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What is the function of leaves in plants?

1-they help in photosynthesis

2 they help the plant to respire(transpiration)
3 they store various food material
Leaves are an important part of plants. Leaves help in the process of photosynthesis. They have their own
definite shape and arrangement in plants according to their requirements. Leaves trap energy from sunlight
and convert it into pure compounds. For this the leaves are arranged on the stem in a way that they are
exposed mostly in the sunlight.
Each leaf is produced at a different angle on the stem so that one leaf does not shade another growing from the
node under it. The leaves are adapted in such a way that they can continue to exist in their environs. The main
function of leaves is to prepare food; meanwhile they are also adapted to perform several other functions.
In some plants, leaves play a very important role in food storage. For e.g. in onions the leaves become fleshy
to store food. Thus leaves function as food reservoirs and give rise to new plants

Water Questions & Answers

Why is water the "universal solvent"?
Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substances, which is why it is such a good solvent. And,
water is called the "universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This is
important to every living thing on earth. It means that wherever water goes, either through the ground or
through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients.
It is water's chemical composition and physical attributes that make it such an excellent solvent. Water
molecules have a polar arrangement of the oxygen and hydrogen atomsone side (hydrogen) has a positive
electrical charge and the other side (oxygen) had a negative charge. This allows the water molecule to become
attracted to many other different types of molecules. Water can become so heavily attracted to a different
molecule, like salt (NaCl), that it can disrupt the attractive forces that hold the sodium and chloride in the salt
molecule together and, thus, dissolve it.
Question: Why Is Water the Universal Solvent? Answer: Water is called the universal solvent because
more substances dissolve in water than in any other chemical. This has to do with the polarity of each water
molecule. The hydrogen side of each water (H2O) molecule carries a slight positive electric charge, while the
oxygen side carries a slight negative electric charge. This helps water dissociate ionic compounds into their
positive and negative ions. The positive part of an ionic compound is attracted to the oxygen side of water
while the negative portion of the compound is attracted to the hydrogen side of water.

example for fast change


explotion of sodium when reacted with water

explotion of ballon
phosperous reaction in atmosphere
atom bomb
nuclear bomb
refraction of light wave
geart beate
blinking of eyelid

Changes that take place in hours,days,years etc are slow changes EXAMPLE:
Changes that take place in a minute,second etc are called fast changes.EXAMPLE:

How Air Pollution Is Controlled

Pollution control equipment can reduce emissions by cleaning exhaust and dirty air before it leaves the
business. A wide variety of equipment can be used to clean dirty air. DNR engineers carefully study and
review how these controls may work and the methods and requirements are put into a permit - a major duty
performed by the DNR.

Process Controls
There are other ways to reduce emissions besides using pollution control equipment--prevent emissions to
begin with. Air quality permits help minimize, reduce or prevent emissions as much as possible by placing
requirements on how things are done.
Permits can specify the quantity, type, or quality of fuel or other substance used in a process. For example, a
permit might specify the maximum percent of sulfur that can exist in the coal to reduce sulfur dioxide
emissions. A permit may specify the quantity of volatile chemicals in paint, solvent, adhesive or other product
used in large quantity during manufacturing. Permits can also help reduce the impact of emitted pollutants on
local air by specifying smokestack height and other factors.
Engineers can also set combustion specifications to minimize emissions. For example, to help reduce nitrogen
oxide formation, the combustion conditions in the furnace can be altered. The flame temperature can be
lowered or raised, the amount of time air remains in the combustion chamber can be altered, or the mixing
rate of fuel and air can be changed. These options are often reviewed, studied and best choices made
depending upon cost, plant design and many other variables.

Uses of Water
1] Hydro-power ---> electricity
2] Domestic Uses; Drinking, cooking, washing, shower
3] Irrigation --> Agriculture; watering of plants etc.
4] Industrial uses; dilution of acids, manufacturing of soft drinks (coke, juice etc)
5] commercial uses; water fountains, swimming pools etc.
Water is one of the most vital natural resources for all life on Earth. The availability and quality of water
always have played an important part in determining not only where people can live, but also their quality of
life. Even though there always has been plenty of fresh water on Earth, water has not always been available
when and where it is needed, nor is it always of suitable quality for all uses. Water must be considered as a
finite resource that has limits and boundaries to its availability and suitability for use.

The Water-Use Cycle

Water is constantly in motion by way of the hydrologic cycle. Water evaporates as vapor from oceans, lakes,
and rivers; is transpired from plants; condenses in the air and falls as precipitation; and then moves over and
through the ground into waterbodies, where the cycle begins again. *

What is the difference between vertebrates and

The primary difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is the presence of a backbone or spinal
column, which vertebrates have and invertebrates do not. Examples of vertebrates are humans, dogs, cats
and birds. Examples of invertebrates are flatworms, mollusks, sea urchins and insects.
Vertebrates have a well-developed internal skeleton, an outer covering of protective cellular skin, an advanced
nervous system and a highly developed brain. On the other hand, invertebrates are heterotrophic and
multicellular, have no cell walls and have no backbone. The characteristics that differentiate vertebrates from
their counterparts are their backbones, vertebrae and notochords.
Vertebrates are typically large in size because they have a versatile support system that enables them to
develop more quickly. Invertebrates are mostly small and slow in movement. They do not have effective ways
to support a big physique or the muscles needed to power a large body. Vertebrates are classified into five
different groups: mammals, amphibians, fish, birds and reptiles. Invertebrates are classified into 30 phyla.

Difference Between Vertebrates and Invertebrates

Vertebrates vs Invertebrates
All the members of the animal kingdom include in these two groups, vertebrates and invertebrates. The
differences between these two groups are umpteen. However, this article intends to discuss the most
contrasting distinctions between the main body systems of vertebrates and invertebrates. By the sounds of the
nomenclature, it means about the presence and absence of vertebrae in animals. For an example, diversity and
distribution is very high in invertebrates, whereas the complexity, development, and specializations are high
among vertebrates.
Vertebrate animals have their unique backbone with the spinal cord. The backbone is a column of vertebrae,
which are parts of their internal skeleton. The skeleton could be either bony or cartilaginous. Among members
of the Chordates, they are the largest group including Birds, Mammals, Fish, Amphibians, and Reptiles. Their
spinal cord runs along the body between cranial and caudal regions with a hollow tube of nervous tissue
called spinal cord.
Invertebrates are simply the animals without a backbone. Invertebrates are a large group of animals that
consist of more than 97% of all the animal species with a broad collection of animals including many Phylas
and Subphylas. Sponges, coelenterates, echinoderms, Annelids, Molluscs (Squid, Octopus, Snails, Bivalves),
and Arthropods are all belong to invertebrates. Some invertebrates such as Insects and many Molluscs
(mollusks) have external skeletons, while others do not. Because of the lack of a supportive system, most of
the invertebrates are smaller.

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