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-Los parntesis es para que lo llenen con lo que quieran (donde viven y
eso, porque no s eso de ustedes xD)
-Los guiones son para opciones (elijan uno)

Ricky: Hello, Im Ricky. Whats your name?

Sagui: Im Sagrario. Nice to meet you.
Ricky: Nice to meet you too. And, where are you from Sagrario?
Sagui: Im from Tonila. And you?
Ricky: Im from Colima. Do you have some favorite fruit?
Sagui: Yes, my favorite fruit is Apple. And whats your favorite fruit
Ricky: I like strawberries.
Sagui: Oh really, thats great!
Ricky: Do you study?
Sagui: Yes, I do. What about you?
Ricky: Me too. Where do you study?
Sagui: I study at High School #22
Ricky: Oh really, I study there too!
Sagui: Wow! Lets talk someday in the school!
Ricky: Ok! But let me know some more things about you.
Sagui: Ok, what do you want to know?
Ricky: Eeehm lets see. Do you have a part time job?
Sagui: Yes, I have. / No, I dont have.
(Si Sagui no trabaja no lean lo que sigue)
Ricky: Oh, and where do you work?
Sagui: I work in ___________.
Ricky: Wow! You can work and study, youre amazing!

Sagui: Ja ja no Im not but I need money.

Ntc Sagui xD
Ricky: Oh, ok. And what about your family, do you have brothers or
Sagui: Yes, I have _____________. And you, have any brother or sister?
Ricky: Oh, yes, I have _______________.
Sagui: Thats Interesting! Do you like to something in the afternoons?
Ricky: Oh yes, I like to ___________. And you?
Sagui: I like to __________.
Ricky: Oh! And do you like some sport?
Sagui: Yes, I like __________, but I dont play it. Do you practice some
Ricky: No, I dont.
Sagui: Oh, and what music do you like?
Ricky: I like _____________. What about you?
Sagui: I like _____________.
Ricky: Oh, I like that too!
Sagui: Thats good! And whats your favorite food?
Ricky: ________. And yours.
Sagui: My favorite food is ________.
Ricky: Oh, I dont like that.
Sagui: Really? I think thats delicious.
Ricky: I dont think so.
Sagui: Uh, ok. I have to go now, see you at school.
Ricky: Ok, goodbye Sagrario.
Sagui: Goodbye Ricky.

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