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TUTORIAL 2 (10 am-11 am)

Carl Roger as a counselor that had a counseling session with his client named
Gloria. Gloria is a lady that just newly divorced and she got a therapy before she has
counseling with Roger. She is a single mother who has work until night and had a
daughter 9 years old named Pamy.
She told Roger that she had a conversation with her daughter and their talk
about sexual relationship with men and she wanted to explain that with her
daughter but she had lied when she answered Pamy question if she had sex with
other man after Pamy father. Gloria worried that Pamy become sad if she tell her
daughter the truth. She wanted a good relationship with her daughter and she
wanted to be honest with her. Gloria wanted her daughter accept the way she are
but the problem is she always feeling guilty because she lied to her daughter. Gloria
also disappointed to herself. Gloria told Roger that she wanted to do something she
like but then she feel guilty about it. Besides, Gloria had a conflict in her life. After a
few question that were asked by Roger, Gloria had changed. She finally said to
Roger that she needed to take a risk to be honest with her daughter but she
someone to guide and push herself to do it. She became a positive person and she
know what she really wanted and what to do. Gloria also talked more about her past
experience to Roger.
Meanwhile, Roger used a client centre approach and he asked a few question
for Gloria to talk and tell him more about her personal sexual relation and the
relationship to her daughter is with a low voice and make Gloria feel comfortable
and not nervous. He used a simple

phrases as Im sure wish, I could give you

the answer, Id be glad to know whatever, I not sure, I might ask, and I
guess Id like to say. Futhermore, he also used a communication that has empathy,
concerned, genuine and unconditional

positive regard. Roger concerned the

position his client sit and the way Gloria talked to him. As a conclusion, Roger had

showed to me how to a good counselor to a client with a good communication skill

and make a client become comfortable.

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