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Negative forms

Find the verb (noun verb)

Notice - unnoticeable

Behaviour behave

Expect unexpectable

Personality personalise

Legable illgable

Creation create

Sociable unsociable

Reception receive

Offend offensive

Production produce

Exist non-exist

Praise praise

Guide misguided

Response respond

Respect disrespectful

Divide division

Deny undeniable

Depend dependency


Try to discourage + from + ing

Blame + for + ing

Forgive + for + ing

Accuse + of + ing

Prevent + from + ing

Praise + for + ing

Remind + of + ing


1. Two nouns forms of the verbs advise: advice and advisor.
2. An adjective and two nouns formed from the verb present: Present
presentation and presence.
3. The adverb form of the noun/verb notice: Noticeably
4. Two noun forms of the verb speak: speech and speaker
5. Another noun form of the noun profession: professional
6. The positive and negative adjective forms of the noun impression:
impressionable and unimpressionable
7. The positive and negative adjective forms of the verb respond:
responsive and unresponsive
8. Two adjective forms of the noun confidence: confident confidential


Benefit - beneficial

Advise advisable

Present presentation

Notice noticeable Speak speech

Respond responses

Oral orally

Ease unease

Profession professional
Contribute contribution

Recognise recognition

Carve carving (adj)

Forget unforgettable

Reveal revelation

Revealed revelation

Require requirement

Amaze amazement

Form formation

To come out: to be published
Put up with: to endure (sorportar)
To come to terms with: accept
To be nowhere near as adj as: less adj than ( no son ni tan siquieran tan)
Elections: results
To have serious doubts about: has/have been called into question
Within earshot of: to be overhear: estar al alcance del odo de alguien.
Be affected by: to get caught up in: estar atrapado por
Like to observe: be in favour of observing
Be often invited to meetings: be not accustomed to being invited
Attendance Has risen dramatically: a dramatic increasing in attendance
Find annoying: to put up with + noum (soportar)
Has reached: is much higher than it has ever been

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