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PUBLIC @CHOOLS OF NORTHRAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Wat W cba hs Chtman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION hoes Gor ateson £40, Sit Sipetntendere ‘www. xcrupticscHoots.ono ‘April 23, 2014 ‘Ms. Amy Herman Sponsored Programs-Regulatory Compliance INC State University 2701 Sullivan Drive, Adm, Services Bldg, IIL Suite 240, Box 7514 Raleigh NC 27695-7514 Dear Ms. Herman: The NC State Board of Education has approved our Task Ordet/Task Order Amendment with you. I have enclosed your original copy of the executed contractVcontract amendment NC10139271. We are pleased to be associated with you in this effort — Pastebor ane z yore apes Ia DIVISION OF FIVANCIAL AND BUSINESS SERVICES PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS (208 Mai Service Cet, Ralih Nod Carlin 27605436819) 87366 | Fax 019 90-3660 Sarees: 301 N. Wiinin St, Rash NO 27601 [AN EQUAL UPFORTUNITV/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER sco i @ velRomeronsenna xenon TASK ORDER Universin: NCSU Friday Insitute forEdueatonltnovation Princpelinvesigtor: Glen Keiman,Exeeuve Diecor Cornvestinors: Jenifer Com, Sr. Research Assatate Phil Ene, Director of Techaclogy, Mary Walt, Decor ‘Ades: 1800 Main expat Drive, Camps Box 7249 City, Sit, Zip Raleigh, NC 27606, nail paemenacau sds ‘Education, Universiy of North Caroling Nese Projet Coordinator ‘North Caotina Departmen of Public Irion ‘Name, Ti: Pip W. Pris ‘Adres: 6326 Mail Service Center Cy, Ste, Zp: Raleigh, NC 27599-4326 Phone, x: 919-807-3600, 918-007 3604 nal Pi " Contract Administrator Universi: NC State Universiy "Name, Tile: Amy Herman, Sponsored Programs Regulatory Compiase ‘Address 2701 Sullivan Dr, Admin Services Bldg, 240, Box 514 iy, sae. zip: Raleigh, NC-27695.7514 Phone, (P) 91915-2444, (F919-515.9721 Eni amy_heeman @resued Suite Contact Admintrator "Nowh Catia Deparment of Public Inretion ‘Name, Tide: Janet Byrd, Conrots Administrator ‘Adress: 6308 Mall Service Center City, State, Zp: Raleigh NC 27959-6308 one, fx WI919-407-3662; y/919-807-3660 Email janecyrd@apine gov Proll Description jee Tie Digi Leaning Plan eget Surlind Dates, _/218004, Projet Cant for University: Friday tsi for Educational Inovaton of NCSU rough 902019 Incorporation ‘The Tem snd Conditions ofthe NCSBE/UNC Master Agree ae incorporated by reference, This Tak Order als incides any ‘Appenine or addendums attached hereto including Appendix A "Repent Scope of Work” Appendix B “ihe Funding Source Avard ‘Nate (fappiesble), Appendix C “Contract Certifations Required by Sate Law 2013)" AppendinD “Detaled Budget” ncling allowable Facies and Administrative Cou recovery and Appendix E “ARRA Contact Provisions end Race to the Top Reporting Requiemens”™ IN WITNESS THEREOF, the pares hive caused he Task Order to be executed by ter authorized representatives. APPROVED BY: FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION; Vo FGA Cn Tine SC Akinson, State Superintendent 6 isrtumion) StetieD. Sounders * a Nee fife ‘asx onnen Ko. @ Ne Nee RTE “iting Of Signature sealRovmacrercnve nowimn ase “Toial Project Coss $1999, 5805 ‘Toul funding ode Cot sare ered with nt ation: Cont share to dt: Reciplnt Fea Ag Funding Sours Sate of Nonh Carolina nd US, Deparment sf Education Agency CPD AH: 84.395 s39sn 100069 Ties Special Terme and Conditions ‘Wane, Tie Tle Sewing, Conroe and Grants ‘Adaress:2701 Sulivan Dr, Admin Sevices Bldg. Box ae City, tae, 2p: Raleigh, NC27695.7214 Pane, () 919-815-008; () 9105154693 Email Jule shin nens ed [ Appendix B: Not applicable fr is Oner See Appendix C, ConracorCertiestions Reuired by State ew G01) Involcing Cot ibureemant under thie Tak Order wil eis pid inves submited m ore ely a orthly and na invoice submited within 30das ofthe projet end date Ited on pe All invoies are subj ote approval ofthe “NCSBE Project Coordinator." Invoices are tobe aadressedtw NCDPI, Accounts Payable, 633] Mal Sere Cente, Rakih, NC 276996331 bu malt the Pnjert Conte sed on page to ti Task Over Amendment Desrpton ‘Beit te rato for amending Wis Task Order: Bdiget Coe: 0801-£32150-182143022000, 01-<37150-108129850000 udget Source: State/Federa!, Strategie vs2010 Appendix A ~ Scope of Work A Digital Lea Friday Insttate fr Edueationsl, Transition Plan novation, NC State University Background ‘The NC General Assembly, via Sesion Law 2013-12, as stated its intention tanson K12 education fom rextbook-ased to digtl leaning approaces Session Law 2013-12 (Hout Bill 4) i, 4M ACT STATING THE INTENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO TRANSITION FROM, ‘FUNDING TEXTBOOKS TO FUNDING DIGITAL LEARNING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AS. RECOMMENDED BY THE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION STUDY COMMITTEE (ON DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Specifically, SL 2013-12 defines a trast o digit learn in school in 1.0 follows 1s the nent ofthe General Assembly to raratin frm funding fe textbooks, both ronal nd igh ondng for eigl material icing tetboos tnd istration resources. 0 ‘provide educational resources that remain cre, ligned wlth cure, and active for ll ‘earners by 2017, ‘The digital wrarsiton defied in 1.44 will require change in instructional practices, new types oF educational resources, changes in classroom and school management revised school tafing models, Enhanced school nd iri technology infrastructure, Inert contested deve foal des aed teacher, and educator ang ad support aired to specie dirt and ear cepleyments. Further, Slate and local funding and policy ramewarks wil need to be revied. In shor the iil arson wil ‘equite comprehensive planing. To that end, Section 6.11(g) of S.L. 2013-3601 authorizes the Department of Public Instruction to utilize one million dollars ($1,000,000) of appropriated funds for a plan to transition to a digital learning environment. ‘SECTION 6.11.(g) Funds appropriated for Digital Learning pursuant to subsection (¢) ofthis section shall be used to support grants to local education agencies (LEAs) for (i) delivering educator professional development focused on using digital and other instrwctional technologies ‘o provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students, and (i) aequiring quality digital content to enhance instruction Up to one million dollars ($1,000,000) may be used by the Department of Public Instruction to (i) develop a plan to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital (o funding for digital materials, ‘including textbooks and instructional resources and (i) provide ‘educational resources that remain curreut, are aligned with curriculum, and are effective for all learners by 2017. The plan shall also include an inventory of the infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in publie schools. @ @ Tee balance ofthis document summaries the sope of work fora lansing effet purseant to $6.11(@) Of SL.2013-3601 and supporting SL. 2013-12, (Contract administration and term ‘The NC Deparment of Publ Instruction managing execuve fr this work is Deputy Superintendent sad hie Financial Officer, Philip Price. Thee Leving Commision cared by Lieutenant Governor Dan Fores will serves the edvisry commits tothe Digital Leaming Panning Team (DLP?) Wir iso begin April 21,2014 and continue for em of 18 mons, ending September 30, 2015, Scope of Work ‘The Feds Insitute wil lead the digital learn plansng, bulding upon sucessful approaches fromthe 001 comectivy intatve (SC, the NC leang technologies naive (NCL), sd the NC edocation nud planning and evaluation profes. twill bul upon exemplary practices an lesson learned within, [NC LEA that already have dial leasing inttvesundervay, a wells fom gl lamin programs tn policies in he sates. Within 90 day of contac execution, the DLPT wl provide a work plan ‘ncudingtnetabl or every of ier reports and lated project documents The DLPT shall bla inal repr comprising al ofthe deliverables sted Uelow ono before September , 2018, Develop a plan to transition from funding for textbooks to funding for diital materials, ‘moreso tanstion from funding ofextbooks to fndng fo gta materi we mast compare how ‘Stand local funds are combined in the agey textbook nding envionment with the al cox of ‘unersip fora digital envzonmert. Further, we mast iverigne how Sate and locl policy impact a Aga wansiten. Specie aks ncade? ‘+ Document historical textbook funding and associated costs at the State and local levels ‘= Research and document cost elements associated with digital leaning. ‘+ Research and document existing State and local funding for digital learning elements. + Research State and local policy barriers to digital learning and develop recommendations for policy revisions 2. Develop a plan to provide educational resources that cemain current, that are ali h curriculum, and effective forall learners by 2017, A Sigal lamin approach will be built round a combination of open education esoures (OER), ‘utsripton-tased conten series, nd NC-reted coment, In ard to develop, ve align, publish, and ‘maninn high quai digits content, LEAs, Carers, ne NCDPI must define and implement conten ‘mstagemen’stegies and workflows. Planing requirments inclde ‘© Identify exemplar classroom, school, and district digital Instructional approaches ‘= Express exemplar approaches as measurable functional workflows, services, supports, and infrastructures ‘+ Define best practices fr aligning the elements of exemplar approaches to NC districts ‘© Provide an initial mapping of exemplar approach elements to NC districts arning-based @ @ + Specify a comprehensive digital content management plan * Specify governance, organization, funding, and related sustainabilty parameters 3. Develop an inventory ofthe infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning In public schoo's, Satwide dial eaing requires highly capable and scalable ecology and hams support infasuctures. NC enjoys several advanced satewide and regional technology and ipprtftasrctres hat can be expanded to suppor pervasive digi learing. Additonal complintay erie: wil need 19 be defined and deployed. Addionaly te State will needa compreensive, sap ple for bling, ‘spect ofall NC edueators ol utze dig vesoures an to meet he new digtllesmng standards Speci tasks incl: ‘+ Spocify technology infrastructure required at the classroom, scro0l, strict, and State levels ‘Specify service and support infrastructure required at the lass‘oom, school, district, and State levels, + Document a comprehensive survey of existing digital learning technology, service, and support infrastructures at the classroom, school, district, and State levels ‘+ Prepare a gap analysis based in required versus existing capabilites ~ as appropriate, gaps willbe defined atthe school, district, and Stat levels + Keay categories of human capacity neded athe casroom, school, dst an Sate level to Tetvely implement ial learning. ‘Define professional developmen approaches tht provide ongoing, susan, and job-mbedded opportunities for edsestr, admits, and oe sa + Provide best practises f professional leasing programs aed spposche tld by dicts that are implementing digi ering else. ‘+ Identity or provide models of policies that support capacity buiking Approach ‘The overrcing vision ofthe projet so develops cgia learn implementation lan for Stat, sit, snd school evel leaders. Our approach emphases ha the role of ecology eto erance teaching std ‘eaming while also exabling moc fei profesional developmen schoo anegenent tnd sommunication withthe school community Our approach wl ull Upon existing exmplry patie in ‘NC and elsewhere us all avaable eleva dt, incorporate esearchbted bot patie, ad engage Stakeholders inthe process. Specfeally, we wil ‘Identify or adapt existing data collection instruments, building upon the ‘approach and instruments used in the School Connectivity, NC Education Cloud, ‘and NC Learning Technologies initiative projects. * Collect both qualitative and quantitative data inthe form of surveys, classroom ‘observations, interviews, and focus groups. ‘+ Assess LEA and school readiness via surveys, data analysis, and onsite information collection. Engage Stat, school and district staf responsible for curriculum, professional development, assessment, special education, finance, oO @ {and Has well as the instructional and infrastructure aspects of technology. Engage regional and State level associations of educators, administrators, principals, and technologists, Including NCPAPA, NCASA and NCSBA to obtain input and develop stakeholder support among school and district administrators and members of local school boards. Visit and study exemplary schools, district, and States, Engage private sector providers through live request for information convenings. Define models of effective digital learning transitions n schools and districts of different sizes, student demographics, and geographic regions, with exemplars of ‘each model, to provide concrete examples to inform school and district transition processes. "= Develop a comprehensive plan that addresses technology infrastructure, curriculum resources, professional development, funding and other aspects required for Statewide progress in digital learning, ‘Timeline and Detivrabes ‘The project timeline nd delivenbles ae a cenal element of he dese work pan that wil be completed within 90 days of the project at ate We expt to engage NCDPL, NCSBE. andthe e-Leaming, ‘Commission inthe development of te workplan and as such expe Some ie-unng on sear, etvrables, nd timeline Below weit the baelne deliverables and target Glivery das Project start Aor 21,2014 tnt pei Bret Dune 3, 3014 Detaled work plan uly, 2014 Wireless iniratructore pin sepienber 1 2018 Poly bre update January 1, 2015 igh learong feast sty and seezement report May 2038 ina report ‘August, 2075 Project end September 30,2515 @ @ Append ‘CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW (2013) INSTRUCTIONS: ‘The peson who signs this document should read the text of ho statute sted below and consul with counsel and other knowledgeable persons beore signing. 0 ® ‘+ The text of Article 2 of Chapter 64 ofthe North Carona General Statutes can be found online a ste nous ation Slatutes PDE. salaries 2 oot + Thetext of 6. 105-1048) can be found one at 7 nkilww. nega slate ne usfEnectedLealsatonStalues/POF/BySectontChapter 105(GS. 105-164 8 pt + The textof 6s, 143-48.5 (SL 2013-418, s 2) can be found onine at ncaa slons/20 13/8 + Thetextof 6.5. 143.88.1 canbe found online a: cus salon Statutes POF naples 144s + Thetextof Gs, 149-582 canbe found online at. Et slate neusTenaa Statues PDE sasies 149. + Thetext of 6S. 147-33 95(6) (SL. 2013-418, s. 2(@) canbe found oni a hit s/Sessions20% DFIMTE (CERTIFICATI Pursuant to G.S. 143-48.5 and G.S. 147.23.95(g), the undersigned hereby certfes that the Contractor named below. and the Contractor's subcontractor, compiles with the raqurements of Arle 2 of Chapley 84 ‘of he NC General Statutes, Including the requirement for each employer wih more than 25 employees in Nort Carolina to very te work authorization of ts employees tvough he federal E-Verty system." Very ‘Sysem Link yaw uscis cov Pursuant to G.S. 143-59.1(b), the undersigned hereby certs thatthe Coniractor named below isnot an “inelgible Contactor as st forth in G8, 143-531(8) bacause” (2) Nether the Contractor nor any ofits aftates has refused to collect he use fax levied under Article 5 of Chepter 105 ofthe General Salutes on ls sales delvered to North Caraina when the sales met ‘one oF more of the condilans of G'S. 105-164 8(); and ° ” @ (0) [eneck one of to ftowing boxes a Nter the Contractor nor any of is fists has Incorporated or elncorpratd in atx haven coun a8 st fort In GS, 143-5011) afer December 31,2001: oF ‘The Contractor of one of sates has ocrporated or relncorporated In "ax even county" asset forth in GS 14288.[0N2) after Docerbor 31, 2001 but te Une Ste not the pinial maret for tbe pule ding ofthe stock of the corporation corporate in Tretax haven county, Pursuant to 6.5, 143-50.20), tho undersigned hereby corti tht none of the Contractor's ofiers, rectors, or owners (f the Contractor Is an unncorporsiad business ently) hes been corvetad of sry ‘elation of Chapter 78A of the Goneral Statues ortho Soci Ac of 1953 or Uw Seca Exchange Ack ‘f 1834 within 10 years Inmectaaly por tothe data ofthe Bd soon ‘The undersigned hwoby cortios Rather that (2) Heorshetsa dul authorizes representative of the Contractor named below, &) He orshe is autores to make, and does hereby make, tho cortfeatons on bea ofthe © a bY foregoing (©) Her she understands that ay person who Inowingly submis 2 flee ceria In response othe ‘requrereis ofS, 143-68-1and 89.2 shallbe guy of Cis | felony NAME.OF VeNooR:_North Carolina State University ‘SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: “TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT; Senior Contract Negotiaece STATE OF _Noxth carolina COUNTY OF _Hake SIGNED AND swoRN TO OR AFFIRMED) BEFORE MErTsTie a) bavor grt Srey kin S MN tfatde PUBLIC my commission exerres: 2/7/2415 ® Appendix D - Detailed Budget sont Tet et then pe ogling phn 52M re mon poste ig Apl2018 aT aT ns Ta aovissrone | ranvesons_|_snnsspons Famat ricer 5 esrass [asians rare [a Teil sree Abie —|§ soon | 3 —iztooto0 | ¢——Sonono0{ $ too moos i Tom cae $——ae7snan | $——rssnoon | ¥ —iarsioo [+ ase.otn ERE sSaTTERT “Ts esoo0g0 |] s _aenaoo00 | +0000] $ 39000000 Tora [sisamaes | sraeveco | soamices ——[suavaas90 Timmy ir beste=socoroalTsssaeso0 [serranise _[sszoao | sazenoroe Tora |sssaimoo | sar7gvise [33520000 | s2onz90 coe iG s00m0 ———[sap00n6 ——[sisa60m3 Toon TOTAL sisn0a00 | srosto.09 | sisoonco—— sroon00 Taira TE Hams amos som somm050 Das Soves $s00009 | sisoo000 $igoon90 | s0.00 Pane Son oe Sone TT Sans #250009 2000 0008 3750000 Cac 52500000 | sion 00000 [2s oa.00 515000000 TOTAL |ssoton00 ——|sisga0o00 | vaso a0 | S297 s0n.00 Danas ‘soezas | aavase | moe7auas ——_[ SRST GASICOSNCDPTRETES THT Teessz0 _|siraaoi7 | astozo | seonaoois on Di Cons aa TT Coss — | sa} e087 ——~[s.sasena7 [soar aent —— [sige some Appendix E, ions and Race to the Top Rey Requirements Section I: ARRA Contract Provisions Section II: ARRA/Race to the Top (RttT) Reporting Requirements Section Ill: RttT Vendor Activity Report and Vendor Mouthly Expenditure Report (Contact Sarah Harris at to be sent the Monthly Expenditure Report in Excel format via email, @ ection I: ARRA Contract Provisions ‘By submission ofa proposal, Couractor agrees comply wit the flowing provisions. Failure to comply wih any and al provision herein ay be cause for he coneetngspenty to sue cancion note toe contac Reporting Requirements ‘The Contactors oti tat ths project wl be financed with American Recovery and Relmestment Act of 209 (ecinfe,“ARRA”) Funds, The Contractor shal ens tha al subcontracts and other cones for goods and services for on ARRA-fanded projet have the ‘mandated provisions ofthis drecive ta have no been repealed ate conto Posting with the Local Employment Security Commission {1 adiion any ter job posirgs the Contractor normaly ies, the Offie of anomie Recovery & Investment herenaie, “OER requires that the Contractor shall post with he nel Employment Security Crmmission Offical eon for which be tends tohie workers as a reult of being awarded his contrat Labor an semis postions mus be poste for at leat 48 hours tore the hiring desision, Al ote positions mus be posted a minimum posting of five days before the ing decision. The Contr and ony ‘Subeontracor shall eprtthe ne hires inthe manner preeribed by the Employment Seerity Commision and the OER [Required Contract Provision to Implement ARRA Section 902 Section 902 ofthe ARRA regutes thot each conract aardd eting ARRA funds mus include «provision that provides the U.S. Compiler General and his repesenttves withthe autho te: (1) examine any reson of te contactor or any of its subsonic, or any State o acl agen aninserng such contac, tht ely pens o, an inolve ansetions relating ste contac or subcontract td (2) teriew any offic: or smplayee of the contractor or any of subcontracts, or of any State of loca goverment agency ‘sdminiterng the cont, regarding seh rasan. Accordingly, the Compiroller Gaeal and his representatives shall have the author and rigs presribed under Seton 902 ofthe 'ARRA wih respect conracts fnded with ecovery funds made available under the ARRA. Section 902 fre ates hat wong 0 ‘902 shal be interpreted init rrestict in any way any existing ether of te Compreler General, Authority ofthe Inspector General provision Section 1515) of the ARRA provides authority for any representatives ofthe United States Inspector General o examine any records ot Interview any employee or offices working on this cont The conor s advised that representatives ofthe Iapeter General hve {he authori te examine any recon and ifrview any employes or oficer of the contrat, Ke ubconractor reer rms working os this contact. Seton 15150) fer Provides that nothing in this seton shall be iterpetedo lini or eit in any way any existing authority of an lspetor Genera Buy American Pros Sesion 1605 ofthe ARRA reqs tit ro, sie! and manufictured goods used in public buildings or public works projects be manufactured in the United Stas. Conacioraprees to abide by tht provision and sal isinin records of such porches for Inspection by authorized agents othe Sate of North Caotna an Federal agencies, The Contractor mus obi writen exception or this provision fom the gene ishing the contrat @ @ Wage Rate Provision Seaton 1606 ofthe ARRA requires that all borers and meshanes employed by contractors and subsonzactrs with Finds from the ‘ARRA shall be paid wages at rls not estan the prevaling wage rate under he Davie-Bacon Act, The contactor ges tat by the subision of «proposal in esponse toa solicitation fanded in whale ein part with rezovery funds, continuous compliance wil be ‘sinaied with he Bavi-Bacon Act Availbility and Use of Funds Contacors understand and acknowledge that any andl payment of fund rte continestontheco'is contingent upon feds provided solely by ARRA or required sate matching finds. Pursuit fo Seton 1604 of te ARRA, corrcor agree not to undetake oF make ‘roges toward any acivy ing recovery funds that wil lend tothe velopment of sch activity es caine oF thet gambling sbllsimens, aqunriams, os, go courses swimming pool ray other activity speci prohibited bythe Recovery Ac Whisteblower Provisions CConacrs understand and acknowiedge hat Arte 4 of Chapter 124, NCGS 126-44 hough 126-85 (pois othe Sit and sae mpoyes), Article 21 of Chapter 95, NCOS 95-240 through 8-245 pplis to anyone, including ate employees) and Seton 1533 of "he Recovery Act (applies to anyone eceivng Federal fund), provide prateton to Sat, Feet and conta employees. Outsoarcing outside the USA without Specifie Prior Approval Provision ‘Contac gres not to we any recovery finds fom a const or any oer performance agreement awarded bythe State of North arog, its agencis, or polis subdivisions Fer outsourcing ouside of the United States, without specific prior writen approval om ‘he gery issuing te cont, Federal, State and Local Tax Obligations By submission of propos, comtacors and sbconrators assert and selcetfy that all Feder, Sate an local ox obligations have een owl be Sasted prior receiving recovery fn Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Pursuant Section 7 ofthe guidance memorandum ised bythe United States Office of Management and Budget on Apel 3,200, 'ecover funds must be distributed in accordance wih ll ant- RUT Vendor Activity Report Continu: Part B: Please lst all contract deliverables met forthe current reporting period. Part C: Please list any contract deliverables that have been delaved during the current reporting period. Include any reasons for delays and strategies to overeome identified delays. Part D: Please lst any activities related fo the contract that are planned for next month. Part B: Were subcontractors used? Yes__No___Ifyes, please initial the certification below: ‘The Contractor ensures that all subcontracts ahd other contacts for goods and services for an RUT Funded project have the mandated provisions ofthe Office of Economic Recovery and Investment (OER) Directive #3 in their ® e RUT Vendor Aetivity Report Continued: Part F: Were there any change orders related to this contract? Yes___No__. Ifyes, please provide a ‘detailed list below to include the date, change order number, description, and dollar amount. Part G: Using the attached spreadsheet; please identify the expenditures for the current month as outlined ‘the detailed contract budget. ‘Part H: By signing this document, you are attesting that all information reported is accurate and reliable to the best of your knowledge ‘Signature, Title Date Printed Name @ ® ‘ace xo the Top (tt) Vendor Monthly Expenaiture Report Emer Month & Year> iv wat vt ovat rave oe ‘wh wz March 10, 2014 Memorandum - Tr June Atkinson a From: Philip Pee ‘Subject: Intent to Contract Requisition No. PR RX} IWwaZqao (Required for Service Contracs Greater Than $5,000) Important Information: Approval of this Memorandum of Intent io Contract is required prior to initiating the contract process. It does not constitute coatrat, nor does it imply {hata contact will be approved. In that cegard, please note thal no contractor work ean inunti a contract has been approved and signed by both parties, Signed contracts ‘will be retumed tothe listed DPI Contract Contact Person by the DPI Purchasing and Contracts Section, Instructions: The queStions/information in this memorandum must be completed, and the appropriate aporovals obtained prior to initiating a Request for Proposal (RFP) or eny contract paperwork, including amendments. All appropriate requesied questions and information must be answered and completed, othe form will beretumed, If approved, the original memorandum will be forwarded tothe Purchase and Contracts Section, and a copy willbe returned to the division. IFnot approved, the original memorandum will be retumed to the division, |. Please complete the following information (Ifyou will vse competitive bidaing, pleae incerta short name forthe RFP or other bid instrument in the place for Contractor Name; for example: RFP for Parking Services, and do ‘ot complete the contract amount of contract dates.) Contractor Name: The Friday Institute for Eduestion fanovation of NC State University oe Contract Amount: $2-898,000"1, 49 eAK.OF) Contract Dates: April, 2014 = August, 201 DPI Contract Contact Person and Telephone Number: Plilip rice, 807-3600 2. Isthisa contract amendment? Iso, please explain fully why you are amending it, NO (Note: Ifthe amendment is fora date extension only, donot answer questions #3 through #12) Why are you initiating aconteact?: What services will you require? ‘The NC General Assembly has state its intention to transition K-12 ‘education to a digital learning platform. In this regard, the General Assembly instructed NCDPI to develop: (1) A plao to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital. to funding for digital materials, including textbooks anc instructional resources; @) A planto provide educational resources that remain current, are sed with curriculum, and effective forall learners by 2017; and @) An inventory of the infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in publie schools. Outside services are required to perform the assessments of present LEA and school facilities and resources, determine the technical infrastructure needs and educational requirements for providing digital textbooks and other instructional materials, and develop the plan for completing this initiative. How does the contract add value tothe teaching/leaming process? The initiative is a logical extension ofthe applications and services being ‘implemented as part of the Race to the Top initiative. Is the service unique and not repetitive with agency activity or other ‘contracts? Please state why this service cannot be performed within the resources ofthe agency. Yes, itis unique, and no, i is not repetitive with other agensy activities or other contracts. The specialized skills and ‘number of personnel required to complete this effort in the desired timeframeare not available a the ageney. What is theimpaet, if you do not contract fr these services? The full advantages and benefits from the advanced and powerful applications and services being implemented under the Race to the Top endeavor will ‘ot accrue tothe state public schools, Wthis contact is being paid with grant money, does the grant requiee the contracted services? No Please describe the grant references to these contracted services, and give a synopsis ofthe grant. ($1,000,000 from ‘Appropriated Funds and $1,000,000 from the Race to the Top Gran!) The Race to the Top grant reecived in 2010 is a competitive grant administered by the US Department of Education designed to spur novation in the classroom. It has the potential to reinvent classroom instruction; thereby, leading to significant leaps in student performance ‘and educational out comes. Will you use competitive bidding (eg., RFP?) If yes, skip the remaining questions #9 through # 12. No @ @ 9. Are you using an IT Supplemental Staffing Convenience Contractor other type of convenience contract? Ifyes, please skip cuestion # 10 and complete Questions # 11 and # 12. We will use the Task Order under the NC State Board of Education, University of North Carolina Master Agreement. 10, Do you plan to request sole sourcing for this contract? If yes, please complete and attach the required sole source justification memorandum. Sole sourcing, is warranted whenever only one acceptable source can be found sole sourcing. should never be the first consideration. (Important: The approval ofthe DPL Section Chief for Purchasing and Contracts, and agproval by the Division of Purchasing and Contracts or ITS Procurement Services is required for sole sourced contracts.) Have you contacted with his vendor previously fer rete services? Iyes, lease list all contacts with his vendor drng the ast twelve month. Some larger open or recent past contracts ar Race othe Top Cloud Panning and Deployment ~ PO EPSS6U645 fad PU EPATIDTB, NC Schoo! Connectivity PO EP 4437818, EP4494908% EP4S13380; and EPASI3908; and NC Learaing Technology Readiness Phase2~PO EP4S6U6IS 12, How did you calculate the cos (e.., what isthe cost per hour and numberof hours?) ifthe cost per hour is above the DP! maximum for that type of service per the New Service Contract Policies, please attach the required ‘written permission granted by the Deputy Superintendent. Price quote provided, 13, Is this contract for information technology services? Ves Z Approved: Yes. No. some he CBC oy Soeinenin * stereo itis Eee TSE capa bc Soe rew sa5s2uabion April21, 2014 meer Public Schools of North Catling Purchasing and Contracts ATTN Janet Byrd 301 N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27501, Reference: signed certification for contract NC1O139273, NCSU Technical Representative: Dr. Glenn Kleiman and Phil Emer NCSU Fle Number: RADAR 2016-1889 Dear Ms. Byrd, Enclosed you wil find one fully executed Certfation forthe Order referenced above {ovmber NC10439271), Please include this cercation in te fly executed Order on fit with 0. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments regarding this agreement. My phone number is 919-515-7513 and my email address icki@ncsu.edy. On behalf of the University, please accept my gratitude for NCOP continued support forthe University's research, educational and public sevice _misions. We look forward to our continued collaborations with DPon this important efort. Most Respectfully, . Mectnol Ae Martina L.kraywicl, CRA Senior Contract Negotiator ‘Attachments: partially executed orginal agreement (2 copies) ® ocrtmemmmn De tates erate Roce Seater Seyret astm) area inosnape Public Schools of North Carolina Purchasing and Contracts ATTN Janet Byrd 301 N. Wimington Steet Raleigh, Nc 27601, Reference: partially executed contract NC10139273, NCSU Technical Representative: Dr. Glenn Kleiman and Fil Emer NCSU Fle Number RADAR # 2010-1849, Dears. Bye, Enclosed you wil find two partially executed contracts for Order number NC10139271, Pease sign both agreements enclosed and return one original copy to North Carolina State Universit forts records using the following adress: North carolina State University Sponsored Programs & Regulatory Compliance Services ATTN: Martina Kraywick 2701 Sulvan Orv, Suite 240 Campus Box 7514 Raleigh, NC27695-7514 Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or comments regarding this agreement. My phone number Is 918-515-7513 and my emalladdressis ‘martina krewickl@ncsu edu. On behalf ofthe University, pletse accept my gratitude for [NCPs continued support forthe University's research, educational and public sevice missions We look forward to our continued collaborations with OPI on this important efor. — Hees | re eye oma ‘Attachments: patialy executed origina agreement (2 copies) Janet Byed Friday, Api 04 2014 12:00 PM any perman@nesuedu Debby Jackson Subject: {ast Order No. NCIOI39271, Attachments: 1013-771 Cover letter doc: 1013-9271 NCSU doe Attached is a coer letter and task order document fo our agreement no. NC1O138271. Please prin two copies, sign, and return to ou oie atthe address indicated on the cover eter. Appendix C, “Contractor Certifications Requied by State Law (2013' must be completed and the signature(s) notarized. Please note we must have two signed ‘oFiginals. An orignal signed copy willbe returned to you once the agreement has ben fully executed Hf you have any question, plese let us know. We lock forward to working with you Janet Byrd ‘Purchasing ond Contracts (P) 919°807-3662 (P) 919-807-3660 Visits onthe web at Alle mil eorespondense to and from this address is subjext ‘o the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to thd parties, including law enforcement, PUBLIC sCRoors OF NORTH cSROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION sm W.cobey ir chalman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION suneSt Ci Attnson £60. Sate Spetitendent April 4, 2014 Ms, Amy Herman, Sponsored Programs-Regulatory Compliance [NC State University 2701 Sullivan Drive, Adm. Services Bldg. II Suite 240, Box 7514 Raleigh NC 27695-7514 Dear Ms, Herman: ‘Attached please find Task Order/Task Order amendment NC10139271. Please print two copies, sign both with original signatures and retum them within five working days upon receipt When you have completed the above, please return both copies to me at the address below. This ‘documert does not become a binding contract nor shall the service start until duly signed by the ‘contractor and the North Carolina State Board of Education. Ifyou have any questions or ifany changes need to be made to the contact, please call me, A completed copy willbe sent to you when all the signatures have been obtained. Thank you for your prompt and complete response, Sincerely, Janet C. Byrd Purchasing and Contracts ib ‘ce: Philip rice Enclosures DIVISION OF FINANCIAL AND BUSINESSSERVICES PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS (6308 sevice Cnt Rag, Net Cerin 2765-208 (919) 47-362 (19) 736 SioctAaes 30 N Wimiogan St, Raleigh NC 2701 [AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER — ‘TASK ORDER — Issued Under the North Carolina Stale Doar of Education, University of North Carina Master Agreement, Version 00t Project Personne JUNC tstitton Principal investigator Ncswe, University: NCSU Friday Iai or Eduction Innovation Projet Coordinator ‘Name, Tie: Phil Emer, Ditecor of Technology rh Celina Deparment of Public Inston ‘Ades: 1800 Main ompus Deve; Camps Box 7249 Name, Tite: Philip W Price iy, State, Zp Raleigh NC 27606 ‘Adress 6326 Mai Service Center Email painriesueds hy Stat, Zp: Raleigh, NC 27699-5326 Phone, fo 919-807-3600; 919-807-604 Email Philingriedpbnso¥ [eoae Adataaior Universe NC State Unversiy ‘Contract Admiistrator ‘Mame Tile: Amy Herman, Sponsored Progrms- Regulatory ‘Neth Colina Departmen of Pubic lsrtion Compliance Name, Tie: Janet Byrd. ConeaetsAdinitator ‘Adress: 770 Sullivan Dr, Admin Services Bldg I, Suite ‘Adres: 6308 Mal Service Cevier, 240, Boe 7514 Cy. Ste, Zip: Raleigh NC27699-008 iy state, nip: Raleigh NC 27695-7514 Prone i. W919 807-2662; F915-807.3660 Phone fax: (2) 91915-2444; (F) 919-515-7721 Email Janetbyrddph.e gov nal amy heron Gnesued Projet Description ajo Tile Digi Lenin Plan Project Conte for University: Fry Insti for Educational Imation of NCSU Project Starving Dates:_ 4/11/2014 ‘sheowgh 9130/2015, Incorporation The Tems and Condions of the NCSBEIUNC Maser Agcumen ae Incorporated by reference. This Task Order sso includes any Appendices or addendums atathedbereo, including Appendix A "Recipient Seope of Work.” Appendix 8" Funding Source Awan Notice” ifappleable. Appendix C "Contact Ceriation Require by Sate Law (2013),” Append O “Dealed Budget" including allowable Falties and AGminsaive Cost recovery and Appendix E “ARKA Contact Provsons and Race tthe Top Reporting Requiemens IN WITNESS THEREOF, th pas hve caused the Task Order to be executed by thr authorized representatives. Attest: APPROVED BY: ‘lp Pie, Chit FnansialOffeer ate FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Tose St lar Akins, State Superintendent Date UNC INSTITUTION: ‘ihorang Ocal Signature aie snot no @ ‘Taal Proje Cons 51999, 9R05 Total funding to da: (Cost stare requited with this ation Cont stare date Recipient Fiscal Agent Funding Source Saw Federal Agency FDA Tile: Special Termsand Conditions [ Nas Tile Dale Sehwinds, Contre and Grass ‘Aires: 2901 Salvan De, Admin, Seve Big Il, Box mia Cy, state, ip Raleigh, NC27695-7214 Phone, fx: (®) 919-1 08; (F) 919-515-4693 ‘See Appendix C, Conaelor Ceicaons Required by Sate Law 2013) vee Cont reimbursement unde this Task Order will equie perio avoiees simited no marefrequently than monthly nd a final invoice submited within 30 days of the project end date Used on page 1 All voices are sues tthe aproral of tbe 'NCSBE Project Coordinator." Invoices are tobe adiressedo NCP, Accounts Payable 631 Mail Services Cente. Raleigh, NC 276946331, bt mailed othe Projet Coordinator ted on pe of hs Tas Ore laa Desc { Describe ihe ean er amening tis Tak Onder Budget Code: 0801-32150-182143922000, 0801-532150-108129850000 eget Sours: StveFederat, Strategie Priority: TCS snow @ Appendix A Scope of Work A Digital Learning Transition Plan Friday Institute for Educational lnovation, NC Sate University Background ‘The NC General Assembly, via Session Law 201-12,has tated its fenton o transition K2 eéveation Yom textbook based ogi learningspproches, Session Law 2013-12 Heuse Bill 4) i, AN ACT STATING THE INTENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO TRANSITION FROM "FUNDING TEXTBOOKS TO FUNDING DIGITAL LEARNING IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 4S [RECOMMENDED BY THE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION STUDY COMMITTEE (ON DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Specifically, SL 201312 defines wanstin to dl leaning in shoo in 1.09 follows: ui the net of the Ganarl Assembly to anaion fom fading for textbooks, both matonel and digi 1 fnding for gal matras, including tetbooe ad rational eure fo provide educainal resources tha remain carrot, ligned wit curicaln,and eect for all earners by 2017, The dig transtion defined in W848 wil equeehaages in nstrtona pasties, new types of educational resources, changes in casroom and sehool management, revised schol staffing models, hanced school and dst ecology infastucture, Internet connected devices fr al states rd teacher, and ductor ining and suppor ‘allored to specified and char deployments ure, Stand local funding and policy fame works wil edo berevied. In shor the dghal vansiton wil ‘equle comprehensive plang. To that end, Section 6.11(g) of S.L. 2013-3601 authorizes the Department of Public Instruction to utilize one million dollars ($1,000,000) of appropriated funds fora plan to transition to a digital learning environment, SECTION 6.11.(g) Funds appropriated for Digital Learning pursuant to subsection (e) of this section shall be used to support grants to local education agencies (LEAs) for(i) delivering educator professional development focused on using digital and other instructional technologies ‘0 provide high-quality, integrated digital teaching and learning to all students, and (i) aequiring quality digital content to enhance instruction. Upto one million dollars ($1,000,000) may be used by the Department of Public Instruction to (i) develop a plan to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources and (ii) provide educational resources that remain current, are aligned with curriculum, ‘and are effective for all learners by 2017. The plan shall also include an inventory of the infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in publie schools. @ ‘The balance ofthis document summarizes the scape of work fora planning effort purseat to §6.(6) OF SL. 2013-360 and spporing SL 2013-12 Contract administration and term ‘The NC Department of Public Instruction managlag execlve for hs work is Deputy Superintendent and Chie Financial Ofer, Pili Price. The Leaning Commision cred by Liewevant Goverar Da Foret willerve asthe ovisryvonmite he Dipial beaming Panng Fea (OUP). Work sto begin Api |,2014 and cominue for atemm of 18 mont, ending Augut 30, 2015. Seope of Work ‘The ids Insitate wi lead the digial earning planning, bing upon sucesfu approaches rom the school connectivity nttve (SCD) the NC learning Lezhnolgieshnlaive (NCLTT), nd the NC eduction ‘oud planning nd evaluation projets. I wl buld upon exemply practices and lessons lered within [NC LEAS tat ready have digital leasing nsaives under, well as fom dg arin programs and policies in the sates. Within 90 days of contact exeraion, fe DLPT wil provide work plan incadingatimetbl for dlvry of inrim eps and rested peje documenta The DLPT shall Publish ia report comprising al fhe delvrabes listed below ono before August I, 2015, 1. Develop a plan to transition from funding for textbooks to fundin tal materia Inorer 0 wanstion rom finding of textbooks to fanding fr digit materials, we mos compare how ‘Stat and lel fends are combined inthe legac textbook funding einen wih he ttl es oF ‘ownership fora digital environmen.” Farker, we mus investigate how Sate nd lca pole ipl a Aigal wanton, Specie asks ice Document historical textbook funding and associated costs at the State and local levels + Research and document cost elements associated with digital learning. * Research and document existing State and local funding for digital learning laments ‘+ Research State and local policy barriers to digital learning and develop ‘recommendations for policy revisions. 2. Develop a plan to provide educational resources tht remai that are aligned with curriculum, and ef all learners b ‘Adiga ering approach willbe bil aroend combination of pen eduction resources (OERS), sabseripton based conten services, and NC-ratd conten none to develop, vt. ign publi nd ‘asi high quality digital conten, LEAs, Chores and NCDPI mst define ond plement conte ‘manapementstatepes and wor lows Planing reqitement nla: ‘+ Identify exemplar classroom, school, and district digital learning-based instructional approaches ‘+ Express exemplar approaches as measurable functional work Rows, services, supports, and infrastructures ‘+ Define best practices for aligning the alements of exemplar approaches to NC districts ‘+ Provide an initial mapping of exemplar approach elements to NC districts @ @ ‘+ Specify a comprehensive digital content management plan ‘+ Specify governance, organization, funding, and related sustainability parameters 3, Develop an inventory ofthe infrastructure needed to support robs arnin in public schools, ‘Statewide dig earning requires highly eapsble an sealable tecology and hum suppor instore. NC enjoys several advaced statewide and regional ecology sd suppetinfsrctres that on be expaned to support pervasive digital leaning. Adana complimentary serves wil eed © tbe defined and deployed. Additonal, the State wl eed a comprehensive, satege pan for bung pacity ofall NC educators to fly ile digital resources no mec the new dil leaning sandr Specie asks nea: + Specify technology infrastructure required atthe classroom, school, district, and State levels ‘+ Specify service and support infrastructure required at the classroom, school, district, and State levels, Document a comprehensive survey of existing digital learning technology, service, and suppor infrastructures atthe classroom, school, dstlet, and State levels ‘+ Prepare a gap analysis based in required versus existing capabilities - as appropriate, gaps willbe defined atthe school district, and State levels. 1+ Mensfy estgories ofhumon capa needed at the clroom, shoo, dst, and Site eel 0 effectively implement igi learning + Define professional development approaches ht provide ongoing, sxainable, and jb-embedded opportniies fr edator aint, and tert ‘+ Provide best practices of professional aringprogransand epproache aed by dais that tre implementing cgi leamingefetvely. ‘Identify or provide models of policies that support capacity building Approseh “The overarching vision ofthe project develop a ial Iesningimplestation pan for Stat, dist, and school evel leaders. Our approssh ompharine tht he ale tecbology ft enhance eneng and ‘eoing whl ao enabling more eeive profesional devloprent school management and cmnmuncstion withthe school community. Our approach wl Lull upon entng exemplary practices in Cand elsewhere us all avaaleretevan data, incorporate resach-based best protic, and engage all stakeholders inthe process. Specialy, we wil ‘+ Identify or adapt existing data collection instruments, building upon the approach and instruments used inthe School Connectivity, NC Education Cloud, and NC Learning Technologies Initiative projecs + Collect both qualitative and quantitative data inthe form of surveys, classroom ‘observations, interviews, and focus groups ‘+ Assess LEA and school readiness via surveys, data analysis, and onsite information collection. Engage State, school ard district staff responsible for Curriculum, professional development, assessment, special education, finance, and HR as wel as the instructional and infrastructure aspects of technology, Engage regional and State level associations of educators, administrators, principals, and technologists, including NCPAPA, NCASA and NCSBA to obtah Input ard develop stakeholder support among school and district administrators and members of local schoo! boards. Visit and study exemplary schools, districts, and States. Engage orivate sector providers through live request for information convening. + Define models of effective digital learning transitions in schools and districts of. different sizes, student demographics, and geographic regions, with exemplars of each model, to provide concrete examples to inform school and district transticn processes, + Develop a comprehensive plan that addresses technology infrastructure, curriculum resources, professional development, funding and other aspects required for Statewide progress in digital learning. ‘Timeline and Deherables ‘The projet timeline and deliverables sea central element ofthe dtd work pln tht wil be completed iin 9 days of ie projet stat date. We expect o engage NCDPI, NCSBE, Sn the e-Lesming, Comision inthe development of he workplan ard a such expect some neteing on scope, elvrabls, and timeline Below weit the baseline dlverabes and target dolivery dats. Project tar Aor, 2014 ets poi bie une, 2038 Detailed work pian uly 3, 2014 Wireless infastrucare pe September 1 2018 Poly bit update Tanwary 1, 2015 Digital earning ee iy sody and sessment epar May 2015 Final report August, 2075 roject end August 30,2015 Appendix © ‘CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS REQUIRED BY STATE LAW (2013) InsTRUCTIONS “The person who signs this document should read the text ofthe statutes lted below and consul with counsel and other knowledgeable persons belore signing 0 e ‘The textof Atle 2 of Chapter 64 ofthe North Carona Genera Statutes can be found online at te ate ne vs lon/StautesPDF apler 64 The textof GS. 105-164.8(0) canbe found onine at slalenc use jaton/Sattes!PDE ee 105168. 105-164 ‘Thetextof G.S. 143-48.5(S.L 2013-418, 5.2.4) can be found anne a: ncaa sate nus is/8iIsHouse/PDEI 7666, ‘The tex of G.S. 143-891 canbe found online at aw ena iste sation ectonICha 49.50, ‘The text of GS, 143-89.2 canbe found onine at. ve. isoton’ 9 aySection 3S 149.502, ‘The tex of GS. 147-93.95(9) (SL. 2013-418, s.2(e)) canbe found onine at a siato.ncus/Sessione/2043/3ils FZ cERTIEIC Pursuant to GS. 143-48.6 and G.S. 147-33,95(9), the undarsgned hereby certiias thatthe Contractor ‘named below, and the Conracio’s subcontractors, compli withthe requrements of Artie 2 of Chapter 64 fof the NC General Statutes, including the requirement for each employer with more than 25 employees in Neath Cartne fo vey tne work euro of is employees trough te federal Every sytem &-Very ‘System Lin wav usc gov Pursuant to G.S. 143-59.(b), the undersigned hereby cetfes that the Contractor named below is not an “Ineligible Contactor a set oth in GS. 142-59.) because (@) Neier the Contractor nor any of is affilates has refused o collect the use tx levied under Atle § ‘of Chapier 105 ofthe General Statutes on ts sles deivered o North Carona when the soles met ‘one or more ofthe conditions of 6.8. 105-764 Bo, and ° ° (©) [chock one ofthe folowing boxes] Nether te Contractor nor any of aflates has incorporated or rencorporeed in tae haven county es se oth in G.S. 143-59.1(¢(2) ater December 31,2001, or [The Contractor of one of ts atates has Incorporated oF reircorporated in @ “lax haven County Setforth in G.S, 143-59.1(0(2) aor Decomber 31,2001 but the United States not the principal market forthe pube trading ofthe stock ofthe corporation Inorported in {he tax haven county (9) Pursuant to 6.5. 143-59.21b), the undersigned hereby ceties that none ef the Contractors officers, recors, of owners (f the Contractor is an unincorporated business entity) ha been convicted of any \olaton of Chapter 7BA ofthe General Statutes ofthe Secures Act of 1999 or fe Secures Exchange Act .9f 1834 within 10 years immediately prior to the date ofthe bi sotto, (4) The undersigned herby certies futher that (2) He or shes a duly authorized representative ofthe Contactor named beow: (©) Hecorshe is authorized to make, and does hereby make, the foregeing crications on behalf ofthe Contractor: and (©) Heorshe understands that any person who knowingly subens a fale cetifeaton in response tothe ‘equrements of GS. 143-58 1and-£9.2 shell be gully ofa Class I felony. NAME OF VENDOR: —_ SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: ‘TITLE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT: STATE OF COUNTY oF ‘SIGNED AND SWORN TO (OR AFFIRMED) BEFORE ME, THIS THE DAY OF 20, (AFFIX OFFICIALINOTARY SEAL} NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: @ @ Appendix D ~ Detailed Budget ing is 2M overthe 1m projet tem, targeting for a Api Budget “The oa buds fr the nil phase of ial leaning pl Wr a 7 Toa auneésons | sessors | sassoons Peo racer $_—~“soneas [5 —ssomean [s ——romreat [s na0 esl Tia Aces —['$ ——honnoan | 3 an38.00 [| —snomno0 | s~seoooone 3Wat Tan $_—4a75000§ ——issanoan [$ an 75000 | aonsnn0 jecsarorminsiTsine "T's sooo00] + 2somnoaa|s _ssa0000 | + a9onn000 Torat [raises [2530600 [sraupa 035090 Ey Metewts=seroreut[esszeeg0 __[saizsnise _[stsavaoo _[ss2b00790 TOrAL |sssz000 | sax7s9158 | sss20n00 | szag070 re Sissonu0 ——Tssngooaa—~Tsaganoso [9 000n0 Tora |g00080 | ssoso0n0———[srenann [sa ae ap 00m ax00m somm Da Sas s1s00000——[s1sp00n7 st 00000 Tepes ST so00000 | $= s15ona See 250000 $250000 750100 ca 10100100 ——[s2500080 | 15030000 TOTAL 3500000 [54250000 | 522750000 TCA Haan See Tees Die Cons snapese——svayaees —— [s.7ann07 98 EACNCDP RTI TE | aseas20 ——_‘[s170ge479 _[sussiez0 | saeossoas Ton Di Cosa dre ass | SD O6UE | $3 50asaIT— sav guaat | si.909.69805] @ @ Appendix E ARRA Contract Provisions and Race to the Top Reper' irements, Section I: ARRA Contract Pro Section II: ARRA/Race to the Top (Rit) Reporting Requirements Section III: RttT Vendor Activity Report and Vendor Monthly Expenditure Report (Contact Sarah Harris at sarah o be sent the Monthly Expenditure Report in Excel format via @ © Section I: ARRA Contract Provisions ‘By ssbmision f propos Coneactor ares to comply ith the following provisions. ail to comply wih any andl provisions herein may because forthe contoting agency to fssue a ancllaion niet a sonracie, Reporting Requirements ‘The Contactors pti that his projet wil be fnanced wit American Recovery and Retmestmen Act of 209 (erent, “ARRA") Funds. The Conracor shall ensire hat al subconracs and ober contests for goods an series fran ARRA-nded pret hae the ‘manned provisions ofthis dreive inher contact. Pura o Tile XV, Seton 1312 ofthe ARRA, the Site shall ea tthe Contactar provide report and oer employment information as evidence o document the umber of jobs crested or obs reine by this ‘orn fom te Conracor’s own workforce and any sub-contractors. No de psyment wl be made for proving sid eper. othe ‘25 fr sme sll be isle in tbe various ems in he contact. Posting with the Local Employment Security Commission {nition o any cto postings the Contactor normally lias, the Office of Econamic Recovery & Investment heehafer, “OERI”) requires hatte Contato hall post wih he local Employment Security Commision Offic all postions for wh ch he intends tote workers as result of sing awarded thiscanrat Labor and semskle postions must be posed fra leat 4 bors befor the !nng decision. Alter postions must be poste a minimum posting af fv dys before the hina decision. The Contact and ony ‘Subeitractor shal epr the new hires in the manner preseriea bythe Employment Security Commission andthe OER Required Contract Provision to Implement ARRA Section 902 Sec 902 of te ARRA requis that ech contract awarded using ARRA funds must inte 0 provision that prvies the US. ‘Comsroler General and his representatives with the authority (1) examine any records ofthe contactor or any of ts subcontractors, of any State or lca agency administering such conta, ha irl pertain to, and involve wansactins relating ote cena or abeonct and (2) imerview any officer or employee ofthe conrator oF any of is subcontractors, or f any State of lca goverment agency ‘smite the conract regarding such ransetion® Accorings the Comprller General and his represematives sal have the authority’ and rights presribed under Seten 902 of the AARRA with epee to contracts funded wih recovery fonds mde avaiable under the ARRA.-Section 902 fre aes hat nathing ie 902 sale interpreted ic or reset in any way any exiting authority othe Comptroller General, Authority of the Inspector General provision Sect 1515() ofthe ARRA provides authority for any represntives of he United States Inspector Genel o examine ny records or nerve any employee or ofcers wocking on his contract. The cotaciors advised that epeselatves ofthe Inspector General fave the authority to examine any record and itview any employee ores ofthe contrat, te subcorctrs oer ens werking on this eae. Section 1515(0 urer roves hat thing in ths seton shal be interpreted o Limi etn anyway ay exiting authority ofan Inspector General Buy American Provision Section 1605 ofthe ARRA teqies that ion, scel and manufactured goods used i puble buildings or public works projets be Imanufitured inthe United Sines. Contractor agrees to abide by this provision and shall maintain records of such porcoses for Inspections by authorized ages ofthe Slate of Noa Carolina and federal agence, The Conair mus bin wien exception fom this provsion fom the agency suing the contact. ® @ ‘Wage Rate Provision Section 1606 ofthe ARRA requires that all bores and mechanes employed by contractors and subcontractors with finds from the |ARRA stl be pid wages at ates nox less than the prevailing wage rte under he DavieBacon Act, The contactor gres ta by the ‘ulmisson ofa proposal in response toa olctation funded Ia whole or in prt with recovery fund, comimous compliance wil be ‘maintained with he Dvi-Bacon Act [Conraciors understand and acknowledge that any and al payment of funds othe continuation thereof cotingent pon funds povided solely by ARRA or required ste matching nds. Pusat to Seton 1604 ofthe ARRA, contactors agree mo fo undenake 0 make progress toward any aeivity using recovery funds ht wil lead tothe development of such acvity as casines or ber suing ¢stblsimens aquariams, 2005, go courses, swimming pool or ay ther atv spell robbie bythe Recovery Ac Whistleblower Provisions ‘Contractors understand and acknowledge that Arle 1 of Chapter 124, NCGS 126-84 tro 126-88 (apples othe Sate ad site mpoyees), Atel 21 of Chater 95, NCGS 95-240 through 83.245 (apples o anyone, nclaing slate employes). end Seton 1383 oF ‘he Recovery Act plies o anyone receiving federal funds), provide protein to St, Federal and contract rployess ‘Outsourcing outside the USA without Specific Prior Approval Provision CConracor pres na to se any recovery finds from a contact ot any ashe performance agreement awarded bythe Sate of North Carlin, is agencies or oll subdivision for cusoutlng ouside of the United States, witht specie pie writen approval om theageny ring the contact, Federal, tate and Local Tax Obligations By submission of proposal, contractors and subconrctrs assert and self erily that all Federal, Sate ad ocala obligations have been or willbe ssid pir to receiving recovery Tod. Anti-Diseris ination and Equal Opportunity Pursuant Section 1.7 ofthe guidance memorandum issued by the United Sates Office of Management nd Budget on Api 3, 2009, covery finds mast be itrbuted in ccordance wit al a-csriminaton and eql opportunity state, elton, and Executive ‘Orders pertaining othe expen of fonds Office of State Budget and Management Access to Records ‘OER requires tht he contractor and subcontractor ape o allow the Oice of State Budget and Management intra audrs ad tte ‘agency internal suitors accesso records and employees pening tthe performance of sry contract awarded by a pubic gene. Section II: ARRA/R«tT Reporting Requirements NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ARRAJRétT CONTRACTOR REPORTING FORM. Vendor Address Contract # 'S Amount of Contract Awarded. Reporting for Month of. Jobs Created or Retained: Number of Jobs Created for month Number of Jobs Retained for month ‘Sub-Contractor Jobs Created for month. ‘Sub-Contractor Jobs Retained for monti Th ions of jobs considered to be created or retained: 8. A job created isa new position created and filled, or an existing unfilled position that is filled, that is funded by the Recovery Act; A job retained is an existing pos on that is now funded by the Recovery Act. Using the definitions above, recipients must estimate the total number of jobs that were funded in the quarter by the Recovery Act. A funded job is defined as one in which the wages or salaries are either paid {or or will be reimbursed with Recovery Act funding. ‘A job must be counted as either a job created or a job retained; it cannot be counted as both. Additionally, ‘only compensated employment in the United States or outlying areas should be counted. See 74 FR 14824 for definitions. ‘The estimate of the number of jobs created or retained by the Recovery Act should be expressed as “full- time equivalents” (FTE). In caleulating an FTE, the number of actual hours worked in funded jobs are divided by the number of hours representing a full work schedule for the kind of job being estimated. These FTES are then adjusted to count only the portion corresponding tothe share ofthe job funded by Recovery Act funds. Alternatively, in eases where accounting systems track the billing of workers’ hours to Recovery ‘Act and non-Recovery Act accounts, reeipients may simply count the number of hours funded by the Recovery Act and divide by the number of hours in a full-time schedule. Reporting Due Date(s ‘This form must be completed and returned to us by the 10th of each month of the contract period. Failure ‘to submit this information will result in non-payment of contract invoices. Submit forms to: Financial Services Division [NC Dept. of Public instruction 6331 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6331 ‘Attn; Sarah Harris Sarab.harris@dpinc.gow 919-807-3636 “For each job entry complete the table shown below in excel format and subs he related docurtentation. MONTHLY DETAL FOR CONTRACTOR REPORT Section Ill: RUT Vendor Activity Report and ‘Vendor Monthly Expenditure Report Reporting Due Date(s) These forms must be completed and returned to us by the 10th of each month of the contract period. Failure to submit this information will result in non-payment of contract invoices. Financial and Business Services NC Dept. of Public Instruetion (6326 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6330 ‘Attn:: Philip Price 919-807-3600 ‘Submit form @ ® RUT Vendor Activity Report ‘Vendor Name: Contract Number: Reporting Period: Contract Amount: Part A: Please describe activities completed during the reporting period related to the contract: @ @ RuT Vendor Activity Report Continued: Part B: Ploage lst contract deliverables met for the current reporting period Part C: Please list any contract deliverables that have been delaved during the current reporting period. Include any reasons for delays and strategies to overcome identified delays. Part D: ease list any activites related fo the contract that are planned for next month. Part B: Were subcontractors used? Yes _No___ If yes, please initial the certification below: ‘The Contrsctor ensures that all subcontracts and other Contracts for goods and services for an RtT funded project have the mandated provisions of the Office of Economie Recovery and Investment (OERI Directive #3 in their contracts pursuant to Title XV, Section 1512 of the ARRA. Initial Here @ « RUT Vendor Activity Report Continued: Part F: Were there any change orders related to this contract? Yes__No__ Ifyes, please provide» ‘detailed Uist below to include the date, change order number, description, and dallar amount. Part G: Using the attached spreadsheet; please identify the expenditures for the current month as outlined in the detailed contract budget. Part H: By signing this document, you are attesting that all information reported is aceurate and reliable to the best of your knowledge Signature, Tile Date Printed Name @ @ Race tothe Top (tt) Vendor Monthly Expenditure Report ‘Emer Month & Year> we ‘owt @ @ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 40- INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY me: NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD USING AGENCY NC Department of Public Instruction ISSUE DATE ‘March 24, 2014 ISSUING AGENCY NC Department of Public Instruction 301N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC27603 Direct all Inquiries Concerning This Notice to: Janet Byrd Phone: 919-807-3662 Fax: 919-807-3660 Email: janetbyrd@dpi.ncgov “Notice of intent” The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction intends to award a contract utilizing Race tothe Top (RUT) funding, 2s provided by the United States Department of Education, to the Friday Institut, for Education Innovation of North Carolina State University. This portion of the NC RUT awards for the development of (1) a plan to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital, to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources; (2) a plan to provide educational resources that remain current, are aligned with curriculum, and effective for all earners by 2017; and (3) an inventory of the infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in public schools. This planning endeavor for digital learning isa logical extension ofthe projects providing applications, communications, and other technical and educational resources being developed and implemented per the RUT initiative. That effort, called Home Base, focuses primarily on providing technical and instructional facilities and capabilities for teachers (in support of classroom instruction) to improve dramatically student performance and educational outcomes. The Friday Institute has been instrumental in planning for and accomplishing significant work efforts involved in Home Base and its associated projects Race to the Top Notice of Intent - NCSU Friday Institut Page | of | © ESS] emowent CaLeHOAR newshOON qUEK LIMES A al t PUBLIC NOTICES 2013-14 Seetea te ehetancem east Sie ito Sect soerinte oatomnan are Sect ance eas Sema satiate EE aya cheat oe Sieaicttn nocctrsecatetmits terete Sinai tic uted terrane mae See a a tewateotemn mate cae can Sieg ey nape Sos Soe aint ea ens rem raee {he RIT intatve. Tat flo alg Home Base feces primary ot het i ete ait octet Sn ue secteur rn SS secant cece arg mo Beate leche eto Bonga ec ar ean Rts a to Ses Siesiceccea worms omens sms ee Soca cls ‘About he Nort Carte Deparment of Pic auction {het Carne Dearne a asc nsanton pons wade 015 ae ue shel Asta an 07 carr soc sorry oer smite sts aero ag gsc! ‘radmtn. Te sana geste rat apes oe Say pute Soon yen on ane ITowibe acon! he Now Cowine Sn Boor eon NCOP Conmoneaton an rmton, 9199972450 3/24/2014 @ @ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 40- INFRASTRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY NOTICE OF INTENT To AWARD USING AGENCY Nc Department of Pubic instruction ISSUE DATE March xx, 2014 ISSUING AGENCY Nc Department of Public Instruction. 301 N. Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC27601 Direct all Inquires Concerning This Notice to: Joni Robbins Phone: 919-807-3668 Fax: 919-807-3660 mall: gov “Notice of intent” ‘The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction intends to award a contract utilizing Race to the Top (RttT) funding, as provided by the United States Department of Education, to the Friday Institut, for Education Innovation of North Carolina State University. This portion of the NC RttT award is forthe development of: (1) a plan to transition from funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital to funding for digital materials, including textbooks and instructional resources; (2) a plan to provide educational resources that remain current, are aligned with curriculum, and effective forall earners by 2017; and (3) an inventory of the Infrastructure needed to support robust digital leaning in public schools ‘This planning endeavor for digital learning isa logical extension of the projects providing applications, communications, and other technical and educational resources being developed and implemented per the RttT initiative. That effort, called Home Base, focuses primarily on Providing technical andinstructiona faciities and capabilities for teachers (in support of classroom instruction) to improve dramatically student performance and educational ‘outcomes. The Friday Institute has been instrumental in planning for and accomplishing, significant work efforts involved in Home Base and its associated projects Order NC10139272 NGerrocuens Purchase Order No. NC10139272 NCSU Friday Institute - Digital Learning Plan Titl ‘Issued on Fi, 04 Apr, 2014 (Created on Fi, 04 Ap, 2014 by Ariba System ‘State Agency Tax Exempt Number: 400047 ‘Supplier: NC State University (Campus Box 7801, 402 ¢ Poe Fall RALEIGH, NC 27695-7801 United States Phone: 1919-515.1784 Fax: 19195156678 Contact Rue Pritehard Ship To: Der EDUCATION BUILDING NC DEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION MAIL & MATERIALS CENTER 301 NORTH WILMINGTON STREET Raleigh, NC 27601 Unites States Phone: 1919-807-9661 Fax 1(919)807-3680, Deliver To: Debby Jackson Contract Name: Contract Type: No Requester: deborah_jackson Purchase Order No NC10130272 Requisilon No R17623990 Other Costs: $0.00 USD Requester Debby Jackson Shipping Method: SEST WAY ° Page | of 3 Bu Te: opr. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 6331 Mal Secice Center Raleigh, NC 27689 Unite States Phone: 1910-807-3607 Fax 1019-807-3622 Enity Description: Department of Pubic Instebon FOB Cote: Destination freight paid by vendor and included in pic. Tile passes upon receipt. Vendor files any claims. ‘Terms of Payment: NET item Description Parl Unit Gly Need Unit Tax Amount Extended Amountnclades fax) Number By 7 nesu Gales 650,790.16 None 51.00 $000 USD ¥580,190 16 USD Friday usp’ Inst Digital OBO. SSASO- (SU HSI9S 000 earning 4/4/2014 Order NC10139272 @ Page 2 of 3 INOSU Friday nate - Digit! Learning Pian Trrao%4 = 619072016, Item Description Part Unit Gly Need Unit Tax Amount Extended Amountincludes tax) Number By Price eso dole 656,485.21 None $1.00 $000USD $658,483.21 USD Fray uso nae - Digital O8OL-SSUD- lOBI298Sd00d earning Plan NCSU Friday Institue - Digital Leeming Plan ‘Tiiraata - 8/30/2015 ARRA Funds: Yes Federal Award Number: 84.395_S305A100060 State Fiscal Stabltzation Fund (SFSF) - Race-o-he-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act ttem Description Part Unit Gly Need Unit Tax Amount Extended Amountinchides tax) Number By Priee Nes dolor 347,244 84 None $1.00 SOGDUSD §04i,24484 USD Frigay uso Institute - re O80(-SSUSd- 10%IAkT 0000 Pian. [NCSU Friday Instiute - Digital Learning Plan Tiieais - 918072018 ARRA Funds: Yes Federal Award Number: 84.385_S395A100068 State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF)- Race-o-he-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act Total $1,64082821 USD ‘Torms And Conditions of Purcha ‘CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 1. This purchase order was issued through the Statewide Procurement Service ands therefore subject toa foe of 1.75% (0175) on the toal dolar (excising sales tax). The folowing exemations apply: (A) Purchases from aterm contract that has nol yet ‘been implemenied on the Statewide E- Procurement Serco; (B) Purchases from an agency-specie tem Contract that has not yel been implemented an the Statewide E-Procurement Service, Note: Fees wil be, Invoiced monthiy based on purchase order acvly during the prior month. 2. This order is placed subject shipment at prices, amounts and transportation rates net in excess of those insicaled on te face of tS cider. 3. Each shipment must be shipped to the SHIP TO address printed on the face ofthis order and ‘atked to the attention ofthe individual, any, incited in that edaress. Each shipment must be labeled Plainly vith our PURCHASE ORDER number and must show gross, tare and net weight 4. Complete Packing Ist must accompany each shipment, Drafts wil not Be honored. 6. Material recived in excess of {quantities specified heran may, al our oplon, be relumnad al shippers expanes, Substitutions ae not Dermited. 7. Invoices in quadruplicate must be mailed onthe date of shipment tothe INVOICE TO ecdross indicated onthe face ofthis purchase oder. Invoices must include the INVOICE TO name and aderese, the PURCHASE ORDER number, terms of payment and routing, 8. On all invoices subject to decount, he liscount period wil be calculated from the dat a correct invoice is recelved inthis afc, 9. Each invoice must be accompanied by the folowing papers: A. Original il of lading when shipment is made by freight ‘express. B. Signed delivery receipl when delivery is made by other means. C. Parcel pos insurance when shipment is made by parcel post and valu is over $1.00 10 ln cases where parties ater than you ship. FHU9E 4/4/2014 Order NC10139272 Page 3 of 3 trata gale Ii tar, tgp must Packages and shiping maioa ton Insturted to show our PURCHASE ORDER number onal prompt identification and payment of invoices. 11 By accepting this elecronie purchase order. you agree that these CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS are legally Binding, 4/4/2014 Order NC10139271 @ Page | of 2 } NCe-Preu ate Purchase Order No. NC10139271 Title: NCSU Friday Institute - Digital Learning Plan Issued on Fr 04 Apr, 2014 Created on Fi, 4 Apr, 2014 by Arba System State Agency Tax Exempt Number: 400047 Supplier: NC State University Box 7249, NCSU Campus Raleigh, NC 27695 United States Phone: 1819-513.8537 Fax: 19195138530 Contac: Jessica Guzzo Ship To: Bil To: Pr spr. EDUCATION BUILDING NC DEPT. OF PUBLIC ‘ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INSTRUCTION 15331 Mal Service Center Mall. & MATERIALS CENTER Raleigh, NC-27609 301 NORTH WILMINGTON STREET United States Faloigh, NC-27601 Phone: 1919-807-9697 United States Fax 1919-807-3622 Phone: 1979-807-9661 Fax 1(819)807-3080, Deliver To: Ety Desepton: Deparment of ube : Baty Jalaen irewvebon GV Hh gge! “Yom Desaipion Pat Unit” Gly Need Unit_Tax Amount Eviended Amounaineludes x) Number By Price 7 wesw dolar 545 R504 None $1.00 #90008 F340 B5084USD Pri iso ia 34.23000 Digital : Leeming CO901-SS2SD WANG Plan. NOSU Friday institute - Digital Learning Plan ‘anv2ota = 6072014 Contract Name: Contract Type: No Requester: deborah jackson Purchase Order No.:NC10138271, Roguistion No,: RO17823860 ‘Other Costs: $0.00 USD Requester: Debby Jackson ‘Shipping Method: BEST WAY FOB Code: Destination freight paid by vendor and incuded in rice, Tie basses upon recelpL Vendor fles any clams 4/4/2014 Order NC10139271 @ Page 2 of 2 Terme of Payment: NET Total $349,868.64 USD ‘Terms And Conditions of Purchase: CONDITIONS AND INSTEUCTIONS 1, This purchase order was issued through the Statewite E-Procurement Service at is therefore subject o a fe of 1.75% (0175) on the toll dollar mount of goods (eactuding sales tax). The owing exemptions apply: (A) Purchases ftom a term contact that has not yet been implemented onthe Statewide Procurement Serves () Purchases from an agency spac en ‘contract that has not yel been implemented onthe Statewide E-Procurement Service. Note: Foes wll be, invoiced monthly based on purchase order actvly during the prior month, 2 This order is placed subject fo shipment at prices, amouns and transportation rates notin excess of thase indicated on the face ofthis ‘order. 3. Each shipment mst be shipped fo the SHIP TO address printed on the face of hs oder and tatked to the attention of fe invdual, any, indicated in tat address, Each shipment mus be labeled plainly with our PURCHASE ORDER number, and must show gross, tare and nat weight. 4, Complete Packing list must accompany each shipment. 5. Drafts wil not Be honored. 6. Mate received In excess of ‘quantiles specied herein may, at our option, be relumed al shipper expense, Substitutions are not Dermited. 7 Invoies in quadrupicate must be mailed on the date of shipment to the INVOICE TO address Indicated on the face of his purchase order. Invoices must include the INVOICE TO name ard address the PURCHASE ORDER number, trms of payment and routing. 8. On alinvowes eubjec to discount, the iscount period wil be calculated from the date a cortect invoice is received in his offes, 8. Each Invoice ‘must be accompanied by the following papers: A. Original bl fling when shipment is mate by felght or ‘express. B. Signed deliver receipt when delivery is made by other means. C. Pareal pst insurance when shipment is made by parcel post and value is over $1.00, 10. In eases where parties other Dan you ship. ‘materials against this orér, shipper must be Insruciod to show our PURCHASE ORDER umber on a Packages and shipping manifests to insure prompt entfcaton and payment of invoices. 11. By accepting this electronic purchase over, you agree thal these CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS are legal binding, 4/4/2014 Systern for Award Management @ Page | ot —— ~ te hitps:// 4/4/2014 @ @ PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA PUARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION | #1 Cat Atasen ELD State Sopra www NCPUBLIGSCHOOLS.ORG Moreh 14,2014 Me. Niek Goeth Budget Analyst Office ofthe Governor out Carolina Office of State Budget and Manogement Mail Service Center 20320 Raleigh, NC 27699-0520 CONTRACT WITH THE FRIDAY INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATIVE EDUCATION FOR GEVELOPING A DIGITAL LEARNING PLAN Dear Mr. Goeth -the Deparment of Public lnsructon (DPD i subiting for your app proposed contact with ae erat ING Sate Univers develop a ata amine, results ofthe contract aa he flowing tes: (1) plan to wantin fom finding er Tesabooks, both traditional wn ao fding fr cg materia inctaing extbooks a9 atractinal resources; (2) plant ictal ores tat ean cuenta EN! WA) aniculum, and effective forall Bn alana) an ventory of te instr needed 10 SPP bust digital earning in publi school. Relevant information regarding this contacts offered in eons Blow Leis ive Background on Digital Learning, “tye nC Genera Assembly, via Session Law 201-12 ha tated is enon 4a THe Non fom textbook-based to digital learning approaches ton KI? Session Law 2013-12 (House Bill 4) 8, “ANACT STATING THE INTENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7 TRANSITION FROM. AAT TEXTBOOKS TO FUNDING DIGITAL LEARNING IVS ‘PUBLIC SCHOOLS, AS FEN INTENDED BY THE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSON. STUDY COMMITTEE ON Fee LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. special, SL 2013-2 defines a anson ogi Inn choos in §1.0 2 follows: opvice oF FINANCIAL BUSINESS. AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES rie ch inci Cf rman ON Ty dorsntar ear Cer Rai Na Carina 74926 | YTS Foo) 507-3604 a TUT AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONEMPLOYER @ @ Mr.Niek Goetse Mash 4, 2018 Page? ‘isthe intent ofthe General Assembly to ansition fom funding for textbooks, bork traditional and Attar nding for digital materials including teubooks an insructional resources, 0 provide educational resources tha remain curren, aligned with curriculum, and effective forall learners by 2017, Section 6.11(g) of SL. 2013-3601 authorizes the Department of Public Instruction to uilize one million oll ($1,000,000) of appropriated Funds fora plan to wransiton toa digital lamin environment ‘SECTION 6.1. (g) Fans appropriated fr Digital Learning pursuant fo subsection () ofthis ‘secon shall Be used to support grants fo local education agencies (LEAs) for () delivering ‘educator professional development focused on using digital and other instructional teclmologies to provide high quality, inegrated dial teaching and learning al tudes, and (i) acquiring quality dighal content enhance insrection {Ypto ane min doers (1,000,000) may be used by the Department of Public Instruction to (@) develop a plan to iransition fom funding for textbooks, both traditional and digital. 10 ang for digital materials, including textbooks ond ingiuctional resources ad (i) provide ‘educational rexourees that remain current, are eligned with curriculum, and are effective for ‘all earners by 2017. The plan shall also include a inventory ofthe infrastructure needed to support robust digital learning in public soos. Planning Requirements to Perform Digital Transition ‘A comprehensive planning efor is necessary to accomplish the transition to digital earning, The above legislation will equie changes in nsirutional practices, new types of educational resources, changes in elasroom and sehool management, revised schoo! saing models, enhanced school nd distict technology infrastructure, Interet connected devices forall students and teachers, and educator traning and suppor tlloed to specific distit and charter deployments. Further, tate an local fining and plicy Frameworks will ned to be reviced, Relations between Digital Learning and Home Base Home Base isthe moniker forthe computer applications and technical services being implemented using fands primarily from the Race to the Top (RUT) grant received in 2010 from the US Deparment ‘of Education to spur innovation inthe classroom. The primary goals of Home Base are to: ‘+ Lesson administrative burdens on schoo! officials, including principals, teachers, and support salt. ‘Provide technology tots focused on classroom instrction by teachers to dramatically improve student performance and educational outcomes + Integrate computing, data, and communications facilities and resources to fcitate uctional activities and reduce duplication in work tasks and data enty efforts Mr. Nick Goetsch ‘Marl 14,2014 Page3 ‘The digital fearing initiative i an integral port and logical extension ofthe atvities and objectives of Home Base. Iisa further step inthe implementation of technology fr pedagogical enhancement that builds upon the technica infrastructure and, school management disciplines, and isiuctonal approaches developed as par ofthe RUT endeavor. ustification for Friday Institute to Develop the Digital Learning Plan “The Friday Institute ithe ideal (and probably the only) organization capable of developing the digital learning plan, especialy inthe aggressive time table specified inthe sovering lepslation and desired by the Stage Board of Education. The following tee considerations ar immportant inthe selection of the Friday insite to perform this work + Experience in planning forand implementing technology in he NC public schools 1+ Pre-existing telatonship allowing forthe use of RT funds te accomplish this work, ‘+ Use ofa Task Order under the NC State Board of Education, University of North Carolina Master Agreement as the contracting vehicle, Each is addressed below. Exporisnse in Plannine for ing Technology inthe “Major projects performed by the Friday Institute forthe NC public schools inlude the planning forthe [NC Schoo! Connectivity Iniiative (SC), the development and deployment af the NC Education Cloud (NCEdCioud), and extensive planning efforts for RUT Data Integration (DI) and Identity and Access Management (ISM) services. The SCI connected al leal school administrative units (LEAs) inom statewide network that provides for broadband connectivity tall shoo in the sate, In addition ‘providing tremendous technological capabilities tothe schools, this Tort Was an absolute prerequisite ‘o the implementation of Home Base, andi offers significant ongoing cost savings. The NCEdCloud is focused on providing efficient and cost effective technological resourses and services tothe LEAs and integrating these with state level capabilities as part of the RAT efforts. The DI and IAM services are two major projects ofthe NCEdCloud, Pre-Ex Allowing for thew isto Accomplish This W. Race to the Top (RT) grant funds will be used to cover one-half ofthe costs ofthis work. Per sagseements withthe federal funding administrator, NCDP may use RAT funds to award sole-source contract to vendors wie the agency has a pre-existing relationship with the pany forthe services or products and makes a determination tat itis ertal to expand upon these relationships to mainain Standardization and/or compatibility with sevice or products from these paris to complete RUT ‘The Friday Insitute ha performed the above ted projets for NCDPI. Therefore, a well-established pre-existing relationship exists between the Friday Institute and NCDP (Use ofa Task Onder Under the NC Stale Board of Education, University of North Carolina “Master Agreement athe Conratin Vehicle @ Mr. Nick Goettsch ® het [A Task Order under the NC State Board of Education, Univesity of North Carolina Master Agreement ated April 1, 2014, will be used to contract forthe services ofthe Friday Institute to develop 8 digital Teaming pan, including an inventory ofthe infiastruture needed to support robust digital learning publi schools ‘Thank you for your assistance in approving this contract, I willbe glad to respond to any questions you may have Sincerely,

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