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Project 1: Egg Drop Challenge

Description of the Problem

Students will design and construct an egg protective
device in their groups. The goal of this project is to drop
the egg device from a significant height and prevent the
egg from breaking upon impact with the ground.
Students will be given only one raw egg (at the time of
the drop) and limited materials to choose from. Students
should test multiple prototypes beforehand and examine
possible flaws in designs.
Prior to receiving materials for a final device, each group
must submit an invoice specifying which materials they
intent to use and in what quantity.
On the day of the drop, Mr. Zaubi will be loading your egg
and dropping your device. You can tell him verbally how
to load the egg, but you should include a set of
instructions for him if you want to demonstrate your
ability to the fullest (see project rubric section Solution
Mastery Level).

1. Students may choose a basic design including
EITHER a parachute OR a cushioned capsule.
a. If students choose to use a parachute
i. The egg must be entirely visible and
cannot be directly attached to the
ii. The device cannot be dropped by
holding onto the parachute (i.e. the
parachute needs to open on its own)
iii. Only 6 different materials may be used
(including materials for the parachute)
b. If students choose to use a cushioned capsule
i. The egg must be EASILY removable from
the capsule
ii. The capsule must be droppable from
ANY orientation
iii. Only 4 different materials may be used
2. Students should decide what materials they want to
use and submit an invoice of what materials they
want to use from the list below:
a. Cardboard
b. Rubber bands
c. Straws
d. Popsicle sticks
e. 1 meter of masking tape
f. sheets of paper
g. plastic bag
h. Styrofoam cups
i. Cotton balls
j. String
k. Balloon
l. Aluminum foil
m. Other (Students may suggest a material not
listed, but decision will be up to Mr. Zaubi)

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