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By: Megan, and Robin

Who made the first computer,

John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert where the first men to create the first
computer in history.

J. Presper Eckert was an a American electrical engineer and computer pioneer. As

for John Mauchly he was an American physicist.
John Mauchly was born in August 30, 1907, he was born in Cincinnati Ohio. J.
Presper Eckert was born in April 9, 1919, he was born in Philadelphia.

J. Presper Eckert

He designed the first commercial computer In the U.S, which incorporated invention of the

During elementary school he was driven to William Penn Charter school. In high school he join
the engineers club, he has spent afternoons at the electronics laboratory.

He became an executive within a company, with the Burroughs Corporation to become Unisys in
1986. In 1986 he continued to acted as a consultant for a company.

He would be named ENIAC, and Eckert was made the projects chief engineer, ENIAC was completed in late
1945,it was presented to the public in February, 1946.
In 1966 he was awarded the Harry H. Goode Memorial Award and the Harold Pender Award in 1973 he also was
awarded the IEEE Emanuel R. Piore Award in 1978.

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