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Eduardo Navar

Professor Sterling
INRW 0302.208
July 7, 2015
Guns being Legal

When you hear of a gun you tend to think of it as a murder weapons. By the cause of
social media we only see the harm that guns can inflict. Therefore many people only see the bad
side of guns and think that they are only instruments of death. There is more to it than just that. A
gun can be used for either good or evil. Just because an objects has the potential to be used for
wrong reasons, it does not make it completely bad. For example plutonium has the potential to
power a whole city or make a nuclear bomb. It is the same with guns only that society see the
bad in it.
Lucky for people who do believe in keeping their firearms, gathered together to fight for
our rights to bear arms and keep our guns. They have also given the United States valid reason
on why we should keep our firearms. The first reason is that if the U.S banned guns then the
criminals will not give up their gun and they will take advantage over the fact that people are not
defended. The people will be left in really bad odds against the criminals without any means of
protection. The American people have the right to the best means of self-defense available,
which is with them protecting themselves. Besides having the people protect themselves is better
for the government because it is a way to strengthen government control than it is to reduce
Many parts of the world have tried to ban guns from the people. The result being a frailer
for crime went up, defenses people died because nobody or themselves could defend against
someone with a gun they are over powered. Yes they have police to be there for them but the

problem is that they are not in the moment when the criminal act is being done. That is way
people need some means of protection.
Having the right means and responsibility can be used to prevent crime instead of taking
lives. Most people do not want to kill on purpose, they only want to keep themselves safe. That
is why you need to be an adult to have a firearm because as adult you should know right from
wrong.You are old enough to have the responsibility to care for yourself.
Another reason to why firearms should not be banned, is that gun manufacturing is an
industry and if it was to be banned; many people will be left without a job leading them to a
financial crisis. Having a gun and ammunition factories give many Americans a job. Having
more jobs means happier citizens and happy citizens lead to a better Nation. As a result it could
possibly lead to less crimes for people will be too busy working to go do a crime.
Guns have been used for hundreds of years and for many reasons .When America was
colonized by the Europeans, they used their muskets (gun) to hunt for game. The Europeans
were using a firearm as a tool to help feed and protect the people. Since America was filled with
many wildlife the Natives had to protect themselves from theses wild beasts. With a firearm they
were able to defend the townsfolk with ease. America was founded with the use guns and that is
why it is in our Bill of rights since the beginning of this Country. Therefore America should
always give us the right to bear arms.

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