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Jashmyne B.

Dela Paz
University of the Cordilleras
Bachelor of Science in Management Accountancy
Great Triumph comes after Great Trials I do believe that behind every successful person is a grievous
journey that he had overcome. We cannot just get what we want, we have to earn it in such way that life
has to challenge us to bring out the best in us and express what we really are capable of doing. We are all
superheroes in our own different ways. Believe in yourself and you will truly be able to pass through all
those circumstances may it be big or small. Trust also in the Lord because He will surely lift you up
through the bad times. Its all about how we see life and how we take the challenges that it throws right at
us. If we fail to be optimistic, we will then fail to overcome the hindrances that come our way. BELIEVE!

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