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Art Pieces


1) Fatima / King of the lion

A) Its a lion.

B) Sun, air, Mountains, Line , shape, value.

C) It has gray and white also triangles.

D) She used a banana .


2) The lion is strong so he a king.

A) The lion is a dominate.

B) Its all there it doesnt look uneven .

C) Its kind of even the mountains look evens .

D) Yes some patters are repeated.

E) Nope it doesnt move when I move my eyes.

F) The mountains makes it bring the whole painting together.


Fatima's art piece looks really relaxing and calm.

It seems like its really life but not the lion the

A) Yes the lion represents bravery .

B) I think she wanted to represent Pride.

C) No it doesnt remind me of things I have


D) Because when you do work in class you

present in front of the class it takes bravery .


I am judging on the work because I had too.

A) The lion looks like a success.

B) Her style is creativity because it looks different

from other art works I've seen.

C) It is unique because every at work is unique.

D) She can make the mountains more realistic and

the mountains straight.

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