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Teacher(s): Naram and Nicole

Nature Booth Day 3

Subject: Nature Picture

Skill: Speaking, Reading

Objective: 1. Students will use nature to make pictures and scenes of nature and describe their scene.
Key Vocabulary:

Sentence Starters: The is
./ This is a
. / Look at

Activity 1: Make a Circle questions, pictures, or
Activity 2: Teacher and student-found items from
nature, glue/tape, colored construction paper,
markers or other writing utensil, scissors, example
Activity 3: Chairs, Music and player(*), item,
picture, or word from nature under each chair
Whiteboard and white board markers to write
directions and words, word lists for room, room

Vocabulary Key:
Italics = Hard to pronounce
Bold = Unfamiliar
*All Vocabulary and Key Phrases will be written/printed on board, posters, and/or handouts before class.*
Activity 1 (10-20 minutes): Make a Circle Warm Up (Student Directions in Bold)

Activity 2 (20-30 minutes): Abstract Picture

1. Seat students into tables.
2. Give students the items that they collected in the search and find activity from the previous day. If necessary,
give each group a pile of additional small vocabulary nature items. Give each group glue/tape, paper, scissors, and
writing utensils as well.
3. Ask students to use the items to create a picture (such as sticks to make an animal, sand to make a beach,
pine cones to make a tree, etc.). Show students an example.
4. Walk around the room and assist students as they create their picture. Provide suggestions, ask questions, and
clarify confusion as needed.
5. If time allows, ask students who would like to volunteer to share their picture with the class.
Activity 3 (20-30 minutes): Nature Musical Chairs
1. Arrange chairs in a circle. Place a vocabulary item, word or picture under each chair.
2. Tell students that we will be playing musical chairs. If the game is unfamiliar, provide directions. Tell
students that the last player wins!
3. Play music. After each round, ask one student to say or tell about their word or item to the class before
removing their chair.
4. Give the last player a round of applause and a special sticker!
Bonus Activity (As much time as desired): Beetle, Mosquito, Bee
1. Tell students that we will play Beetle, Mosquito, Bee. Ask students to sit in a circle. One teacher will join
the students. One teacher will stand in the middle and assign one bug to each student and teacher.
2. The teacher in the middle will tell students that if their bug name is called, they must stand up, and find
another seat. They will then shout out either beetle, mosquito, or bee, and begin the game.
3. The game will be played until the class is over, and the student who remains in the middle will remain a bug all
day! (Just kidding! )

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