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Name : ______________________________ Class : __________

Date : _______

Geography Revision Notes for Secondary 1


Study Figure 1. Describe the distribution of rainfall in Australia.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows another map of Australia. Using Figure 2, explain why certain
parts of Australia may face water shortage.

Figure 2

Name : ______________________________ Class : __________

Date : _______


Study all the photographs showing a certain type of lifestyle.

What does it tell you about the water usage of this lifestyle?

Explain what is water pricing.


Name : ______________________________ Class : __________


Date : _______

Study Figure 3 which shows two students discussing about water pricing in
Singapore as a way to manage our water resources.

Water pricing will make sure that

Singaporeans will be careful about how
much water they use. If we are not mindful,
our water bills may increase by a lot. This
will make all Singaporeans appreciate the
value of clean water.

Su Ling

The government must be careful with water pricing. Do you

know that industries that make our products use a lot of water?
This means our products will become more expensive.



In addition, there are some Singaporeans who have high

incomes or are richer than others. They might still continue to
use water anyway they want.

Explain how water pricing might make Singaporeans more careful about how
much water they use.


According to Su Ling, water pricing will make Singaporeans appreciate the

value of clean water. What does she mean?


According to Devi, products might become more expensive if water pricing is

high. How does this happen?


Name : ______________________________ Class : __________


Date : _______

Why would richer Singaporeans continue to use water any way they want?


My Notes

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