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Computer Evolution Research

What is invention? Invention is the act of making something. Typically a process

or device. (Googles definition.) For example the invention of the computer, which was in

1946. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly (people who invented it) had started the

building process in 1943 but finalized it 1996.This was the FIRST fully functional

computer. But there were computers made before this computer. In the beginning

computers could fill up a whole room. And now they are as small as your phone, which

you can hold in your hand. That is called innovation. Innovation is when you change or

alter an object. That is what we have done to computers, they have changed a lot

throughout the years.

The very first computer was made in 1939. That was the first electronic computer. It was

called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. That name was given to it after its inventors. John

Vincent Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford E. Berry were the creators.

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