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Visuals are all in focus and

the content easily viewed.
Several of the graphics
used on the poster reflect
an exceptional degree of
student creativity in their
creation and/or display. All
visuals are related to the
topic and make it easier to
understand. Props and
visuals enhance the content
and draw in the audience.

Most visuals are in focus

and the content easily
viewed. One or two of the
visuals used on the poster
reflect student creativity in
their creation and/or display.
All visuals are related to the
topic and most make it
easier to understand. Props
connect to project

Most graphics are in focus

and the content is easily
viewed. The visuals are
made by the student, but
are based on the designs or
ideas of others. All visuals
relate to the topic. Props
may not adequately relate to
project or draw in the

Many visuals are not clear

or are too small. No
student-made visuals are
included. Many visuals do
not relate to the topic. There
are no props or the props
do not connect to project.

Content and Accuracy All facts on display are

Most facts on the display

board are accurate.
Students create a plan of
action for their relief service
project that includes a
mission statement and an
outline of the type of
services to be provided,
how those services will be
provided and the outcomes
of that service. All required
elements are included on
the display.

All but 1 of the required

elements is included on the
poster. A limited number of
accurate facts are on the
display board. Students
create a plan of action for
the relief service project that
is underdeveloped.

Several required elements

were missing. Less than 3
accurate facts are on the
display board. Students
create a plan of action that
is underdeveloped or do not
display a plan of action for
the relief service project.

Knowledge Gained

Student can accurately

answer all questions related
to facts and processes used
to create the project The
students demonstrate how
cumulative knowledge
obtained throughout the unit
was used to inform their

Student can accurately

answer most questions
related to facts and
processes used to create
the project display board.
Students connect to some
knowledge obtained
throughout the unit.

Student can accurately

answer about 75% of
questions related to facts
and processes used to
create the project display
board. Students connect
some unit knowledge to
their project.

Student appears to have

insufficient knowledge about
the facts or processes used.
The project does not
demonstrate knowledge
acquired during the unit.

Creativity and

Ideas for the project are

new and original, and
students work to enhance
the idea. Project is new,
unique, surprising and
shows a personal touch.
The project is useful or
valuable to the people who
use it or see it. The project
would work in the real world.
It is well made, impressive
and stylish. All parts of the
project fit well together

Some ideas for project are

original or students work to
enhance an already existing
idea. It looks mostly like
things that have been seen
before. It is somewhat
useful but it may not meet
the needs of those who use
it or see it. The project might
work in the real world but
may have problems. The
project has some interesting

Project only includes

elements that have been
seen before with little or no
enhancements. It offers
moderate use or value,
does not contribute any new
ideas. Several elements of
the project do not fit

Project includes minimal

elements, only including
elements that have been
seen before with no
enhancement. It is of little
use or value to the real
world. The parts of the
project are disorganized
and hard to understand.

Visuals and Booth


accurate. Students build a

case for giving and explain
why resources are needed.
Students create a plan of
action for their relief service
project that includes a
mission statement and an
outline of the type of
services to be provided,
how those services will be
provided and the outcomes
of that service. The display
board includes all required
elements as well as
additional information.

Grammar and

Students make no errors in

grammar or spelling that
distract from content

Students make few errors

in grammar or spelling but
still presents the argument
persuasively. It distracts
from content minimally.

Student makes some errors Student makes numerous

in grammar or spelling that errors in grammar and
distract from the content.
spelling that distract from
the content.

Project Summary

Handout provides an
overview of the project,
demonstrates significant
knowledge gained during
overall unit, and expresses
the real-world value of the
project. Students organize
content in a logical manner,
attend to conventions, and
enhance the artistry of the
handout. Graphics
displayed directly relate to

Handout provides a logical

overview of the project and
demonstrates some
knowledge gained during
the overall unit. Students
demonstrate content in a
logical manner, and have
spelling/grammatical errors.
Graphics somewhat relate
to content.

Handout provides an
adequate overview of the
project. Students handout is
somewhat disorganized and
has some
spelling/grammatical error.
No use of graphics or
graphics do not relate to

Handout provides an
unclear overview of the
project that is disorganized
and contains numerous
spelling errors. No use of
graphics or the graphics do
not relate to content.

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