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The Doing Thinker

I am a pioneer by nature who can become bored with day-to-day

routines. My goals and standards are generally more rigorous than those
of other E-Colors. I seek and demand perfection of myself and thus tend to
be critical.
I prefer to work on my own as this gives me control. I am task-oriented and
have a need to analyze situations until I fully understand them.
I do my best to make sure my work is perfect and get frustrated when
people criticize my efforts. I find it difficult to understand YELLOWS as they
spend a lot of their time talking, which I consider to be non-productive.
My Tendencies include:
I like performing to my own standard and strive to achieve the unusual.
I often fear I will not meet the high standards I set for myself.
I am not good at expressing my innermost thoughts and feelings.
I often become demanding and even more detached under pressure.
My Potential Limiters:
With Tasks: My very high expectations mean I often end up being too hard
on myself. This can be self defeating, as I spend too much time thinking
negatively. I would benefit by developing collaborative problem solving
and people management skills.
With People: I am very task-oriented and focused such that I appear to be
aloof or calculating. I need to show more genuine warmth and interest in
other peoples problems.
I should be more realistic in what I expect of myself and others.
It would be to my advantage to take training or mentoring courses on
how to enlist the creative potential and untapped talents of others.
I should minimize my tendency to be aloof and guarded. This can
include simple gestures such as smiling, asking others how they feel
about things and giving honest and timely feedback.


Copyright 2010 Equilibria Services, Ltd. All rights reserved

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