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Essential Agreements

Ask before leaving

Respect others and their


Raise our hand to speak.

Ask to borrow items and treat the items with

Keep track of our labeled items.
"Stop" means "Stop".
Keep our area and the floor around us clean.
Don't kick.
Avoid negative words.

Come prepared
Sharpen pencils before class.
Pay attention when someone is talking.
Do our best.
Turn in our work on time.
Work hard.
Have fun!

Rewards (If I choose to follow all the rules...)

1) Praise (daily)
2) Positive notes/calls home (random)
3) Candy prize (random)
4) Homework passes (random)
5) Free book (random)
6) Smiles, stickers, and/or special privileges (daily)
7) Joy of learning (daily)
8) Extra money

Prizes (If I earn enough money)

Consequences (If I choose to break a

*$5 Extra Computer Time; Read to the

Class; Free pen, pencil, or eraser; Time in the
Teachers Chair; Candy.
*$10 Read to 2nd Grade class; Sit with a
friend at lunch; Teacher Assistant; HW Pass
*$25 Lunch with Teacher; Hat Day; PJ Day;
Popcorn Snack; Free book at the Book Fair.
*$50 Afternoon Movie Party (Date TBD)

1) Verbal warning.
2) Seat moved to another location for a
portion of the day; loss of some recess.
3) Note sent home to be signed; loss of
recess; possible loss of other privileges.
4) Parents are called and student will
spend the rest of the day in isolation.
This may also include an office referral.

I will try my best everyday to follow these rules. If I obey the rules and do good work, I will
be rewarded. If I do not obey the rules and do good work, there will be consequences.
Student Signature
Parent Signature

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