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Approved 9/1/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of July 7, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9339 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Carl Feague, John Short, Nancy Hall, John Chapman, Pamela
Cunningham, Dave Gilman, Jim Graham, Dan Otis
Absent: Ted Seble
Homeowners Present: Janet Wolff, Bob Stallman
Guests: none
Call to Order: 7:04 pm by President Carl Feague
Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting May 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the June
minutes as submitted, by John Chapman, seconded by Carl, and all Board members present approved.
Homeowner Issues
President: Carl Feague
Carl asked if anyone had the large map of the HOA. No one did.
He is keeping the Schaffers tree until an appropriate time to plant it.
He rehung the street signs on the street light poles which were recently replaced by PGE.
He reported that he had walked the east green belt and found no apparent construction debris
from the Champaign Lane new houses. He said the new common area bridge is great.
Carl said he had policed the neighborhood and sent out 20 violation letters. He said he would
work with John Chapman on covenant violations, especially yard care. Jim noted that there was
a large pile of debris on Derrick court.
He called in the street light on 99th and Gia.
He said he would water the new green belt trees east of 100th in July and August.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted is absent
Ted asked Dave to present his receipt to be reimbursed for the tree purchased in honor of Jenny
Shaffer. John Chapman said he would take get a check to Ted.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported completion of the minutes for the June 2015 Board meeting.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman reported on the dues collected so far. There are 76.3% of the homeowners
current on dues. The HOA bank accounts balance total is $39,627. See attachment.
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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 9/1/2015

He noted that the dues were increased this year due to expected added expenses, as work on
the drain and common area.

Environmental Committee: Jim Graham

Jim said Jason Dumont of Mosaic has taken over the annual maintenance of the common area
green space. The summer work will be done on August 1 or 2. This is primarily cutting and
treating invasive plants. Spraying for ground ivy will be done in the fall.
Jim asked Jason if we should take off the tree guards on the trees previously planted in the
common area. He said to leave them on until the trees can go by themselves.
There were a few vacant houses where the yards were mowed, but there are none now.
Storm Drainage: WES (County Water Environment Services) came to inspect the drain in the
common area between Derek Court and Kela Court, at Jims request. The question was if the
bell housing on the drain pipe allowing for overflow from the pipe was original or added later.
WES said the bell housing was put in with initial construction. This allows run off during heavy
rain. Normally there is no over flow unless there is a blockage. The blockage is probably due to
roots in the drain. It was suggested to use root cutters to clear any roots, then check with a
camera to make sure its clear. River Cities price is about $2400. It was agreed that Jim will
schedule the work. This is within the budgeted amount.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan talked to the homeowner about the wood pile in front of a house on 93rd Court. The
homeowner said he would take care of it.
He discussed a house on Stevens Way that had a complaint about the yard. He said it is
vacant and the yard appears to be ok now.
Architectural: John Short
John Short reported that he had approved a tree removal for Tom and Karen Cook at 10257
SE99th. It is a dead pine tree.
He met with Sue at 10655 SE 93rd. She has an issue with the yard and tool shed at her
neighbors house at 10686. John will talk with the neighbor about the issue.
He met with Charlie at 10002 SE 99th and approved the removal of a dead pine in the back yard.
He noted that Charlie will be moving back into his home in about 2 months, as it has been a
He met with Kendall Wyatt at 10493 SE 98th court and approved paint, a tree removal, and new
garage doors.
He met with ken at 10617 SE 99th and approved new siding installation.
He met with Richard Blohm at 10072 SE 100 th Drive and approved a tree removal in the back
John, along with John Chapman and Carl, met with Mrs. Mick to review the limbs from the
adjacent property and trip hazards on the common area path. It was decide to send a letter to
the property with the limbs and contact an outside vendor to grind the concrete. Pamela said
she would check on the trip hazard on all the concrete paths. Carl made a motion to grind the
concrete paths that were uneven and were a tripping hazard at a cost up to $500. John
Chapman seconded and all Board members present approved.
Safety: Pamela Cunningham
Pamela discussed locations where the stop signs were not visible due to shrubs.
It was noted that where Gia enters 99th the stop is being ignored. There is no stop sign. It was
suggested to call the Sheriffs office.
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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 9/1/2015

Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall

Nancy reported that there was no new info for the project. She has send a letter with Carls
signature for the Board to the city of Happy Valley requesting that the traffic study area include
up to Johnson Creek Blvd.
She noted that a developer will be building 23 houses between 92th and 96th avenues a few
blocks south of Idleman. There will be a connecting street to 96th from the new development.
Open Forum
Mrs. Wolf requested that the landscaper work on the sign area on 92nd.
Adjournment: at 8:35 pm by Carl
Next Regular Board Meetings: No meeting in August. Next meeting is September 1, 2015 at 7 pm at
the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

Approved 9/1/2015

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Prepared by Jim Graham/ Dave Gilman

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