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Constitutional Concept Map

Group Members:________________________________________________________________

Concepts: (circle your assignment)

Rule of Law
Legislative Branch
Judicial Branch
Representative Government

Checks and Balances

Executive Branch
Separation of Powers
Popular Sovereignty

Concept Map using Popplet:

As a class we are going to break off into jigsaw groups to teach each other concepts related to the
Constitution. As a group of four create a concept map for your assigned concept. You will be
using Popplet. Your group will present your Popplet to the class to teach everyone your concept.
Your concept map must include:
Definition of concept
Definition from textbook
Definition from two other sources
Based on those three definitions, write a definition for the concept in your own words
At least one photo and one video to help your classmates understand the concept
Answers to these questions (bullet points are okay):
How does the concept relate to the Constitution?
Where did the idea for the concept come from? Did other nations use the concept before the
United States?
Who (individuals and/or groups) supported this concept being included in the Constitution?
Did anyone oppose this concept being included in the Constitution? Who? Why?
Citations for all sources
To go above and beyond to earn a 4, you can add:
At least four additional photos related to your concept
Answer all of the above questions in paragraph form
Provide a historical example of how your concept was used in the late 1700s or early 1800s
Provide a current example of how your concept was used in the last 20 years

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