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Grammar in Popular Culture Mini Lesson

Abbey Sandusky
8 June 2015
Dr. Shelbie Witte
LAE 4332

Know Grammar, Do You?

*Lesson plan based on a 10-15 minute bell ringer
Purpose/Rationale: This lesson will take place early on in the beginning of ninth grade to
review sentence structure and word order before going on to more complex grammatical
concepts. In order to make this grammar lesson more relevant and meaningful to students, we
will be examining sentence structure through the use of popular culture, and to be more specific,
through analyzing select lines of Yodas in a Star Wars clip. Yoda is a well-known pop culture
icon, even by those who have not seen the series, and his most notable characteristic is wisdom.
This kind of positive stigma associated with the subject of scrutiny is important to start off with
so that students do not feel as if non-Standard English or improper grammar makes one stupid.
In this mini lesson, students will watch one Star Wars clip, dissect Yodas word order by labeling
parts of speech, and briefly discuss his usage.

LAFS.910.L.2.3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in
different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully
when reading or listening.

Students will be able to identify the subject, verb, and object of sentences.
Students will be able to critique the purpose and effectiveness of varied language within a given

Star Wars video clip

Transcript of video

Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will ask students about their preconceptions of Yoda, making sure to note that he is
generally regarded as wise if it is not pointed out. The teacher will then hand out the transcript of
the video (see Appendix A) while explaining to the class that they will be viewing a Star Wars
clip and examining Yodas speech patterns and sentence structure, but to also pay attention to the

Teaching Strategy/Procedure/Activity:

Student is Doing

Teacher is Doing

1 minute

Stating their opinions and

notions about Yoda.

Asking students about their

preconceptions of Yoda,
making sure to point out that
he is characterized by
wisdom if it is not mentioned.

1 minute

Listening to instructions.

Handing out a copy of the

video transcript to each
student while prefacing the

2 minutes

Watching the Star Wars clip.

After viewing, the teacher

will ask a volunteer if Yoda
speaks proper English and
why they feel like he does or
does not.

One student volunteering to

answer what makes Yodas
sentence structure improper
(or proper).
5 minutes

Identifying subject, object,

and verb within sentences in
lines Y4 and Y6 of their
transcripts. Labeling using

Seguing into labeling parts of

speech (subject, verb, object
only) of lines indicated by Y4
and Y6. Projecting the
transcript onto the screen for
students to follow along and
asking for volunteers to
identify each part of speech,
labeling each as we go.

6 minutes

Volunteering to verbally
restate the sentences in lines
Y4 and Y6 in correct SVO
word order.

Asking students to verbally

rearrange the word order into
correct SVO form.

Participating in class
discussion about Yodas
usage. Analyzing the purpose
of his varied word order and
the effectiveness within the

Engaging students in class

discussion. Asking questions
along the lines of: What did
you notice about Yodas
sentence structure and word
order (did it change/was it
varied)? Why do you think he
sometimes spoke in SVO
form and other times did not?
Do you think he used proper
English when he wanted to
emphasize a point given the
severity of the situation? Was
that effective?

After viewing the Star Wars clip, labeling the subject, verb, and object of Yodas sentences, and
comparing this word order to the common SVO form, students will participate in a brief class
discussion about Yodas usage in which they will examine the purpose and effectiveness of his
varied word order. This activity will help students to identify parts of speech while reinforcing
the idea that language can easily be manipulated for different reasons within various contexts.

Informal assessment: The teacher will assess student comprehension of parts of speech and the
common SVO form based on their ability to label and correct Yodas sentences. The teacher will
also gauge student understanding of the flexibility of language through class discussion.


Yoda advices Anakin about the dark force:
See Appendix A for video transcript

Special needs (visually or hearing impaired): Students who are visually impaired will be seated
at the front of the class so they can have a better view of the video. The video transcript should
be able to sufficiently accommodate hearing impaired students.
ELLs will also benefit from the video transcript as Yodas accent can be difficult to interpret.
Students with ADD/ADHD will be seated near the teachers desk to prevent off-task behavior
during the video.
Students who do not feel comfortable participating in class discussion, such as ELLs or students
with anxiety, may write a short, informal summary of their thoughts about Yodas usage on the
back of their transcript for the teacher to skim over before the end of class.

[Oscar Vasquez]. (2013, September 28). Yoda advices Anakin about the dark force. [Video file].
Retrieved from

Appendix A

Know Grammar, Do You?

Video Transcript Yoda [advises] Anakin about the dark force
A1: Theyre of pain, suffering, death.
Y2: Yourself you speak of? Or someone you know?
A2: Someone.
Y3: Close to you?
A3: Yes.
Y4: Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark
A4: I wont let these visions come true, Master Yoda.
Y5: Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the force.
Y6: Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed
that is.
A5: What must I do, Master Yoda?
Y7: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

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