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Point english ( is Change good or bad)

In my opinion, change is a good for me. Not only my change in university but in
many aspect. There are several things why I say changes is a good. In university
I become more mature toward my attitude and thinking. I thought this is very
positive changes. Compare in secondary school my behaviour like a children. I
cant handle myself even in a small things. So when I coming and studying in
University my attitude was change. I organized many activities in my course. For
example, Campaign, Family day and Dinner. These is very big commitment for
me as student. I never do it before. Other than that, I also arrange my schedule.
Many things I do by myself. Furthermore, i also mature toward my thinking.
These is because, most of my friends is older than me. So they communication
really different. so I think, change is a good for me and really give me a good
benefits. It is my preparation to go future.

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