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Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Universal Declaration of Human


The social needs in

Maslows hierarchy include such
things as love, acceptance and
belonging. At this level, the need
for emotional relationships drives
human behavior. Some of the things
that might satisfy this need include:
friendship, romantic attachments,
social groups, community groups,

Article 19 states that

Everyone has the right to freedom
of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek,
receive and impart information and
ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers.

In order to avoid problems such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety, it is important

for people to feel loved and accepted by other people. Personal relationships with friends,
family, and lovers play an important role, as does involvement in other groups that might
include religious groups, sport teams, book clubs, other religious activities and social media.

As social media sites continue to grow in popularity it is our belief that technology is a vital
part of todays student success equation.

Research indicated that most college students would prefer to use social media and spend
many hours checking social media sites. Social networking is definitely affecting students
efficiencies as well as their grades.

Figure 1

The main purpose of this study is to identify the effects of social media to the students
of the College of Liberal Arts, Trinidad Municipal College for the Second Semester, A.Y.
2013-2014, finding of this study will serve as basis in formulating preventive measures.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following aspects of the problem:
What is the profile of the respondents?
Which is the most popular social media site for students?
How many hours do students spend on checking social media sites?
What are the equipments students used in surfing social media sites?
What do students engage while checking social media sites?
What is the amount of time students spend utilizing social media in various academic
What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media as perceived by the


Descriptive Survey method with the aid of:

Analysis of Data
Statistical Treatment


Basis for self enhancement

Figure 2

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