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Person Contacted

Type of Communication

Classroom teacher-parent-student

Conversation-phone call

Classroom teacher, Principal,
Social Worker, Speech Pathologist,
Guardian, Student, Therapist

Conversation at monthly


Conversation/phone calls

Parent-Guidance Counselorstudents

Conversation/phone calls

Nature of Communication-ActionOutcome
Discussion concerning students current
behavior plan and implementation into
the classroom setting. Parent provided
specific details on my to make it
successful and what follow through she
would use at home to provide
consistency. Outcome: behavior
become more positive for the student.
Set up an IEP meeting.
Discuss behavioral concerns at home
and school, successes, strategies being
seen to provide consistency for the
student in both environments.
Outcome: student is staying at school
full days from modified days.
To provide positive reports on good
days. Out come: to build rapport with
family and student is continuing to
have more consistent days at school.
One of my students was having
disagreements daily with another
student. His mother stopped by
classroom and told me that he came
troubled about it. I discussed the
matter with the guidance counselor. We
decided to have the boys sit down
together to problem solve. Outcome:
The boys each had 2-3 ideas how to

Classroom Teacher-Principal


handle the situation. The behavior

issues have decreased.
Discussed a parent issue. The teacher
received an e-mail from the parent
involving a shared student. We
discussed with our principal how to
proceed. Outcome: The teacher and
myself had the parent in for a face-to
face meeting.

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