module for seals overview. Thats why this extension can be
used for installing new issued seals to a device.

15. IMG Tools

Seal maintenance is integrated to the IMG customizing. In transaction SPRO can be founded
node SAP Utilities > Device Management > Seal Management. Here is customizing of table
/SAPCE/IURU_SEAL and Business Add-Ins implementation /SAPCE/IURU_SEALEQUI


Documentation IS-U Russia Localization

Seals Management
which can be used in device transactions IQ01-03. Also definition of /SAPCE/IURU_SEAL
is accessed from here.

16. New BAdI definition

Newly defined BAdI (transaction SE18 - /SAPCE/IURU_SEALS) with following methods
can be used:
AFTER_ADD_ISSUED - Filter selected seals after "Add Issued" operation (which
issued seals can be added to device dependent seal overview)
BEFORE_CHANGE - Check whether seal change is acceptable (can be the seal
changed to new state or installed to new device?)
BEFORE_PURCHASE - Check whether seal could be purchased (can be the seal

17. Transactions
There are several transactions used in seal maintenance application, because of name space
/SAPCE, all of them begin with slash /, thats why mark for close previous operation
should be used (instead of /SAPCE/IUSEALS should be used /n/SAPCE/IUSEALS):
/SAPCE/IUSEALSC: opens customizing dialog for maintenance of seal categories
/SAPCE/IUSEALSCL: opens customizing dialog for maintenance of seal colors
/SAPCE/IUSEALSE: opens customizing dialog for maintenance of employees
dealing with seal management
/SAPCE/IUSEALS: can be used for running main application program
/SAPCE/IURU_SEALS, everything is accessible from here
/SAPCE/IUSEALS1: open in new screen part of application used for purchasing of
/SAPCE/IUSEALS2: opens statistical report for all seals in company



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