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Measures Project

By Kira Thomas
PS 256 @43 160 Beach 29th street Queens,NY
Principal Counselor
Mr.Robert Lopez
Mrs.Elizabeth Kaufman
Enrollment:113,75 in person,
19 Hybrid,
19 fully remote.
School Demographics:
95%Black or Hispanic
2% Asian or Pacific Islanders
1%Other racial and ethnic background
90%eligible for free lunch
20%limited English Proficiency
100%requires Special Education Services
School Mission counseling vision statement
To encourage excellence in our staff and students by The school counseling program vision statement
discovering the most effective methods to develop and utilize communicates what the school hopes to see for students five
their inner resources. We will train staff to recognize and to 15 years in the future. It aligns with the school’s and DOE’s
encourage each child’s potential so they may be contributing vision statements and is informed by school counseling
members of our diverse society. We encourage and provide program beliefs.
growth, teach respect for the value of life and each other. At
PS 256Q, we create a safe nurturing environment that supports
our diverse student population. PS 256 stakeholders work to
provide students with practical life experiences that support
independence, happiness and well-being. We reinforce the
importance of meaningful educational and social-emotional
experiences that in turn foster a culture that inspires our
students with a sense of hope and confidence in their abilities
to be lifelong learners equipped with the skills to succeed in
an ever changing world
Element: Behavioral Intervention Plan
Baseline: Reduce student behavior of screaming and physical aggression
towards others during the 2020-2021 school year.
Goal: Decrease physical aggression and student over all behavior by 3%
during the academic year.
The implementation of the Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
Step 1 The counselor select a positive Step 3 1:1 support was given to student, so the
reinforcement for the student. Meaning that the student would have a set of clear routine to
counselor together with the student and teacher
came up with ways in which the student would be follow in the classroom. The 1:1 support that was
able to self regulate. implemented provide ongoing support for the
Step 2 the counselor collaborated with the teacher
student throughout the day.
and they introduced the breathing technique:
Where the student has 5 flowers symbols, with 5 Step 4 Counselors together with stakeholders
candles, and after each sniff of the flower the use a silent signal techniques this was put in
student would blow the imaginary flame off the place for not only the students but the entire
candles, while taking deep breaths. The “now and
then” strategy has also been proven effective. classroom. This silent signal deemed very
effective to student to quickly reinforced
behavioral expectations without disruption of
the lessons being thought.
Step 5:The 1:1 support sat directly across from Step 7. The 1:1 support realized that the student
student to give all the attention that is needed. displayed a particular level of behavior at a certain
By using silent intervention, the 1:1 kept the time of the day, so she implemented a job for the
student focus, and by using proximity the 1;1 student, she gave the student the responsibility to
support remains physically closer to the go collect paper from another room By doing this,
the student was able to get a chance to reset and
student, so student can focus on school work.
come back and join the class. School Counselor also
Step 6 within the classroom, the teachers introduced ways in which the student would show
his leadership skills by giving him this job to
together with the school counselor try not to
speak as much as they implement quiet
correction. They avoid yelling at the student and Step 8 The 1:1 support allows the student to earn
giving him unwanted attention. If the student breaks during the day. A 15 minute break after each
becomes frustrated and off task the 1:1 support class lesson has showed to be very effective.
would quietly whisper to the student to get back
on task.
Step 9: Step 10: Teachers together with the 1;1 support
always reiterate the positive behavior they want
Positive results, so it was told to the teachers
to see from the student, the teacher would often
that she should focus on every positive behavior
and describe the positive impact of a behavior. use the examples of students who are doing the
Student was given praise every time he stayed right things, for the student who is having
on task and complete all his classroom and behavioral issues.
assignments.instead of teachers saying that the
Step 11:Everytime the student display good
student would lose out on something if he
doesn’t complete a task, the teacher used words behavior the student is rewarded. Clear
like if you complete your assignment you would guidelines were set for students on what
be able to go to the playground or you would be behavior is expected and how he would get a
be able to get a toy he really wants to play with. prize if appropriate behavior is demonstrated.
When I take a deep breath, I can
smell a flower, then blow out a candle.
1 2 3 4 5
How are you assessing the intervention
By using this form of data it was observed that student’s aggressive behavior decreased. The intervention is
effective because the data was collected weekly. When considering the method to determine student progress,
efficiency was my primary focus. The most efficient method for measuring the student's aggression was
constant one to one attention given. The information that was obtained determined that the student is making
adequate progress. The first 3 data points are 45%, 52%, and 48%. It is reasonably certain the behavior is
performed approximately 50% of the time.

The Behavioral Intervention Plan was a success for this student, as stated in baseline data since the beginning
of this intervention plan in 2020(fall) his behavior has decreased dramatically from the first 3 data points being
45%, 52% and 48% to the last 3 data collected in 8-10 weeks after was 43%, 42% and 39%. The results reflect
daily data collection of student’s behaviors. Student’s behavior has decreased by 3%. Student’s behavior also
decreased because of outside resources which were recommended by the social worker. Goals were met but
the school counselor still thinks that the BIP should remain in place because the behavior has not completely
What part of the Behavioral Intervention Plan Worked?
The part of the intervention that worked is the 1:1 support and the outside resources
The student’s Behavioral Intervention Plan is effective, the student engages in class activities, by using the
“now and then” technique. By using the now and then technique the school counselor, teachers and
paraprofessionals are able to obtain data that reflects the changes of behavior from September 2020- present.
The student is no longer physically aggressive when frustrated, instead the student communicates verbally
with appropriate volume. The collaboration of stakeholders resulted in the reduction of outbursts in class and
supporting the school’s mission. The teachers have been able to recognize and encourage the student’s
potential so that the student may grow into a contributing member of the diverse society.

What should be changed?

When placing students with BIP in classrooms, administration should greatly consider the student teacher fit
and pattern. When the teacher implemented interventions with the student, the interventions were met with
hostility and targeted aggression, which was not observed when others implemented the same interventions.
The school counselor in training following observation, almost immediately, identified student behavior as
targeted, although initially described as random outbursts to the school counselor in training (SCIT). Despite
implementing seemingly appropriate strategies, it is not necessary in all situations, a better student teacher
relationship may be best.
Behavior Frequency Chart
Baseline Progress Monitoring

Months Frequency Month Frequency

September 5 January 6

October 7 February 3

November 3 March 4

December 5 April 3
Question to ask?

Which strategies had a positive impact on the data?

● Collaboration with stakeholders.
● The increased involvement of all parties involved
● The appropriate 1:1 attention given to the student by stakeholders.
● Parental support
● External resources

Stakeholder collaboration was impactful in supporting the student. The social worker in training collaborated with the school counselor to find external
resources to further assist the student. Daily one on one support and data collection by the school counselor in training for an hour was pivotal. For that
hour the student was given the opportunity to catch up on work neglected during the day. Stakeholders rotated to assist students during behaviors.
Stakeholders collaborated for the progress of the student’s benefit.
Which strategies should be replaced, changed, added?

When placing students with BIP in classrooms, administration should greatly consider the student teacher fit and pattern. When the teacher
implemented interventions with the student, the interventions were met with hostility and targeted aggression, which was not observed when others
implemented the same interventions. The school counselor in training following observation, almost immediately, identified student behavior as
targeted, although initially described as random outbursts to the school counselor in training (SCIT). Despite implementing seemingly appropriate
strategies, it is not necessary in all situations, a better student teacher relationship may be best.

Based on what you have learned, how will you revise Step Four Stakeholders-Unite?

Stakeholders are essential to varied resources. The primary connector to stakeholders for the student was the site supervisor. It would be beneficial
to have an ongoing list of available resources that is accessible to stakeholders and updated regularly, this way no one person will be responsible for
connecting, developing, or maintaining resources ensuring varied resources independent of relationships. Another revision would be to improve the
quality of interventions, by decreasing who can perform them. Interventions should be implemented and observed by professionals with specialized
training for the most effectiveness.
Question continue

How did your MEASURE contribute to systemic change(s) in your school and/or in your community
The MEASURE assisted us with a robust case for change that allowed the school counselor in training to work with stakeholders to help them
understand the problem and how it affects not only the student but the entire classroom and the school community. The MEASURES has put into
perspective the importance of the school community working together for student success. The MEASURE assisted the school counselor in training
with collaborating with the site supervisor to make information more accessible. My MEASURE assisted the stakeholders to develop rules, measures
and standards for the “new normal.” The new normal ensures that once a student is identified as needing additional intervention, the student’s info will
be shared with the stakeholders. The student will then receive intervention strategies including the “now and then” technique. Simultaneously the
students' case will be shared with stakeholders and site director for review without identifying information. The stakeholders will identify additional
resources available and specific to the student. The student and the family will be provided additional relevant external resources to couple with
internal interventions. Student progress will be monitored and reported accordingly.
Measures Project
By Kira Thomas
PS 256 @43 160 Beach 29th street Queens,NY
Principal Counselor
Mr.Robert Lopez
Mrs.Elizabeth Kaufman
Enrollment:113,75 in person,
19 Hybrid,
19 fully remote.
School Demographics:
95%Black or Hispanic
2% Asian or Pacific Islanders
1%Other racial and ethnic background
90%eligible for free lunch
20%limited English Proficiency
100%requires Special Education Services
School Mission counseling vision statement
To encourage excellence in our staff and students by The school counseling program vision statement
discovering the most effective methods to develop and utilize communicates what the school hopes to see for students five
their inner resources. We will train staff to recognize and to 15 years in the future. It aligns with the school’s and DOE’s
encourage each child’s potential so they may be contributing vision statements and is informed by school counseling
members of our diverse society. We encourage and provide program beliefs.
growth, teach respect for the value of life and each other. At
PS 256Q, we create a safe nurturing environment that supports
our diverse student population. PS 256 stakeholders work to
provide students with practical life experiences that support
independence, happiness and well-being. We reinforce the
importance of meaningful educational and social-emotional
experiences that in turn foster a culture that inspires our
students with a sense of hope and confidence in their abilities
to be lifelong learners equipped with the skills to succeed in
an ever changing world
Element: Behavioral Intervention Plan
Baseline: Reduce student behavior of screaming and physical aggression
towards others during the 2020-2021 school year.
Goal: Decrease physical aggression and student over all behavior by 3%
during the academic year.
The implementation of the Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)
Step 1 The counselor select a positive Step 3 1:1 support was given to student, so the
reinforcement for the student. Meaning that the student would have a set of clear routine to
counselor together with the student and teacher
came up with ways in which the student would be follow in the classroom. The 1:1 support that was
able to self regulate. implemented provide ongoing support for the
Step 2 the counselor collaborated with the teacher
student throughout the day.
and they introduced the breathing technique:
Where the student has 5 flowers symbols, with 5 Step 4 Counselors together with stakeholders
candles, and after each sniff of the flower the use a silent signal techniques this was put in
student would blow the imaginary flame off the place for not only the students but the entire
candles, while taking deep breaths. The “now and
then” strategy has also been proven effective. classroom. This silent signal deemed very
effective to student to quickly reinforced
behavioral expectations without disruption of
the lessons being thought.
Step 5:The 1:1 support sat directly across from Step 7. The 1:1 support realized that the student
student to give all the attention that is needed. displayed a particular level of behavior at a certain
By using silent intervention, the 1:1 kept the time of the day, so she implemented a job for the
student focus, and by using proximity the 1;1 student, she gave the student the responsibility to
support remains physically closer to the go collect paper from another room By doing this,
the student was able to get a chance to reset and
student, so student can focus on school work.
come back and join the class. School Counselor also
Step 6 within the classroom, the teachers introduced ways in which the student would show
his leadership skills by giving him this job to
together with the school counselor try not to
speak as much as they implement quiet
correction. They avoid yelling at the student and Step 8 The 1:1 support allows the student to earn
giving him unwanted attention. If the student breaks during the day. A 15 minute break after each
becomes frustrated and off task the 1:1 support class lesson has showed to be very effective.
would quietly whisper to the student to get back
on task.
Step 9: Step 10: Teachers together with the 1;1 support
always reiterate the positive behavior they want
Positive results, so it was told to the teachers
to see from the student, the teacher would often
that she should focus on every positive behavior
and describe the positive impact of a behavior. use the examples of students who are doing the
Student was given praise every time he stayed right things, for the student who is having
on task and complete all his classroom and behavioral issues.
assignments.instead of teachers saying that the
Step 11:Everytime the student display good
student would lose out on something if he
doesn’t complete a task, the teacher used words behavior the student is rewarded. Clear
like if you complete your assignment you would guidelines were set for students on what
be able to go to the playground or you would be behavior is expected and how he would get a
be able to get a toy he really wants to play with. prize if appropriate behavior is demonstrated.
When I take a deep breath, I can
smell a flower, then blow out a candle.
1 2 3 4 5
How are you assessing the intervention
By using this form of data it was observed that student’s aggressive behavior decreased. The intervention is
effective because the data was collected weekly. When considering the method to determine student progress,
efficiency was my primary focus. The most efficient method for measuring the student's aggression was
constant one to one attention given. The information that was obtained determined that the student is making
adequate progress. The first 3 data points are 45%, 52%, and 48%. It is reasonably certain the behavior is
performed approximately 50% of the time.

The Behavioral Intervention Plan was a success for this student, as stated in baseline data since the beginning
of this intervention plan in 2020(fall) his behavior has decreased dramatically from the first 3 data points being
45%, 52% and 48% to the last 3 data collected in 8-10 weeks after was 43%, 42% and 39%. The results reflect
daily data collection of student’s behaviors. Student’s behavior has decreased by 3%. Student’s behavior also
decreased because of outside resources which were recommended by the social worker. Goals were met but
the school counselor still thinks that the BIP should remain in place because the behavior has not completely
What part of the Behavioral Intervention Plan Worked?
The part of the intervention that worked is the 1:1 support and the outside resources
The student’s Behavioral Intervention Plan is effective, the student engages in class activities, by using the
“now and then” technique. By using the now and then technique the school counselor, teachers and
paraprofessionals are able to obtain data that reflects the changes of behavior from September 2020- present.
The student is no longer physically aggressive when frustrated, instead the student communicates verbally
with appropriate volume. The collaboration of stakeholders resulted in the reduction of outbursts in class and
supporting the school’s mission. The teachers have been able to recognize and encourage the student’s
potential so that the student may grow into a contributing member of the diverse society.

What should be changed?

When placing students with BIP in classrooms, administration should greatly consider the student teacher fit
and pattern. When the teacher implemented interventions with the student, the interventions were met with
hostility and targeted aggression, which was not observed when others implemented the same interventions.
The school counselor in training following observation, almost immediately, identified student behavior as
targeted, although initially described as random outbursts to the school counselor in training (SCIT). Despite
implementing seemingly appropriate strategies, it is not necessary in all situations, a better student teacher
relationship may be best.
Behavior Frequency Chart
Baseline Progress Monitoring

Months Frequency Month Frequency

September 5 January 6

October 7 February 3

November 3 March 4

December 5 April 3
Question to ask?

Which strategies had a positive impact on the data?

● Collaboration with stakeholders.
● The increased involvement of all parties involved
● The appropriate 1:1 attention given to the student by stakeholders.
● Parental support
● External resources

Stakeholder collaboration was impactful in supporting the student. The social worker in training collaborated with the school counselor to find external
resources to further assist the student. Daily one on one support and data collection by the school counselor in training for an hour was pivotal. For that
hour the student was given the opportunity to catch up on work neglected during the day. Stakeholders rotated to assist students during behaviors.
Stakeholders collaborated for the progress of the student’s benefit.

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