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Hi Simon

You are in luck because as you say, you are looking for someone who can
practice your Spanish and I want to improve my poor English. So Im glad you
are find the perfect person and I tell you be patient with my English.
Well, Im living in a big city from Spain, Madrid, but in the future I hope to
move to another much quieter city. I m 28 years old and I finished my studies
two years ago. Although I seem it was yesterday when I started the college.
Let me tell you about my family, which Im still living with them, are by far the
most typical people in Spain. My dad and my mom are far opener mind than
others fathers. And my brother looks like me; hes always making some sports
although he is more sociable than me.
So it would be great to meet up sometime and I hope it will be soon. Perhaps
we ought to meet in some weekend and you could enjoy of few days here. And
thats all so write me soon.
Take care

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