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Donovan has finished his studies.

Has Donovan finished his studies?

Si.a incheiat Donovan studiile?

I do wish you would stop talking.( dori

foarte mult sa nu mai vorbesti)

I have been never Brasil (Nu am fost

niciodata in Brazilia)


Can I have some more cake?

I might be a little late If there s a lot of
traffic (E posibil sa intarzii putin daca e
aglomerat in trafic )

You mush see his latest movie (Trebuie sa

vezi ultimul lui film)
I was writing a letter .(Eu scriam o
I wrote a letter (Eu am scris o scrisoare)
I have written a letter (Am scris o scrisoare)

Does he know your address? (El iti stie

He does like you (El te place ,cu siguranta )

I get up at seven every day.

Don t you ever eat meat?(tu nu mananci
niciodata carne ?)
He is not doing too well at the moment (Nu
o duce prea bine in acest moment)

Global warming getting worse(incalzirea

globala se agraveaza)
I starting work at the bakery on
Monday(De luni incep sa lucrez la brutarie)

What I m basically saying is that you re

wrong .(Ceea ce incerc sa.ti spun este ca nu
ai dreptate )

It depends on you.(Depinde de tine)

What are you thinking of? (La ce te
gandesti ?)

I was sure you were going to be late.(Eram

sigura ca o sa intarzii)
Jenny asked us whether we were happy.

! Pentru a mentiona fapte sau actiuni care

erau valabile in trecut ,dar care acum nu
mai sunt (sau invers ),se utilizeaza USED
This used to be a church ,but now it s a pub.
(Candva ,pe locul acestui local a fost o
biserica )
He used to play football ,but he plays golf
now .(Inainte ,obisnuia sa joace fotbal ,dar
acum joaca golf)

My mother would tell us stories .(Mama

obisnuia sa ne spuna povesti )
If you really loved me you wouldn t keep
criticizing my cooking.(Daca iubi cu
adevarat , mai critica tot timpul felul in
care gatesc )

I d rather (as prefera )

I d rather you didn t come tomorrow (As
prefera sa nu vii maine)
It s about time you stopped cheating in
tests.(E timpul sa incetezi cu copiatul la
teste )

!Intr.un limbaj formal ,pentru a exprima

dorinta sau ipoteza ,se prefera utilizarea lui
WERE (si nu was )la toate persoanele )
If I were you,I wouldn t say that .
If only it were true (Macar fi
adevarat )

!Atunci cand trecutul continuu este insotit

de adverbe precum Just ,Recently ,el indica
un eveniment foarte recent:
My sister WAS JUST SAYING that there s
been a fire at her school .(Sora mea tocmai
imi spunea ca a fost un incendiu la scoala ei

Tony has lost his keys again.

H s taught English for fourteen years.(El
preda engleza de 14 ani )
He s lost his keys .He can t get into his

!SINCE ,in schimb ,se foloseste ptr a

introduce O DATA ,de exemplu SINCE
2002,Since Christams ,Since you arrived (de
cand ai sosit)

He hasn t talked to his brotherSINCE 2001.

He has not seen her ever since(Nu a mai
vazut.o de atunci )

He lived in Antibes for five years during the

1990s.(In anii 1990,el a locuit in Antibe timp
de cinci ani )

They ve been playing tennis for three hours.

She s been waiting for you more than an
hour.(Ea te asteapta de mai bine de o ora)

She s been sitting there for hours now.(Sunt

ore bune de cand sta acolo)
She s been singing since her childhood.(Ea
canta din copilarie)

He didn t go with them to the cinema

because he had already seen the film.
If I had know you liked football ,I would
have invited you over for the match .(Daca
as fi stiut ca iti place fotbalul , fi invitat
la mine sa vedem un meci)

If I hadn t taken a taxi ,I would have missed

the plane. (Daca fi luat un taxi ,as fi
pierdut avionul )

If I had known you were coming ,I would

have already stayed at home.
I wish you hadn t told her the truth (A s fi
preferat sa nu.i fi spus adevarul )

When will you tell her? Cand ii vei spune?

I don t know when I will see him .(Nu stiu
cand il voi vedea)

We shall be glad to meedt your parents.

(Vom fi bucurosi sa.ti cunoastem parintii)

Shall we go out for a meal tonight? ( fi

sa mergem la restaurant in seara aceasta ?)
I ll be working late tomorrow .Voi lucra
pana tarziu maine.

We are going to help her.(O vom ajuta)

She s talking me out to dinner tonight.(In
seara asta ma scoate in oras la cina)

Look at those clouds!It s going to rain .

(Pribeste la norii aia! Va ploua)
The train leaves at eight o clock .
They re about to leave (Ei sunt pe punctul
de a pleca)

The Prime Minister is liked to resign.(E

probabil ca prim-ministrul va demisiona)

She should have taken a taxi(Ar fi trebuit sa

ia un taxi)
He must be caught immediately(Trebuie
arestat imediat )
I will be seeing him tomorrow. (Il voi vedea

I might be able to help you.(As putea sa te


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