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PickupTubes collection of some of the most informative and helpful articles on the internet about
meeting, attracting and seducing women.

Table of Contents
The Seven Immutable Laws of Pick Up ............................................................................................... 4
I. The Law of Rejection: He Who Gets Rejected Gets Laid............................................................... 4
II. The Law of Lifestyle: Youre Only As Attractive As Your Lifestyle ................................................ 5
III. The Law of Aggression: Push Every Interaction to the Limits ..................................................... 7
IV. The Law of Sub-Communication: Its Not What You Say But WHY You Say It ............................. 8
V. The Law of Connection: You Can Only Share What You Know .................................................. 10
VI. The Law of Relationships: Setting and Managing Expectations ................................................ 12
VII. The Law of Inertia: Every Habit Requires Repetition............................................................... 14
Personalizing Pick Up: Finding What Works for You ......................................................................... 16
I. What Do You Want? ................................................................................................................. 16
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game ............................................................................................... 17
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages......................................................................................... 19
IV. Skills and Talents .................................................................................................................... 20
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues............................................................................................ 21
The Night Game Model The Guide to Picking Up Women At Night .............................................. 24
Night Game Model Part 1 ......................................................................................................... 24
Night Game Model Part 2 ......................................................................................................... 26
Night Game Model Part 3 ......................................................................................................... 28
Night Game Model Calibration.................................................................................................. 30
Night Game Model Calibration Examples .................................................................................. 32
Night Game Model Escalation ................................................................................................... 35
Night Game Model Logistics and Closing ................................................................................... 36
The Day Game Model The Guide to Picking Up Women During the Day....................................... 39
Day Game Model Part 1 ............................................................................................................ 39
Day Game Model Part 2 ............................................................................................................ 41
Day Game Model Part 3 ............................................................................................................ 44
Day Game Model Moving Sets .................................................................................................. 45
Practical Pick Up: The Fundamentals ............................................................................................... 47
How to Approach Women ........................................................................................................... 47
How to Talk to Women ................................................................................................................ 48
How to Attract Women ............................................................................................................... 48
How to Pick Up Girls at Bars......................................................................................................... 49
How to Meet Women During the Day .......................................................................................... 50

10 Things That Attract Women .................................................................................................... 50

Pick Up Girls at Parties................................................................................................................. 52
Pick Up Girls at Clubs ................................................................................................................... 52
On Improvement ............................................................................................................................. 54
The Dating Solution The Six Basic Steps..................................................................................... 54
The Myth of the Natural ........................................................................................................... 58
Six Keys to Getting Good.............................................................................................................. 60
Newbie Guide to Improving with Women .................................................................................... 62
Relationships ................................................................................................................................... 66
Harem Management 101 ............................................................................................................. 66

The Seven Immutable Laws of Pick Up

I. The Law of Rejection: He Who Gets Rejected Gets Laid
Theres an elephant in the room with the get good with girls industry. Very few guys talk
about it, yet everybody experiences it A LOT. Its rejection. And for a subject so largely
ignored, your success hinges on few things more than how well you deal with it.
Im about to say something you dont want to hear. Its anathema to everything we stand for
and hold dear. But pick up really boils down to a numbers game.
Yeah, I said it. And its true.
The only sure-fire way to succeed and get laid often is by approaching an ASSLOAD of sets.
Those awesome routines you memorized? They might take you from 1% success to 3%.
That cool new haircut? From 3% to 4%.
New wardrobe? Makeover? look like a goddamn rock star? From 4% to 5%.
Even the most weathered veterans and gurus bat a meager 10-20%. And if you account for
pre-selection (more on that below), and difficulty of venues, youre looking at more like 78% against the most high value women. (Note: these are all just estimates based on what
some guys have posted in the past. No, I dont have references. This isnt a goddamn thesis.)
Think about it for a second. What else in this world can you be considered not just good, but
GREAT at for failing nine times out of ten? If you missed 90% of your shots in basketball, no
one would let you near a court. If you failed 90% of your exams in school, you wouldnt
make it a semester.
Those rejections add up fast. They take a hefty toll on everyones self-esteem. This is a brutal
sport were engaging in only the strongest can weather the storm of consistent rejection
and keep on trying. Its sexual selection, which literally translates to survival of the fittest.
Can you handle that night when three straight sets blow you out HARD? Are you able to not
take it personally? What about going home four nights in a row without a single number?
These are the things newbies have to look forward to but nobody tells them about. This shit is
HARD. It will take your ego and beat it into the fucking ground night after night with no
Its the guys no, men who can stand up to that abuse and keep trying that end up
succeeding. Why? Because theyre sexually selected. They have the tenacity, flexibility and
pure drive to break through, and these are the men that women are inevitably attracted to.
A lair leader in a large city told me once that over 90% of the guys who joined were gone
within six months. Of that minority who stay, only a small handful ever truly get good.
Nobody tells you this when you find the community.
In the end, your success will come down to how well you weather rejection. If you cant
handle it, youll find a reason to quit, youll create limiting beliefs that will bar you from any
real progress, and youll become a keyboard jockey. (Note: If you have more posts on any

single PUA forum than you have opened sets in your entire life, you are a keyboard jockey.
Just had to get that out.)
But the most common way guys slink away from rejection lies in something called preselection. I do it. You do it. Everyone who Ive ever met in the community does it to some
extent. Its where you pick your targets from afar. This is where retarded claims like I can
go five for five come from (lame marketing ploys, by the way). Guys wait and see which
girls give them eye contact first. Or theyll dress like Marilyn Manson and stand in a goth
club until theyre opened. Or theyll wait around for a lone wolf or an easy two-set. Theyll
go for the drunk HB6s instead of the HB10 with three guys standing around her. Why?
Because its easier. Were ALL guilty of this. And it stems from the same cause: fear of
How are we to improve without thrusting ourselves in front of the screeching headlights of
rejection? Subjecting ourselves to these painful possibilities is what ultimately forces us to
grow. This is what us more experienced guys are naive to. We get comfortable in our old
habits. HB8 SNLs are like clockwork to us, so we do little more than show up and collect
our reward (once again, Im guilty party numero uno here).
So why not try that super-hottie with three guys around her? Or try that posh club with
deafening house music and a $40 cover instead of the same hometown bar youve been
wrecking for months? Push yourself. Throw yourself to rejection and learn to love the pain.
Studies have shown that being rejected by another human being activates the exact same
neurons in our brains as physical pain does. You go to the gym because its good for you. No
pain, no gain, right? Condition yourself to love psychological pain. Tear your own ego to
shreds. Its the only path to progress.

II. The Law of Lifestyle: Youre Only As Attractive As Your Lifestyle

People oft talk about lifestyle in regards to improving with women, but I feel like it really
turns into an extended diatribe of, be cool; girls like guys who are cool. Usually, be cool
is equated to learning to salsa, going to the gym or painting a self-portrait with watercolors.
Today, Im going to try to think of lifestyle in a different way. To me, lifestyle is the elusive
bridge between inner game and outer game.
Recently, Ive been thinking of everything in terms of value. Inner game involves cultivating
value within ourselves valuing ourselves, really and outer game is demonstrating and
sharing that value with whatever hot chica were talking to. Your lifestyle has a symbiotic
relationship with your inner game in that, the more confidence, self-esteem and positivity you
have, the greater your lifestyle will flourish and vice-versa. For instance, the stronger your
inner game, the more likely youll be to get off your ass and go to the gym, learn a new
language, take a risk and travel to Japan, start drawing again.
How so?
One major theme of my recent seminars has been to talk about how all anxieties and limiting
beliefs are just ways in which our ego holds us back from trying new things. Our ego holds us

back keeps us in our comfort zone because to our ego, trying something new and
outlandish is risky to our social acceptance.
The root of this behavior lies in the concern over social acceptance or receiving validation
from those outside of ourselves. Just as in my post on rejection we have to learn to accept
failure and in this case, ostracisization for doing things differently, doing things in a new
way, doing things that many people wont understand or accept.
What I get from a lot of guys is, But I dont know what I want to do, or I dont know what
Im passionate about. Do this. Grab a blank sheet of paper and set aside twenty minutes with
no distractions. Start a timer and begin a list a list of things you want to do before you die.
Your goal is to write down 100 items. Its not as easy as it sounds!
Afterwards, take a look at your list. See what sticks out to you. At least a couple of the items
should elicit an emotional response in you. You should see patterns and themes did a lot of
items involve travel? Family? Athletic goals? Intellectual pursuits? (Credit: Mr. Awesome for
this exercise.)
Contemplate your list and try to narrow these themes down to a few activities that can be
realistically done NOW! Do it. Write down five things you can do NOW that starts you on
the path towards the lifestyle you desire. And then what? Go DO those five things today.
This exercise is two-pronged: it pushes you down the road of doing things in your life that
YOU desire and simultaneously absolves you of any social pressure that may be holding you
back from your dreams. If you have things written down that you said to yourself, Oh, Ill
never have time to do that, or people would think Im crazy. GOOD! Do it anyway!
Lifestyle is the foundation for your outer game as well. Everything that you say or do with a
girl, will be tested against your lifestyle for congruence. Gurus always talk about how you
need to be congruent or else the girl will think youre a fake or a fraud, well what theyre
talking about is that your words have to line up with your lifetime of actions.
For instance, a guy in suspenders who talks about his stripper ex-girlfriend is going to get
weird looks. A guy in an Abercrombie and Fitch shirt who talks about the last time he painted
a landscape is going to get weird looks. A guy who talks about driving a Ferrari in Europe yet
lives in his moms basement is going to get OK, you get my point.
Your real life should be the foundation of all of your attraction and comfort material. Using
anything else will come across as incongruent. Thats why I see your lifestyle as the ceiling
of the amount of attraction you can build. No matter how tight your outer game is, if you live
with your mom, play World of Warcraft all day and are overweight in a stained T-shirt, you
will build NO attraction.
But if youre successful, dressed well, confident, well-traveled, genuinely happy, in good
shape, and have cool hobbies, your ceiling for attraction is EXTREMELY high.
Youre only as attractive as your lifestyle. Relinquish social expectations. Live the life you
want to lead no one else is going to.

III. The Law of Aggression: Push Every Interaction to the Limits

Years and years ago, when I first began coaching guys in bars and nightclubs, I had a motto
for a while (affectionately stolen from Glen Gary Glenn Ross): A-B-C, ALWAYS BE
I would also tell guys to constantly, Swing for the fences. Id go out with some guys,
theyd open well, hook, gain attraction, get her number and come back all giddy and excited.
My response was always, Why did you stop? Dude swing for the fucking fences.
There are two parts to this mentality: one is to raise the bar high and expect more out of
yourself. The second is to find her limits and always push the interaction there.
The first is an inner game issue that afflicts too many guys I run into. Ironically, its usually
the guys who are semi-naturals or who have a ton of potential who stumble over this problem
and never improve. They expect too little out of themselves. They become satisfied with
simple achievements rather than aiming for the big leagues. Their fear of failure drives them
to set the bar low in order to make success easy.
Theyre satisfied with opening successfully. Theyre satisfied if a girl gives them a few IOIs.
Theyre satisfied if they get a couple numbers. They come back saying, Dude, that girl loved
me! Really? Then why arent you fucking her?
Thats great that theyre satisfied in the short-term. But in the long-term, theyre not getting
laid. Theyre not dating multiple girls. Theyre not meeting and sleeping with really HIGH
VALUE girls consistently.
Set the bar high. Expect more out of yourself. REALLY challenge yourself and see how far
you can go. Shoot for the higher goals and EXPECT the failure to happen. Youll be
surprised how easy SNLs can be, how easy creating a harem can be, how easy getting a real
high quality girl can be if only you truly try and settle for nothing less.
The other aspect of this mindset is the pure, unbridled aggression grabbing yourself by the
balls and fucking going for it even when youre not sure if you should. BradP promised
himself when he started that he would never fail because he didnt try hard enough, but only
because he went too far. His motto became Blow me or blow me out. Gunwitchs motto
even before that was, Make the ho say no!
This attitude should permeate every portion of your sets. Dont eject until she tells you to go
away. ALWAYS go for the number close. Kino escalate hard and fast at night. Go for the
insta-date during the day. Go for the makeout. Try to get her home with you that night. If not,
then get her home on the day 2. ALWAYS be pushing the envelope.
This is effective on a multitude of levels. First of all, being aggressive means youre always
LEADING the interaction. You simply CANNOT build attraction without leading an
interaction. It makes you dominant. It makes you sexual. It forces you to escalate quickly and
often the absence of escalation is the QUICKEST way to kill attraction and the interaction.

Always be moving forward. Always be pushing the interaction. Expect more from yourself.
Swing for the fences. ALWAYS BE CLOSING!

IV. The Law of Sub-Communication: Its Not What You Say But WHY You Say
Think back to when you were a newbie with this stuff (or maybe you ARE a newbie). When
newbies first discover the community and the notion of improving their dating skills, whats
the first concept we ALL latch onto?
Whats the best thing to say to her?
Dozens of books are written on the subject enumerating hundreds of pick up lines or
openers not to mention the entirety of the seduction communitys routines. One
company even sells a Routine Manual with literally hundreds of pages of pre-scripted
conversation for guys to learn and then recite when they go out.
But heres the interesting part for any guy who has gone out and tried to use these techniques:
sometimes they work and sometimes they dont. Well, that would seem obvious right?
Sometimes you hit and sometimes you miss (despite what the marketing may say). But Im
not talking about some silly game or far-out palmistry routine here, Im talking about
something basic such as DHVing yourself or even opening with the common opinion opener
something that logically SHOULD work every time.
On this journey, one of the first Ah ha! moments is usually when we first realize that
exactly WHAT we say isnt the most important component in an interaction. My realization
came after I had been going out regularly for a few months. I was out with a natural friend.
The night had been uneventful, so we took our drunken stupor to the streets of downtown
Boston. Were walking by moving sets every few seconds when my friend spontaneously
calls out to one of them.
Hey you! Yeah you! Hey sweetheart, come here! I have to ask you something.
The girl nervously saunters over. My friend stands waiting, teetering here and there.
Universal anticipation: What the hell is he going to ask her?

Can I pee in your butt?

WHAAAAAA??! At the time, I was horrified. Stopping and opening a moving set outside
was still a big deal to me at the time, much less asking her if I could urinate in her asshole.
But what did he do? Well, he laughed obviously but he walked up to the NEXT SET and
did it AGAIN. Each time it became seemingly funnier and more ridiculous than the last.
To my amazement, after three or four times, girls started laughing with him. Next thing I
know, were in set and talking to them. Were opening sets with Can I pee in your butt? I
couldnt believe it. To hell with those opinion openers I had been practicing!

My friend ended up pulling that night (hey, I said he was a natural). To this day its been one
of the most influential nights on my game. It crystallized in my mind that the words you say
are just the tip of the iceberg: the 20% of meaning that merely broaches the surface.
Jump ahead two years. Im coaching and working with students. I ran into a handful of guys
who had a peculiar problem: despite the fact that they were honest and cool, their DHV
stories didnt work. They fell flat EVERY time. I was a bit stumped until I went out in field
with them. They werent DHVing. They were bragging.
Whats the difference?
When you DHV properly when you share something personal about your life and
personality you simply state fact. Its an offering. Shes free to accept it, to be impressed,
disgusted, amazed, bored. Whatever. When you brag, youre seeking a reaction. Youre
seeking rapport and even adulation.
Take negging or teasing. Some guys do it and get horrible results. Others do it and get
fantastic results. Whats the difference between insulting and teasing? Ones purpose is to cut
the other person down maliciously, the other is to generate playfulness and lightness of a
subject that one may usually take too seriously.
When it boils down to it, ask yourself what the PURPOSE of everything you say is. Because
its going to be one of two things: either youre giving value or youre taking value. Youre
either seeking rapport or giving to everyone you meet unconditionally. Either youre looking
for validation in others or you have found it within yourself.
Sub-communication is an seemingly magical form of communicating that women are fluent
at yet men rarely acknowledge. Sub-communication is why No sometimes means Yes.
Why Im not going to sleep with you tonight, means I cant wait to fuck you many times
and get the fuck away from me other times. Its why, You make me feel special, can be
said by five different girls and mean five completely different things. WHY is she saying
this? WHY did I say what I did to her?
Too often men seek a literal interpretation of their interactions. She said X, so it HAS TO
You must look a step deeper. Look for what motivates peoples actions and words. When a
girl does something, ask yourself, Why? Then take that answer and ask, Why? Do it until
the motivations within the interaction become apparent.
She talked to me all night, but abruptly followed her friend to the bathroom.
She seemed to be getting annoyed or disconcerted the last few minutes.
She acted like I had just hurt her feelings.
She probably felt like I was rejecting her in some way.

I stopped escalating and progressing.

I was afraid of losing what I already had.
I called her three times this weekend even though she never called me back.
I wanted to make sure I got ahold of her.
I really want to see her again badly.
Shes the only number Ive gotten in weeks and I was so afraid she wouldnt call me back.
I feel like I NEED to have this girl, ANY girl.
Mommy never hugged me enough.
As you can see, this exercise trains you to notice the PURPOSE of what happens. As we all
know, women are NOTORIOUS for saying one thing and meaning something completely
different, or seemingly changing their mind on a whim. It may seem contradictory. It may
seem illogical. But guess what?
You just have to be privvy to the purpose and motivations behind what they say.
At the same time, constantly question what you say and WHY YOU SAY IT. You can say
the greatest things in the world, but if youre saying it because you seek validation, because
you need rapport and for people to approve of you, you will be dropped quickly and often.
Be honest with yourself that matters. Its not what you say, but WHY you say it.

V. The Law of Connection: You Can Only Share What You Know
What I want to talk about today is what is generally referred to in the community as comfort
game. I dont like that term, because it ignores the depth of the communication that actually
must go on to get a girl invested in the interaction. It makes it sound like all you have to do is
give the girl a back rub and tell her you like puppies, then shell magically say, Oh, what a
nice guy, let me spread my legs!
Comfort game is pretty useless unless the woman feels like shes connecting to you on some
deeper level. And to connect with you, you need to display an ability to empathize with her.
By empathize, I mean if she shares something personal, relate to the emotions she
experiences and share something personal that triggers those same emotions within you.

This is an extreme example, but lets say a girl talks about how her brother died of an
overdose and it shattered her life for six months. I could then talk about how one of my best
friends drowned when I was 19.
Heres the thing most guys get this and stop there. You build rapport: girl talks about A,
you talk about A, girl talks about B, you talk about B.
But in the example above, simply talking about it isnt enough, you want to CONNECT to
her emotions. So what I would do is describe the experience of dealing with death. Id talk
about the grieving process, the immobilizing depression, how I used humor to cope, feeling
like no one could relate to me no matter how much support I was offered, the complete
inability to wrap your mind around something that is so absolute as death, etc.
BAM! She gets it, because she lived through the exact same experiences. And because shes
lived it, she knows YOUVE lived it. Youre not just talking at each other, sharing facts, but
now you have shared a life experience almost as if you two lived it together.
This is building connection.
And building connection is reliant on one thing: you cant share what you dont know. In a
nutshell, the more self-aware one is about ones experiences, the more one will be relate to
others about their experiences.
As men, we generally suck at being aware of our experiences.
I noticed when I first started coaching and tried to get guys to build more comfort Id give
them the usual lines of You need to talk about yourself more, share yourself, Tell her about
yourself, etc. What these guys would do is start telling girls, Im from New Jersey. I like
the Yankees. I like Kanye and Jay-Z.
I got very frustrated and would tell them again, and so theyd go out and say, Im from
Newark, New Jersey. I REALLY like the Yankees. Kanye and Jay-Z are the best. What I
soon realized was in their minds they WERE sharing themselves. They just werent as aware
of their life, their motivations, their interests and especially THEIR EMOTIONS.
In these examples, even if the girl is from New York and into Jay-Z, shes not going to feel
that connected to you. Millions of guys out there are from New York and into Jay-Z. You
have to dig deeper, find what makes you unique as an individual WHY do you like Jay-Z?
Well, when I was young, my older brother would drive me to school and play old Jay-Z
albums. There you go, now were getting somewhere. Maybe you picked it up because you
really looked up to your brother, maybe he was the biggest father figure in your life. If so,
why is that? You need to ask yourself these questions and be willing to share the answers
with girls.
Its not an easy task, but every guy needs to find what differentiates him from the other
million guys in town. The good news is that you already ARE different than the other guys,
but the hard part is taking a long hard look at yourself to see whats so unique.
Its when you do this, not only do you distinguish yourself in the girls eyes, but youre able
to build connection based on your life experiences. For instance, that girl who also likes Jay-

Z, maybe she had an older brother who took her to a Jay-Z concert. You guys now have an
experience to relate to on a much deeper, personal and emotional level.
This law is kind of the other side of the coin of the last law of pickup. Whereas with subcommunication, youre constantly asking Why? in effort to understand the deeper causes of
HER actions. Connection and self-awareness is a process of constantly asking Why? to
understand the deeper causes of your actions.
Because you cant share what you dont know.

VI. The Law of Relationships: Setting and Managing Expectations

For you guys who have been following it all along, youll notice a bit of a progression going
on here. Remember, these are the seven factors that I believe are CONSTANTLY present
when it comes to picking up women. Rejection something we must all face and accept
before we even begin. Lifestyle the glass ceiling of our sexuality as men. Aggression
the speed in which well get intimate with girls. Sub-Communication the efficacy and
clarity of that intimacy. Connection The depth of that intimacy.
Now, moving on to managing expectations and in essence managing the relationship
with the girl.
You begin sub-communicating expectations and managing them the second you open a girl,
although theyre rarely that relevant until after you sleep with her. Regardless, they provide
the frame in which the whole interactions lifespan will exist.
Lets say youre talking to a girl in a bar and everythings going great. Youve had great
conversation for a couple hours and youre both touching and flirting comfortably.
In your mind, you may be thinking, Awesome, Im going to get laid tonight. In her mind,
she may be thinking, Oh my God, hes so great. This is it! Ill finally have a good
Our expectations are morphed from our life experiences, beliefs, values and perceptions. If a
girl is a sheltered Catholic girl, shes going to natural have expectations of a long-term,
committed relationship more easily. If youre an emotionally damaged man-whore (like me),
youre going to expect to get your dick wet and probably little else.
Often girls like this will still sleep with you on that first night, but under the impression that
its going to lead to something more significant. Believe it or not, Ive had the opposite
happen to me girls I really liked and thought were interesting slept with me and were
interested in little else. It goes both ways.
The goal with managing expectations is to clearly convey your expectations, find out her
expectations and negotiate some kind of common ground.
There are three keys to managing expectations: Communication, honesty and respect.

Communication is by far the most important. Communication is often misconstrued many

people (guys and girls) think, Well, we talk so much, we have a lot of communication.
Bullshit. True communication only has three topics: ME, YOU and US.
If youre not talking about one of those three topics, youre not communicating in a
meaningful way. Discussing Peyton Mannings states is not communicating. Talking about
the Iraq War is not communicating. Even telling her about your ski trip in Colorado is hardly
Unless shes finding out about your values, interests and (yes) expectations, theres not
intimate communication going on, and the interaction is moving blindly toward some
unknown destination.
This is where honesty comes in. Communication is worthless without being true to your
desires and needs. If you like a girl, let her know. If you dont want a relationship, let her
know. If you are seeing other girls, let her know.
You dont have to say it as blunt and coldly as that, but make sure she gets the message. The
more clear, the better.
Get the same honesty out of her. Obviously, you cant ever know if shes being 100% honest
or not, but as long as she seems genuine, take it at face value (a lot of girls will say they just
want sex, when theyre hoping to rope you into a relationship).
Finally, be respectful of her expectations. Her relationship expectations are a summation of
her beliefs, values and experiences. That stuffs sacred, so dont shit all over it.
But heres the catch. We rarely REALLY know exactly what we want. Sometimes we
THINK we want to have a bunch of random sex, or sometimes we THINK we want a longterm girlfriend, but when were confronted with the situation, we actually dont.
The truth is, our desires and needs change every day. As a result, our expectations for a
relationship should change daily as well. As a result, we have to continue to communicate
these expectations and desires. As a result, we have to CONTINUE to be honest and open.
And of course, we have to continue to respect her desires and wishes.
This is a constant and tireless process. From the moment you meet, to the first time you have
sex, to the three month mark, to the year-long mark.
Guys ask me a lot, How do you keep fuck buddies and MLTRs for months or even years?
This is how. There has to be a constant and open communication.
Relationships evolve, because WE evolve. You have to be willing to acknowledge that
evolution and work together with it.
Girls who start out as one night stands become fuck buddies, then become friends with
benefits. Then they become emotionally involved, followed by monogamy, followed by an
open relationship and then maybe monogamy again. Then things change a year later and it
goes back to friends with benefits, then back to an open relationship.

Follow it wherever it goes. Be open, honest, and communicate consistently. And if youre
fortunate enough to find a woman who is self-aware and communicates openly as well, then
get ready for a fantastic ride together.

VII. The Law of Inertia: Every Habit Requires Repetition

I want to wrap this series up with something I feel like is common sense, but not talked about
much in regards to picking up women.
Its well-known and well-argued at this point that this whole PUA thing is a skill-set,
something that can be trained and learned like playing the piano or speaking a language or
riding a bike.
But whats overlooked often is that these skills are HABITS. And habits are learned and act
differently than other skills.
For instance, you never forget how to ride a bike or how to type. But if you dont go to the
gym for six months, when you come back youre weak and sore as hell.
Pick up is the same way. It has inertia. You have to gain momentum and then keep the
I noticed this last week. I went out three nights in a row. Halfway through the third night, I
became incredibly tired and bored. I just wanted to go home. It was amazing, because the
first year I was doing this stuff, it was five nights a week MINIMUM. I remember I had an
eight-night stretch where I went out and sarged every night and it wasnt until the end of the
eighth night that I finally threw in the towel.
But at the same time, I didnt start going out that much on a dime. I had to work up to it. And
Im positive that if I wanted to start going out five nights a week again, I could get back to
that place with a few weeks.
But this isnt limited to the energy, you can get rusty at pretty much EVERYTHING. Some
main things guys get rusty at if they dont practice them regularly:
- Approaching, dealing with AA.
- Bantering and teasing, being funny.
- Calibration
- Dominance, handling shit tests, not supplicating
- Kino
These are just a few examples. Anyone who has taken a few months off or who went on a
relationship hiatus will notice this. You come back to the game and your teeth arent as sharp
so to speak.
This works both ways, too. If you go out for five nights a week and approach 10 sets a night
for months, then suddenly cut back to 1-2 nights a week, your skills wont deteriorate much.
The point of this is that you have to plan your progress and actions accordingly. Dont expect
to work on approaching for a month and then just stop forever and be set. You need to keep

exercising that muscle to use it well. Sure, the muscle always grows back much faster the
second time around, but be aware of the depreciation in skills.
Also, I meet a lot of guys who start practicing a new skill and get frustrated because nothing
changes after a week. It takes momentum. It takes inertia to get things going. And then once
its going, you dont have to worry about it stopping.

Personalizing Pick Up: Finding What Works for You

I. What Do You Want?
The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys
are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way.
Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model be it canned
or natural teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a
case-by-case basis.
Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.
Its an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached
the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the
necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This
will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to
learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.
I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues
This is the first installment and focuses on the first question that every guy should be asked:
What is it that you want?
I ask EVERY student this question when I first meet them, as well as most guys who come to
me for advice, guys who ask questions during presentations, people who email me, etc.
Its because the answer to this question colors EVERYTHING you do from here on out. It
determines how youll be gaming each girl, which girls youll be gaming, and how good
youll need to get to reach your goals.
Are you looking for a new girlfriend/wife? Do you want to be able to pull SNLs
consistently? Do you want a harem or a solid rotation of women? Do you just want to have
more options with women in general or to be more social in general?
The answer is incredibly important. I see too many guys who want to meet a great girlfriend
learning and practicing material and techniques designed for SNLs and club game. Guys
who just want to increase their social skills and confidence start trying cracked-out routines to
get girls to fall in love with them or tell bizarre and false stories.
What do you WANT?
If you want a girlfriend, you need to focus on screening girls early and often. Avoid night
clubs and bars. Learn day game and going on good dates. Your game will be comfort,
comfort, comfort. You want to get to know the girl as much as possible, as soon as possible
and then be able to decide if you want to enter a relationship with her or not.

If you want SNLs. You need to focus on attraction game, super fast escalation and logistics.
You should be hitting clubs constantly. You should work on being social proofed out the ass
at those clubs. You should dress flashy and have a crazier lifestyle.
If you want to build up a rotation, you need a more balanced mix of game. You need a bit of
everything, but you also need to focus a lot on comfort, relationship management, phone/text
game and handling expectations.
Guys who simply want to have more options with women should make basic efforts to make
themselves more attractive (what I call building their passive attraction): developing their
lifestyle, dressing and grooming better, becoming a better conversationalist, etc.
Guys who need to develop their social skills mostly need reps. They need to be thrown into
social situations as much as possible because they were either sheltered or withdrawn
growing up. Theyre playing catch-up. They need to be drilled on abilities to help them think
on their toes, develop a sense of humor and relate to people more easily and often.
As you can see, theres not a one-size-fits-all answer to game. Different guys want different
things, so they should learn different things.
Ill be back next week focusing on the inner game component of how to get good with
women, but not in a traditional sense. What Ill focus on is not the inner game with women,
but the inner game of learning. Some guys learn faster than others and are able to change
themselves more quickly and efficiently.

II. Learning Styles and Inner Game

The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys
are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way.
Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model be it canned
or natural teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a
case-by-case basis.
Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.
Its an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached
the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the
necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This
will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to
learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.
I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues
This installment will cover the next factor I evaluate when figuring out how to get a guy from
point A to point B with women.

Its well known that not everybody learns the same way in an academic setting, well thats
doubly true when it comes to learning pick up. Some guys are motivated by negative
feedback, some by positive feedback. Some guys want to focus on what they want, others
want to focus on what they DONT want.
When I first meet a girl, Ill tease her lightly to see how she handles it. If she responds well,
Ill keep doing it. If she doesnt, Ill stop. I calibrate to her.
I kind of calibrate like this with students as well. Some students react well to a coach getting
in their face and telling them they suck, pointing out every flaw, and nitpicking everything
they do. For some guys, thats what they need to hear to get motivated.
Other guys prefer to be encouraged. If you start berating them and telling them that theyre
shit, theyll become deterred or even defensive. But if you encourage them, helping them
focus on their goals and what they can achieve, they become motivated and perform.
There are other learning styles as well that we all have to be aware of. Some guys learn very
quickly, but they need to SEE how its done first to process it. Other guys learn very slowly
and they need a lot of repetition DOING it over and over.
This is where doing demo sets versus making the student do sets comes in. If I think the
student needs a lot of repetition and is just trying to get out of approaching, I wont demo.
But if he seems like hes pretty lost on exactly what he should be doing, Ill demo and try to
show him.
Finally, your inner game determines greatly your ability to learn. I feel like this is an
untapped subject in the community. Not your inner game with women, but your inner game
in general with learning.
Some guys are simply horrible at instituting new behaviors. They dont know how to change
themselves. Other guys are horribly un-disciplined. A lot of guys dont hold themselves to
high standards, or have poor beliefs about themselves. Most of these things are unconscious
in the students, so its important to find a mentor/coach/guru who can spot these issues and
uproot them for you. If a guy is plateauing for a long period of time, its usually because of
an inner game issue.
It bothers me that a lot of these aspects are ignored right now in the community. Coaches for
some companies get paid to drink beer and watch guys approach. Other coaches get paid to
hit on girls while guys stand around and watch. When it comes down to it, neither method
will get results.
And even if you are going out alone and have no intentions of working with someone or
taking a bootcamp, its important to be aware of these things within yourself so you can keep
yourself motivated, diligent and on-target throughout your development.
Ill be back next time talking about how every guy must evaluate his natural advantages and
disadvantages and adapt his game to them.

III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages

The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys
are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way.
Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model be it canned
or natural teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a
case-by-case basis.
Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.
Its an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached
the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the
necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This
will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to
learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.
I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues
Today were going to talk about natural advantages and disadvantages. This is actually a
pretty taboo topic within the community. It probably stems from the fact that we hate to
accept the fact that looks matter, money matters, having a cool job and lifestyle matters, etc.
When it comes down to it, the more you have the following things, the less youll have to
work to get girls:
- Good looks
- Being Young
- Money
- Stable career
- Nice lifestyle
- Cool friends
- Intelligence
If you have all of the above in spades, then girls will naturally kind of end up coming to you,
and barring any serious inner game issues youll eventually end up with one.
But our looks and natural demeanor affects our game in different ways too.
For instance, a small short Asian guy can be super high energy and sexual, very touchy and
aggressive and get away with it in fact, it works for him because girls dont expect that
from a small, seemingly harmless guy.
But if youre 63, 220 lbs. with a deep ba rreling voice, and you grab girls by the wrist and
tell them theyre sexy as fuck and you have to have them, theyre going to scream rape.
Guys need to realize that their first impression sub-communicates a lot about them before
they even open their mouths and adapt to that.

This is why Mystery Method doesnt work for everybody. This is why RSDs natural game
doesnt work for everybody. Because not everybody is made the same way, and these styles
of game dont cater to everyone equally.
If youre extremely good looking, and you tease girls mercilessly, youll come across as a
prick and an asshole.
Ill use some extreme examples to make my point. Imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar. He
wouldnt have to say a word. Literally, his presence itself would be enough to get him laid by
a really hot. Now, imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar, walked up to a girl and say, Pfft
nice nails, are they real? Yeah, whatever, dork The girl would freak out and tell
everyone, OMG, Brad Pitt is a fucking ASSHOLE!
Now imagine if Brad Pitt walked into a bar, walked up to a beautiful girl and said, youre
absolutely beautiful, and I dont usually do this, but I want to spend some time to get to know
you better. Totally, Chode-AFC-loser-pussy statement, right? What would the girl do?
Honestly, shed probably faint because itd be too good to be true for her.
Now imagine if Danny DeVito wasnt famous and he went into the same bar and said the
same thing. What would happen? The girls would laugh, think it was kind of flattering and
then politely ignore him. But now imagine if Danny DeVito came in and started negging and
busting on girls mercilessly? Would it get their attention? Definitely. Would it get their
attraction? If he was good enough at it, probably.
I call this concept Passive versus Active Attraction and I talk about it in great detail and
length in my book. Its an important concept that is glossed over way too often and costs a
ton of guys sets every night.

IV. Skills and Talents

The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys
are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way.
Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model be it canned
or natural teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a
case-by-case basis.
Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.
Its an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached
the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the
necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This
will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to
learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.
I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues

As Napoleon Dynamite once famously said, Chicks like guys with skills. Whether thats bo
staff skills or some other sort of skill, well, thats another post.
But this is a pretty simple concept that I feel like goes over the head of most guys coming
into the community. Just like the last post in the series focused on playing to your natural
advantages (be them physical, social or whatever), you should also play towards your best
For instance, if youre an excellent conversationalist, you shouldnt go to really loud clubs.
Why? Because its hard to carry on a really great conversation. Instead, you should focus on
day game, quieter lounges and social events.
If youre really good at escalating and getting a girl turned on, then you WOULD want to
focus on loud clubs, because those are the venues that facilitate those skills the best.
I often see guys reluctant to use their talents or connections to help themselves out. For
instance, if youre a guitarist in a band, why on earth wouldnt you sarge at your gigs? My
god, itd make everything 10 times easier. Thats a talent and skill you can put to your use. I
see this a lot with guys who are rich, but they dont want to drop money for bottle service or
VIP treatment because they feel like its cheating. If you have the money and dont mind
spending it, why not do it? Itll make things easier.
So ask yourself the following questions:
1) Which skills come naturally easy for you? Is it approaching? Conversation? Flirting and
For me conversation skills were always very easy for me. Once I got into a set for 2-3
minutes, I never had problems holding it. So I avoided the super loud and crazy clubs that
facilitated that advantage.
2) What do you have going for you in your life that you can use to help you sarge?
For me, when I started, I was a fifth year senior in college. I was well connected in the party
scene and had tons of friends on campus. So instead of hitting bars all the time to cold
approach, I spent most of my first year in the community at college parties where I had a lot
of social proof. Sure, this was easier than cold approach at bars, but I got results pretty fast
and a year later when I did start going to bars and clubs, I was already that much better.

V. Current Sticking Points and Issues

The Personalizing Pickup series is a series of articles that focus on the fact that not all guys
are created equal and therefore, not all guys should learn to pick up women in the same way.
Whereas other methods and philosophies prescribe a one-size-fits-all model be it canned
or natural teaching men what they need to be good with women should be done on a
case-by-case basis.
Put simply: No two men are the same, therefore no two guys should game the same.
Its an exciting time in that the breadth of knowledge in the seduction community has reached
the point where any guy can learn what he needs. The problem now is separating the

necessary knowledge from the unnecessary knowledge, the relevant from the irrelevant. This
will be different for every guy. In this series I set out to create a model in which for guys to
learn exactly what THEY need, nothing less, nothing more.
I. What Do You Want?
II. Learning Styles and Inner Game
III. Natural Advantages/Disadvantages
IV. Skills and Talents
V. Current Sticking Points and Issues
What I started doing at lair talks about six months ago is instead of giving any prepared
seminar or set agenda, I would ask guys to stand up, introduce themselves and talk about
what problems theyre having with game right now. I would then work through the issues
with the guys in front of the group so everyone could learn from it.
This has been a wildly successful talk. And I think part of the reason why (other than
personalizing my content), is that its showing guys that only a minority for any given
material is ever relevant to them at any given time.
What I mean by that is this. If I stood up in front of the room and gave a presentation on
attraction game, escalation, deep comfort game, relationship management, inner game no
matter what I say, the material will always only be relevant for a minority of the group at the
time because only a minority of guys will ever be addressing those particular issues at that
When youre focusing on how to approach, you dont need to know about relationship
management. When you need to work on your SNL logistics, youre not concerned about
gaining attraction anymore.
Like a student of mine said once: I heard the stuff you said, but I wasnt ready to learn it yet
back then.
This is a really important concept, because its the root of the information overload thats
so problematic in the scene right now.
Guys may run into a sticking point, lets say conversations for instance, except they dont
realize it. So instead they consume information and product and product about everything
under the sun. Theyre taking shots in the dark, hoping to solve their issue through sheer
lucky of stumbling upon the right information or often reviewing information they dont
need to work on.
More often than not, guys are really only being held up with one of the following:
- Approaching
- Maintaining conversation
- Building attraction
- Escalating
- Dominance and Aggression
- Building comfort
- Follow up game and dates
- Getting sexual, closing

There are a few other minor sticking points here and there, but Id say that 95% of guys will
fall into one of these categories.
And the thing is, you only get stuck on ONE AT A TIME.
So look at that list. Where are you stuck right now? Focus on it and forget everything else.
A lot is being said these days about how coaching is a scam and how you cant change
overnight, etc., etc.
In my opinion, this is the value of having a coach. A coach can watch you in two sets and
immediately know where youre stuck and give you multiple ways to unstick yourself.
Without a coach there to point it out, it can be like banging your head against a brick wall
trying things over and over and over.
Thats it for this series. Ill be going back and adding in all the links and making a main post.
I probably could have gone into a bit more detail with a couple of the posts. I still think the
idea of personalizing pickup is horribly overlooked in this industry. Unfortunately,
prospects and newbies who come into this find one size fits all models and gimmicks far
more appealing.
Oh well

The Night Game Model The Guide to Picking Up Women At Night

Night Game Model Part 1
Over the months, Ive consistently gotten requests to devise a Night Game Model similar to
the Day Game Model here on this site. Guys have loved that model because its simple,
concise, flexible and easy to implement. So everyones been wondering if theres a possible
way to implement something similar to night game.
Heres my attempt to do so. Same deal: I have no idea how long this series will go, but Im
going to go until I get all pertinent information out, nothing more, nothing less.
This is how 90% of my sets in night game go, and all of the mental processes that I go
through with each set. Just like the day game model, following this at this point has become
redundant, I dont even really think about it anymore.
Notes About Night Game
Before we begin, some things should be noted about night game:
- Night game is very random. Aside from logistics, crazy shit is happening at night: people
are drunk, fights break out, everyone is with a lot of friends, people come and go, places get
crowded, etc.
This has two effects on how we approach night game: one is we have to be far more flexible
than day game, the other is that we have to be prepared to do more. Put succinctly, night
game has a wider range of results (anything from a ONS to a girlfriend to a fist in your face),
and therefore it has a wider range of skills and variables. Whereas day game, you really only
need to be able to fluff, build some comfort and get a number, the skills required at night run
the gamut.
- Night game venues vary widely in difficulty and type. Popular dance clubs, high-end clubs,
dive bars, gay bars, strip clubs, lounge, hotel bars, college bars, etc., etc. all of these
environments operate slightly differently and therefore youll have to learn how to calibrate
to your environment.
In general, the more energetic the environment (crazy lights, loud music, dancing, alcohol),
the more energetic you need to be. The more laid back the environment, the more laid back
you need to be. Also, play to your audience. You should act differently in a college bar as
you do at an upscale night club. (This topic is a whole article unto itself).
- You have to deal with competition in night game. If you open a woman at the grocery store,
chances are slim some other guy is going to walk by and try to fuck you up. But at night,
youll get guys doing just that quite often.
Once again, this has two obvious effects: one is that you have to be prepared to deal with
other guys, and two women are going to be a lot more jaded and have their guard up at night.

Now that we have that out of the way, youre in a venue, there are tons of people there, what
are you doing next?
Pre-screening sets is an important step that almost nobody talks about (because it goes
completely against the classic three-second rule). When I get to a venue, I like to take a lap
around the venue and check out whats going on, what kind of people are there, how many
hot girls are there, what the logistical situation is like and if there are any easy pickens to
start out with.
You do this by looking at two things when you walk around: peoples logistics and peoples
body languages, or what I like to call, Whats their story?
1) Logistics is easy. Hot girl with three guys = poor logistics. Three hot girls by themselves at
the bar laughing a lot = good logistics. Large groups sitting down = hard set. Two girls
dancing with each other having a good time = easy set.
2) Whats their story? takes a lot more skill. You need to be able to read body language and
read people well (which is a vastly underrated skill). For instance, if I spot a three-set, two
girls and a guy, watching them for 10 seconds can reveal a lot about them. Are either the girls
with him? Are they blowing him off? Does he look chodey? Do they look like theyre
having fun, or are they there because they feel like they have to?
Figuring this shit out beforehand can be absolutely huge if you open them and cold-read them
(more on that later). For instance, if I observe a set for 15 seconds and then walk up and one
minute into the interaction say, you guys seem like youve been friends forever but dont get
to see each other often, its not a shot in the dark. Im saying it because they seem to really
like each other but also seem a bit nervous/awkward around one another (you know that
awkwardness you get when you hang out with an old friend you havent seen in years?
Yeah that). Anyway, you hit that nail on the head and bam, your value is through the roof.
More on cold-reading later.
Basically, what I do is after I check the specs for all of these things in each group of people, I
make some decisions: which girls do I want to talk to? Which sets would be easy? Which
would be hard? Which people seem interesting to me? Which women seem like theyd
naturally be into me? I take all of these factors into account and then prioritize the sets I want
to open. Generally, Ill start with whichever set has the combination of best logistics/hottest
girls/most inviting vibe and go down the list.
Quick note: to everyone who says, But isnt walking around a bar looking at everybody
make you seem like an AFC? Shouldnt you get into set right away so that EVERYONE
knows youre such a social, cool, alpha, pimpdaddy?
Ive never bought into this. Why? Because people really dont give a shit, especially girls.
Think back to the last night you were out and talking to a bunch of people I mean, the last
time you had a really great time with some friends (or in set) for a good hour or two. How
many people do you notice walking around by themselves? If you even noticed any, did you
care? Did you make a mental note: OMG, that guys by himself, what a fuck chode!
No, you probably assumed he was walking to the bathroom/bar/door or looking for someone.

No one cares. As long as you dont sit there and stare like a goddamn creeper, it doesnt
Ill be back with part two in a couple days going over opening, transitions, cold-reads and
continuing to screen.

Night Game Model Part 2

In part one of my night game model, we covered some basics about night game (venues,
types of girls, etc.) and what I do before I open a set (pre-selection). In part two, were going
to cover opening and the first 30 seconds or so of conversation.
There are three different ways to open: direct, indirect and situational (which is another form
of indirect usually). Id say I tend to go situational 50% of the time, direct 40% of the time
and indirect 10%.
When its best to go direct: When theres a good logistical situation. For instance, if its a two
or three-set, the girl looks like shes looking for a guy (remember the people reading skills
from part one), and her friends are distracted. Also, if there arent any guys around, although
90% of guys will back down and STFU if you have the balls to go direct in front of them.
The only other situations I do direct is when I *REALLY* like a girl i.e., she looks very
intriguing to me as well as beautiful (really hot nerdy girls are a good example).
My direct is usually low-key because Im a big guy and if I get too aggressive, I throw girls
off. Hi, I wanted to come meet you, Im Mark is probably at least half of my direct opens.
Sinns You guys look cool, are you friendly, almost always hooks, etc. If youre a smaller
or shorter guy, Id recommend coming in with more aggression and energy, something like,
Youre really sexy, I had to come meet you, while kinoing hard.
When I go situational: If youre good at improvising lines based on the environment around
you, situational is often the best way to go. It hooks just about every time and comes across
as very genuine and spontaneous. I try to do it as much as possible.
Some stock situational lines I use: girl sitting by herself, I say, Are you in time out? If the
bar is crowded, sometimes I bet the girl next to me a drink that I get served first. If some girls
look really bored, I come over and say, Look, this is a fun-only zone, we need to fix this.
Indirect: I save indirect openers (opinion openers, anything youd find in the Routines
Manual) for larger groups or mixed sets. Drunk I Love Yous opens groups of 4+
sufficiently 90% of the time. Google it if you dont know what it is. Its basically the new,
Who lies more?
Transitioning and Cold Reading
Just as in the day game model, I ALWAYS transition with a cold read.
If I went direct, Ill transition with a basic cold read about the group. If I noticed something
interesting about them before I opened (again, people-reading, pre-selecting see part 1), I

comment on that. These cold reads usually range from neutral to hit the nail on the head.
When you hit the nail on the head with your cold read, combined with the direct, you have
pretty much instant attraction. A few months ago, I opened this really tall brunette direct, and
cold read her job perfectly my very next line (You look like a closet nerd, I bet youre an
engineer or something.) I was right and she FREAKED the fuck out. The attraction was
immediately through the roof and the rest of the set was a matter of escalating.
If I dont have anything to cold read on the specific set, I use one of a couple stock cold
reads: You dont look like youre from X, You guys look like youve been friends
forever, etc.
This will always get the conversation started down a general thread. As Ill focus on later,
you want every conversation to be about one of two things: you or her. I dont really fuck
around with routines, games or gimmicks. I want to know about her ASAP and want to share
myself ASAP, so these cold-reads get that started pretty quickly. On top of that, they
eliminate the annoying interview question habit and that percentage of the time when you
cold read them right, you get a nice boost of attraction.
Note: Often, just by cold reading them correctly and going direct, Ill already have more than
enough attraction to get laid by this point. Let me say that again. By simply going direct,
having great non-verbals, and cold reading well, Ill often have enough attraction to get laid.
The rest is a matter of escalating well. The biggest tip off for this is if she immediately starts
asking YOU interview questions.
For instance, I have sets that go like this sometimes:
Me: Hi, excuse me, I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you. Im Mark.
Her: Oh wow, thank you.
Me: I got a really cool vibe from you, you seem more artistic than most of the other girls
Her: Oh wow, Im a photographer, how did you know that? Thats amazing.
Me: I just had a feeling, thats why I wanted to meet you.
Her: Cool. So where are you from?
BAM! As soon as that, where are you from? comes out, in my mind, the games over.
Unless I majorly fuck up my escalation or comfort, she and I are going to get together.
A lot of guys fight against girls giving them interview questions, and this has never made
sense to me. If a girl is asking you questions, shes conveying nothing but interest. Why you
would ever punish her for that is beyond me.
Cold reading off of indirect openers: Same concepts apply. The only difference is if we get
into a conversation based on my opener, Ill adjust my cold read for the conversation. For
instance, lets say I use, Drunk, I love yous:
Me: Hey guys, quick question, do drunk I loves you count?
Them: What are those?
Me: See, my buddy Jack got drunk last night and texted this girl that he loved her. But he
doesnt remember doing it and now she thinks theyre a couple. What should he do?
Them: Blah, blah, blah (they usually say he cant take it back.)

Me: Well, Im sure youve done some stupid shit when youve been drunk.
Her: OMG, you have no idea.
Me: (Go into crazy drunk story)
This will get you about 30-60 seconds into the conversation. In part 3, Im going to through
how I cycle attraction and comfort. Again, similar to the day game model where you cycle
qualification and comfort, at night, I usually cycle teasing and comfort. Well talk about that
next time.

Night Game Model Part 3

Weve covered pre-selection, opening and transitions, now were into the bulk of the
conversation. Id say 50-75% of my sets make it this far, depending on the venue. The rest
are either blow outs or the girl just didnt hook well at all.
What I do at this point, is very similar to what I do in the day game model. In the day game
model, I cycle qualification and comfort stories. At night, I do the same thing, except I just
add teases to the cycle.
So for instance, in day game, a conversation will go something like this:
Me: So what do you do when youre not shopping for groceries? (Qualification)
Her: I work at X and do Y. I really like it because of Z.
Me: Thats cool. I had a friend who used to do Y, but they didnt like Z. (Comfort Story)
At night, itd go something more like this:
Me: So what do you do when youre not out drinking appletinis with your girlfriends?
(Qualification with a little tease)
Her: I work. I do Y at X.
Me: Wow, arent we Ms. Professionalism. (Tease)
Her: I guess. People say I take my job too seriously.
Me: So thats why you come and drink. (Tease)
Her: Exactly!
Me: Thats cool. I had a friend who did Y. He didnt like it because of Z. (Comfort)
Then repeat the cycle with another topic.
Its the exact same conversation, just with teasing sprinkled in (and Id be kinoing but more
on that in Part 5).
How much you should be teasing and when you should be teasing will be covered in Part 4,
As far as teasing goes, its good to learn how to improvise teases on the spot. If you have
trouble, you may look into taking a comedy or impov class. A good sense of humor and solid
sense of timing when telling jokes is important, not just for women but for social skills in

But also, once youve done 500-1,000 sets, youll notice a lot of patterns in conversation and
certain topics and questions that come up pretty frequently. You can develop stock
For instance, almost every set it comes up where Im from (Texas). I live in Boston. Probably
about 50% of girls ALWAYS ask me, why I moved to Boston from Texas. I always respond
the same way: I look at them as if they just asked me the most retarded question ever and say,
To get the fuck out of Texas duh. They always laugh. ALWAYS.
Another question I get all the time when this topic comes up is, But you dont have a
southern accent. I say, Yeah, because Im civilized.
I have probably used both of these lines at least 1,000 times at this point, and the girl laughs
(thus gaining attraction) at least 95% of the time. I still use them at least once a night.
Then there are the stock routine teases that come from the community. I have a couple that
I use over and over. Whenever a girl has trouble understanding me, or isnt listening to me, or
cant hear me, I always say, Look X, we have communication issues, this isnt going to
work any more, and I lightly push her away.
Another favorite is when a girl is feisty and pretends like shes going to fight me or says
shell kick my ass, I say, Look, I havent hit a women in almost six months, dont break the
streak. You really need to say this with a smile on your face so she knows youre kidding,
I also pull out the, Youre so cute when you do that, I want to adopt you as my little sister,
every now and then, depending on the girl.
Finally, once in a blue moon, I pull out Styles 5 Questions game, which to this day I dont
think a single girl has won. I usually only use this routine if I know the girl is into me, but
Im seriously stalling out for some reason. It rarely fails me.
So right there, I have 2-3 stock lines for common topics of conversation, I have 2-3 stock
routine teases, and then I have whatever teases I improvise in the middle of the set. That
right there is more than enough to have in your arsenal.
Typically, most girls you only have to tease 2-4 times before you have enough attraction
(depends on how well you tease and their personality), other girls may require a few more.
One of the biggest problems I see in guys is they tease WAY TOO MUCH. Theyll tease and
banter and tease and banter like 15 minutes into the set, and now theyve gone from the
random guy approaching to the hot guy with attitude to the dancing monkey whos getting a
little played out.
Heres an example of a typical set where I would need to tease a few times to move on:
Me: Hey, whats up? Im Mark. I wanted to come meet you. (Direct Opener)
Her: Hi. Im Betty Boop.
Me: Cool. You dont come across like most of the girls here. You dont seem as superficial
as most girls you meet in clubs. (Cold Read Transition)

Her: Hah, well thanks. I dont usually come to places like this. Its my friends birthday
Me: Cool. How do you know the birthday girl? (Testing for Logistics more in part 6)
Her: We went to college together, we dont get to see each other that often anymore.
Me: I see. Did you guys go to school around here? You dont seem like youre from around
here. (Cold Read)
Her: Yeah, we did. But Im from Illinois. How did you know?
Me: Youre not an asshole. Haha.
Her: What about you? Where are you from?
Me: Im from Texas originally.
Her: Texas? Why did you come up here?
Me: Uhh to get the hell out of Texas! (Tease 1)
Her: *laughs*
Me: But Im from Austin, its kind of like an oasis of free-thought and liberalism in the
middle of the Bible Belt. (comfort story)
Her: Really? Ive never been.
Me: Well, youre missing out Betty. Get your shit together. (Tease 2)
Her: Ill get right on it.
Me: Thats the spirit. So what do you like to do when youre not talking to Texans in Boston
Her: Oh, I dont know.
Me: You dont know? What do you mean you dont know? You have to like something.
Her: Im a bit of a homebody.
Me: So?
Her: So I dont get out much.
Me: Yeah, but you must do something at home.
Her: I guess I like to read.
Me: Sorry, I dont talk to girls who read. I prefer my women illiterate. (Tease 3)
Her: *laughs*
Me: Im Texan, remember? (Tease 4)
Her: *laughs*Me: Actually, I read a lot too.
Her: Really?
Me: (Comfort story about reading.)
And that would be 90% of the teasing I would need for that set. By that point, shed be
attracted, and I could just build comfort and escalate from there.
Ill be back next time to talk about calibration, knowing when to tease and banter, and
knowing when to just stick to comfort stories. Part 5 will cover escalation. And finally, Part 6
will cover figuring out logistics. Then that should cover it.

Night Game Model Calibration

This is a long one, kids, but for good reason. Calibration may be THE most important
concept to understand when it comes to picking up women.
So if youve read parts 1 through 3 of the night game model, you basically now know: who
and when to open, how to open and transition, how to cycle teasing and comfort stories.
Getting good at these things will enable you to open sets and hold them as long as necessary

and build attraction. But theres still a CRUCIALLY important concept that I need to go
over: and thats calibration.
Calibration is absolutely fundamental and for a simple reason as well: not every girl is the
same. Some women like to be teased, some dont. Some are looking for a guy, some arent.
Some are going to like you immediately, some arent. As my friend Smallville once said,
The only rule is calibration, everything else is just a recommendation.
With that said, before we jump into this, its very important that youre familiar with my
concepts of passive/active attraction and how they work. You can read the brief overview on
the concepts here:
The two main things to remember going forward: 1) that attraction is based on value and 2)
every womans perception of value (what they find attractive) is different.
For instance, what you consider an HB10 could have terrible self-esteem or be unaware of
her own value, whereas she may find you naturally her type. But you, thinking, Shes an
HB10, I have to tease her hard, will overvalue yourself and get blown out.
This is why calibration is so important. Theres no single thing you can do that works in
every interaction.
Also, sometimes you run into girls who are HB6s or HB7s who THINK that theyre hot shit
and when you approach think to themselves, great, another jackass trying to get laid. In
your mind, shes just an HB6, so you dont really try to game her, but she actually perceives
herself to be of much higher value so she blows you off.
This is why HB10s are often some of the nicest girls and HB6s can be the meanest.
The laws of passive and active attraction say that you want just enough attraction so that she
perceives your value to be equal or above hers.
A lot of times guys dont realize their own passive value and so theyll immediately be higher
value than a girl as soon as they talk to her and mistakenly try to create active attraction. This
is the biggest and one of the most common mistakes a guy can make.
So how do we know where we are in regards to her? Whats her perception of us?
I have a simple process that I apply when Im in set: Once I hook the set, Ill throw out a very
light tease to the girl and see how she responds.
- If she laughs and responds positively, it means my value is equal or slightly higher to hers
and Ill keep teasing until I stop getting a positive reaction.
- If she responds negatively and seems offended, it means Im OVERVALUED and I stop. I
will compliment her, state my interest or DLV myself (buy her a drink) to bring myself closer
to her. This is to make me attainable in her eyes. Youll have to do this often with shy or
reserved girls.
- If she responds negatively and is cold and bored, it means Im extremely undervalued and I
need to tease her even harder. Girls who react this way, youre not even on their radar screen
yet, so you have to say something really bold and outlandish to wake them up to you.

- If she shit-tests me back in a playful way, it means she values herself slightly more than me,
in which I keep teasing until I get a negative response.
Once I know where my value is relative to hers, I follow this blueprint:
- If Im OVERVALUED, I will compliment her, state my interest in her and even DLV
- If Im UNDERVALUED, I tease and neg her harder until I get a more positive reaction or
she blows me out.
- If Im around her value, I keep teasing at the same level and being escalating.
After a while, this will all become second nature to you.
The last comment Ill make is that sometimes you run into girls who will get into frame
battles with you i.e., you tease them, they tease you back, you tease them more, they tease
you back more, and you never are able to actually get anywhere. These girls like you, you
just have to go SUPER AGGRESSIVE on them. A lot of times, theyll reject your advances
for no other reason than to tease you again, but just keep plowing. They like you, theyre just
really sassy.
Calibration is mostly developed through doing hundreds and even thousands of sets. After
enough time you begin to just pick up which girls naturally like you a lot, which girls seem
lonely, which ones seem happy that youre opening them, etc.
After enough time, you begin to get really good at reading social cues as well, all of the little
IOIs or IODs she may give you. Calibration is something you have to constantly work on.
Your game is only as good as your calibration. You can know every awesome technique and
line in the world, but if you dont know when to use them, you wont get anywhere.
In the next installment, Ill provide a few examples of each of these calibrations in action.

Night Game Model Calibration Examples

This post piggybacks off my break down of night game calibration from a couple days ago.
As promised, I will provide example dialogs of each of the situations related to calibrating
your teasing/banter for each girl you meet.
If you remember, I described four scenarios in which you can end up and how to calibrate to
each one:
I have a simple process that I apply when Im in set: Once I hook the set, Ill throw out a very
light tease to the girl and see how she responds.
- If she laughs and responds positively, it means my value is equal or slightly higher to hers
and Ill keep teasing until I stop getting a positive reaction.
- If she responds negatively and seems offended, it means Im OVERVALUED and I stop. I
will compliment her, state my interest or DLV myself (buy her a drink) to bring myself closer
to her. This is to make me attainable in her eyes. Youll have to do this often with shy or
reserved girls.
- If she responds negatively and is cold and bored, it means Im extremely undervalued and I
need to tease her even harder. Girls who react this way, youre not even on their radar screen

yet, so you have to say something really bold and outlandish to wake them up to you.
- If she shit-tests me back in a playful way, it means she values herself slightly more than me,
in which I keep teasing until I get a negative response.
Once I know where my value is relative to hers, I follow this blueprint:
- If Im OVERVALUED, I will compliment her, state my interest in her and even DLV
- If Im UNDERVALUED, I tease and neg her harder until I get a more positive reaction or
she blows me out.
- If Im around her value, I keep teasing at the same level and being escalating.
After a while, this will all become second nature to you.
Situation 1: Responds positively, keep teasing until she stops responding positively
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You dont look like a Boston girl.
Her: Nope, born and raised in Boston. But Im half Irish, half French.Me: How the hell does
that work?
Her: Haha, I dont know. Its quite a mix.
Me: Does that mean you get drunk and start fights and then immediately give up?
Her: *laughing hysterically* OMG!
Me: Im afraid to drink with you, I dont know what will come out, your inner asshole or
your inner wuss.
Her: Hahaha neither! Im a nice drunk.
Me: Thats cool, me too. Im the type of drunk. blah, blah, blah, comfort story.
(Few minutes, few teases later)
Me: Look, we obviously have communication problems, this will never work.
Her: Aww, no I was listening, the music was just too loud.
Me: I was just saying blah, blah, blah. Throw in a compliment here.
This is your classic PUA situation. The idea that youre coming in slightly below her value,
you need to tease/neg/banter to raise your value relative to hers and then you qualify
her/compliment her as you move into more comfort.
Basically, I just throw teases between my comfort stories until she gets a bit defensive. This
means that shes feeling a bit self-conscious around me and is now pretty invested in the
interaction and my opinion. I want to SUPPORT this by complimenting her and validating
her. Keep in mind, I will bring teases back every now and again to keep things fresh, but not
nearly with the same frequency.
Situation 2: She responds negatively and seems offended
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You dont look like a Boston girl.
Her: Nope, born and raised in Boston. But Im half Irish, half French.
Me: How the hell does that work?
Her: What do you mean? (looks offended)

Me: Thats just a really unique combination. Its cool though. Did your parents grow up in
America or overseas?
In this situation, as soon as she seems offended, I take that as a cue that Im overvalued and I
need to be nice to her and even chodey to make myself more attainable to her. This is a girl
who for whatever reason thinks she doesnt have a shot with a guy like me, so I need to make
it as easy as possible.
Also, Id like to note that theres a minority of girls out there who just really dont like to be
teased at all, by anyone. Theyre rare, but they do exist. When you come across them, you
may have to continue to build attraction but just not by teasing.
Situation 3: She acts bored or indifferent.
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You dont look like a Boston girl.
Her: No, I am.
Me: Thats cool. Im actually from Texas originally.
Her: Oh.
Me: You seem like the serious type, like your friends have to drag you out here to make you
have fun.
Her: Not really. I mean, I guess, I do work a lot.
Me: All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl.
Her: Yeah, I guess.
Me: You ever run after someone with an ax?
Her: What?!
Me: You ever try to kill someone with an ax.
Her: Haha, no. What the hell?
Me: All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl. Havent you seen The Shining?
Her: No, I havent.
Me: Jesus, you DO work too much. Get out a little.
Her: Haha I havent really watched many movies lately.
Me: Its a classic. Stanley Kubrick. Made in the 70
s. Youre missing out. What kind of
movies do you typically watch? (Qualify)
Her: (Answers)
Me: Thats cool, (comfort story)
Situation 4: Positive Response, she banters back
Me: (Arbitrary opener)
Her: Blah blah blah
Me: You dont look like a Boston girl.
Her: Fuck yeah I am. You obviously thought wrong.
Me: Well, you sure as hell act like a Boston girl.
Her: Hows that?
Me: Youre an asshole yet charming.
Her: Yeah, I get that a lot.
Me: (banter)
Her: (banter)

Me: (banter)
Her: (banter
Me: Look, this obviously isnt working out, you know what? Were broken up. I cant do this
Her: Good! You sucked in bed anyway.
Me: How would you know? You were too drunk to feel what I was doing.
Her: Hahaha
Me: You know what, Im going to give you another chance. Tell me something about
Her: What? I dont know. What do you want to know?
Me: I think youre a cool girl, I want to actually get to know you.
Her: Sorry, you had your chance, were broken up.
Me: Yeah, yeah, but really, what are you most passionate about?
Her: (more evasion)
Me: (more direct interest)
Girls like this give newer guys the most trouble. Newer guys either cant keep up with their
wits or they get caught in the cycle of constant banter with them, which leads no where. The
way to break out of this cycle with these girls is by stating direct interest repeatedly. But there
are two caveats to this: 1) you have to prove that you can keep up with them banter/teasingwise first. These types of girls dont settle for pushovers or pussies. They want real men who
will put them in their place, thats why they cause so much trouble. And 2) shes going to
reject you at first and try to keep bantering with you. Again, you have to be unphased and
continue to show interest.
These types of girls can be the most fun as well as the most frustrating. When you finally do
get through to them, they can also be the most passionate and intense girls to date. They can
also be a huge pain and the ass and absolutely psycho. Tread with caution.

Night Game Model Escalation

Were rounding out the entire Night Game Model series now. If youve been following it so
far, you know how to scope a venue and open, how to transition and cold read to start a
thread, and then how to cycle between teasing and comfort stories. We then covered how to
calibrate the amount of attraction and comfort you run and I even provided some examples.
Today, were going to talk about escalation and then Ill wrap up the series with the last part
on logistics and closing.
Ideally, the purpose of this series is to condense the massive amounts of theory out there into
one easy-to-follow roadmap. The idea here is efficiency and simplicity.
With that said, a lot has been written about physical escalation (or whats commonly referred
to as kino). Its a universal skill that every guy needs to become successful with women.
Unlike day game, in night game you should always be touching. You should touch lightly on
the opener, touch the girl as you flirt with her, push her away when you tease, pull her back in
when you compliment her, etc. These days there are a few models or school that have
included an escalation ladder. The idea is, as you go up the ladder, you do each kino move
until she reciprocates or accepts it, and then you try the next one. They typically go like this:

- Lightly touch shoulder or arm

- Hand on back, light hug, push/pull
- Arm around her
- Kiss her
- Grab ass, kiss neck
- Grab tits, rub pussy through pants
From there you can probably figure the rest out. If at any time she stops you or doesnt
reciprocate, you go back one step and build some more attraction and/or comfort.
Isolating her is a key move as far as building compliance and getting her more comfortable
with you. For most girls, its bad form to make out or be all over a random guy in front of
their friends. So typically, if I get to step two on the escalation ladder and shes responding
positively, Ill isolate her then and keep going. Good places to isolate: to the bar, to a couch
or table, outside to smoke a cigarette, etc.
When to kiss? Generally, if Ive isolated a girl and Ive escalated to having my arm
somewhat around her and shes not moving away or shes leaning into me, I go for the kiss. I
dont have any fancy lines or triple-lux backflip I do. Sometimes Ill even interrupt her midsentence and say, Hold on one second, and kiss her then. Other times Ill just look her
straight in the eye and say, I really want to kiss you. If she blushes or gets embarrassed, I
just go for it. Girls who dont want to kiss you will take a step back.
A lot of guys get confused to how kino fits into the whole picture along with building
attraction/comfort, etc. Again, just as I mentioned attraction and comfort should be going on
at the same time, physical escalation should as well. In fact, theyre all kind of different sides
of the same coin, so to speak. For instance, as the set goes on:
Attraction: Your jokes and bantering should be getting more and more sexual in nature.
(Verbal escalation)
Comfort: Your conversation topics should be getting deeper and more personal. (Emotional
Physical: You should be physically be getting closer and more intimate. (Physical escalation)
If I was lame, Id do an audio course on my three-pronged escalation model or something
else dumb. But instead, Ill just put it here because theres not much else to say. Your jokes
should be getting more sexual, your conversations should be getting deeper, your bodies
should get closer, all at once. Its all happening at once.
Ideally, once youve been kissing and making out for awhile, and maybe youve even gotten
a nice ass or tit grab, if the attraction is still high, if she feels really comfortable around you,
shell be ready to go home with you (or you with her), which will be the topic of the last
insallment: logistics and closing.

Night Game Model Logistics and Closing

Welcome to the last installment of the Night Game Model. If youve been following
everything up to this point, youre opening, transitioning and cold-reading yourself into
interesting threads, where you cycle teasing and comfort stories with ease, calibrating along
the way, physically escalating and even making out with girls. Right? RIGHT?!?

Well congratulations, if youre going for same night lays, thats about 50% of the battle.
(If you dont care about same night lays, thats aout 80% of it, the rest is follow-up/phone
Logistics is the other half. And if you arent prepared for it, logistics will FUCK YOU UP!
Check for good logistics EARLY: There are a handful of questions that you need to take care
of pretty early in the set. Find out how your girl knows whoever shes with. Find out their
relationships (if shes got family members with her, chances go way down). Find out where
she lives and how she got there. Mentally note this and compare it to where you live and how
you got there relative to the venue. It IS possible to get a girl to drive you to her place (or
yours), but its not as likely. Basically, the ideal situation is for her to be out with a mixed
group of people, not all of which shes friends with and she lives close to you and/or the
venue (or you live close to her and/or the venue). The worst-case-scenario is its her sisters
bachelorette party, her mom and two sisters are there, she lives in another city and engaged.
You get the idea.
These questions (i.e., How do you know your friends? Where do you live? etc.) should
be thrown out early but sporadically. Its pretty easy to work them into your comfort game.
Just ask, get a quick answer and keep moving on. You should have a pretty clear idea of the
girls logistical situation within 10 minutes of talking to her. If youve got her isolated and
have even made out with her, then you have NO excuse to find out everything you need to
know about her logistical situation.
You MUST win over the friends: This is actually usually easier than it sounds. But its true.
All it takes is one bitchy friend to ruin your entire nights party plans (you know, the party in
your pants). When I say, win them over, you dont necessarily have to be the coolest guy
on the planet when you talk to them (although that never hurts). They basically have to just
get a good impression of you like you enough to give the implicit OK. Typically, this is
more of a matter of not fucking yourself up rather than actually winning anyone over. Guys
are the easiest as well. All you have to do is be respectful to them, shake their hand,
acknowledge them and theyre happy. If the guy is an orbiter, then she probably doesnt
respect his opinion anyway, so whatever.
If in the off-chance you do get a friend whos being really bitchy, then you may need to
engage her one on one and win her over. Just run straight up comfort game on them. Let them
know that youre a really nice guy and find out some about them. Tell them that you like their
friend and tell them why. Be genuine and youll usually be set.
Plan an escape route: OK, so your girl is all over your shit. Her friends are cool with you.
And her logistics are decent. Its time to come up with an escape plan. Unfortunately, theres
no definite formula for this it always changes based on the situation. Ideally, bringing her
to your place if you have a car is ideal. But sometimes, she lives far away, or you live far
away or she has a car too or you dont have a car, etc. My only advice here is to do what is
most practical take the path with least resistance.
Having an excuse to bring her over helps sometimes as well, although I think guys overplay
its usefulness. Its really useful her friends are coming to and your wingmen is as well, the
so-called afterparty excuse if you will. But typically, for one on one, she knows whats up,

so just saying something generic like, I need to show you my fish, or whatever the hell you
have back home is excuse enough.
Number closing: If for whatever reason she has really bad logistics, her friend is
cockblocking you or she has to go home or something, just go for the number close. The
sooner you can figure this out, the better because you can move on to more sets. Another
strategy thats good to use is to build up 3-4 sets of girls, get them all interested, then try and
pull the one with best logistics and take the numbers of the other ones.
Expect the unexpected: As I wrote in my post about logistics a few months ago, the number
one rule of logistics is that theyre RANDOM. Shit happens. CRAZY shit happens actually,
and 90% of the time its completely out of your control. Everything from your girl puking in
the cab to someone getting shot in the club to her ex-boyfriend following you to her place,
crazy shit happens in night game, so its best to remember to be flexible and go with things.
At the end of the day, as with game in general, night game is a numbers game, and some
times you just get very unlucky.
I will note though that the more attracted a girl is to you and the more connected she feels to
you, the less and less logistical problems matter. Ive had girls blow off their friends, buy me
shots and pay for cabs because they were so into me. So I suppose the best way to beat
logistics is to never have to worry about them.

The Day Game Model The Guide to Picking Up Women During the
Day Game Model Part 1
This is going to be part one in series of day game posts that I have no idea how many articles
itll end up being. Im going to talk about specific locations in future articles and may bring
back some posts like the one I wrote on personal space or day game in a grocery store No
Salmon required.
I want to focus on my day game model with this first article because its the cornerstone of all
of my day time interactions. When was learning day game and going out basically seven days
a week to practice I kept a journal and everyday after I was done I would write down as much
as I could remember about my interactions. Ive talked about journals before, I think
everyone should keep one because unlike field reports youre just writing it for yourself and
you can put your ego aside and talk about every interaction, good, or bad.
Captain Jack realized Strawberry Fields is a great routine for same night lays because he kept
a journal. He basically looked at all the interactions with girls that he picked up and fucked
that night and saw that in each one he was using Strawberry Fields.
My experience was similar. I looked back at all of my day game interactions that ended with
a number that didnt flake and looked for commonalties between them. I found that basically
all of my successful interactions we when I opened direct, transitioned with a cold read, and
then cycled qualification and comfort a few times.
I turned it into a system and model and gave it to a few friends to field test and they started
having successful day game sets. Then I taught it to a few students and they started getting
numbers, going on dates, and even laying the girls. I realized I had stumbled onto something.
Ive finally decided to write it up for my blog. Ive taught it to enough guys of all different
ages and backgrounds to know that it can basically work for anyone. Like everything in the
community this is a framework and guideline, its not absolute. Bend the rules and
personalize this, everyones style is a little different and no interaction with another person
can be fully broken down into some model.
The Opener
Like every pickup you have to start with an opener. I really like direct during the day and my
model is based around it. People have legitimate time constraints during the day and most of
the time people just dont have the time to talk to you for 20 minutes. Direct cuts though all
the attraction stuff in one sentence and gives you more time to build comfort and qualify the
Direct works off the girls first impression of you. So the better your nonverbals are, body
language, eye contact, vocal tonality, and delivery, the better its going to go. Youre also
going to want to be dressed well, be well groomed, and if youre in good shape or good
looking its also going to help you However Im 56
, weigh 13 0lbs, and look like Im
17 Im obviously not relying on my looks to get by.

Direct is high risk, high reward. If a girl for one reason or another decides shes not interested
in you the set is basically over. No plowing, no negging, leave politely and go open another
Im not going to go into the nuisances of direct game but Sinn sent out a really great email
about direct and the mechanisms that drive it last week. I suggest you guys check it out if you
want a complete guide to direct game for both day and night.
The specific opener that I use is just a standard direct opener
Excuse me, I know this is crazy and whatever but I thought you were cute and I wanted to
meet you. Im Doc
Its quick, its polite, and its flattering. The I know this is kinda crazy/random part is
actually pretty important. It basically says that you dont do this everyday and acknowledges
that this is a somewhat strange situation.
There are three main responses youll get to this
1. Shell be a little flattered, a little confused, and a little taken aback. Shell basically say to
you ummmm ok? Im GIRL. This is the most common reaction youll get
2. Boyfriend objection. This is the hardest blowout you should ever get. Either she actually
has a boyfriend or shes being polite and asking you to go away. I usually just say Hes a
lucky guy. It was nice meeting you. I wrote a whole post about this a few months back
which you can find here.
3. Shell be very flattered and happy. Shell ask you a lot of questions and basically if you
dont fuck up itll end well.
The Transition
Youve opened her! But now what?
I like to follow up my opener with a cold read.
Cold reading for all intents and purposes is just guessing something about someone or telling
them a truism about themselves. You can use them by making a statement but is actually just
a fancy way of asking them a question.
The question How do you like to be fucked? Becomes I bet you like to be bent over,
fucked doggy, and probably slapped around a bit.
An example of telling someone a truism about themselves is You know you seem really
reserved and shy but I bet when youre around someone you trust you have this total wild
side. Thats basically true about anyone, everyone has multiple sides to their personality.
They also can act as qualification questions and they test for compliance. In the cold read I
use during the day You know, you have like this west coast vibe. She can respond with

No, Im from Philly. or she can say No, Im actually from Philly but Im here for nursing
school at Boston University.
She shows me more interest with the second response. Shes actively trying to create rapport
by sharing more about herself.
Just to clarify it the cold read I follow up my direct opener with is You know, you totally
have this west coast vibe. Obviously if youre from the west coast use east coast vibe or
New York vibe.
El Topo has written a lot about cold reading on blog, especially sexual cold reading. Check it
out if you want to know more.
Im going to follow up this post tomorrow with the rest of my model.

Day Game Model Part 2

Today is part two of my day game model. Last time I covered the opener and the transition.
Today Im going to cover the rest of the model.
Direct Opener- Excuse me, I know this is crazy or whatever but I thought you were cute and
wanted to meet you. Im Doc.
Transition with Cold Read You know, you really have this like west coast vibe.
The nest step is
Fluff Talk
After you cold read about where shes from shes going to tell you if youre right or where
shes actually from.
This is a perfect opportunity to create some rapport and make some small talk. As I said in
part one there will be times when the girl will give you more information than you asked for,
instead of her just saying No, Im from Chicago. Shell say No, I moved out here from
Chicago and go to school at Harvard. The second response gives you more to work with but
lets just assume she replied with the first one.
PUA: You know you really have like this west coast vibe.
Girl: No, Im actually from Chicago
PUA: Really? I never would have guessed that. I was actually in Chicago a few months ago.
My friend Dave lives in Wicker Park and we went to this really cool club one night. I think it
was called The Apartment.
Girl: Yeah I know The Apartment!
PUA: Yeah it was really crazy they have like a shower and bathtub upstairs. What are you in
Boston for?
Girl: Blah Blah Blah
If have any sort of life youve probably traveled a bit or at least know something about major
US cities that you can talk about. And if you dont you can always just say You know Ive
never been to Chicago. Do you like it?

Every now and then youll get thrown a curve ball like Im from Wisconsin. Well Ive
never been there and dont know anyone from there so Ill say something like, Really? I
think youre the first person Ive ever met from Wisconsin.
Youre not trying to do anything fancy here. Youre just trying to establish some rapport and
get her used to talking to you.
Entropy and I really believe that guys need to learn basic conversation skills before trying to
learn to pick up girls. Entropy covers this topic very thoroughly in his ebook.
Qualification Question
Although I said that your cold read will at times act as qualification, most of the time youll
need to find out more about the girl. And like I said in the beginning of part one, all I do in
day game is cycle qualification and comfort a few times.
A whole book could be written on qualification, and probably has, but Im just going to give
you guys the basics.
A qualification question/statement is a question that you ask to elicit a response from a
woman thatll tell you something about them. You then reward her response to your question
by qualifying her on it.
The qualification question that I usually use at this point in the interaction is So what do you
do when youre not ____.
The ____ is what she was doing before you opened her. So if you meet her in a bookstore
its So what do you do when youre not shopping for books? The funniest example of this I
ever had was when I opened a girl in the addiction and recovery section of a bookstore. I was
like So what do you do when youre not and as I trailed off she looked up, saw what
section she was in, and took about 5 steps back so that she was in the self help section. We
both laughed about it.
Sometimes the girl will give you a kinda blow off answer like I work or I hangout with
friends. If they do this I like to tease them a little by saying something like Wow! You have
friends too! This is so amazing. Its really all about the tonality of how you say it. You dont
want to sound like a dick, you should be smiling and she should be able to detect your
If she tells you anything like I just finished med school and Im doing my residency right
now. You should reward her with something like Wow thats great! I think its awesome
when people have jobs that help others. Have you always wanted to be a doctor?
If you notice at the end I ask another question to make our interaction even deeper and find
out more about her. Another great technique is to relate some part of your life to what she
does. With the girl who wants to be a doctor I could talk about how my brother is a doctor
and tell a random story about me and him growing up.
Grounding Story

Up until this point in the interaction the majority of what has been talked about is her and her
life with little stories about you thrown in here and there. This is the point where you really
share yourself with her.
Basically your grounding story is a story about you that both builds comfort and attraction at
the same time. For day game I like to have the story focus on what you do and WHY you do
Heres an example what I usually say
Yeah, like, for, me I work in film. And its really cool because like always growing up I was
just fascinated with movies. As a little kid Id literally just sit in front of the TV and watch
the same movies over and over again. Just looking at the different cuts and camera angles
Yeah Im totally a movie nerd. So fair warning.
The most important part of the story is that I love what Im doing with my life. Im doing
what Im passionate about.
Now not everyone love what they do for a living but everyone should have a hobby that they
love. If this is the case use your hobby.
Yeah, like, for, me I work as an accountant. And its cool and whatever. But I really love
playing basketball. My mom said that basically as soon as I could walk Id try to play
basketball with my older brother and his friends. And its really cool, now because I coach
some kids on the weekends.
I actually like that story more than mine.
Theres not much too it but be prepared for women to ask you questions about the stuff you
just mentioned.
More Qualification*
Outside of the number close this is the last step and about half of the time you wont even
need it. Hence the *
I usually only add this last bit of qualification if the girl didnt give me much with the cold
read and my other qualification question.
The great thing is that now that youve opened up to her with youre grounding story shes
much more likely to share herself with you. Ill usually phrase this step like this
So yeah, obviously you hang with friends or whatever but like seriously what do you like to
And it works the same way as the first qualification question. Shell answer, you reward her
for it, and follow it up with another question about what she does or relate it to your life.
Number Close

I first heard this number close from Sinn. Its simple, it leads, and its not too forward. Its the
best number close Ive ever tried and Ive stopped using anything else.
Well I gotta go meet some friends but you seem really cool. Lets exchange numbers and
maybe well grab coffee or something.
If she says no, it means no. Dont try to plow or anything unless you enjoy flaky numbers.
And thats it.
The entire interaction should last anywhere from 5 15 minutes and the numbers you get
should be fairly solid.
Im going to post an interaction that follows the model tomorrow so you guys can see how
the conversation flows.

Day Game Model Part 3

This is part three in my series of day game articles. For part one click here, and for part two
click here.
Over the past two articles Ive broken down my direct day game into a simple model and
explained the various steps. Today Im just going to recap the steps and post a sample
conversation that shows the flow of how the set should go.
Direct Opener Excuse me, I know this is like totally crazy but I thought you were cute and
I wanted to meet you. Im Doc.
Transition With a Cold Read You know, you really have this west coast vibe.
Fluff Talk Make small talk about where shes from
Qualification Question What do you do when youre not HERE?
Grounding Story A comfort story that DHVs you. Should be about what you do and WHY
you do it.
Second Qualification Question* So like what do you really like to do, like what are you
passionate about.
Number Close I gotta get going but you seem cool. We should exchange numbers and
maybe well grab a coffee sometime or whatever.
This is the transcript of a set I recorded like six months ago that I found on my old computer.
PUA: Hey, I know this is random but I thought you were cute and wanted to come meet you.
Im Day Game PUA
Girl: Hi, Im Girl
PUA: You know, you really have like this West Coast vibe
Girl: Really? Why?

PUA: Just like your style and the way you carry yourself. You dont seem like youre from
Girl: Yeah I just moved here for school.
PUA: Oh awesome. Where are you from?
Girl: I grew up in New Jersey.
PUA: Well Im sorry to hear that
Girl: Hey! New Jersey isnt bad.
PUA: Yeah, My New Haircut just gives you guys a bad rep. What kind of art do you make?
(She had black shit on hands from a grease pencil)
Girl: I mostly paint but how did you know that?
PUA: The grease pencil on your hands. I used to draw a lot.
Girl: Yeah, Im at Mass Art and since its my first year I have to sort of try everything. Are
you in school?
PUA: No. I work for a filmmaker.
Girl: Oh, wow, thats awesome. What do you like do for him?
PUA: Mostly post production stuff. Its actually really kinda like a dream job because Ive
just always loved movies so much. Like when I was a kid Id draw pictures and tape them to
my TV and make my mom and her girlfriend watch my movies.
Girl: Thats cool.
PUA: Yeah. Have you always been into art?
Girl: Pretty much, for as long as I can remember I was painting anywhere I could.
PUA: Thats awesome
Girl: Yeah
PUA: You know I actually gotta meet some friends soon but you seem cool. we should
exchange numbers and if we like each other on the phone maybe well hangout sometime.
Girl: Sure.
If you look at the flow of the conversation it looks like just a friendly normal conversation
but if you really pay attention to it you can see how its basically just cycles of qualification
and comfort.
Ill be posting another day game article in a few days.

Day Game Model Moving Sets

Outside of whether to open direct or indirect during the day I get the most questions about
moving sets during the day. Here are my thoughts on day game moving sets.
So much of day game, or just game in general comes down to logistics, and moving sets
during the day are some of the worst logistics youll have to deal with. If I see a moving set
in the mall and it looks like theyre going into a store I wait the 2 minutes and open them
once shes in the store just because the logistics are so much better.
But most of the time that doesnt happen and Im forced to open her as shes moving. If shes
walking in the opposite direction as me I like top let her pass me and about 3 steps later I turn
around and really oversell my direct opener, I know this is wicked random but I HAD to
come meet you, Im Doc. I really dont think that stopping them or doing the double take
thing really matters either way, its just a personal preference. Saffron stops them in their
tracks and it works just as well.

If theyre walking in the same direction as you its common sense that you can just start a
conversation as you walk because youre walking the same way.
A lot of the time the women have a legitimate time constraint. I always like to just go for the
number close right away even if Ive only talked to her for 30 seconds, its not the most
effective method but if shes in a rush then shes in a rush and you can say you gave it your
best shot. If she isnt pressed for time than I like to go for the instant date by around the five
minute mark. A lot of the time Ill call attention to how awkward it is standing in the middle
of the street and try to bounce for coffee.
Overall moving sets are probably the hardest sets to open during the day and I tell guys to get
decent with stationary sets in bookstores and coffee shops before trying to do moving sets.

Practical Pick Up: The Fundamentals

How to Approach Women
The immortal question: how to approach girls. One of the biggest concerns and fears we see
out there with guys is the fear of approaching an extremely attractive woman. In fact, a great
deal of our my coaching revolves around getting guys up to speed with approaching women.
Although no advice can replace doing it yourself, this can help you get started.
The thing about approaching is most guys do the complete opposite of what they should do.
Most guys think about it logically and say, Well, I should spend some time and figure out
what Im going to say first.
This is the WORST thing you can do when approaching a woman.
What happens is you end up thinking and thinking, getting more worried and nervous, until
the pressure becomes too much and you start making excuses NOT to approach her. Nod
your head if youve experienced this before. You need to take care of all of the thinking
BEFOREHAND. Its like thinking about how youre going to shoot a three-pointer in the
middle of a game, its definitely going to miss.
When guys think too much about what theyre going to say or how theyre going to say it,
they end up stalling, hesitating and getting REALLY nervous. This is called approach
anxiety, and just about every guy suffers from it.
Whether you know exactly what youre going to say or not, the second you see an attractive
girl, start walking towards her. Once youre in front of her, say the first thing that comes to
mind or a pre-planned line you have. If youre in front of her and you STILL dont know
what youre going to say, Hi, Im John Doe. I wanted to come meet you, rarely ever fails.
The importance with approaching is to actually DO IT. Once you actually start going through
the motions and actions of approaching beautiful women and starting conversations, your
mind will begin to naturally come up with things to say.
Too many guys get so hung up on the perfect thing to say that they never actually get out
there and do it.
What these guys dont understand is the truth about approaching is that WHAT YOU SAY
isnt half as important as HOW YOU SAY IT. Generally, it takes guys a lot of experience to
begin to figure this out.
So focus on your body language, your delivery and your tonality. A simple, Hello will
suffice to begin 90% of your conversations. Now, you just need to worry about what to say

How to Talk to Women

Most guys never learn properly how to talk to girls. So youve met that hot girl, youve
broken the ice and now youre talking. But it seems like its not going anywhere.
What to do?
Talking to girls is a skill in and of itself, which most guys are not good at. In fact, you need to
develop proper habits to have enticing and interesting conversations with women that will
attract them to you.
Although these methods are best learned by practicing in front of real women and doing some
drills, here are some good concepts to always keep in mind.
Avoid interview questions Nothing makes a conversation duller than a barrage of,
Where are you from? What do you do for work? How old are you? etc. If a woman
wanted to talk about work, shed be at work. Find something more interesting to talk about
and dont hit her with question after question, it gives the conversation an imposing feeling
and makes her feel like shes doing all of the effort.
Share Yourself Be able to open up about yourself and share what makes you unique. Talk
about your hobbies, passions, interests, and ideas. Telling her that you play golf and are a
White Sox fan isnt enough. Really get into what you like to do. When you were younger,
what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to be doing in 10 years? If
you could travel to one country, where would it be? Get interesting and stay interested in her.
Be Playful and Relax Being intense and serious may be the polar opposite of being
attractive when it comes to talking to women. Make jokes with her. Roleplay. Call her a brat
or a dork. Dont be afraid to be a bit silly and have fun. If you and her cant have fun
together, then its not going to go anywhere.
Focus on how they FEEL Men tend to focus on stats. Peyton Manning threw for this many
yards and this many touchdowns. This kind of truck has this much horsepower. The S&P500
dropped this percentage in this sector. Women focus on emotions. They talk about what a
certain experience FELT like. Try to get more in touch with your feelings (I know, it sounds
hokey), and communicate those feelings to her. It helps her connect and empathize with you.
Although all of these concepts will greatly increase the quality of conversations you have
with women, you still need to get out and practice them. Its like playing the piano. Youll
never learn to play by reading about it. You have to actually get out there and do it.

How to Attract Women

How to attract women is a deep subject with as many perspectives and insights as you could
hope to read or learn in a lifetime.
But if you read and study these ideas on what attracts women to men youll notice one
single theme, one common denominator: women are attracted to men who offer value.

Without going into all of the evolutionary and psychological reasoning behind this, take my
word for it, you name something that a woman finds attractive in a man, and its some sort of
value being offered to her.
So how do you add value to a womans life? It can be anything from being well-dressed,
good looking and having money, to having a great sense of humor, being kind, strong and
confident to teasing her and showing her experiences shes never had before.
But here are a couple key principles to keep in mind:
* Stand out from the crowd. If you look like every other guy she sees all day, shes not going
to perceive you to be offering much that other guys arent. This doesnt mean dress like a
clown, but develop your sense of style and express your personality more freely.
* Develop your sense of humor. If youre not naturally witty or funny, take some improv
classes and comedy classes. Everyone can develop a sense of humor. If you are funny, start
using it but not on yourself. Nothing screams low-value like self-depreciating humor
(unless youre Woody Allen, of course).
* Be happy and positive. Positive people who are happy with their lives and situation natural
magnetize other people towards them, men and women. This is especially important with
women because theyre very empathic and if youre negative and depressed, theyll feel
negative and depressed around you, not wanting to hang out with you.
* Have a lot of friends. Go out and create a large social circle. Not only are very social people
generally more happy with their lives, but they demonstrate greater value to any women who
may meet you. Not to mention that the more friends you have, the more women youll be
able to meet through them.But these principles are by no means everything. In fact, they
really scratch the surface. We give in-depth explanations about attraction and value at our
seminars. Theyll change the way you perceive women and social dynamics, guaranteed.

How to Pick Up Girls at Bars

Bars are one of the most popular places to pick up women because of its social environment
and the fact that almost everyone is drinking.
Before you start to pick up women in bars, make sure you go to bars and are learn to do it
Finally, dont just buy women drinks at random. They get plenty of drinks bought for them
and the guys who do it are usually creepy and not confident. Not only that, but it
communicates that hey, I want to pay $5 for your time. Definitely DONT buy her a drink
anonymously because they often dont trust the drinks and wont drink them. It doesnt make
you look cool or rich, so just dont do it. A confident approach and good conversation to
build attraction.
Each and every one of our workshops offers an in field portion where we take guys into
bars and not only demonstrate picking up girls right in front of you, we help you to do it

How to Meet Women During the Day

Learning how to pick up a girl during the day is one of the most worthwhile skills you can
develop. You dont have to schedule time to go out to a party or a night club or a bar. Instead,
you can go about your every day life grocery shopping, riding the bus to work, going to
class and still meet beautiful and attractive women.
There are some key differences with meeting women during the day. In fact, its practically
polar opposite from meeting women at night. But as with meeting women at night, these
skills must be practiced regularly to have any lasting impact on your life.
Women during the day are busy. When you meet a woman at night, you can be pretty sure
that shes most likely not going to go anywhere or start doing something else. But women
during the day are running errands, heading to meetings, on their lunch break, etc.
For this reason, they often have legitimate time constraints that must be honored. If she says
shes busy, then shes busy, dont take it personally.
The other effect of this is that you must work quickly. Its best to learn to show direct interest
when meeting women during the day.
Another difference is that youre solely going for phone numbers. Youre not going to get the
girl to kiss you in the middle of a mall food court or at the local coffee shop, so just build
some rapport and go for her phone number.
Finally, its best to look for girls who are by themselves during the day. When you approach
women in large groups or with other guys, it comes off as socially awkward and unexpected.
You end up spending all of your time convincing her friends that youre not weird instead of
actually getting somewhere with the girl.

10 Things That Attract Women

The number one thing every guy wants to know is HOW to attract women. Recently, I sat
down and put together the most common and EASIEST things you can do to attract women
today. These things cant replace getting out there and doing it. But these are pretty quick
ways to step your game up immediately. Check them out:
1. Get a Cool Haircut If youre still dealing out chump change at Super Cuts or having your
sister cut your hair, things need to change. It may seem superficial, but studies have found
that grooming is THE biggest indicator of physical attractiveness for men and hair is
where it all starts. Do a little research and find a nice local salon. You dont have to get
highlights and the whole nine yards. But have a serious professional cutting your hair. Not
just that, but ask them for their opinion on the best kind of hairstyle for your bone structure
and face. If youre balding, have them work against that. If you want to grow longer hair,
have them cut it in such a way that it grows in well.
2. Smile! It may not seem obvious, but girls are consistently wary of men they dont know
well. They naturally feel a bit threatened. A smile goes a long way to disarming that. Its a

classic sales tool to create instant rapport with whomever youre talking to. Not only that, but
smiling shows people that youre HAPPY. Being happy is pretty damn attractive.
3. Being a Connector A connector is someone who has many friends and is usually
hanging around multiple people. In general, women are far more concerned with what their
peers think. When it comes to men, theyre VERY curious as to what others think about you.
If they see you around a bunch of people who like you, it speaks a lot to them
subconsciously. Not only that, but being able to know a lot of people and introduce them to
each other creates a lot of social value as well as makes you more of a fun person.
4. Walk Slowly This is a common nervous tick in men: they practically sprint everywhere
theyre going. Its a sign of being anxious, nervous or way too busy for your own good.
Think of guys like James Dean or Fonze. They hardly even walk, they meander. When you
walk slowly, youre sub-communicating, Hey, theyll wait for me because the party arrives
with me.
5. Speak Loudly Studies have shown that more is communicated in HOW you speak rather
than WHAT you speak. A deep, billowing voice communicates authority, confidence, and
being self-assured. Speak from your belly, in your stomach, speak loudly, and speak clearly.
Practice in your car over loud music if you have to.
6. Stand Tall Stand in front of a mirror and make sure youre not slumping or leaning down.
Poor posture is incredibly unattractive and very easy to fix. You dont have to be super rigid
like you just got out of the Marine Corps (although thats better than the alternative), but
make your presence known take up some space.
7. Dont Ask Permission Theres an old saying, Ask for forgiveness, not permission. The
idea is, its better to do something and get rejected than to give someone else the power to
choose for you. This is ALWAYS true with women. Apply this principle to kissing, dates,
sex, calling, and the implications are HUGE.
8. Be the First to End Things Be the first to end a conversation. Be the first to end a phone
call. Be the first to stop text messaging. Be the first to end the date. Be the first to end the
relationship. Always be the one with something else going on.
9. Wear Nice Shoes I dont get it. You probably dont get it. But womens obsession over
shoes carries over to men as well. Do a little research online or in magazines and get a couple
nice pairs of shoes, casual and business, brown and black. Oh, and NEVER wear white socks.
10. Love Yourself No, I dont mean in THAT way. But find and appreciate whats truly
great about yourself. Forgive yourself for your own shortcomings. If you cant find a way to
love and appreciate yourself, no woman ever will.
These are by no means the ONLY ten things that attract women. In fact, we delve much
deeper into dozens more in Practical Pickup and explain not only WHAT attracts women but
the reasons and psychology behind it.
But reading and understanding all this can only take you so far. Nothing will change if you
dont take action and adapt these traits for yourself.

Pick Up Girls at Parties

Parties are the perfect way to meet women. You have everything working for you: people are
there to have fun and meet people, everyone is within two degrees of separation (i.e.,
everyone knows someone who knows you), and people are usually drinking and being
But still, the the fundamentals of gaming girls still hold up.
Approaching becomes easier. Its a much more comfortable environment women feel less
threatened and you always have instant conversation since you always have something in
common with whoever youre talking to. Just ask them who they know or how they know
them and you have immediate conversation.
Its best to avoid extremely large parties because this advantage dwindles, and people begin
forming cliques. You run into this more at college parties and raves rather than nice dinner
parties or private parties at clubs. But if there are hundreds of people there, youre already at
a disadvantage, and you might as well treat the party as club game.
Parties are perfect for expanding your social network make new friends and acquaintances
who can invite you to other parties and gatherings.
All in all, the fundamental skills that you need to know hold true at parties, but you have the
added factor of the social connectedness. This can be an advantage, so use it!

Pick Up Girls at Clubs

For the average guy, there are few things harder than to pick up girls at loud night clubs.
Not only is the music blaring louder than any other venue, but its extremely dark, extremely
expensive and many times the majority of the club is just a dance floor. But the pay off is that
the women are typically the highest caliber and extremely adventurous.
But because of the environment, you really have to step your game up. Typically, we prefer
to take guys out ourselves to clubs and show them how its done, but here are some generic
dos and donts about meeting girls in clubs:
DO learn to dance well Most clubs revolve around the dance floor and dancing to the
music. Therefore, if youre uncomfortable dancing particularly to hip hop and house
electronic music then youre going to be at a severe disadvantage. Work on your dance
moves. But dont be THAT GUY who walks up behind girls and just starts grinding on them.
That never leads anywhere and just makes you creepy.
DONT buy VIP tables and bottle service The only exception is if youre rich and paying
that much means nothing. A lot of girls will flirt with you for the free drinks and then leave as
soon as you run out. Hate to say it, but a lot of people in clubs (guys and girls) can be the
most superficial people around, so if you let them take advantage of you, they often will.

DO meet the staff Clubs are expensive and crowded. Theyre designed to make themselves
overcrowded and create lines everywhere to give people the impression of high demand and
exclusivity. Get to know the bouncers, bartenders, promoters and managers. Show up early
for a few nights (many clubs dont even start charging until 11) and shoot the shit with the
staff there. If you get on the bouncers good side, theyll let you in for free and no line. If you
get on the bartenders good side hell give you free drinks and/or serve you first. Promoters
will introduce you to tons of people and hook you up, as will the manager.
In clubs, its often about WHO you know, not exactly WHAT you know. Women in clubs
judge you by who youre hanging out with more than women at any other venue, so you want
to make sure you run with cool company.

On Improvement
The Dating Solution The Six Basic Steps
Im coming up on my one-year coaching anniversary. Back then I hardly charged money and
would sometimes coach in return for personal favors (not THOSE kinds of personal favors).
Its been a fun ride, with a lot of ups and downs. Any longtime readers will know my
evolution as a PUA the last year has had some twists and turns.
Part of that evolution was that starting last winter, I went on a PUA material binge. Although
I have been in the community and sarging consistently for three years, I never read a whole
lot of material when I started out.
But when I began coaching, my interest in it piqued. I wanted to learn as much as possible in
order to teach as efficiently as possible.
You could say I was chasing the unifying theory of pickup. I literally watched and read
EVERYTHING by every company I could get my hands on. I wrote vociferously and posted
regularly on half a dozen boards. Looking back, I dont know how I had so much time.
The point is, I was neck-deep in theory.
As I began to apply all of this knowledge and my in-field experience with a wide variety of
students every week, my understanding of picking up women began to crystallize.
Ill put it bluntly: We make shit REALLY complicated for ourselves.
I mean, the fact that you can go on boards and find 10-page diatribes on disarming other
men who are talking to a girl or five-minute explanations on how to leave a 10-second
voicemail is a bit over-the-top. This community, in general, suffers dearly from chronic
mental masturbation.
I believe getting really good with women boils down to only SIX skills.
You may be thinking, What about Reticular Activation Systems, and the difference between
medium and large qualification hoops? What about the DHV routine stacks I wrote out and
practiced in front of the mirror?
Dude six skills, and you will be set. Its just a matter of singling out, focusing and
practicing the skills you need to work on.
When I first explain this, it always seems a bit TOO simple. I know when I teach my students
this stuff out in field, their first reaction is actually disappointment because they think, God,
I was working on all of this stuff for months and now youre saying it didnt even matter? A
few sets later, that disappointment usually changes to excitement.
Some guys come into the community already proficient at four of the six. And instead of
working on the other two, they use material that completely messes up the skills theyre
already good at. Thats what I want to put a stop to.

I have to warn you guys first though, youre going to read this and your first reaction will
probably be: Thats it?
This is expected. As a community, weve been inundated with copious amounts of theory and
unnecessary thinking. Any guy who is experienced and successful in the community can tell
you that he ends up only using a small percentage of ANYTHING he reads in the
That being said, these are the FUNDAMENTALS. You cannot succeed without them; and
they are all you need for success with women. Unless you want cold approach threesomes
and to be able to steal runway models away from VIP areas, you probably wont need to
know much more than these fundamental skills.
Finally, Ill add that these six skills are placed in a special and sequential order. They each
build upon the one coming before it. Earlier skills arent NECESSARY to move on to later
ones, but they are more fundamental, meaning that skill one will improve skills 2-6, whereas
skill six will have little effect on skill one.
OK, enough cockteasing lets get started.
1. Skill #1: Creating and Maintaining an Attractive Lifestyle Ill put this bluntly. If your
life sucks, it doesnt matter how much game you have, girls are not going to be interested
and/or stick around. If you can open 100 sets a day, but youre broke, homeless, unkept and
unhappy, youre going to end up with 100 blowouts a day.
What are the components to a good lifestyle? I break them down into these categories:
Health, Professional Happiness (notice I dont say stability), Hobbies, Social Circles,
Style/Grooming, and Body Language.
Its true that guys who live baller lifestyles will naturally find girls hitting on them every so
often, even guys with no game. I cant tell you how many students Ive taken out who get
eye-fucked and interest from girls left and right and theyre just clueless to it. Its because
these guys to reference Swingers ARE FUCKING MONEY, and they just dont
realize it.
The biggest mistake any guy can make is to GIVE UP THEIR LIFESTYLE to hit on girls. I
know guys who quit hobbies, ditch friends and underperform at their jobs for the sake of
going out and opening more girls. Youre shooting yourself in the foot here failing
before you even begin.
I would say, in general, most guys come to the community and already have pretty strong
lifestyles. They have good jobs, interests (nerdy interests are completely valid), and friends.
They just dont know how to create and/or capitalize on opportunities.
Skill #2: Approaching Approachings SOLE PURPOSE is for the sake of creating
Theres probably more literature on opening in the PUA community than all of the other
skills combined. The only reason is because approaching is the first issue guys run into, so

its easiest to sell material on it i.e., its the easiest to market and therefore the easiest to
make a quick buck.
In truth, approaching is daunting as shit when you start out, but its actually the easiest skill
to learn. Its really just a matter of getting over the social anxiety of talking to strangers. Once
youre able to do that, getting a simple and pleasant response 90% of the time is no big feat.
Approaching is an art, not a science. You can read pages and pages on body positioning,
energy levels, opening routines, etc., etc., but a calm, confident, Hi, Im X, followed by a
handshake will almost never fail. Ever.
Again, what guys get hung up on is their social anxiety (I refuse to call it approach anxiety
because its a silly concept) of talking to strangers. They experience a lot of anxiety, so they
assume that it must be a much more complicated process and skill than it really is. They
digest hundreds of pages of theory on approaching hoping to allay their fears and nervousness
about approaching. The truth is, nothing kills the anxiety other than JUST DOING IT.
I tell my students, What you say first isnt that important, whats important is what you say
SECOND. Which brings us to
Skill #3: Conversation Skills I feel like the biggest tragedy in the PUA community is that
guys who dont possess basic and fundamental social skills start by immediately trying to flirt
and run attraction game.
You cant run before you can walk, and as we say in Texas, you cant put the horse before the
wagon. If you are incapable of holding a pleasant and normal conversation with a stranger for
more than five minutes, then how the fuck are you going to make them attracted to you?
Changing what you say around isnt going to do dick, its just going to make things more
weird and more awkward.
Its paramount that before guys try to become pimps and players that they know how to
carry on a functioning conversation with a hot girl without freaking the fuck out
stammering, stuttering and yammering all over the place about stupid shit.
Learn how to avoid awkward silences, learn how to get her to open up talk about herself,
learn how to make her laugh. Guys freak out about getting put in the friend zone, but if a
guy has never even had a female friend before, maybe having a few female friends is the best
thing that could happen to him.
Its once youve learned how to comfortably build rapport and get a girl invested into the
interaction that you can begin breaking that rapport and flirting that is, building attraction.
Skill #4: Flirting The mountains and mountains of PUA attraction theory, the first three
phases of the M3 model, the crux of Pickup 101
s bantering and D YDs C+F are all really
fancy and complicated terms for flirting.
None of these gurus invented crap. They just took what men and women have been doing for
centuries and put a name on it.

Flirting can be broken down into quite a simple formula. In fact, I challenge any reader to
find attraction material that DOES NOT fall into this formula. Anyone who does gets a free
phone consult from me (so I can put you in your place err, I mean).
Flirting and gaining attraction is simply a process of breaking rapport with a girl in a fun or
acceptable way. Neg? Breaking rapport through a backhanded compliment. Cocky and
Funny? Breaking rapport with humor. Bantering? Same.
Some guys interject with What about DHVs? here. DHVs are simply sharing yourself in a
positive frame. So, in my opinion, they fall under skill #3.
The formula for flirting follows this progression: establish rapport, break rapport, girl
qualifies and/or complies, re-establish rapport.
I dare you to find attraction material that isnt following this basic formula.
The easiest way to flirt is to tease. All you need to tease well is a good sense of humor.
Teasing breaks rapport with the girl while making her laugh. It creates a mixture of emotions:
she feels good because shes laughing, but she feels bad because you cut her down a bit. This
mixture of emotions is literally what creates sexual tension its emotional dissonance and
something women fucking thrive on.
Another way to flirt or create sexual tension is by leading aggressively. Breaking rapport by
leading and gaining compliance requires little more than balls and some calibration. Cute girl
at the bar seems into you? Grab her hand and say, Come on, were dancing. Lead
effectively. She may have not been THAT into you at the bar. But suddenly shes dancing
with you and before she knows it shes thinking, Wait, this guy is kind of hot!
Skill #5: Logistics and Follow-Up This is managing all of the odds and ends when it
comes to closing girls. This is learning how to deal with her friends well, how do prevent
flakes, leaving good text messages and voicemails and most importantly, mastering days.2
Logistics and follow-up, although requiring a lot of minor skills and attention to detail (make
sure you have a ride home, make sure you have condoms, etc.), it really hinges on you being
relaxed and in control of the interaction. If you freak out over minor alterations in plans or
unexpected factors, you will fail miserably at logistics.
Logistics and follow-up also require a lot of aggression. The more aggressive you are in
pushing the interaction forward, the less time there will be for logistical interruptions and the
more tenacious you will be in your follow up game.
Finally, doing well on day 2s requires all of the above skills as well as skil l #3 what the
community adoringly refers to as building comfort or Mystery once called babysitting.
In reality, this is where the meat of the interaction comes and this skill, in a nutshell, will
determine how soon and how often you will have opportunities to close girls. If your logistics
and follow-up game are rock-solid, youll be laying almost every girl who picks up your
phone call and successfully pulling more often for SNLs.

If you lack the aggression or the tenacity, your logistics and follow-up will suffer and youll
constantly face, the one that got away scenarios.
Skill #6: Physicality and Sex If skill #5 determines your opportunities to close, skill #6 is
the actual act of closing.
I say physicality to involve all aspects of kinoing and being good at foreplay and finally
being good in bed.
Heres a fact: Its impossible to lay a girl if you do not touch her and touch her aggressively.
The better you are at it, the more it will accelerate the interaction and the more options youll
have in managing the interaction and/or relationship.
Being good at foreplay and sex will determine your return rate and eliminate LMR. It will
also put you in a better position to manage the relationships after you lay the girl creating
more FBs, MLTRs or getting a girlfriend much easier.
The biggest thing that puts the skids on this skill is sexual anxiety. A lot of guys will talk
themselves out of golden opportunities over and over and over for no other reason than that
they lack the sexual confidence to push the interaction forward.
Heres some news: girls are usually just as nervous as you, if not more. If someone doesnt
take the risk and try to make something happen, nothing is ever going to happen. So very
similarly to overcoming approach anxiety, conquering sexual anxiety is a matter of throwing
yourself into the situations and doing it repeatedly.

The Myth of the Natural

For as long as Ive been around, the term natural has been thrown around to refer to guys
who are good with women without being a part of the seduction community. Within the
definition, what is implied is that:
1) Naturals are good with women without trying to be.
2) Naturals arent conscious of what they do nor do they analyze their interactions.
3) Naturals possess superior skills or abilities related to pick up than most people (sense of
humor, charm, bantering, etc.)
4) They have stellar inner game
Id like to take a moment and shit all over all four of these notions.
A couple weeks ago, I moved back to Texas where I grew up. Ive been hanging out with
some old friends from my childhood who go out a lot and a couple guys they know. Within
this group of guys Ive been going with, it occurred to me that three of them are what the
community would call naturals. It was kind of funny, because Ive known these guys
forever and Ive just never thought of them as ladies men. But all three of them are in their
20s. All three of them have 50+ lays. All three of them go out regularly and pull regularly
One of them pulled both nights this weekend, the other pulled this weekend and last.

Now, I had a group of friends in Boston that I went out with who were very good with
women as well, but they were PUAs and they learned through the community. And I can tell
you, going out with these Texas guys is like night and day compared to the guys in Boston,
and since coming home tonight, Ive been trying to place my finger on exactly what it is.
The funny thing is, the natural guys here are just normal, cool guys. They would not stand
out at all if you saw them in a club. Theyre all decent-looking but nothing head-turning.
They arent exactly spectacular when they get into set either. One of them is a little awkward
in conversations, one of them has some AA, one of them escalates like a bitch at times, but
usually gets the girl on a day 2 or day 3. But in the long-run, they all get awesome results
with attractive girls.
But at the same time, theyre quite aware of all of this. Theyre all aware of their actions and
consider choices theyve made and interactions after the fact. They dont use the same lingo
or theories, but they have the wherewithal to know when they fucked up. Theyre
DEFINITELY aware of their intentions and definitely put A LOT of effort into being good
with women just as much as many community guys do (although they dont buy products
and bootcamps and shit, they just go out a lot).
So whats the difference? Why are these guys pulling ass as consistently and of quality as
most PUA instructors, but theyve never read anything more than The Game (and laughed
at it) or taken a bootcamp?
After thinking about it for a while, there are two GLARING differences that seem to explain
just about everything.
1) They are ALWAYS are going for what they want, no matter what.
2) They dont take themselves or their pick up skills seriously at all.
I think these things get mis-construed as awesome inner game often, when actually, some
of the best naturals Ive hung out with have been neurotic or really insecure or had all sorts of
inner game issues. But I can say, without exception, every non-community guy Ive met
who has 50+ lays has gotten good by the two things above. Without help of ebooks, audio
courses, tele-conferences, etc.
Ironically, despite its virtues and lessons, the community inadvertantly interferes with both of
the points above. PUA gets us side-tracked in random stuff like saying hi to 50 strangers, or
opening girls with kino, or trying different voicemails. Seriously, if I could have a dime for
every time I was out with a community guy who said, Its cool, I got her number, shes into
me man, I wanted to open more sets Id well, Id drown the stupid fucker who said that
in dimes. Unfortunately, its pervasive community guys are constantly bitching out of
opportunities because theyve already accomplished some smaller, simpler, non-sexual goal
that they set on a message board somewhere.
These types of theoretical goals and focus on the concept of PUA being a skill-set also
influences us to take it very seriously. The truth is (if you havent figure it out on this blog
yet), is that pick up is obscenely random. No matter how good you are, the majority of your
interactions are going to lie outside of your control and theres ALWAYS going to be some
aspect of a numbers game involved. But as soon as we start taking our skill set and

conversion rates and close rates seriously, we make ourselves vulnerable to failure and
The first is key. And its so fucking obvious. But going out with these guys is so fucking
refreshing after years of coaching and hanging out with PUAs. Everything comes back to,
Am I going to hook up with this girl? And if the answer is no, then the next question is,
What do I have to do to hook up with this girl? Thats it. No talk about practicing mixed
sets, no talk about working on their vibing, no discussion of logistics just, Im trying to
hook up with this girl. Got numbers in his phone, hes going for it. Running into a girl he
met last weekend? Going for it. Making out with a girl but she has to go? Going for it. No
rationalizations, no excuses, no concern with the meta-process. Theres a clear success and
failure at all times.
The second part is huge as well. I guess being so involved in the scene the last few years
clouded my perspective to how fucking self-important we can be. Again, I think this is an
extension of prioritizing all sorts of ancillary crap (hows my A2 game doing? what do my
wingmen think of this girl? whats my LR going to read like if this works?).
Hanging with these guys is awesome because we just laugh at ourselves all the fucking
time. No one is safe. Every guy gets ripped repeatedly for anything and everything. Hell, they
rip on me for being a PUA coach. Its fucking great. They rip on me for my products. And
its cool, because to them, Im the dorky, skinny dude they went to high school with.
But its that same attitude that leads to success. Nothing is off-limits. Everybody is constantly
reminded that no one is too important and that no interaction is too important. If you are
attached to your results (or lack thereof), hanging out with these guys will be like a nuclear
bomb to the ego. And its so healthy.
Its also felt fucking great for me. One of the side-effects of this job is a lot of ego stroking,
and at times its hard to not let it get to my head. In fact, there are times where it drives me
crazy and I just want to be treated like a normal dude, because really I am just a normal
dude just like these normal dudes posted up at the bar, cracking jokes at each other, and
chasing tail now and again but when I do chase, I dont fuck around I go for it.
I believe that when youre insulated in an internet-bubble, that its so easy to get caught up in
nonsense and start thinking that things are a huge deal and big problem when really as my
natural friend says theres no there there. The problems or achievements are just in our
head. And what truly matters happens in the laughter between you and the people you are
with face-to-face.
And maybe thats really the only important thing to remember in all of this. Always go for
what you want. But never take yourself too seriously.

Six Keys to Getting Good

There are six things that I really think you need to do to get good
* 1. Grow Balls
* 2. Be willing to change
* 3. Find brutally honest people who are better than you

* 4. Listen to them and actually change

* 5. Go out 3 -5 times a week
* 6. Keep a journal
Every step of the way while youre learning pickup the short answer to probably 95% of the
questions Im asked is Grow a pair and just do it.
Any tips for opening? How do I go for the make out? How do I take her home? How do I get
her on a date? Get some balls and do it. You dont need a new opener, more peacocking gear,
more routines, more state, woooo, intent, etc. You just need to do it.
Woody Allen is right, 80% percent of success is showing up.
Be Willing To Change
This is probably the hardest and most important thing.
What you were doing wasnt working. Not only was it not working but it wasnt working to
the point where youre reading ebooks, posting on forums, and spending money on
I meet guys who have been doing this shit for years and never get good. Theyre not willing
to change. Maybe they should grow balls and just do it
Find Someone Whos Better and Honest
While I was learning this and still today Ive always been friends and liked to hang out with
people who were better than me. It started out just having someone who could push me to
open, then Puzzler taught me how to plow and pull the trigger, Entropy taught me inner
game, Saffron taught me party game and how to make a social circle, El topo taught me how
to convey my sexuality, Mr. Awesome taught me a lot about fashion, Sinn has probably been
the biggest influence on me because we share a similar story, etc.
Id also like to think they got something from me, even if its just friendship and loyalty. Its
a two way street.
And honesty is easy. Just put your ego aside and ask for it.
I feel like Entropy and I had this exact convo about a year ago
Doc: Entropy whats my biggest problem? Just in general?
Entropy: You have a Napoleon complex and youre a douche bag
Doc: Point taken.
Listen and Change
Pretty simple here. Grow balls and do it
Go out 3 5 times a week
Less than three and guys tend to just stay at the same level and not get worse. More than five
than pickup takes over your life. Three or four is sort of a sweet spot.

Id say around more than half of the guys in the community could get good and be able to
leave the community if they just go out 4 nights a week for a year and change what needs to
be fixed. Add some professional training from someone who knows what theyre doing to the
mix and I think the number is about 80% of all the guys in the community.
Keep a Journal
Track your sets and see what is working and what isnt. I found trends in my day game sets
by looking at my journal. Captain Jack discovered that Strawberry Fields was awesome by
looking at his journal and seeing he ran it with every girl he same night layed.
I wrote this whole post while taking a shit

Newbie Guide to Improving with Women

Since I began coaching, one question continues to become more and more prevalent: Im
new to this. What is the best way to start out and improve quickly?
A lot of guys get ahead of themselves, asking about threesomes and harems when they still
battle their AA and can barely hook a set. Over the years Ive observed dozens of guys in the
field: as mentors, then wingmen, then students. Many of these guys got good fast, many
didnt. After a while, patterns began to emerge which differentiated the successful from the
I should clarify. By success, I refer to guys who improve the quickest. Everyone joins this
game at different levels of development many guys enter the community as naturals in
some aspects, but complete newbies in others. Our goal here is the most efficient route to
improvement, wherever you are on that path. There will be steps here that some guys
mastered years ago, and therefore can largely ignore them.
Finally, I should iterate that the most important factor in your development is your
willingness to change yourself. The common denominator of PUA progress is not looks,
intelligence, talent, how many routines you learn, or how many books you read. These things
are all factors, but the bottom line is your willingness to change yourself.
Phase I: The Pre-Game (0-3 months)
Community dogma for a long time was the best way to start was to immediately do 1,000
approaches, ASAP. I disagree. Approaching is great, and everyone has to learn to do it early
on, but these approaches will be little more than an existential exercise if you dont have your
life in order and are genuinely able to convey value to the women youre meeting.
1. Health Join a gym and either lose weight or add muscle or both. Theres an endless
source of free fitness information at Fix up your diet. You
dont have to go vegan on us, but cut down on the fast food and pizza. Stop smoking. Drink
less (or not at all). The goal here isnt to look like Brad Pitt or have a six-pack (although
thatd be nice). Its to have more energy and to FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF. Even
minor adjustments in this department over a month or two should have you feeling more
energetic and positive about yourself in no time.

2. Body Language/Tonality This stuff is easy to fix with some conscious effort. Straighten
up your back, put your shoulders back, hold your head up, look straight ahead while you
walk. RELAX! Make eye contact with girls you find attractive and practice holding it. Speak
LOUDLY. I dont care how loud you are, BE LOUDER. What? LOUDER!
3. Read Material This is the one time I will ever tell you to read MORE material. Read
EVERYTHING you get your hands on. The Game, Magic Bullets, Double Your
Dating and The Routine Manual are all must-reads. Read stuff by Juggler, BradP, RSD,
Pickup101, etc. Go to a bookstore (open a set while youre there) and get Way of the
Superior Man by David Deida and Sperm Wars by Robin Baker. Digest as much
information as possible. Find what resonates with you and what doesnt. Join and browse as
many forums as possible. Find which posters you enjoy. Read as many LRs as possible.
4. Seek Out Wingmen This is important. 90% of guys by this point will be wanting to
approach but running into hardcore AA. If you have single friends who go out often, start
going out with them. Even if you dont approach, get comfortable in bars and clubs they
can be culture shock at first and REALLY intimidating if youve never gone. If your friends
are hardcore AFCs (most will be), then seek out wingmen in a local lair, on the mASF
winglist, or even put up a Craigslist ad for a wingman (Ive heard this has been working more
and more lately). When you start, your AA is going to own you if it hasnt already. You need
another guy, preferrably more experienced, to help push you into sets. Start approaching
casually. It isnt time to hit full throttle yet. Try out different ways of opening. See what
hooks sets. Get over your nerves. Dont beat yourself up if the night doesnt go well. You still
have a lot of work on yourself to do.
5. Professional Life and Passions If you dont have a job, get one. If you hate your job, start
looking for another one. If youre a student, make sure youre getting good grades and
attending class. Cultivate your passions. Have a guitar thats been collecting dust for a year?
Start playing again. Take a boxing class. Take a salsa class. Train for a marathon. Buy a bike.
Learn to cook. Travel to Israel, or China, or India, or Australia, or wherever. Find what you
love in life and build an identity around that. GET OUT OF YOUR SHELL. Before you can
show off an amazing person to the hottie down the street, you have to BE an amazing person
yourself. That means getting off your ass and doing something other than watching TV and
playing Guitar Hero.
Phase II: Let the Games Begin (3-6 months)
If youve been working on the items in Phase I, you have the basic building blocks in place to
sarge consistently and have some semblance of a clue of what youre doing once you open.
You have wingmen, and you can open despite AA (finally). This second period is valuable
for experimenting with creating attraction and rapport, learning to create interesting threads,
holding and dominating dynamic conversations. By the end of this phase, you should be able
to get phone numbers pretty easily.
1. Go Out Consistently You should have at least a couple reliable wingmen at this point.
Even if theyre not good, thats fine. Start going out regularly. Weekends are
MANDATORY. Additional weeknights are preferrable. The more you sarge, the better youll
get. At this point, you should be APPROACHING as much as possible. Five times a night,
minimum. DO IT!

2. Cut Back on Material By now you should have a good idea of which guru appeals to
you and which style of game you feel most comfortable running (direct/indirect,
canned/natural, etc.). Focus on that material and delve into it. Read some about inner game:
David X, Carlos Xuma, etc. Start posting on your favorite boards and put up as many FRs as
possible. By the end of this phase youll hit your first sticking points. Theyll most likely be:
generating attraction, generating comfort, or escalating. All three lead to lots of flakes and not
getting laid.
3. Fashion Why is this in Phase II, you ask? Simple, Ive seen TOO MANY guys who first
start out and immediately go out and buy a new wardrobe thinking theyre peacocking, but
they look utterly ridiculous. At this point, you should have been going to the bars for a few
months and noticed which guys look good and which ones dont. Keep an eye out for guys
with a style that you like and try to emulate them. Check out BradPs Fashion Bible and Do some fashion research and find hip stores that you like in
your city. GET CLOTHES THAT FIT! Augment your wardrobe slowly its a process.
Start with the uniform: button down shirt, nice jeans, nice shoes. GET CLOTHES THAT
FIT! Add a bracelet and necklace. Slowly branch out from there as you become more
informed and comfortable with various styles. Oh, and GET CLOTHES THAT FIT!
4. Take a Bootcamp (Optional) Bootcamps are not a cure-all for any of this, although they
greatly accelerate your progress. They help you approach, get your style, outer game, and
theory in order. They provide experts who you can model and who can constructively
criticize you. If you have the money, you should definitely take one. The only caveat is you
want to make sure you take a bootcamp from a school that greatly resembles your style and
values when it comes to sarging.
Phase III: Practice, Practice, Practice (6-12 months)
OK, you got numbers, you know theory back and forth, and you have a handful of favorite
places to sarge. You know what to do, SO DO IT AND DONT STOP!
1. Sarge CONSTANTLY Sarge as much as your sanity and time can handle. By now
opening and number closing should be the rule, not the exception every time you go out.
Tweak your game, escalate, go direct, expand your social circle, go on days.2 The more you
sarge, the faster you improve. Call every number you get. Push every interaction as far as
possible. If you look at every guru they all had a period where they sarged 5-7 days a week
for extended periods of time. If you dont go out more than 2-3 times a week, you will not see
much improvement at this point.
2. STOP Reading Material By now you know what you should be doing, how to do it, and
when youre not doing it correctly. Youre finally starting to engrain successful habits into
yourself, so reading material will be counterproductive if anything. By now, you should have
1-2 favorite message boards where youre comfortable asking questions and posting FRs and
LRs and getting feedback. Other than that, STOP READING. Its will overcomplicate your
in-field experiences, and youll waste more time doing it instead of sarging. Theres one
exception to this and that is
3. Get Good at Sex Ideally, by the end of the first year, you should be getting laid here and
there. If you are, then learn to fuck well. Read Sex God Method by Dan Rose, David
Shades Masterful Lover and The Multi-Orgasmic Man. If you actually manage to get a

girl to stick around for a bit (oh, you player, you), then fuck her as much as possible (I
probably dont have to tell you that) and get used to what a vagina feels like. Believe it or
not, the more you fuck, the easier it is to fuck other girls.
To PUA-dom and Beyond
If you keep Phase III up for an extended period of time, youll find yourself actually (gasp!)
getting laid regularly! Welcome to normal, functioning humanity. Its up to you where to go
from this point: harems, SNLs or a nice and tidy girlfriend, maybe?
This timeline is by no means rigid or the standard. This just seems to be the average
amount of time for most guys who push themselves. A lot of guys have a lot more ground to
cover, and theyll take longer obviously. But I believe that for anybody who pushes
themselves regularly, this is a completely reasonable timeframe to create these goals and see
these results.
If theres one thing to take from this, it is that 90% of your improvement will come FROM
THE FIELD. With the exception of introducing yourself to the community, reading eBooks
or crap on forums (like this post) retains a miniscule amount of value relative to a solid night
in the field. A guru said once that one set is the equivalent of 100 pages of theory/material. If
youve been going out for months and still cant approach, YOU ARENT PUSHING
YOURSELF. If youve been getting numbers for months, but they all flake, YOU ARE NOT
PUSHING YOURSELF. If you are sarging less than three times a week and expecting to
improve, YOU ARE NOT PUSHING YOURSELF. Get out there and push the envelope.
Youve got one fucking life and its slowly ending every second you spend reading this. SO
Thats it! Good luck

Harem Management 101
Somebody recently linked this on the Boston boards and I COMPLETELY forgot that I wrote
it. I saw it today and was like, damn, this is awesome, when did I write this? So anyway,
here it is on the blog.
Alright, heres what I would call Harem Management 101.
Really, this shit comes down more to how much free time you have and not being stupid than
anything else.
As any guy who this post actually applies to knows, women are TIME CONSUMING. They
love to sit around and talk and cuddle and do a bunch of nothing with you all day. Typically,
if a girl comes over at 8PM one night, its pretty much a given that Im not going to be
productive for the rest of the night. Keep this in mind and adjust accordingly.
With that said, when were juggling multiple women, they fall into two categories: the FB
and the MLTR. FBs are of the pump-and-dump variety, more of booty calls. You dont
typically hang out with them a long time nor sleep over at their place or let them crash at
yours. Sponteneity is more of the norm as calling her up at 10PM one night for a quickie isnt
out of line at all. As such, FBs are easy on your schedule because they can fit in almost
anywhere and you can go long stretches without seeing them (probably up to two to three
MLTRs on the other hand are a once-a-week minimum. They usually stay over and viceversa and you will often spend most of the day/night with her. Theyre more time consuming
and also weekend eligible (i.e., you should be willing to give them a Friday or Saturday).
For purely logistical reasons, I would not keep more than two MLTRs at a time. At one point
I had 3 MLTRs and 3 FBs, and I literally spent twice as much time in other beds as I did my
Ill break down a little scale as far as time-consuming goes, MLTR = 1GF, FB = 0.5GF. So
for instance, 2 MLTRs and 2 FBs would = 3GFs.
1GF = Easily manageable. Far more nights free than not. Be careful of scarcity complex and
getting too attached to the one girl.
2GF = Still manageable. 2 MLTRs + 1 FB is probably my favorite rotation as you still have
quality time with quality women, have chances to still go out every week, but will never go
more than 2-3 days without getting laid.
3GF = This is where it begins to get time consuming. Youre now spending just about every
other night with a girl. If you work a lot or have a lot of hobbies, this is probably the most
women you can handle at once.
4GF = You really must hate being home and/or alone. No time to go out, always tired.
Spending a night by yourself actually begins to look like a luxury.
5GF = This begins to test your sanity. If you still force yourself to go out on weekends, you
no longer have ANY nights free. Literally almost every night is a date or spent with one

girl or another. I got close to this once and I literally had NO FREE TIME. Ever. After a
week I freaked out and dropped a couple girls.
You hear about guys like Zan or DavidX who have juggled up 7 or 9 GFs at a time, but in
both cases, the girls all not only know ABOUT each other but knew each other. Having dealt
with multiple girlfriends, I dont buy this at all unless theyre calling their FBs
girlfriends (which some guys do). Simply the amount of time necessary to manage all of
the relationships and the fact that you only have so much sex drive. I mean, my sex drive can
barely keep up with ONE girlfriend, but NINE? Youd be spending four hours a day fucking
and the another four fighting about which girlfriends you were fucking and which ones you
werent. Your life would fall apart.
I think 4GF is the highest you could reasonably go without having the girls meet each other
and start double booking them. I dont have nearly as much experience with introducing FBs
and MLTRs and having them hang out. The basic idea is that you tell each girl that you will
not tolerate any jealousy or drama from any single girl, that they must at least be courteous to
the other women in your life and then just hope the women get along well. Even then, you
have to do a lot of maintenance and arbitrating. So the massive amounts of time consumption
still exists.
Really, theres no getting around the time factor. Guys get off bragging or day-dreaming
about having like six women at once, but once you actually start dating 5-6 women at a time,
the massive amounts of time needed to manage those relationships defeats ANY satisfaction
anyway. I mean, sure its cool to fuck five different girls in one week, its always nice to say
youve done it. But the reality is at the end of that week I would have killed to have two
nights by myself.
Here are some other general guidelines:
1) Try to find a day of the week for each of your MLTRs. Mondays-Thursdays are great.
Check your schedule against hers and see what works. Chicks actually really like this if you
can arrange this and tell them, OK, every Monday is our night together. Save the FBs for
bootie calls later on in the week when youre drunk and horny on a Saturday.
2) Obviously, to avoid double-booking, youre going to have to plan out each week a week in
advance. Guideline number one makes this much easier, but a lot of times these girls will
invite you to shit or youll have new day twos and shit set up. When you only have 1-2 girls,
making plans isnt a big deal, but when youre juggling 4-5, planning a week in advance is
MANDATORY. Find out the girls schedule and make plans. Its never a bad idea.
3) Managing everyones expectations: if a girl wants you to hang out with her next
Wednesday, but Wednesday is booked, just tell her sorry, I got plans, but Im free
Thursday. If its something specific and personal to her (like shes in a performance or her
friend out of town is coming, etc.), call your Wednesday girl and reschedule telling her
something ambiguous. NEVER underestimate the power of ambiguity. Saying, Oh
something came up, can we hang out Thursday instead? will rarely get a second thought. If
the girl does say, Oh, what are you doing? that should send up a flag that shes becoming
emotionally involved and wants to know why youre rearranging your time with her. I like
taking the route of being honest, except use my friend vaguely to describe whats going on.
For instance, in this example if the girl asked me why I was rescheduling, I would say, My

friend has a performance Wednesday, and they asked me to go to it. Its true. But its
sexually ambiguous.
4) Dropping girls from the rotation requires little more than not calling them. Trust me, if you
have enough girls youll find yourself forgetting to call your lesser favorites anyway.
5) If any two are bisexual or bi-curious, consider introducing two of them. Double book a
night. Tell each one about the other one beforehand and get them to look forward to meeting
and then see what happens. In my experience, the best threesome potential happens with a
MLTR and an FB combo. Two MLTRs will get pissy and jealous of each other, and two
FBs, theres just not enough investment in you.

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