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 Contactless retrieval of worksheet and modules. The parents returned and sorted all the worksheet per subject area and get new one for the next
 I monitored and tracked student’s performance. module via phone call.
 Kamustahan with their parents asking about their child’s performance at home.
 I collaborated with parents; Parents assisted the learners; Learners get in touch with other learners.
 I allotted time for each query from parents and learners.

 Some students cannot do their task because they needed assistance from their parents, but their parents cannot assist them because they are
working or doing other chores.
 Some of students are not complete the module of Q1
RESPONSE TO CHALLENGES Orienting and reminding the parents/learners about accomplishing the MT, SUPPLEMENTALS, WS, through group chat and other
means. Reminded the students to strictly follow the WHLP so that they will be guided from time to time. I keep reminding my students not to hesitate to ask
questions if they have clarification on the task given to them.
I ask the parents to return the Missing Module
WAYS FORWARD Keeping an open and responsive communication channel for students and parents, thus, they will be guided and monitored continuously.
Assisting learners whose parents are working or doing other chores. Face to face monitoring of learners, if needed.
OTHER SUGGESTIONS/ FEEDBACK Proper and continuous monitoring of activities and setting reminders. Kamustahan sessions through any means at least
thrice a week shall be done.
Prepared by:

Teacher- Adviser

Checked by:

School Principal

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