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Unit 2

Fill in the gaps with the following words
Laboratories- boarding school- data show English library exams education - chemistry
1. To succeed, students should take..and get good marks.
2. .are very important for scientific students because they need
them for doing scientific experiments.
3. For students who live far away from school, they should study in a
. . Where they can live and study.
4. Ive always enjoyed learning about how chemicals react with one another so I decided
to choose . as one of my main subjects.
5. French, Spanish and . Are foreign languages.
6. .becomes an important teaching material in schools because it
facilitates learning a lot.
7. . is the process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or
the knowledge that you get from this.
8. When students want to read a book or borrow it they usually go a .. .

Unit 2
Fill in the gaps with the following words
Laboratories- boarding school- data show English library exams education - chemistry
1. To succeed, students should take..and get good marks.
2. .are very important for scientific students because they need
them for doing scientific experiments.
3. For students who live far away from school, they should study in a
. . Where they can live and study.

Unit 2
4. Ive always enjoyed learning about how chemicals react with one another so I decided
to choose . as one of my main subjects.
5. French, Spanish and . Are foreign languages.
6. .becomes an important teaching material in schools because it
facilitates learning a lot.
7. . is the process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or
the knowledge that you get from this.
8. When students want to read a book or borrow it they usually go a .. .

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