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Senders Address (If the Page is not a Letter Head

of the Sender)

Letters are used for EXTERNAL


Date Line(June 17, 2013/ 17 June 2013)

Do not use 17-06-2013 etc.
Reference No: . /. /. (Optional)

This is BLOCK Format.

Every part is indented to the LEFT.
Do not JUSTIFY the text.
In the BODY, the paragraphs should not be
indented. Each Paragraph will begin from
the extreme left.

Inside Address (Receivers Address)

Subject: / SUBJECT: (Bold/Underlined)

No Punctuation mark is used after the

Salutation/Complimentary Close.
If it is used in the beginning then
consistency MUST be maintained.

Salutation: Dear Sir/Dear Madam/Respected Sir/Respected

Madam/Dear Mr. Smith/Ms. Singh
Three Parts are there in the Body of Letter:

WHY (The Reason/Problem) (I wish to state)

Details/Explanation of the Problem
Action Required (I request you to)

Expression of Goodwill:
(E.g. Thanking you in anticipation)

Complimentary Close:
(Yours sincerely/faithfully/
Regards/Kind regards)

Encl: (Enclosures) {Optional}

CC: (carbon copy/Copy to)

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