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Student-Led Conference Goals

1. My ACADEMIC goal isto get a B in Spanish.

The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
To take time every day to study
Take more notes
c.)Pay more attention in class
My parents can help me by: Studying with me
My teachers can help me by: My Spanish teacher can go
slower in class and give us more notes
2. My SOCIAL goal is Make more friends in youth group.
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Say hi to them
Talk to them
c.)Hang out with them
My parents can help me by: taking me to church every single
My teachers can help me by: Put people in my group in class
3. My PERSONAL goal is To get better in softball and get
more fit.
The steps I will take to achieve this goal are as follows:
Try harder during practice
Workout more
c.)Eat healthier by eating more fruits
My parents can help me by: encouraging what to eat

My teachers can help me by: Mrs. Cole can encourage us

I discussed this with my parents on: __________________

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